Automation-Car Company Tycoon

  • Thread starter alex10798
Game looks brilliant when I get my new computer Im getting this.
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This game looks great but with only two people working on it I don't hold to much hope for it sadly. Reminds me too much of a similar situation with Street Rod 3 which was being developed in part time in a similar fashion, sadly never made it. Best of luck.

I've played Detroit. That game was fun.

I still play Detroit from time to time..
Has anyone got any screen's of that Detroit video game?, I can't seem to find any online and just want to see what it was like.
Has anyone got any screen's of that Detroit video game?, I can't seem to find any online and just want to see what it was like.



@Jay, thats awesome 👍, I didn't know it was one of those retro 2D hand drawn style games... must go and check it out some more.
This game looks great but with only two people working on it I don't hold to much hope for it sadly. Reminds me too much of a similar situation with Street Rod 3 which was being developed in part time in a similar fashion, sadly never made it. Best of luck.

We'll aim to prove you wrong on that one..
The Street Rod team seemingly just gave up on the project, I don't see that happening in our case as we're taking it as a lot more of a serious commercial endeavor
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It makes me nervous that this game will suffer from less development in the tycoon side of things. Car development is incredibly cool and extremely well done in the video but I worry about the ai and tycoon side of things.
The AI and business side of things is being worked on, but we don't have much to show off on that side yet, we aim to make it as good as the car design side of things however :)
Hope the business side is as in depth as the car side :)

there is an indy game called Carbiz megacorp that's pretty good on the business side, and has some car design features too
We'll aim to prove you wrong on that one..
The Street Rod team seemingly just gave up on the project, I don't see that happening in our case as we're taking it as a lot more of a serious commercial endeavor

I really do hope you prove me wrong, when it is released I will be a customer for sure and I hope you guys the best of success. I will spread the word to others I know would be interested.

Games like this have really been lacking severely since the old days, now days you have farming simulators, oil rig simulators, timber cutting simulator, bridge building simulator, bus and truck driving simulators and that's only the tip of the iceberg but nothing like this on the auto industry.
Is there a Mac version planned? If not, I really think I'll try boot camp on my newer Mac as this seems way too cool to miss out on.
GT5 Sceptic
Is there a Mac version planned? If not, I really think I'll try boot camp on my newer Mac as this seems way too cool to miss out on.

The website says pc only. Being made by 2 guys I doubt they have the man hours to port anything at this stage.
I still can't wait for this game. I've been almost as eager as I was with GT5, just like GT it's making me wait forever :(.

Hope you feel better soon Andrew (DaffyFlyer)
From now on I'll post whatever new new's is posted on Automation if that is ok with Andrew.

"No automation updates this weekend, I've been off helping film Targa Wrest Point - This is yesterdays footage, more epic rally footage, including an AMAZING spin shall be posted once we edit it!" - Also, if you like this kind of thing, LIKE

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Another post about the targa.

"More of what I've been helping Targa Australia film, Day 1 of competition, complete with epically spinning Torana, an R35 GTR saying hello to the trees, and some epic Audi TT vs Lambo Gallardo competition"

"The last of my films with Targa Australia - I'm now back in Melbourne and ready for more Automation work!"

Update: 6:50pm EST

"Update on the status of the Open Beta release - Engine designer will be released first - see our news post for details .

Quote from site:

"We know a lot of you are keen to get your hands on something playable, so here is an update on where we're at with releasing an Open Beta.

We want to get something playable out for you ASAP, and as the car designer isn't really ready for release yet and still needs a lot of polishing and tweaking this could take a while.

As such, we've decided we will go back to our original plan of releasing the engine designer first, as its very close to being complete.

Currently, we just need to finish tweaking some stats, impliment a few tutorial features, do a bit of general polishing work, and get a few licencing things sorted out and then the engine designer is ready to play.

Once all this is sorted out we will release the engine designer. Those of you who preordered through rockethub will be the first to receive it, and once everything is working well for them, we'll release it as an open beta for all to play.

Those of you who have preordered will also be able to build V8s (which should be in the beta a few weeks after we release it) whereas the open beta users will only have inline 4 engines to build.

This will be followed by a release of the car designer open beta, but this still requires quite a lot of work before it's ready to release.

Thanks for your patience as we work towards getting Automation finished!"

Posted by Daffyflyer
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"Preorders are back! You can now preorder though our website, including a special edition with some added cool stuff! (you'll already get this if you preordered through rockethub)"

In the Link:

"Pre-order Automation now, and help us fund development. Pre-ordering will help us get Automation done faster and to a higher standard, you’ll also save $5 by preordering now instead of buying when its released.

Demos of the Engine Designer and Car Designer will be released before the final game. If you don’t preorder, you’ll be able to build Naturally Aspirated Inline 4 engines, and put them in Hatchbacks. If you do preorder, you’ll get access to each piece of content in the demo as we finish it (e.g V8s, Turbos, Sports Coupe Bodies, etc.)

The engine designer demo will be released fairly soon, followed by the car designer demo, the release date of the final game depends on many factors, and we are unable to commit to a specific date as yet, but the more successful our pre-orders are, the more money we can throw at the project and the quicker it will be done!"

There are 2 version's to buy currently.

Naturally Aspirated Edition -- $25

The full version of Automation*
Extra content for the engine and car designer demos (as it’s completed. e.g V8s)
Naturally Aspirated Rank on the Automation forums
Save $5 off the price of the final game by preordering

*When Completed


Forced Induction Edition -- $35

The full version of Automation*
Extra content for the engine and car designer demos (as it’s completed. e.g V8s)
Turbocharged Rank on the Automation forums
The Making of Automation eBook/Art Book*
Automation Soundtrack as Digital Download*
V16 Engines*

*When Completed