Awful throttle control

  • Thread starter DioEmsti
I can't believe there weren't more complaints about throttle control in this game, I guess most must have a wheel... it's really frustrating to drive any powerful car with a DS3 as the throttle is only sensitive until about 40% or so and then jumps to max LOL
It's a HUGE oversight in a game deemed "racing simulator". Where's the deadzone/linearity settings in this game? I don't think it even has those for racing wheels which is a big joke. At least If the sensitivity was as good as in F1 CE I would not be asking for those setting but imo they are a must in any sim, be it cars, planes or whatever that requires high precision.

Was GT5 like this too? I wanted a decent racing game but it's really disappointing to see that after 6 games (only played GT1), the game has still awful sound effects, barely any sense of speed (350km/h feel lower than 150 in real life) and cardboard cut looking cars. Is this the ultimate driving sim on PS3?
I did not have any throttle control issues in GT6 using a DS3, when I did not drive with my wheel.
I did not have any throttle control issues in GT6 using a DS3, when I did not drive with my wheel.

Even though It's not game breaking and a lot of people might not have issues with it, it's definitely there and anybody who appreciates very precise control like me will be disappointed. How come F1 CE one of the first PS3 games has better throttle control than this? and tbh F1CE didn't even need it since it's a bit more towards arcade, in a so called simulator like GT6 it's unforgivable.
Even though It's not game breaking and a lot of people might not have issues with it, it's definitely there and anybody who appreciates very precise control like me will be disappointed. How come F1 CE one of the first PS3 games has better throttle control than this? and tbh F1CE didn't even need it since it's a bit more towards arcade, in a so called simulator like GT6 it's unforgivable.
Why are you so worried about something that is not really there ?. I play GT Sport with a wheel and sometimes I play GT5 & GT6 with a DS3, and I don't see anything wrong with the throttle.
The game seems fine to me, but I normally play with the controller sensitivity settings or tune the car to my liking.
So what do you guys make of this video?
I also found other threads about it, the throttle is non linear, which is causing the issue I'm noticing and you aren't for whatever reason.