Are you "scared" to race online?

  • Thread starter Keith2324
Let me preface this by saying I am not the best driver out there, but I do try my best to not ruin someone else's race. I will even let the entire pack drive right by me and come in last if that's what needs to be done.

I had a certain ambivalence about getting PS+ for that very reason; I didn't want to ruin someone's day. But now I have a different take. I try only to pick races that I "think" I will be comfortable with to keep my rating. I am currently at a dr/C and sr/S. I find myself either wanting to protect my rating by playing it super safe or just not racing at all. And I think for a lot of us who want to keep things clean, we just don't race at all. Are we missing the point of all of this? The idea should be to be able to go online and race and not worry so much about stats.

I would love to hear your opinion on this.

Let me preface this by saying I am not the best driver out there, but I do try my best to not ruin someone else's race. I will even let the entire pack drive right by me and come in last if that's what needs to be done.

I had a certain ambivalence about getting PS+ for that very reason; I didn't want to ruin someone's day. But now I have a different take. I try only to pick races that I "think" I will be comfortable with to keep my rating. I am currently at a dr/C and sr/S. I find myself either wanting to protect my rating by playing it super safe or just not racing at all. And I think for a lot of us who want to keep things clean, we just don't race at all. Are we missing the point of all of this? The idea should be to be able to go online and race and not worry so much about stats.

I would love to hear your opinion on this.


You nail it ... somehow. Very similar feelings here - trying to find ways out of that trap atm ... ;).
Let me preface this by saying I am not the best driver out there, but I do try my best to not ruin someone else's race. I will even let the entire pack drive right by me and come in last if that's what needs to be done.

I had a certain ambivalence about getting PS+ for that very reason; I didn't want to ruin someone's day. But now I have a different take. I try only to pick races that I "think" I will be comfortable with to keep my rating. I am currently at a dr/C and sr/S. I find myself either wanting to protect my rating by playing it super safe or just not racing at all. And I think for a lot of us who want to keep things clean, we just don't race at all. Are we missing the point of all of this? The idea should be to be able to go online and race and not worry so much about stats.

I would love to hear your opinion on this.


Exactly the same for me. I can only race late evenings and usually all the fast guys turn up, I only have chance for a couple races and one bad one and my DR is gone!

End up avoiding them rather than racing, which is stupid because it’s a game for enjoyment yet my DR feels precious even though it means nothing! Only reason I want to keep it high, is for fia would rather lose in a fast competitive lobby!

I want to race and I have no issue with losing, but one bad race and an SR issue that triggers a reset and my DR is gone that would take me weeks to get back!!
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Exactly the same for me. I can only race late evenings and usually all the fast guys turn up, I only have chance for a couple races and one bad one and my DR is gone!

End up avoiding them rather than racing, which is stupid because it’s a game for enjoyment yet my DR feels precious even though it means nothing! Only reason I want to keep it high, is for fia would rather lose in a fast competitive lobby!

I want to race and I have no issue with losing, but one bad race and an SR issue that’s triggers a reset and my DR is gone that would take me weeks to get back!!

... says a guy who is really really good and quick 👍.
I feel exactly the same. I find myself entering the dailies less and less and when I do if I end up with a good result (generally a podium or a big gain in positions) I’ll quit while I’m ahead. Or if my SR takes a hit I’ll try a few more races to try and recover it but usually I’ll end up losing further SR points due to driving too cautiously as people take advantage. So again I’ll call it quits and either try and find a decent lobby or just mess around in single player mode.

I really want more options for offline races so I can create my own championships, qualify for races and set my own entrants and their liveries.
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I find it's not as bad as it sounds. For the vast majority of my races it has been hard competition and clean racing. Stuff happens from time to time but it i havent found a problem keeping my sr up. Been a s since the very early days with only a couple quick re visits to a.

I also however, only do races i am comfortable with. Almost race a exclusively, although i am trying to do more of race b lately.
I'm not really scared, but I usually race in classes that I'm more familiar with, and if there is a track I know pretty good. The only worry I have is I upgraded my pedals to a Clubsport V3 Pedals, and because the brake pedal is a lot heavier to push. I have a harder time maximizing my braking. So my biggest worry is rear ending someone, or getting rear ended, because I changed my braking points. I just have my pedals resting on the carpet, so they move a little on me while racing which does affect how much pressure I put on it. Which I really need to invest in a rig, or at least a stand.
Just remember that the DR and SR ratings are just ways of partitioning types of players to make matches fair and competitive. It is not a leveling construct that you are entitled to climb simply due to putting in time.

Just race how you race, let the DR and SR ranks fall where they fall. Then, if you have an itch for clean racing study race driving etiquette, change your driving habits and gradually climb up the SR rankings based on how you drive.
I've never been scared of it, as you just have to take the rough with the smooth, but I must admit I've become more selective - some days I used to do all 3 dailies, now I tend to pick one, and spend more time qualifying for that.

It gives more time to work out who the good racers are, and which ones to watch out for, as I often end up racing with the same group of people - helps with keeping the SR up!
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I was when I first started but the matching system seems to work really well and I've only had 1 or 2 bad races so far. Now I just race for fun so I'm not too bothered about my rating meaning I can get away with being less aggressive and taking less risks. I'd rather back off and let someone through than risk ruining the race for both of us just for a letter next to my name. I still have really close, fun races.
I remember a similar thread popping up about this a few months ago. The way you have to think of it is that 🤬 happens, it just does. All players have good and bad days, and any crash you manage to have contact in will mess up your SR and DR rating quite a bit and give you a nice penalty as a slap on the wrist. Once you get used to that, then you can focus on being careful. Get as low of a qualifying time to give yourself a chance to escape the most of the wreckage (quote "most") that happens in the race, but other than that, let go of your worries.

I close it off with this; if you're good enough to stay on track and avoid any potential obstacles (and you say you are), then you're good enough for online racing.
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Every online game has rules and risks. As a gamer, one thing has to remain solid at all times: tolerance. In a game like GT Sport, and any racing game for that matter, there are going to be accidents happening, no matter how good a group of drivers are. This is where the tolerance comes in. It's so easy to pin the blame on somebody when if it happens out of nowhere, you have the alternative of looking at the situation rationally.

Sometimes the fear breeds inferiority because of your stats. As long as you think you're meant to be in SR S, then your mindset should be to keep it that way for as long as possible. In that case, remember that you're not racing to avoid crashing, you're racing to win.
Let me preface this by saying I am not the best driver out there, but I do try my best to not ruin someone else's race. I will even let the entire pack drive right by me and come in last if that's what needs to be done.

I had a certain ambivalence about getting PS+ for that very reason; I didn't want to ruin someone's day. But now I have a different take. I try only to pick races that I "think" I will be comfortable with to keep my rating. I am currently at a dr/C and sr/S. I find myself either wanting to protect my rating by playing it super safe or just not racing at all. And I think for a lot of us who want to keep things clean, we just don't race at all. Are we missing the point of all of this? The idea should be to be able to go online and race and not worry so much about stats.

I would love to hear your opinion on this.


I love that feeling! To answer your question, YES I’m afraid of my SR status being inflicted! I went from S status to C within a few races due to unreasonable drivers.
I used to stay far away from online races, because I was afraid I would ruin someone elses race. I used to do sport mode somewhat, but then I realized that there were way faster people, so I wanted to become a way better driver offline before I moved to online. I eventually got over my offline complex and started Lobby racing. It was fun, I didn't feel penalized for a slight tap. Then I began Sport mode racing recently, beginning with a GR.4 Monza race and failing horribly losing SR and DR. I then came back and did a GR.3 race on Blue Moon Infield A. I probably went straight from SR D to SR S that day. I raced really good while trying my best to choose good lines that could only bump someone if they tried to cross lines. I wanted to do Sport mode a lot more from there on, because that Blue Moon race was really fun. You probably still have a passive racing complex. That's not bad, you will probably be a much cleaner driver when you decide to race for position.
I've never been scared of it, as you just have to take the rough with the smooth, but I must admit I've become more selective - some days I used to do all 3 dailies, now I tend to pick one, and spend more time qualifying for that.

It gives more time to work who the good racers are, and which ones to watch out for, as I often end up racing with the same group of people - helps with keeping the SR up!

I’m in complete agreement, I do the exact same race strategy
I wouldn't say I'm 'scared', but I would say that I don't push to the absolute limit. I think, however, that all of these driver ratings help me become a better driver. On GT6, I wouldn't really pay attention to clean overtakes, or over-the-top defending and moving while braking for the sake of defending my position. Now I always pay attention to when a clean overtake can be made, I stay aware to when the car infront is braking to avoid a collision. I think its all making us better drivers online, helps clean online races, and I guess, adds a sense of immersion
I have never cared about my rating, because it will be what it will be, but I have not participated in a Sport Mode race for quite a while. I only get an hour a night at most to play so it is not a lot of time to learn the track and car, and get a good finish or clean race. I was a fan of the weekly races because by the end of the week I would be confident in my driving and had some good races. Now I spend my time doing time trials in the WRS. Still competing against other drivers times, but racing on a track by yourself. Now my inexperience of the combo is not hurting anyone else but myself. 👍
Kind of. I don't mind toxic players very much, maybe my time playing R6 Siege desensitized me from that kind of crap.

Problem is: I'm slow. Being a very casual racer, using a DS4, AT and all assists available except for the auto-braking stuff, pretty sure I don't have much place in online races with people using wheels and having much better knowledge of cars than I have...

I get enough enjoyment form custom races and livery editor. I would not be happy constantly fighting for 20th place.
I stay away from the Daily A, and certain courses like Monza that tend to have a higher risk of contact.

With the slower cars I find it takes longer to overtake and that means more bumping and pushing, also those cars generally have weaker brakes and people push them too hard.

Monza speaks for itself.
I kind of felt this years ago when I first went online in GT5. For years I had been playing other Gran Turismos and learning second nature things such as MT, drifting and TCS 0, but I still felt this feeling of dread when finally racing other people that had done the same or had been doing this for much longer. I felt like everything would go wrong, that I wasn't good enough. Eventually you realize that the joy of racing is the experiences you gain from it, no matter how big or small or how fast you are.

I say keep at it and eventually you'll grow as a driver far more than you would against AI or by yourself. The worst that can happen on GT Sport is your driver rating and does that really matter as long as you can race?
At the beginning, I think I only got scared when i didn't know the track and would panic when some of the faster cars were behind me. Now, if I don't get 3 seconds within the leaderboard, I don't race on that track. For shorter tracks, maybe 1 second.

The problem is some of the faster guys who spin off, once they catch up with you and you are not going their pace, they think they can just bump you off the road since you are going too slow. I try to let them pass by, but I need to find a safe place to do it. Most of them don't have that patience.
I usually do the qualifying quite obsessively and only start a race when I get close to my personal best on any given track. Sometimes, this leads me to start between drivers who have more natural pace than I have but didn't put in the effort in qualifying. Therefore I am quite anxious before my first race of the day because I am scared that I won't be able to keep up. It usually works out but that feeling won't go away.
Although I still pay close attention to my DR/SR ratings I never let that deter me from racing online. I just ensure that I take care of business on my end with the understanding that 🤬 happens. I drive my own race while making sure I stay aware of racing etiquette. If someone gets a better drive out of a turn, and are clearly about to overtake me, I usually let them have it. Even if we are approaching the finish line. Just let the system do it's job so all you have to do is worry about racing!:gtpflag: