Almost had it with GTS.

  • Thread starter thestig911
I know it's not a solution but it helps to qualify higher up on the grid. Last few races I've started no lower than 3rd and had decent races. I'm sure there's crap going on behind me but that's the mid-field. They're trying anything to get ahead and usually that means things over than driving ability. At the sharp end of the field it's just driving ability. I've had one guy seemingly use me as a brake marker going into a big left sweeper but I was able to hold anyway and overtake him later where I was genuinely faster.
It's hard to drive clean in an environment as dirty as GT Sport online.
It's rare to find a nice lobby :( but when you do, its either usually laggy due to difference in region or locked because its already in session and the people want to do super long races (30-40 laps).

because of this, i've officially stopped doing GT racing and just stick to offline. If i do go to online, its usually in a normal racing lobby with very few people (like 4-6 people max)
I know it's not a solution but it helps to qualify higher up on the grid.

What lobby you are placed in is really luck of the draw and qualifying time places you on the grid in respect to the strength of the lobby. So a 2:02.00 could place you third or could place you sixteenth depending on who else is placed in the same lobby.

Granted faster than average times within your DR bracket increase the odds of being placed closer to the front of the grid.
The irony is strong.

I'm talking about the AI within the game that determines what happens with respect to impacts and damage.

So you mean the scoring system, not the "AI". Basically, you're just reiterating what I said. You're very helpful.

If they had any AI at work in the scoring system, the system might actually work.

For instance, AI could say "did leading player hit the brakes in an acceleration zone? If Yes, don't penalize the trailing player."

But that doesn't happen. Braking checking people to give them a 10 second penalty happens all the time.
What lobby you are placed in is really luck of the draw and qualifying time places you on the grid in respect to the strength of the lobby. So a 2:02.00 could place you third or could place you sixteenth depending on who else is placed in the same lobby.

Granted faster than average times within your DR bracket increase the odds of being placed closer to the front of the grid.
Exactly. Why would you assume there are drivers of other DR ratings? I'm C-B right now and sometimes I'll see a DR-D but never a DR-B. I'm always in my group and near the top of said group.
Weird. I'll just do a race here and there and stick to my SNAIL Racing League thank you very much. :) Three combos, two 10 min races each, every Sunday night at 9:30pm EST.
Weird. I'll just do a race here and there and stick to my SNAIL Racing League thank you very much. :) Three combos, two 10 min races each, every Sunday night at 9:30pm EST.

The only worry I have is that PD will start using DR and SR to segregate players from content (which, they should). So, if I don't participate in events that affect DR and SR, I could be missing out. Granted, that doesn't happen now, but it could. Lobbies can also start being more stringent, which again, would be good, but would also require more focus on getting those scores up.
So you mean the scoring system, not the "AI". Basically, you're just reiterating what I said. You're very helpful.

If they had any AI at work in the scoring system, the system might actually work.

For instance, AI could say "did leading player hit the brakes in an acceleration zone? If Yes, don't penalize the trailing player."

But that doesn't happen. Braking checking people to give them a 10 second penalty happens all the time.

The game makes a decision about penalties. There is logic at work and parameters it considers. I call that AI.

I think the brake checking SR logic was refined but I've not been a victim of that for a while.

I was also referencing that punitive penalties are all well and good assuming the right person gets hit.

Now, you can either carry on being a dick or not, that really is up to you to make that choice and mine how to deal with it. I'd respectfully recommend you stop and that would be my preference. However, I can accommodate the other choice, too. I'll leave it with you.
The only worry I have is that PD will start using DR and SR to segregate players from content (which, they should). So, if I don't participate in events that affect DR and SR, I could be missing out. Granted, that doesn't happen now, but it could. Lobbies can also start being more stringent, which again, would be good, but would also require more focus on getting those scores up.
Do what I do and just stop caring about it. If you have a good group of people to race with consistently and cleanly then driver rating is irrelevant.
When I'm on B, A, and S DR are grouped together. SR can be close to irrelevant in determining if someone is actually a clean racer, it may just mean they had a few clean races. I made a new account and it took me 3 races to get an S SR rating! I don't care if people see it as a 'grind', an S SR should be reserved and not given easily. It needs to take a lot of dedication and clean/close racing to achieve this.

The system needs some type of tweaking, right now when I say a lobby of S SR drivers I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I've had some experiences that have literally made my blood boil but I would not like to get into them... let's just say for now getting an A SR, let alone S should require much more.
When I'm on B, A, and S DR are grouped together. SR can be close to irrelevant in determining if someone is actually a clean racer, it may just mean they had a few clean races. I made a new account and it took me 3 races to get an S SR rating! I don't care if people see it as a 'grind', an S SR should be reserved and not given easily. It needs to take a lot of dedication and clean/close racing to achieve this.

The system needs some type of tweaking, right now when I say a lobby of S SR drivers I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I've had some experiences that have literally made my blood boil but I would not like to get into them... let's just say for now getting an A SR, let alone S should require much more.


I had thought that SR points maxxed at 13/race. Some more data here.
They were 3 FIA 10 lap races iirc. But, on my main account it took me only 8 or 9 in total to reach S SR.

Might be something @Famine wants to test or capture in his data. I don't think I'd had more than 12pts from an FIA race. Tempting to start another account just to capture all the data from the start but I think Famine will have it!
Might be something @Famine wants to test or capture in his data. I don't think I'd had more than 12pts from an FIA race. Tempting to start another account just to capture all the data from the start but I think Famine will have it!

Well with the FIA races you get SR points in the qualifying period too (at least you get the up or down arrows).
After spending some time in SR.B I've come to the realization that staying at SR.S was only a disadvantage. In SR.S I get continually matched against DR.S and DR.A, the chance of a top 5 start is very slim. After my SR bombed on Bluemoon bay I'm now consistently starting in the top and no more DR.S / DR.A in the room. As for the driving, it's about the same... Some more obvious dive bombers yet also better ghosting to prevent collisions.
After spending some time in SR.B I've come to the realization that staying at SR.S was only a disadvantage. In SR.S I get continually matched against DR.S and DR.A, the chance of a top 5 start is very slim. After my SR bombed on Bluemoon bay I'm now consistently starting in the top and no more DR.S / DR.A in the room. As for the driving, it's about the same... Some more obvious dive bombers yet also better ghosting to prevent collisions.

I think at any level you get the midfield melee and at the front it depends who you're with. I had great races at the front of daily and FIA races yesterday where people were fast, respectful and mindful of their actions so no stupid overtakes at places where you can't overtake cleanly and people looking ahead of the car in front to get a picture of the race. All finished in high positions, all had clean races. Sadly, this is not the norm.

In many races you can find people who want to win at all costs or who don't win often and get finish line fever. The number of desperate hail mary moves you see is, I think, mainly the domain of these people. Most folk with a high SR aren't going to get into exchanging paint for a 10th place and often not for much higher up. Personally I don't see the benefit of driving like a knob at all, never mind to finish something like 6th and I'd rather not win than win dirty. I've raced a number of active posters on here who worry more about win count than cleanliness.
I think at any level you get the midfield melee and at the front it depends who you're with. I had great races at the front of daily and FIA races yesterday where people were fast, respectful and mindful of their actions so no stupid overtakes at places where you can't overtake cleanly and people looking ahead of the car in front to get a picture of the race. All finished in high positions, all had clean races. Sadly, this is not the norm.

In many races you can find people who want to win at all costs or who don't win often and get finish line fever. The number of desperate hail mary moves you see is, I think, mainly the domain of these people. Most folk with a high SR aren't going to get into exchanging paint for a 10th place and often not for much higher up. Personally I don't see the benefit of driving like a knob at all, never mind to finish something like 6th and I'd rather not win than win dirty. I've raced a number of active posters on here who worry more about win count than cleanliness.

Indeed. That's why I didn't enjoy it at all when I reached DR.A I was suddenly starting in the very back of the pack with people desperately fighting for position. In DR.B I was starting mid field (since the S and A crowd take up the front) yet still had great clean battles with other DR.B drivers. I guess the possibility of winning not being there calmed the midfield down a bit. It got tiring though, no podium position is one thing, only the top 5 getting to the finish in an overall clean 10 lap race is a matchmaking fail. Down to SR.B I at least get to finish the races!

I haven't played any FIA races in a while. I'm waiting for a Nurb 24h one that will probably never come.
Now, you can either carry on being a dick or not, that really is up to you to make that choice and mine how to deal with it. I'd respectfully recommend you stop and that would be my preference. However, I can accommodate the other choice, too. I'll leave it with you.

You started with the name calling and derogatory remarks in the RS01 thread. You had any respect, you'd simply apologize, but I don't expect you to do that.

But, in any event, for the penalty system to have AI, it would next to make contextual decisions. In other words, it would need to retain knowledge of the events leading up to the altercation. Given that drivers are getting penalties for collisions and off track excursions that are not their fault, then there is likely no AI, or a rudimentary decision tree that is non-contextual.

As an example. Player 1 is leading when he collides with player 2 X speed. Player 2 gets the penalty. We can argue that it's semantics, but a decision out of context is not intelligent. Now, whether they have the computing HP to implement an intelligent system , I don't know.

Given the single player AI seems to drive without context, I think they are light on computing head room.
I've given up caring about my SR tonight. Not to say I'm out there ramming people, but when your side by side and somebody swipes you and you get negative SR, or when somebody chops you in the braking zone (as in, as soon as brakes go on, swipe inside before the turning point) and you get negative SR and a time penalty - what is the point?

Its currently such a flawed concept. I have struggled to have any proper wheel to wheel racing tonight. Don't think I'd be bothered if it didn't give penalties for slight touches in corners, as long as somebody isn't intentionally steering into you (the game should know that), a little rubbing is okay in my book, not ideal, but not a major crime. When you get a 5 second penalty for misjudging a corner and cutting it by 1ft yet someone smashes you off the track and carries on - what is the point?

Do I drive around at the back just for the sake of getting the SR up? Is that even a sim racer? Not a chance.

SR = waste of time.
You started with the name calling and derogatory remarks in the RS01 thread. You had any respect, you'd simply apologize, but I don't expect you to do that.

But, in any event, for the penalty system to have AI, it would next to make contextual decisions. In other words, it would need to retain knowledge of the events leading up to the altercation. Given that drivers are getting penalties for collisions and off track excursions that are not their fault, then there is likely no AI, or a rudimentary decision tree that is non-contextual.

As an example. Player 1 is leading when he collides with player 2 X speed. Player 2 gets the penalty. We can argue that it's semantics, but a decision out of context is not intelligent. Now, whether they have the computing HP to implement an intelligent system , I don't know.

Given the single player AI seems to drive without context, I think they are light on computing head room.

You are correct in your first sentence. That horse bolted.

The game makes contextual decisions in so much as it allocates a time penalty for a short cut or track limits excursion that seems to vary based on something I don't know. There is also something in there which determines whether a specific contact merits and orange flag or not and in extremis whether it merits the big time penalty.

Now, I know we haven't all got a Charlie Whiting tucked away in our PS4s so it is using some live in-game information and some code to "decide" what penalty is appropriate. Over time, these decisions can be seen to be changing, so someone, somewhere is fine tuning it and improving the game's ability to allocated penalties "fairly".

I would also look at ghosting in a similar context. That is equally, if not more, tricky to get right i.e. ghost the car so you avoid the punt but not so you can ghost through it to overtake. Also yellow flags. Etc etc.

I personally think a yellow flag should be a time penalty applied at the end of the race. However, I've been incorrectly hit with the 5 second penalty enough times to know that it's not set up right yet. What should stop, is people gaining positions by overtaking under yellows. That then brings us to how the game knows whether you've given a position back or not. A countdown clock after the penalty by which time you need to increase your position or get whacked with a penalty applied at the end of the race could be handy. Equally a drive through or for people being ridiculous a black flag, ghost and coast to be retired in the pits would be great.

It's a massive, complicated and far reaching subject that I bet PD are working their arses off on. Given the benefit overall I guess I'd be willing to be on the wrong end of a decision or two - probably less frustrating than some **** ramming you into the distance and destroying your 10 lap race in the third corner, or the third last.
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