Area-51, runways (pictures)

  • Thread starter lGNAl
Saudi Arabia
Since we don't have the Top Gear test track, this would be a nice place to test and just have fun. Plus it's easy and simple, so it shouldn't be hard to replicate.


:lol::lol: No, we love Kaz. But he's like that annoying cousin, you love him as he's family but he can be annoying at times. But maybe "hey Kaz come check out our runways in real life, take pictures and measurements too." Then they can brainwash him into giving up more info. :D
I can see it now:
Kaz assassinated by US Army- Half of GTP Rejoices. 25% Doesn't care. 20% Aren't on the forums for GT. 5% devastated.
PD may have some difficulty getting permission for reference materials! If they probed the right channels you never know...

Actually there's nothing there. If you don't believe me just go over and ask the men in black sitting in the blacked out SUV that have been watching you all along...
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Just move all the top secret projects indoors and tell Kaz not to go in there, I'm sure he doesn't want trouble and will comply. They don't need to model the insides of the buildings.
How about we stick to Sebring for an airfield circuit? :lol:

Sebring would be welcome. We already have Silverstone which used to be an Airfield. Sadly, because they are flat airfield circuits tend to be visually boring and their lack of topographical features also makes them very difficult for judging braking points etc.
I hate airfield circuits. I've actually gotten into the habit of skipping the British Grand Prix in F1 games as I know that I will almost always finish outside the points there.