Got a Spare $46,300 Lying Around? The GT Sport Super Bundle Could Be Yours

I have $24,689.64 locked in a safe. I only wish I had the rest, if only because of two reasons. First being that specific MX-5 could prove to be a nifty collectors item in the future... and second reason being that I've always wanted a MX-5.
Funny thing is that is actually seems like a halfway decent deal. The car itself starts off at 26k here in the states. It's a matter of pricing the other things in the package to see if it's actually a deal.
Linking the site translated? That's a bit rude isn't it?

If you are from an eligible region I would guess you can read the original language.
This reminds me of the one million Dollar bundle of Saints Row 4. With it you got the game, plastic surgery, a Lamborghini Gallardo, and many other things. I think it was called the Super Dangerous Wud Wud Edition or something like that.