Anyone still up for GT2 challenge?

  • Thread starter danpollard
Good, what shall we do? Use a sports car of some sort at least, on Laguna Seca (we never seem to use it). Agree with that, or you want something different? Oh yeah, NO HYBRIDS!
Hello, May I make a suggestion, I have yet seen a challenge where we all take our favorite top class GT cars like the GT 1 , or KURE R33, or Castrol Supra GT. It always seems like we all have to race in the same kinda car.So I suggest that we bring our favorite GT class car to Leguna, no hybrids or rally cars just pure road race cars . Whadayasay?:)
If we do have a GT2 challenge i'll have to stop playing GT3 and start a new game of GT2. So give me a heads up on when the challenge will be by PMing me.
Yeah, I like the idea about taking your fave car on Laguna. What I think we should do is announce it first so we must stick with that car. Yes/No. What do you think?
(Note to ZeroCool: Yeah I'll message you when we sort out the conditions).
Yes, i love that idea, and i think we should have a lap limit on the amount of laps u can do in order to get your best lap, i found that that might make it interesting.

(But some people might go over the limit)
Still following you around - we could do that, but it would have to be at least 20 or 30. i'm not completely convinced but it still sounds good.
How about this idea, We run the race on the arcade disc, in race mode , go to options and set the laps to 20 or whatever . Then we post our best lap& total time to finish race. If one player has best lap and another has best total time then those 2 will have a 2nd race. The 2nd race will be for 5 laps , fastest lap wins. Whaddaya think? I,ll be bringin my Cerbera LM
You should try against the best in jmr's viper challenge at Laguna. These guys are Hot, his challenge is posted here too.

oopps thats a GT3 challenge
As for the challenge, I'll be taking a GT-One 1999, and yeah, I like the idea about the race format. As to Rob's point, I'll check it out, and maybe post some times of my own.
I hadn't really thought about that, I'll probably do mine in the next few days. Don't post the times until Zerocool is ready with his GT2 data. Then we could either post them on the site, or message them to me and I'll put up a leaderboard. I'll put mine up on the site if you want (when I've done them). Cya l8r.
I've done my race; unfortuanely I couldn't string a good lap together in the race, but I'll see how it compares. I have the results when you're ready. (I got a 1:06.031 with no fastest sectors in time trial in my GT-ONE, hehe).:D
Well, thats a great time, i can doubt i can do that in my TT LM, i should prolly pick a new car.
A 1:06:eek: . I ran pretty consistant laps in the race ,except for my 19th lap, I went off course a couple times, mind wandered a bit I guess . Hope it didn't cost me the race . The TT LM I don,t remember munch about. I remember raceing it at the SS routes, It did real good, But I think you,ll need more horsepower than it has to win against the GT 1 or the TVR Cerbera LM, good luck :)
Yeah, good luck:D . Sorry, if I ruined it by taking the GT1. After this we could do the same thing with more limited hp (prob. just under 600hp). I wasn't as competitive in the race though, don't worry. I had to give a few CPU cars a good beating for getting in my way.😈. Good luck anyway.