Anyone still play GT4?

United States
Hey all. Been a while since I've posted on GTPlanet. Since GTA V's new update messed up the game in many ways, and The Crew has gotten boring, I decided to try and play some PS3. Turns out, my PS3 absolutely refuses to sign into PSN. Finally I decided to pull out my PS2 from the closet and dust it off to play whatever game was in the console. Turns out, it was Gran Turismo 4. Since then, I can't stop enjoying it. So much left to do, and so many cool cars I miss driving (Nike 2022 anyone? ;) )

That being said, does anyone actively play Gran Turismo 4 today?
I certainly do, not as often as I used to back in the day, but I still do. Mostly I use arcade mode to run fun races and situations but I do love GT mode to tune and develop cars :)
I just picked 4 up again last week. Probably haven't touched GT4 since 2010, but this doesn't matter. It's a very fun, immersive game.
As soon as I can find a good old analog type tv I will be back at it. Cant play it on my flatscreen due to the lag it has. I miss Hong Kong, El Capitan, Tokyo Bay, and Le mans cars at Autumn Ring.
Still playing it, havent gotten on today yet, but i was on yesterday. Just lapping my CRX SiR around various tracks, tuning it for the best laptimes.
I played it back in November with a backwards compatible PS3. Now I have PS2 I am hunting for GT4. Saw GT4:P the other day for £1
I ordered a copy today. £2.70.
I only have GT5 & GT6 so far. I haven't played GT5 in over 2 years & have had the platinum trophy & 100% completion in GT6 for quite some time.
I'm excited to try GT4 after seeing it praised so much on GTPlanet.
Ahhh GT4, many memories... I do still play it, I haven't 100% completed it, still got the 24hr races and some of the "1 lap magic" races to go... Such a pain those xD

GT3 was my childhood (from 2001-2004), but GT4 was my fav game for 5 years (until I got GT5 in 2010) And I still treasure and play it, and always will
I'm still playing GT4 and I started new game on it few days ago with G27 steering wheel. I'm trying to get gold in every licence test.
Oh yeah. PS3 was out of my price range, I never liked GT5, and I failed to save GT4 once at 40% completion and have started over. At least I know what I am in for.
Occasionally I still play. It's good for split screen, or all of arcade mode for that matter. Never used arcade when I used to play it, but now it's good if I want to just have a few quick races.

Why are the GT2&4 threads thriving, when my favourite, and the game generally regarded as the best GT is dead? (GT3) I just started searching it too for hidden cars, right when everyone deserted it...
I still play it from time to time, especially as it's the only GT I have besides GT PSP. I'm waiting for GT7 though. I just take random cars around Nurburgring or other tracks on time trial.
I'm taking a quick break from the Formula One series right now (It
s paused in the other room). I'm in the middle of race six or seven (Monaco). I've almost completed GT4 four times in the past three or-so years. This is the first time I've ventured into the F1 race. I think I finally have the skills to feel confident I'll win the series and not be wasting my time.
I haven't really played Gran Turismo 4, but I've been thinking a lot about GT4 the past few weeks. Something to me just seems missing with the PS3 Gran Turismo titles since GT4. Maybe it's the kind of world travel with all the locations to be missing in future GTs. Maybe GT4's personality and charm are much stronger than GT5 and GT6. Or maybe I'm still somewhat playing GT4 just to find something to blog about.

No matter what, I do sometimes play GT4. I really just played GT4 this past week for the first time in a while. I didn't try to add to my completion percentage or anything by clearing races I haven't done yet or anything.
Very rarely but on occasion. Aside from the tracks that are no longer in the series (also have GT3 for Complex String/SSR11) I just love how despite the huge car count, there is a series for each car to enter. Well not completely but 90% of the cars do. Since then we've more than doubled the car count (well by duplicating a number of Japanese cars but also with new stuff) and at least thirdsed (whatever the equivalent of halved is, pretty sure I just made that up) the career race count. Not to even mention the endurance races. Sure GT5 had some but under half of what was in GT4.

Long live the days of actual career modes.
I play it whenever I'm around the PS2. Only races I have left to do are the two 24 hour left mans races.
I joined GTPlanet back in 2003 to get news on Gran Turismo 4. There are probably two things I've seen complained about GT4 in my 11.5 years on GTPlanet- the lack of certain manufacturers and disappointment over no online play (without the need for extra stuff). I even remember the early arguments among us about Gran Turismo 4 and some game called Forza Motorsport. Those who still play GT4 to some capacity are sad that some things added in later GTs could have been in GT4, but still have overall respect for what GT4 brought to the proverbial table. There was even the controversy of B-Spec, which many felt was Gran Turismo 4 playing itself for you.

Somehow, Gran Turismo 4 is speaking to me in a way in which I am somehow harking back to GT4. However, I don't come back to GT4 in much the same way I come back to GT1 or even GT2. All the Standard cars in GT5 and GT6 stem from GT4. I don't know... I just come back to GT4 for some reason when I look at Gran Turismo today. Something I can't explain or understand is why I am thinking about and wanting to play GT4 again- not that I've ever hated GT4.