America - The Official Thread

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⬆️ Here’s another good reason to vote for Biden. The transcript shows he’s actually a fun guy to talk with, and can crack a joke or two!
Biden should have been playing the iron V8 angle more during these last few years.

"My opponent only knows how to swing a driver."
Saturday Night Live occasionally knocks it out out of the park. Here's "Katie Britt". Put your coffee down...

You know they don't want to miss a golden opportunity when they bring in a legitimate character actor to do a bit. Reminds me of the classic Matt Damon Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing.
Britt says Mike Johnson told her ‘it will be fine’ ahead of SOTU response

My feelings toward Britt are borderline pity. But then I remember she is a ****ing US Senator with enormous power. She seems to have a sever lack of intelligence and self awareness. Again...sort of pity...but mostly what the **** are you doing in the Senate?

“And so I talked to both of them and obviously, then finally accepted doing it, but still kind of thought, ‘Is this even for real?’ I mean, I haven’t even given a floor speech yet, you know at the Senate yet, but was excited,” she said. “And particularly as you … mentioned earlier, being you know, the only Republican female with school-aged kids and kind of bringing that like next-generation voice.”

This seemed obviously inadvisable, and yet it doesn't seem like the GOP felt they had much choice. The fact that both the Senate leader and the House leader both asked her, separately, feels like a pretty desperate situation. The GOP is very concerned about losing basically all support from the women who aren't bat**** insane voting bloc.

Britt laughed about Johansson’s parody of her, saying she was “pretty pumped” the actress played her on “Saturday Night Live.”

“And I said you know, look, it could be worse. I mean, Scarlett Johansson. Here, you have ‘Black Widow.’ They bring in someone from ‘Avengers’ to play me in the cold open. I’m here for it,” she said.

I'm gonna go with "wrong takeaway" here.
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Britt says Mike Johnson told her ‘it will be fine’ ahead of SOTU response

My feelings toward Britt are borderline pity. But then I remember she is a *ing US Senator with enormous power. She seems to have a sever lack of intelligence and self awareness. Again...sort of pity...but mostly what the * are you doing in the Senate?

This seemed obviously inadvisable, and yet it doesn't seem like the GOP felt they had much choice. The fact that both the Senate leader and the House leader both asked her, separately, feels like a pretty desperate situation. The GOP is very concerned about losing basically all support from the women who aren't bat**** insane voting bloc.

I'm gonna go with "wrong takeaway" here.
Maybe Johansson supports her! Nope.
Of course Mike Johnson told her 'It will be fine'. She's a republican senator, she can say any old **** and none of her voters or party colleagues will bat an eyelid. She could have stood on a desk and flung her own faeces around and still be clapped at the end of it. Fox's talking heads would have praised her for her strong message to the libs.
Britt says Mike Johnson told her ‘it will be fine’ ahead of SOTU response

My feelings toward Britt are borderline pity. But then I remember she is a *ing US Senator with enormous power. She seems to have a sever lack of intelligence and self awareness. Again...sort of pity...but mostly what the * are you doing in the Senate?
Mainly because she's married to ex Alabama football player Wesley Britt. She played that up a lot in her commercials before the election. As you see with Tooberville, if you played or coached at either Alabama or Auburn you're pretty much a cinch to get elected by the hillbillies.
Mainly because she's married to ex Alabama football player Wesley Britt. She played that up a lot in her commercials before the election. As you see with Tooberville, if you played or coached at either Alabama or Auburn you're pretty much a cinch to get elected by the hillbillies.
Football >>>> anything else in Alabama. Except for "God", probably.
Britt says Mike Johnson told her ‘it will be fine’ ahead of SOTU response

My feelings toward Britt are borderline pity. But then I remember she is a *ing US Senator with enormous power. She seems to have a sever lack of intelligence and self awareness. Again...sort of pity...but mostly what the * are you doing in the Senate?
Mainly because she's married to ex Alabama football player Wesley Britt. She played that up a lot in her commercials before the election. As you see with Tooberville, if you played or coached at either Alabama or Auburn you're pretty much a cinch to get elected by the hillbillies.
She said, "Roll tide!" Boom, that made her the next Alabama Senator.
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"TDS," the worthless Trumpers squawk in mindless unison.

Measure 110 did not reduce Oregon’s drug problems. The drug-overdose-death rate increased by 43 percent in 2021, its first year of implementation—and then kept rising. The latest CDC data show that in the 12 months ending in September 2023, deaths by overdose grew by 41.6 percent, versus 2.1 percent nationwide. No other state saw a higher rise in deaths. Only one state, Vermont, ranks higher in its rate of illicit drug use.

Neither did decriminalization produce a flood of help-seeking. The replacement for criminal penalties, a $100 ticket for drug possession with the fine waived if the individual called a toll-free number for a health assessment, with the aim of encouraging treatment, failed completely. More than 95 percent of people ignored the ticket, for which—in keeping with the spirit of Measure 110—there was no consequence. The cost of the hotline worked out to about $7,000 per completed phone call, according to The Economist. These realities, as well as associated disorder such as open-air drug markets and a sharp rise in violent crime—while such crime was falling nationally—led Oregonians to rethink their drug policy.

Though our polarized politics tends to frame policy choices as on-off switches, in truth they are more like a dial with many intervening settings. That dial can be productively turned in many parts of the country. Many states are far more punitive toward drug users than Oregon was before Measure 110 passed. They overemphasize incarceration of people who use drugs, they do not provide adequate, publicly funded health treatment and health insurance, and they do not use criminal justice productively to discourage drug use (for instance, by using arrests and probations as leverage to get people into drug courts and treatment). If these states could be persuaded to dial down their criminal-justice approach to approximate what Oregon had before Measure 110, except with adequately funded, evidence-based prevention and treatment, substantial gains in public health and safety would likely follow. The future of successful drug-policy reform is not greater laxity in states that are already quite progressive in their approach to drug use; it is using criminal justice and public health together in a balanced, pragmatic fashion, as Oregon is now poised to do.
What the ****, America?
The US effort to ban asbestos stalled after President Donald Trump came to office in 2017, with his administration overseeing the EPA.

In 2005 testimony to Congress Mr Trump, a real estate developer, had described asbestos as "the greatest fire-proofing material ever made".

In a 1997 book, The Art of the Comeback, he said the movement against the substance was being led by the Mafia, "because it was often mob-related companies that would do the asbestos removal" work.

In 2012, he tweeted that the World Trade Center would not have "burned down" in the 11 September 2001 attacks if its "incredibly powerful fire retardant asbestos" had not been removed.
This includes deaths related to asbestos.
The BBC article claims 40,000 deaths a year attributable to asbestos in the USA. If 45's administration stymied the whole thing after the 2016 regulation change and it's only now coming into force (with 12 years to phase it out? Wat?) that means another 280,000 excess deaths attributable to him...
The BBC article claims 40,000 deaths a year attributable to asbestos in the USA. If 45's administration stymied the whole thing after the 2016 regulation change and it's only now coming into force (with 12 years to phase it out? Wat?) that means another 280,000 excess deaths attributable to him...
To be fair, there's been some level of phase-out for a while; it used to be that household fireproof equipment, brake pads, roof shingles, and flooring was made of asbestos, but they've been off the market for decades.

Though, my wife once had to work in a classroom for two years which still had asbestos floor tiles until 2019. It was phased out from new installations in 1995. The solution was to keep adding layers of floor wax to prevent loose material and in any places where there were gaps, to place a carpet on the floor. So we covered about 95% of the floor.

The difference was that in Florida, they'd pretty much taken it out of the schools by the early-1990s (though we were constantly shuffling classrooms in the late-1980s to avoid the clean-up crews). Alabama was much slower at the rate of clean-up...
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The BBC article claims 40,000 deaths a year attributable to asbestos in the USA. If 45's administration stymied the whole thing after the 2016 regulation change and it's only now coming into force (with 12 years to phase it out? Wat?) that means another 280,000 excess deaths attributable to him...
There's no way it will be phased out in 12 years. We did such a poor job isolating it after it was partially banned in 89, I wouldn't be surprised if we can even account for 50% of it still in houses and infostructures. Just throw a rug over it and forget about it. Problem solved!

Trump would argue that he saved the lives of over 339 million people that survived it. And our gas was under 2 dollars a gallon....
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Trump now works as a structural engineer but nobody will hire him as such, for some strange reason.
Well he's already given his health advise, "if you're sick, drink bleach". Next thing he'll be demanding that lead be put back into paint.
Republicans: "Law and order."

Also Republicans:
There's a lot of corruption in governments all over the place sadly. BTW did they charge Hunter yet? what about Epstein's list, released yet? I must admit I haven't been keeping up with American affairs but I've seen a few pics from the "laptop from hell" on twitter and was baffled. How is it possible to remain out of jail when there's damning evidence like that floating around the internet. I've read news that there was some kind of coverup too? wth is going on in America?:odd: it's almost as if the media and some gov agencies became political cheerleaders and let that get in the way of their mission. Very sad to witness.