700PP 1980 or Later Race Car Super Lap: Autumn Ring

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Ok! I use manual myself must be a game glitch.
There is a glitch that will show the wrong tyre, that occur from time to time. But I have never seen it occur for the transmission before, and 14% is extremely high!!
I have counted 14 with MT transmission in the top 100 places using the Chaparral 2x.
very odd indeed...
I want to find whoever though of this combo and slap him with a wet fish, because honestly this is the most frustrating, inconsistant, piece of 🤬 I've ever driven in my entire time of doing seasonal time trials. Honestly. I've failed a possible 56.1 about 40 separate times, all at the same exact place, the first section of sector 3. I don't understand it at all. On one lap, I was 4 tenths ahead of a 56.5 ghost entering that section, and I drive it normally as I usually do, only to find the ghost catch up to me and pass me. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I feel you bro. I have done the first sector in 18.9xx but I CAN'T get sector 3 right No matter what. I've never had such frustration with a car ever before. Still, I know you can do it!
Whoa. What's with the sudden huge smackdown from Japan of like 9 of the top 12 all in a short span of time.

I noticed a similar thing (not on quite the same scale, but close) happened near the beginning of the registration period of the previous TT (at Suzuka), and thought it was weird that they all dropped a bunch of super fast times to sweep the top of the Top 10 board in the span of a couple days, and then none of them participated or beat their own times after that for the remaining 3 weeks or so of the event.

I wonder if maybe it's like, they are all high schoolers and know each other and are a team/crew of sorts and put in their runs all in roughly the same time period, when there is a break from classes/projects/final exams or something, and thus why there's these random periods where there's like 7-10 ultra-fast times from Japan all in a short span of time, but then weeks go by without any of them putting in any new results thereafter, even as their results slowly slide down the leaderboard to the end of the event? I dunno, lol??

Also, btw, while we're on the topic of the Japanese drivers, from what I've seen so far, looking at old TT results, and current ones, it looks like, pretty consistently the two best drivers in Japan are L-Shooter, and Wolf_Aono, by a fairly wide margin.

Both of them seem to have had tons of wins and top-3's and some pretty spectacular last-minute finishes in TT events, and of course, both have put up some extremely fast times/consistent solid results over large sample sizes. I think recently I saw one of them won a TT with literally only about 5 or 6 minutes left before the registration period ended, lol. That's about as sick as it gets.

I think I'm a fan of both of them so far, but I've been away from the game for most of their primes and haven't seen their actual runs much until just recently. So, those who have been doing the TT's over the past year or so, and have seen their driving, who do you think has the more raw talent between the two? I know you can look up their results from the past couple years in terms of #1 finishes and Top-3 finishes stats from the archives, but that's not strictly what I mean. I mean like, in addition to the on-paper results, I'm curious what you guys think in terms of "raw talent" (like, it wouldn't necessarily have to be the one who puts in more volume/amount of runs, if let's say the other one has more raw speed/skills in the rarer times he puts in a run or something, for example), and/or in terms of the way their runs look in driving style in their top lap replays, historically, and so on and so forth.

I wonder if Japan will ever have a GTAcademy. Seems like they have some of the best GT6 drivers in the world, but (at least the last time I checked) they kept getting left out from the GT Academy stuff? Or maybe they had their own separate Japanese version, separate from the continent/region-based ones? I dunno, I didn't follow it too closely/can't remember anymore.

I wish the GTAcademy people would just do a bigger, Full World All-Comers one where it's like the fastest few people from all the different countries/continents would all be up against each other in the GTAcademy finals (in the thing where they all have to meet in Silverstone or wherever in a racing facility for the tv show). Would be interesting to see guys like Aono and Shooter vs Immortal and DBRS and Doodle and so on, in real life racing against each other, lol.
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Well, i finally decided to jump in and get this one done last night. Initially I ran the Peugeot VGT for gold and ran laps with that for almost and hour to end with a 1:02.xxx, I could have got a little bit more out of it but was itching to get the 2X out of the garage and aim higher.

A fun and infuriating challenge with the Chaparral around Autumn Ring that's for sure, my first clean lap was a 59.9 and after a few on and off half hour sessions today I am down to 58.5 #239 .. blimey. :crazy: :D
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Hello ... 22 place and I can not more than that , 57.112 .... I'm sad to NOT Get improve it Several times I was in front of the shadows but always error at some point ... I think the best setup for me was that :
182 KG for 13
Brakes : front 0 brings 10
" new to the forum "
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425th just now (1st in my country, SWE) with 58.821 on DS3.
Very happy with that lap. I don't think I have ever been that high up in the rankings three weeks into a seasonal before.

My previous best result was in the
'SRT Tomahawk X VGT Super Lap' seasonal. I was in the top ~500 after that lap but ended up as 3159th after it closed.

Funny thing is I have only done about five seasonals all year. I find it difficult to get into the 'spirit' of the seasonal events, but I will admit that once you enter a seasonal it's very hard to stop. I like racing in lobbies much more though, preferably one-make races and / or non-tuning races.


Why can't we see how many there are that has
completed a timed lap?

Edit 2;
Improved up to 238th with a 58.450
That's my limit I reckon.

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425th just now (1st in my country, SWE) with 58.821 on DS3.
Very happy with that lap. I don't think I have ever been that high up in the rankings three weeks into a seasonal before.

My previous best result was in the
'SRT Tomahawk X VGT Super Lap' seasonal. I was in the top ~500 after that lap but ended up as 3159th after it closed.

Funny thing is I have only done about five seasonals all year. I find it difficult to get into the 'spirit' of the seasonal events, but I will admit that once you enter a seasonal it's very hard to stop. I like racing in lobbies much more though, preferably one-make races and / or non-tuning races.


Why can't we see how many there are that has
completed a timed lap?

Edit 2;
Improved up to 238th with a 58.450
That's my limit I reckon.
Go for the top 100, go @JockeP22 & go Japan...
Hadn't driven this one yet, so i went in and did a slow lap just to be able to inform you folks that this TT has 125.136 participants so far. Who said GT was loosing popularity?:)
EDIT: 10 mins later: 125.147 still counting....
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58.943 is what I've pulled off so far... good for 540th (for now).. It's the little things that matter with this TT.
I want to find whoever though of this combo and slap him with a wet fish, because honestly this is the most frustrating, inconsistant, piece of 🤬 I've ever driven in my entire time of doing seasonal time trials. Honestly. I've failed a possible 56.1 about 40 separate times, all at the same exact place, the first section of sector 3. I don't understand it at all. On one lap, I was 4 tenths ahead of a 56.5 ghost entering that section, and I drive it normally as I usually do, only to find the ghost catch up to me and pass me. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
That makes us two.
The problem (for me) is that the car only generates downforce while on the throttle, so you cant trailbrake, you cant feather the gas, or any other racing techniques. its just a matter of hard straight line braking, throw it into the corner, and hit full throttle even before you are at apex. I gave it an hour, and it was the most frustrating hour ever spent. 57.2 and done.

(1st in my country, SWE)
Not anymore ;)
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thought it was weird that they all dropped a bunch of super fast times to sweep the top of the Top 10 board in the span of a couple days, and then none of them participated or beat their own times after that for the remaining 3 weeks or so of the event.
I wonder if maybe it's like, they are all high schoolers and know each other and are a team/crew of sorts and put in their runs all in roughly the same time period, when there is a break from classes/projects/final exams or something, and thus why there's these random periods where there's like 7-10 ultra-fast times from Japan all in a short span of time, but then weeks go by without any of them putting in any new results thereafter, even as their results slowly slide down the leaderboard to the end of the event? I dunno, lol??

If it is the case, they aren't all going about setting their times in the same manner.
There were ten drivers from Japan in the Top 18 but they set their times on different

Six using a 900' wheel.
Three using a controller/stick.
One using a 200' wheel.

It is interesting though. : )

Go for the top 100, go @JockeP22 & go Japan...
I never thought that was possible but I kept putting in the laps
and found new ways to drive Autumn Ring all the time. I kept thinking of your encouraging words, too.
It was fun and most likely the first and last time I finish inside the two-digits club.
If it is the case, they aren't all going about setting their times in the same manner.
There were ten drivers from Japan in the Top 18 but they set their times on different

Six using a 900' wheel.
Three using a controller/stick.
One using a 200' wheel.

It is interesting though. : )

Yea, I mean, I definitely wasn't implying that I think they are all the same person or anything, if that's how it came off.

At the time I made that post, what I was commenting on was that in the span of a few days it suddenly went from a statistically normal/typical distribution of country representation in the top 12 spots, to suddenly 9 of the top 12 spots being from Japan. And, on top of that, a similar thing seemed to have happened in one of the TT's from the previous month, and in that one it looked like none, or almost none (with the exception of maybe Wolf and one other guy) of those top guys ever beat their own times after setting said times very early on in the TT.

This probably came off like I was making some sort of comment against them, or accusing them of something negative, but I actually wasn't. In a weird way, I was asking it both in terms of being genuinely curious about it/why that phenomenon was occurring in that manner, and also in a positive/making-a-compliment type of way, as in, I got the sense that their top guys are extremely good, like, better than all the other countries at racing games or something, in the sense that maybe its like, for the top guys of most other countries, they have to work really hard all month long at trying to get into the top of the leaderboard, whereas maybe the top Japanese players are able to set an already extremely strong time, right off the bat, on certain tracks, or certain car/track combos or something, that they can kind of all do like an unspoken agreement to all come in early in a TT and "lay down the law" to show off their country's skills, by dropping a big amount of top times dominating the top of the leaderboard very early on, and then intentionally not even bother to keep doing more attempts throughout the month to improve their times for the most part, so that when 3 weeks later a person checks the leaderboard, they can see like, WHOA, look how many of the top 12 times were done in the first few days of the TT, that's extremely impressive. Whereas, if they improved their times by a few tenths later on in the TT, then the date-stamp aspect of the impressiveness would be ruined, in that people would have no way of instantly understanding just how good of an early-time these top guys set at the beginning of the TT.

So, basically, it's sort of like an interesting form of showing off (well, maybe, I mean, obv there could be plenty of other reasons behind the phenomenon as well, this is just one hypothetical possibility), in terms of caring more about how EARLY in a TT you can set a super strong time, than caring about dropping a handful of spots towards the end of the TT, as a result of intentionally not trying to improve said time in the remaining 3+ weeks of the TT after setting said early time.

Basically, I am both curious about (in a good way), and also extremely impressed, by these big ratio-dominations of the top of the leaderboard early on in TT's by Japanese players. So, to summarize, I think these top Japanese dudes are pretty cool, and I am a fan of this early TT-sweep thing they are doing. I think it looks pretty swag-a-licious, lol.