Are you a collector?

  • Thread starter binici
I don't have any serious organized collections of anything, but I do collect some random 🤬. I have about 10 plastic/metal dragon models, about 8 1:18 scale cars(08 ZO6, 69 Stang, LP640, Carrera Ft, and a few others I'm not sure of the model year), and I have about 50 games for the PS3 and 20 for my 360.
I use to collect pens when I was in middle school, but that was years ago. I had foot long pens, inch long pens, pens that had tiny arms that extended when you pressed the buttons, a pen with a marble maze inside it and a little metal bead. Wow I almost went a little far with that last part, kind of a nostalgia rush, luckily I stopped before I lost control.
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Anything having relevance to the automobile or racing. Games, books, magazines, die-cast cars, a personally made wooden block with simple Le Mans writing on it, and a pair of Honda CR-Z 3D glasses.
The only thing I've really collected are my 1/18th McLaren F1's by UT Models. I'm more of hoarder and keep lots of old useless crap long after I'm done with it.
I like to have a lot of different colored DS3s (PS3 controller), though I only buy a new one once every half year or so (I have the black, blue, red and white one). I also have a lot of 1:18 scale model cars, though I don't really buy those a lot any more either.

Recently though, I've bought a lot of Daft Punk albums etc. Only the stuff I like though. I'm not sure if I should start buying the other stuff just for the sake of collecting, or not.

EDIT: Oh, also, whenever I buy a new game, I stick the price sticker on my game cabinet thingy.
Actually, this thread would be more impressive with pics... why don't we post pics of our collections? makes 'em more impressive!
Well, I LOVE collecting things!👍

Currently, I collect car brochures, die-cast cars of any and all scales, keychains, coins, stamps, CDs, hockey cards, videogames, WWII movies, any stuff related to AMC, hats, Lego, K'nex, books, and magazines.

I never have enough room for anything (my parents call it 'junk':ouch:), but I like it that way:) Once I get an 8-track player I can start collecting 8-tracks, too! But I'm most proud of my car brochure, die-cast car, and book collections - I've put lots of time, effort, adn money into those over the years...

I'll try to get pics of some of the good stuff later on...
I stopped building my YuGiOh deck some years ago, because I realized so late how dumb the game got when playing with others... So I gave cards to my friend who had stolen card from his friend years before.
Been thinking of selling my Shonen Jump magazine collection. I have not read any issues in the last few months and have been thinking of stopping my subscription. My collection spans all of the way back to September 2003, so I got a lot to ship if I do sell them. I might as well since I only read One Piece from the magazine nowadays and nothing really that good has replaced Sand Land as a good plot.
I collect mainly Assassin’s creed and Resident evil games.
And anything from the Gran Turismo and Metal gear solid series, obviously.
I stopped building my YuGiOh deck some years ago, because I realized so late how dumb the game got when playing with others... So I gave cards to my friend who had stolen card from his friend years before.

Oddly, why do the majority of yugioh players steal?
Strangely enough my current collection habits are for white serviettes/ napkins from McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut. I get take away so often at work that I have half a desk draw full of napkins which are arranged neatly into stacks by their restaurant. Literally thousands of them. Sad but true.

I also collect stolen cigarette lighters. Lighters I accidentally pick up and pocket without realising or lighters left at my house all go into my 'fire box' which contains hundreds of the things. The only rule for the fire box is it must be stolen.

Both of these collections are worthless to any one but myself.
"This just in. In an alarming story, an office building has just been burned to the ground in Chongqing, China. Officials are looking into what might have started the blaze but preliminary reports are saying it's likely due to massive amounts of napkins and lighters. We'll keep you updated as more information becomes available. Back to you in the studio, Biff."
I collect scale model cars including Hot Wheels and Matchbox, movie DVDs, CD Albums, car brochures, bank notes, PS2 games and many more... Though the only thing that moves really fast is scale model cars. Others are coming in slowly... Almost forgot, I also collect scale model fighter planes but they're no longer in my display. Somewhere in a box collecting dust. Will find a good spot to display them though later on.... Too many thing collected that I'm forgetting one by one. I collect F1 ticket and passes from 2005 and present. Then I collect those merchandise etc.

M-POWER_FTW, I still have those old Yu-Gi-Oh cards somewhere under my bed. I started buying those back in 2003 or 2004 when I was 8 and played them every evening with my friends. Now they're no longer as popular as they were and almost 50% of them are still with me while I've sold the rest to my friend. In return, I get to expand my car collections!
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I used to collect tools. Anything I could get my hands on from a bicycle chain de-linker to 110v converters.

I don't know why. Most of them never got used. My house was littered with the things. My kitchen cupboards housed more chrome and steel than food and chinawear. Some of it came in useful for projects and repairing my motorbikes but it was mainly the fact I never had a garage or shed so just turned my house into one.

My ex-girlfriend would complain about our dog burying my spanners in the garden and my friends would complain about having to play GT4 on a TV suspended by an engine hoist, it was cheaper than a TV unit I would tell them.

When I left the UK I distributed most of it around my mechanic friends and donated the larger thing to my engineering college. I miss my junk.
Soooo..... I have recently moved house and I was busy unpacking my extensive pc games collection today, when I realised that I guess I could class all my Star Wars games as a decent collection in it self... and then I thought of this thread.

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My son would reenact (or would it be preenact?) Order 66 for that stash. :drool:
Oddly, why do the majority of yugioh players steal?

To simply put, because they can. Someone stole a card from me in middle school. While I was a popular senior in the YGO group amongst the juniors, one of them was able to take a card without me knowing during recess, but the other kids would make him give it back.

Also, Who wouldn't want to steal pretty looking holo cards? I mean, who'd want to pay $60 for a piece of playing paper?

To answer the topic, I have started collecting 1/64 scale cars, specifically Hot wheels and occasionally Matchbox if I find anything pretty.
My son would reenact (or would it be preenact?) Order 66 for that stash. :drool:

:lol: my 9 year old Star Wars obsessed brother-in-law just saw the collection, I'm fairly certain his brain went into meltdown, he just stood there gaping. I might need to learn to sleep with my eyes open as I have a feeling he is also having thoughts of inheriting the stash.
I was going to sell some cards on ebay but it was too complicated, and I don't have any time for the 'it never arrived thing'.
Now I have 16 special holo cards (all the same card, mint) worth $100 each and a bunch of others I don't really care for. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but now they are in storage and will emerge in 20+ years time for Antiques Roadshow!, I'll have 16 of what will become the most valuable card from the game though.
Things I've collected over the years:

- Pokemon cards
- Digimon cards
- Yu Gi Oh cards
- 1/18 Diecast Cars (stopped after I got my Ueno Clinic McLaren and Sauber C9 set, just had a look at prices of new models and they're just so expensive now...)

Right now I seem to have a colletcion of film cameras going, although unlike my previous obsessions I actually use them!
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My collection consists of miniature Delft Blue houses. Currently I have 90 in my collection and half of them I received during intercontinental KLM flights. The size of each house is approx. 5/5/11cm or smaller. There are two exceptions. The “Dam Palace” in Amsterdam and Cheese-house “the Waag” in Gouda, these are larger in size . They were presented to newly-weds but only during a limited number of years.

KLM Blue Delft Miniature Houses present some of the Old Dutch Houses situated along the canals in Amsterdam and other age-old towns in Holland. These houses are presented to business class travellers on board intercontinental KLM flights. The miniatures contain the famous Dutch young jenever, distilled by Bols Distilleries.

When KLM celebrated their 75th anniversary they issued 15 miniature houses to bring the total to 75. KLM started this tradition in 1952 and on its birthday (7 Oct) it brings out a new house. #92 will appear in Oct 2011.

Airlines were not allowed to give presents to their customers because of unfair competition. So, KLM had some Blue Delft houses made, and filled them with jenever. Then, of course, their competitors complained "KLM is giving presents to their customers". KLM said "May we decide how we serve our drinks? Is there a law which tells me drinks have to be served in a glass?"... and so it all started. :)

Nr 87
The Waag
Dam Palace

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Besides my videogame collection, I collect model cars (1/18 & 1/43 scale), model trains (N & HO scale), diecast and plastic model planes (1/48 & 1/72 mainly), and the occasional odd models like a couple tanks (1/72 scale) and bikes (one 1/24 and the rest 1/18)
I use to collect stamps, but I don't really anymore. I still have my old collection, but it's more sitting around and gathering dust. I have for a long time and still do actively collect coins.

I wish I have more money to collect things.