5 reasons GT6 is a PS4 game

  • Thread starter Mulan
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I don't know about all these reasons, but the reason why GT6 will be for PS4 is because even GT5 itself is graphically too ambitious for the PS3. All that nasty screen tearing, jagged shadows, low-res textures for the weather effects...

GT6 needs to be a PS4 title if it hopes to remedy these problems and keep the same graphical attention to detail as GT5, let alone increase it.
Your ideas are crazy. Now you think PS4 will have tech not out yet and people will buy two PS4 consoles and also use their PC, just for 4k gaming?

Why crazy? I hoped it will, not that it will, i have no clue what Sony is going for but the general talk is that PS4 is going for high spec machine. And you have no clue either. But i cant ignore big things coming that the majority is behind it and not speculate that it is perfect for the PS4.
And regarding not out yet, its coming out next year and the ps4 is still not out so of course i think its possible that it can have it.
Why crazy? Well before you suggested the PS4 could retail at $800, now you're suggesting people will buy two of them so they can play 4k games.

I may not know anything for a fact either but at least I'm being realistic.

Also again, this is off topic. I'm going to request a moderator split this off into a general 4k/PS4 thread in the general console forum.
Looks like someone knows the specs of the PS4 already.

We have good arguments for 4k gaming on the PS4 and also reasonably arguments against it. Now we have to wait and see how it all turns out.

But to dismiss the possibility is not right at the moment.

I know what is realistic. That is enough.

Why crazy? Well before you suggested the PS4 could retail at $800, now you're suggesting people will buy two of them so they can play 4k games.

I may not know anything for a fact either but at least I'm being realistic.

Also again, this is off topic. I'm going to request a moderator split this off into a general 4k/PS4 thread in the general console forum.

Yes a new thread would be great.
For example, a Wigig can take power from other Wigig devices to get more computingpower like graphics. If they cant make one ps4 do 4k then 2 PS4 or 1ps4 + your computer...or you have one computer and all other devices use its power so a tablet can have lots of power.

Only 1-3% of all PS4 owners would buy 2 PS4 to use 4k gaming in my opinion.

That means Sony will not do it.
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true, better to have a new thread..

but regarding the subject of gt6 and 4k, its not about buying 2ps4...1 can do if it turns out the way you say that it cant handle it on its own, with wigig it still can take resources from a external computer or graphicscard.

the point i wanted was that gt6 may well be 4k ready with the ps4 if not from start then through upgrades in some version.

anyway since this starts to be more than gt6 on ps4 a general ps4 thread is better.
true, better to have a new thread..

but regarding the subject of gt6 and 4k, its not about buying 2ps4...1 can do if it turns out the way you say that it cant handle it on its own, with wigig it still can take resources from a external computer or graphicscard.

the point i wanted was that gt6 may well be 4k ready with the ps4 if not from start then through upgrades in some version.

anyway since this starts to be more than gt6 on ps4 a general ps4 thread is better.

Just a question how likely is it that ps4 will have a large update to include 4K and wigig while the console is out?

I dont remember getting much in the way of upgrades to the ps3?
Look Mulan i am going to say this...a CONSOLE is the "cheap little brother" of the PC.

It is always one or 2 steps behind of the current PC hardware at RELEASE. It is not possible because if they include new hardware (WiGig...lmao) it will cost you way too much money. As simple as if a CONSOLE costs as much as a PC, i wont buy a CONSOLE. People buy consoles because of the price and simplicity to play games...put your DVD, sit on your couch, press start and play.

That "WiGig" that you are talking about...you have no idea...all countries should have fiver optic and high speeds to make it work right. If you put "WiGig" inside a console with the same network speeds as you have now working with the same line/services is going to be useless...completely useless. Why? Because WiGig was made for connect your internal (home/office) devices and has nothing to do with your actual network services that come from the "outside" (AT&T USA or Telefonica Spain in my case for example). WiGig works good if you have one of those devices (it is a router but faster working at 60Ghz) and for example your data (movies for example) inside an HDD (PC) you can share those files at high speeds between your other WiFi devices (TV´s, other PC´s, your PS3, phones, etc).

That´s is how this thing works...and i am not sure if all of those devices needs to have a chip with that "WiGig" chip inside to make it work. (WiGig is the same as your current WiFi card but faster) If they are going to make this, it means that they want to replace current WiFi b/g/n cards on devices to make them work faster at your home or offices...but that doesn´t mean that your network coming from your service is going to be faster.

And also, look at the market...what it is happening now. Maybe you are "rich" and you can buy whatever you want and you are looking at this with your own personal perspective...but you need to look at the global situation and how economy is working around the globe.

An expensive PS4 will be the Seppuku/Harakiri of Sony talking about sales. If they include this thing good...but is going to be useless if our network services won´t increase the broadband. Working good inside your home for what? I need better speeds coming from outside not inside. That means paying more and hope that fiver optic comes to my location one day. Then buy WiGig if i need it. (but also it will be the standard in a few years if they replace current WiFi cards)

Don´t confuse home connectivity with network speeds coming from your external services. You can´t stream content if you don´t have a source outside your home (server) and a good network connection. (service)
If you have the content already downloaded in your PC and then using WiGig between your devices you can do it of course.

Not the same thing.
All this talk of 4K gaming again is a pipe dream for now.

We just got into HD gaming, and most people don't realize there are a good majority of people who haven't gotten there yet.

Honestly with the issue 3D gaming is having talking about 4K good luck buddy.

Plus with the issues going worldwide I don't think Sony or PD is stupid enough to force that crap on us.

Edit: Foxiol pretty much said what I wanted to say about the global economy and what not.

Cause I'm beginning to think Mulan is a rich man/woman that makes well over $400,000 or more.

For the rest of us 4K gaming can stay out of the system for next-gen maybe in about 10 years I'll give a you know what, but for right now.

PS4 best not cost anymore than $300 because you don't ever NEED a console you WANT it so when it cost more than $300 forget it for most people.
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Look Mulan i am going to say this...a CONSOLE is the "cheap little brother" of the PC.

It is always one or 2 steps behind of the current PC hardware at RELEASE. It is not possible because if they include new hardware (WiGig...lmao) it will cost you way too much money. As simple as if a CONSOLE costs as much as a PC, i wont buy a CONSOLE. People buy consoles because of the price and simplicity to play games...put your DVD, sit on your couch, press start and play.

That "WiGig" that you are talking about...you have no idea...all countries should have fiver optic and high speeds to make it work right. If you put "WiGig" inside a console with the same network speeds as you have now working with the same line/services is going to be useless...completely useless. Why? Because WiGig was made for connect your internal (home/office) devices and has nothing to do with your actual network services that come from the "outside" (AT&T USA or Telefonica Spain in my case for example). WiGig works good if you have one of those devices (it is a router but faster working at 60Ghz) and for example your data (movies for example) inside an HDD (PC) you can share those files at high speeds between your other WiFi devices (TV´s, other PC´s, your PS3, phones, etc).

That´s is how this thing works...and i am not sure if all of those devices needs to have a chip with that "WiGig" chip inside to make it work. (WiGig is the same as your current WiFi card but faster) If they are going to make this, it means that they want to replace current WiFi b/g/n cards on devices to make them work faster at your home or offices...but that doesn´t mean that your network coming from your service is going to be faster.

And also, look at the market...what it is happening now. Maybe you are "rich" and you can buy whatever you want and you are looking at this with your own personal perspective...but you need to look at the global situation and how economy is working around the globe.

An expensive PS4 will be the Seppuku/Harakiri of Sony talking about sales. If they include this thing good...but is going to be useless if our network services won´t increase the broadband. Working good inside your home for what? I need better speeds coming from outside not inside. That means paying more and hope that fiver optic comes to my location one day. Then buy WiGig if i need it. (but also it will be the standard in a few years if they replace current WiFi cards)

Don´t confuse home connectivity with network speeds coming from your external services. You can´t stream content if you don´t have a source outside your home (server) and a good network connection. (service)
If you have the content already downloaded in your PC and then using WiGig between your devices you can do it of course.

Not the same thing.

WiGig wont replace wifi, it cant go through walls and is for superfast wireless connection between devices that WiFi cant do, like sharing graphiccard with other devices or (multi)monitor support. Wifi is coming with a new standard too so they will live side by side. Please, dont mix it up with wifi!
Regarding price, if you want cheaper go for Wii, then perhaps Xbox.

No matter, what i wanted to say is that there is tech out there that many dont know about and it can go really fast when it is out. PS4 is coming precisely at this point when much of this new tech is coming. BluRay was new too when PS3 got out and really expensive as was the cell cpu so that isnt a reason to stop Sony.
I dont remember getting much in the way of upgrades to the ps3?

Indeed. In fact post launch phats the system has been substantially downgraded for some users.

Software wise they took away my Linux setup by removing OOS (thankfully the CFW community has brought this back).

Hardware wise they took away backwards compatibility with PS2 games post CECHE models.

PlayStation, it only does less than it used to.
WiGig wont replace wifi, it cant go through walls and is for superfast wireless connection between devices that WiFi cant do, like sharing graphiccard with other devices or (multi)monitor support. Wifi is coming with a new standard too so they will live side by side. Please, dont mix it up with wifi!
Regarding price, if you want cheaper go for Wii, then perhaps Xbox.
No. Sony can't pull the SNK card twice in a row. They would be laughed off the market if they dropped another $500+ console and expected people to just deal with it being more than the other two. They pretty much were last time for the first year or so.

No matter, what i wanted to say is that there is tech out there that many dont know about and it can go really fast when it is out. PS4 is coming precisely at this point when much of this new tech is coming. BluRay was new too when PS3 got out and really expensive as was the cell cpu so that isnt a reason to stop Sony.
What about Sony not wanting to take another several hundred million dollar bath? Is that a good enough reason that Sony won't fill it with bleeding edge technology that they also bankrolled the development of as well?
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No. Sony can't pull the SNK card twice in a row. They would be laughed off the market if they dropped another $500+ console and expected people to just deal with it being more than the other two. They pretty much were last time for the first year or so.

What about Sony not wanting to take another several hundred million dollar bath? Is that a good enough reason that Sony won't fill it with bleeding edge technology that they also bankrolled the development of as well?

Agree, they dont. But will they survive if they release just another Wii replica or Xbox lookalike? The same goes for GT6, if its not something special they will both go lost for ever if Xbox and Forza get better.
I dont think the price for the console is that sensitive as long there is good reason for it. Not at least it is below 1000$

a little article i just found:
meaning what? dont understand, is it false?

Nope it's correct. I am glad finally they tell the public that 4G actually isn't available yet. Tired of telling my friend that it isn't yet. I actually just forwarded him this. Hahahaha.
Forgive me, but the UK doesnt have 4G yet? Holy 2009 Batman.
Agree, they dont. But will they survive if they release just another Wii replica or Xbox lookalike? The same goes for GT6, if its not something special they will both go lost for ever if Xbox and Forza get better.
I dont think the price for the console is that sensitive as long there is good reason for it. Not at least it is below 1000$

a little article i just found:

What point are you trying to make with that article exactly? It even states that the tech would be used for streaming 4k video content locally, with the extra bandwidth. That has nothing to do with 4k gaming.

Also again, what possible reason do you have for thinking the PS4 could cost anything close to $1000? You really think people are going to pay that for a home console? They were ridiculed for the PS3 costing $600, they aren't going to make that mistake again.
What point are you trying to make with that article exactly? It even states that the tech would be used for streaming 4k video content locally, with the extra bandwidth. That has nothing to do with 4k gaming.

Also again, what possible reason do you have for thinking the PS4 could cost anything close to $1000? You really think people are going to pay that for a home console? They were ridiculed for the PS3 costing $600, they aren't going to make that mistake again.


Im not about to shell out $1000 au again for a console I doubt sony will be slapping the latest tech in there just to appeal to a minority who are lucky enough to afford it.

Sony needs to move units and they cant do that if it costs them a fortune to build and charge us a fortune to buy.
@ SimonK

Although not a home console apparently Sony was that dumb pricing the Vita at $250 for launch????

When I could have a high end mobile phone like an S3 that probably does at least half that for few dollars less depending.

If Sony is brave enough to drop another $500+ console on us then my god they need to GTFO of the gaming industry right away.
Exactly, it's no good saying that 4k will be more popular and common in 6 years. That very well might be true, but the PS4 is being sold at the most in two years time. They don't have the luxury to be able to afford to put tech in powerful enough for 4k and make the console cost $600 so that in 4 years time more people can benefit it, they have to work to the now and right now they can't afford to put 4k gaming capable hardware in the PS4 when it will benefit a tiny minority to begin with.

I mean how do you even sell that? For the PS3 the price was ridiculous but they at least had pretty good reasoning, people already had HDTVs, HDTV was a broadcast format when it launched and so putting out a console with a Blu-Ray drive was expensive, but something a large number would make use of right away.

4k however, wouldn't. Let's just imagine here that the PS4 launches in late 2013, costs $600+ and they have to explain why it costs that much? Are the masses going to be impressed when they say it's because in the future, when 4K TVs are much more affordable, they'll be able to game in 4k?

People want a benefit NOW when they pay for new hardware, not what they might be able to do with it theee or four years down the line.
Exactly, it's no good saying that 4k will be more popular and common in 6 years. That very well might be true, but the PS4 is being sold at the most in two years time. They don't have the luxury to be able to afford to put tech in powerful enough for 4k and make the console cost $600 so that in 4 years time more people can benefit it, they have to work to the now and right now they can't afford to put 4k gaming capable hardware in the PS4 when it will benefit a tiny minority to begin with.

I mean how do you even sell that? For the PS3 the price was ridiculous but they at least had pretty good reasoning, people already had HDTVs, HDTV was a broadcast format when it launched and so putting out a console with a Blu-Ray drive was expensive, but something a large number would make use of right away.

4k however, wouldn't. Let's just imagine here that the PS4 launches in late 2013, costs $600+ and they have to explain why it costs that much? Are the masses going to be impressed when they say it's because in the future, when 4K TVs are much more affordable, they'll be able to game in 4k?

People want a benefit NOW when they pay for new hardware, not what they might be able to do with it theee or four years down the line.


Really they got lucky all 3 companies did with this generation for everyone upgrading to HDTV's for me it was the conveinced comapred to older TV's.

They were lighter, provided better picture quality, and last longer. Now for 4K TV's it reminds me of the whole 3D craze why? That's the question I ask myself. As a kid when I went to a IMAX theater long ago the thing I remember saying to myself was this is cool, but only in a niche environment which is what IMAX was this wasn't something I'd invest in at my house cause it seemed unnecessary.

So when I see these movies of Silent Hill Revelation in 3D I'm always going to pass them over because 3D to me is unnecessary it's cool, but only for a little bit.
Well, Sony pushed 1080p and 3D with the PS3, when most of the games do a miserably job of supporting both. The hardware power wasn't enough to run 3D on a reasonably level and the most games come just in 720p or lower. The Xbox 360 has the same problem.

Some are thinking that Sony have learnt from its mistakes. But the japanese gaming industry as a whole has not changed a bit in the last decade. From the PS1 on, Sony released one crazy priced console after another. Always pushing new technologies and standards. With the PS3 they brought Blu Ray, 3D and the 1080p standard. Besides 4k resolution there is nothing much that they could add to the next console. I guess they don't care if it works fully, they just want to push it. And I would not expect a reasonable price for the PS4. Next year, the PS3 might still cost 200 € and they will try too take atleast 400+ € from your pocket for the PS4. The PS3 went for 600 € to the customer just for comparison.

Sure, it all sounds crazy and Sony "must" cater the gamers needs, but they will do what they want. Again. They probably won't change their approach of pricing and hardware specs with a new console.
The main push with the PS3 was Blu-Ray video though, I don't recall them focusing too hard on 1080p gaming because they knew it couldn't do it. 3D was not even mentioned to start with of course, that came later. That's why I see the same thing with PS4, they'll announce support for 4k video but not for gaming.
It wot be cheaper than the PS3 cuz they would still want some sales just like with ps2 after ps3 launch. As long as it isnt to far off the nxtbox then its not all doom and gloom
Well obviously, personally I would expect £349 at the very most, £299 more likely. Remember the PS4 retailed at £425 originally, Xbox 360 was £279.

With the position Sony is in they just cannot afford their console to cost a significant amount more than the Xbox.
The reason Sony hasn't learned from their mistakes and the Japanese gaming industry as a whole have tried to cater to the rest of us instead making good games.

Plus I'll also wager they've become complacent like PD(They might right the ship with GT6 though I hope).

Back in PS2 era you know Japanese we're on top when it came to games with good graphics and what not. Now that everyone has caught up to them that's not the same case anymore.
I just can't remember a time developers didn't focus on the visuals and just made a damn good, original game.
I just can't remember a time developers didn't focus on the visuals and just made a damn good, original game.

The original Kingdom Hearts comes to mind in a way so does God of War.

The Graphics can be the best in the business just make sure that Gameplay backs it up at the end of the day which recently it hasn't for many companies across the board.

Still with the PS4 there was some interesting stuff over at PSU.com they got into about why PS4 might be a 2014 or 2015 push they at least agreed it would be shown in E3 2013, but still might not see daylight till those two years. I'll link it probably tomorrow internet is turrible(messed it up on purpose lol).
Well for me it better be something special. If its around same price as ps3 released (around 850-900 usd in sweden) i have no problem buying, an many with me. But it has to be special as the ps3 was. If its not then there is no need to buy it at all.
And price will be important of course but more important to go for being best, there are many like me in the world that like buying good stuff. Xbox for me will always be a budgetversion. Sony is allowed in a livingroom but not an Xbox (wife decides). This can change with new Xbox, but i just think that Sony should aim to be the premium choice of consoles. And 4K GT6 is a perfect way to convince me, even if its just marketing it will work for many to know they get the best.
(if people buy ipads for 600-800$, and at the same time the trend is more expensive laptops being sold and you still buy Iphone/smartphones. People have no problem spending money for better quality and easy usability today).
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