Shifter Kart Race
Where: Sardegna-Road Track-C
What: 125cc Shifter Kart
When:Saturday September 14th 2019
Lobby opens at 8:00am cst. 30 to 45 mins of practice. Racing to follow.
How: Send me a friend request on PSN (Pigpen13) The lobby will be set to private. I will post the lobby number here. Also, you can search for rooms that friends are in. It's also highly encouraged to join the voice chat. Even if you don't have a mic. It makes giving out info and apologies easy.
Format: Two 5 lap heat races. One 10 lap feature. No pitting needed.
No tuning allowed. Karts are to be stock.
General info: This is my first attempt at this. So, If there are some loop holes or things I've missed let me know. The plan is for FUN racing. No rough driving allowed. With that being said, the occasional bump is to be expected. The karts can be a lot to handle. Please exercise some courtesy. If you bump into someone, give their spot back. If you are in the voice chat, please give an apology. There are no points, trophies, or prize money to be made. Please don't ruin someone's night because you had to be first.
General info2: The track is a lot of fun. The kart is very controllable here. I only put about 10 laps on it. The corners and straights are wide. You can stay in the gas for most of the track. The downside: There is a really bad dip coming out of the S's going up the hill to the last corner. Take some time to get some practice in. It really throws you around. If you hit it straight on you will be fine. But if the wheel is turned, chaos will follow. My biggest tip I can give you is, stay off the curbs and rumble strips. This thing is only about an inch off the ground. It doesn't take much to upset it.
First corner.
This is the dip I was talking about. If you run the marker cones, it's pretty easy to see and remember where its at.
Final corner does sneak up on you a little bit. Lots of passing is expected here.
Looking forward to running some laps with everyone