Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
The M416 as usual. Although I swapped to using the Pump-Action Shotgun and the MASS for a while :P
Finished the campaign yesterday. Overall it was fun as an introduction to console shooters, but it wasn't so good that I'm going to complete it again. I'd wish the campaign being some sort of a replay of actual missions carried out by the US army in Bagdad or any other region in the South-East, like the first version of Call of Duty and its expansion United Offensive. Russians nuking America is getting quite old.

Patched the game today, registered my online pass so I'm guessing I'm good to go for multiplayer. The battlefeed says my account is not registered, and that I should visit I'm not sure what that means but I already had an Origin account, so I visited this link and just went through the steps when I logged in. Now it says "BF3 PS3" to the left of my profile options so I assume this was all I needed to do?
My favorite weapon is the F2000 and the M416 for Assault, A-91 and G36C for Engineer, Type 88 LMG for Support, and SV98 for Recon.

Sadly I don't play BF3 much since the amount of rage I go through with a team of Randoms had taken its' toll.
I wasn't even PTO. All I tried doing was knifing people.there was one guy who I knifed at least 5 times over two games :lol:

Your team absolutely sucked until you joined.
Me and another GTP guy were going 20-1 in a tank together. :lol:
Just did my first online matches...

I hate TDM.

It's equally as bad as in CoD; spawn, kill, get killed, get spawnkilled, get killed by a guy who suddenly pops up from nowhere.

TDM is definitely not my thing, but I haven't tried the other modes yet. Playing with a controller is a nightmare right now after having played on the PC for so many years. But as I said, it was only my first few games. Can't judge the multiplayer yet until I've more experience with it.
Go for Conquest, I recommend spending some time as Recon for a while, so you get used to everything from a distance.
Go for Conquest, I recommend spending some time as Recon for a while, so you get used to everything from a distance.

Nooo! Your so wrong! He should play Assault get points and Defibilators and play Rush! Easy way to get points and revives, or maybe Squad Rush.
Rush kind of sucks. I played yesterday and got really fed up with how crappy my teams were. The last match consisted of the entire enemy team sniping at the spawn base, the next stations yet were using USAS with frags and vehicles and the last station consisted of many MANY vehicles with snipers on cranes. My team just sat there letting the enemy take the bases. Conquest is definitely better than Rush IMO.
But as I said, it was only my first few games. Can't judge the multiplayer yet until I've more experience with it.
Switch between playing Conquest and Rush. For the time that you're learning, don't use Recon. You're not going to learn much by watching, but you are more than likely going to learn by doing. This mean be the center of the action, set/disarm MCOMs, capture Flags, revive people if you're playing as Assault, blow 🤬 up if you're playing as Engineer, and surpress 🤬 if you're playing as Support. You're going to rank up and get better weapons faster if you play your part and PTO. (play the objective, the objective being MCOMs or the flag)

Assault is generally the best class to start out with because it's simple: You PTO and revive people. After you've gotten a hang of that I recommend you try vehicles out. Play as an Engineer and figure out if you're best at flying or driving tanks. After that try Support out. As Support you'll be suppressing the enemy team to allow your team to move up. You'll also be giving people ammo. Now, there's a quick bit I'd like to throw in about Support: Support can also be used as an anti-vehicle class once you unlock C4. For tank hunting I sometimes prefer using Support and C4 over Engineer. Now, once you've learned everything else, start using Recon. When you play as Recon you spot enemy tanks/jets/infantry by hitting Select, and you snipe. This class is tricky because it's hard to get kills and you're not helping your team out unless you're spotting stuff.

This is most of what I've learned so far. Hope it helps.
Assault is what I've been playing so far as I don't see the point in having different classes in a TDM match. People are just sprinting across the map anyway just to get kills and a nice K-D ratio at the end of the round.

Hopefully I can find some squad vibes back in this game with the other modes. I loved squad playing in the first CoD with a clan where 2 teams of 4 would start at opposing sides of the map and then they would actually perform pretty decent teamwork over Skype to take the other squad out.
Bram, learning and getting the hang of multiplayer will test your patience. This game is illogical in that it rewards players who unlock higher class weapons and gadgets, meaning newcomers have not only experienced gamers to contend with, but experienced gamers with all the best unlocks. So prepare to die a lot, especially if you play rush; the MComm stations are usually placed in chokepoints, meaning there is little opportunity for stealth or guile; its just throwing people at the problem until one side buckles.

My tips:

1) Play conquest and stick with assault or support; unlocking medipack and ammo means you can start collecting some good points, help your team play the objective and give you some purpose until you learn the maps. That last part is important; don’t run around like Rambo. You will die. Hang around with other team mates, giving them health and ammo. When you learn the maps, you can be the one at point, but until them, don’t be a hero.
2) All starter weapons are crud, until you unlock some sights/ accessories. Stick with it until you have unlocked a good scope/ foregrip and heavy barrel or suppressor.
3) Look at your minimap. See lots of skull n cross bones? That means thar be enemies. Ambush them or avoid them if you are outnumbered. See the Rambo comment.
4) Don’t waste your time trying to shoot down choppers, even with surface to air missile. Waste. Of. Time.
5) Spot enemies (hitting select) like you life depends on it. Because it does. Keep an eye on your minimap for team mates who have spotted enemies for everybody else to see.
6) If you don’t have RPG’s or C4 and you come across an enemy armoured infantry, beat it before they beat you.
7) Unless you are playing Rush (not recommended), don’t play Recon (Sureboss :D). You wont score much, you wont unlock assault rifles or carbines, you will get knifed a lot and in conquest, you wont be PTO.
8) Squad up intelligently. If you join a random lobby and are in a squad with some level 20 or teen guys, look at the other squads. Is there is spot open in a squad of three colonels? Take it, they will have more squad perks unlocked you’ll get the benefit of (squad ammo, grenades etc) plus if you follow them around, PTO (dropping ammo, health) you’ll learn more.
I have to disagree with you on one point there Mikey: I think the starter weapons are great. The M4A1 and AK74u are great engineer weapons, the M16 is a great assault gun (the AK74m is a good beginner gun, too), and the M27 is a great hybrid between LMG and assault rifle. The two starting sniper rifles aren't as good as their bolt-action counterparts, but there's just something about the no-scoped SVD that I really like.
I have to disagree with you on one point there Mikey: I think the starter weapons are great. The M4A1 and AK74u are great engineer weapons, the M16 is a great assault gun (the AK74m is a good beginner gun, too), and the M27 is a great hybrid between LMG and assault rifle. The two starting sniper rifles aren't as good as their bolt-action counterparts, but there's just something about the no-scoped SVD that I really like.

Which is why I said :
until you unlock some sights/ accessories.

But I reckon A-91, SCAR and G36C > M4 for Engineer and FAMAS, M416, F2000 >> M16, AK...
I'd take M16 iron sights over M416. And the M416 is the averagest-of-the-average when it comes to assault weapons. I just tend to like iron sights in general, so maybe I don't mind don't having sights at the start of a gun's usage.
Pretty much how I've been playing so far. I try to avoid the crowd, perhaps try and flank them. When I move, I pretty much move from point to point, fast, and scan my surroundings before I continue. But there are always those pesky players that seem to suddenly show up from behind. Damn them!
Bram Turismo
But there are always those pesky players that seem to suddenly show up from behind. Damn them!
It won't be so annoying when you're the one that sneaks up from behind. Today I was playing Rush on Damavand and I was defending. We were at the second to last set of MCOMs, I was on top of one of the warehouses and I saw an enemy parachuting down. I couldn't hit him, so I waited until he was on the ground. When he landed he started to run into the warehouse that I was on, so I jumped down onto a storage container and then onto the ground. He didn't know I was there, and by this time he was already inside, so I chased him until I finally caught up to him, and then I slit his throat and took his tags. :D
Thanks for that dzidza, Dragon and Blitz 👍. We were up against a very good team, which lead to some beat downs, but it had it's moments! Nice to see theewar join in too!

I had (another) shocker at Canals but Metro I thought we did pretty well, especially after Dragonistic lead us to A and we changed the balance of the game.

I've got this weird affinity with the RPK now, I really go like it, but in CQC (GB or just running into someone out in the open) I often find myself dying. I was pretty pissed off though at Metro, a few times I had the bipod up and some guy using a AEK was picking me off :indiff:.

Incidentally, as I put my controller down after saying 'catch you all online', I experienced a power cut!

That Metro match was pretty hardcore... to bad we lost in the end... we had a good chance of taking that one... Dragonistic and I were on 6,000+ pts.. :lol:!/bf3/battlereport/show/32881147/4/173714521/

Also sorry to Dragonistic and Theewar for leaving so suddenly... My internet modem decided to go AWOL and booted me from the internet and the match. I couldnt get it to reboot anymore, so I called it a night... It was up and running the next day so mustve been a problem on my providers end.
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That Metro match was pretty hardcore... to bad we lost in the end... we had a good chance of taking that one... Dragonistic and I were on 6,000+ pts.. :lol:!/bf3/battlereport/show/32881147/4/173714521/

Also sorry to Dragonistic and Theewar for leaving so suddenly... My internet modem decided to go AWOL and booted me from the internet and the match. I couldnt get it to reboot anymore, so I called it a night... It was up and running the next day so mustve been a problem om my providers end.

You put a smile on my face when you draw USAS on those 🤬. We should have done better on Canals, but we where all over the place, unlike in Metro when we really played like team. If it wasn't for us the score would be far worst. I am looking forward for two things, USAS being nerfed down or me actually getting one, which ever comes first :-D
You put a smile on my face when you draw USAS on those 🤬. We should have done better on Canals, but we where all over the place, unlike in Metro when we really played like team. If it wasn't for us the score would be far worst. I am looking forward for two things, USAS being nerfed down or me actually getting one, which ever comes first :-D


Lets hope you get it before it gets nerfed... Its one of those things you just have to experience before its gone..... :sly:

On a map like Metro its unstoppable if used correctly... And I love getting people by surprise... I kept running into little groups of two or three people camping and I just unloaded a whole clip on them a couple of times so I could watch them fly! :D:tup:

Lets hope you get it before it gets nerfed... Its one of those things you just have to experience before its gone..... :sly:

On a map like Metro its unstoppable if used correctly... And I love getting people by surprise... I kept running into little groups of two or three people camping and I just unloaded a whole clip on them a couple of times so I could watch them fly! :D:tup:

Since I am level 35, and USAS is unlocked on 43rd level, I guess my time is gone, I will never use it, so it's back to normal guns for me LOL