Battlefield V ( November 20,2018 )

  • Thread starter GTFan24
I like that map , they really need to drop a few more maps and countries
To be fair ive only played on conquest and i dont enjoy it. Why they made it conquest assault baffles me. Conquest assault hasnt worked since BF3 back To Karkand DLC.

It might be fine on other modes.
I need more patience in a few things got to snap out of charging the objectives, they need to give more points for building and defending

That was one of the biggest problem I was having. I would immediately charge to the next objective without regards to my teammates or giving the map much of a look. Yesterday, I made an effort to slow down, push with teammates, and have more situational awareness.
Uggh, The sheer number of oblivious players in this game is ridiculous. Been stuck on the last step of the tides of war challenges. Only getting 2 kills as a squad with a rocket.... Easy you would think? Getting V1 kills within a squad happens most games normally... played 4 conquest games just now and in 3 out of the 4 rounds we got over 50k points and the squad leader didnt bother using it... The one other time he wasted it and got no kills.

Edit. Team mate just got a four bang and it didnt track... So stupid.
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To be fair ive only played on conquest and i dont enjoy it. Why they made it conquest assault baffles me. Conquest assault hasnt worked since BF3 back To Karkand DLC.

It might be fine on other modes.
Conquest is annoying the hell out of me lol im breakthrough all the way now at least there is a bit of structure
Since DICE is putting the TTK back to what it was today, I jumped in the Conquest Core playlist last night. The older TTK felt so much better to play with, especially now that I am not as rusty as I was and I am starting to learn the maps.
Conquest is annoying the hell out of me lol im breakthrough all the way now at least there is a bit of structure

I always play conquest for the most part. I dont like the fact of on breakthrough and other attack/defend modes one team can attack while the other basically camps and waits for the other team to push up. On conquest you have to do both simultaneously which i like. I do play breakthrough at times though, Its useful for getting a lot of objective kills very quickly which is needed for the masteries on the weapons.

Look Up assignment update... Just played my first round today. Squad got 50k requisition and leader didnt call in anything.... So annoying. I try desperately to get squad leader but they always set orders so i never get it.

Edit. Look Up assignment update #2. Just got squad Leader on Fjell. Got a four man V1 and it tracked. The wording is wrong, You need to actually get the kills yourself. Not as a squad.
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One of the better V1 strikes ive done so far. I could tell we were going to lose the flag so decided to call in the V1 preemtively. Which helped us keep the flag (which didnt matter because we had lost nonetheless) still it was a nice end to a hardfought game.

Counting the skulls it seems it was only a 6 man, After seeing all the spots on the minimap just before it struck i was expecting more:lol:

(Edit. Wow, quality on that video at the moment is terrible. Sorry)
(Edit, Fixed it)
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I just got Battlefield V and am wondering what Overture is. I click [Overture - Redeem Rewards] and there is a list of Chapter 1 progression and unlocks. What is it Chapter 1 of exactly? There is a lot going on in the UI this time.

Absolutely love the game though.
I just got Battlefield V and am wondering what Overture is. I click [Overture - Redeem Rewards] and there is a list of Chapter 1 progression and unlocks. What is it Chapter 1 of exactly? There is a lot going on in the UI this time.

Absolutely love the game though.

Overture is the first chapter or update to come to the game through the Tides Of War online service. There isnt any payed DLC in BFV so all the new stuff will be added in chapters through the tides of war system. In this "Overture" chapter they introduced the Panzerstorm map, 3 weapons and a Epic level headpiece to be unlocked through a ladder of challenges each week. Theres also a chapter rank system that goes from 1 up to 20 which you can work through that gives you weapon skins, Assignments, Dogtags Etc just through playing the game. If you get to level 20 there is a rather nice soldier skin which is worth grinding for. This aspect is very similar to the battle pass on Fortnite and the Rocket Pass on Rocket League.

This page explains it all very well...
Uggh i hate grand operations so much. The buggy assignments are really irritating also. I did the first assignment in the snostorm tree to get the new weapon. Finish a grand ops game.... Easy enough did it. Dont really enjoy grand ops especially defending but got 90+ kills so i endured it. Now on the second one im getting put on defending teams everytime so i cant get objective score. I miss the days of Rush, That is how an attack/defend mode should be done. Airborne is just a mess and defending is just plain boring.
Had a really good run the other night, 5 or so games top 3 finishes which is very rare for me ,stay low dont be first in hit the objectives resupply and fortify, had my first proper run on a plane aslo 27 kills 3 deaths which i enjoyed, the round after they were onto me and didn't let up lol i got destroyed
Loved bf1, was also very good at it and regularly finished top of the scoreboard. But with bf v i spend more time dead than alive, getting absolutely slaughtered and i just cant get into it. The maps are just ‘meh’ and the storyline was weak ! Anybody got any tips to enjoy this more?
Loved bf1, was also very good at it and regularly finished top of the scoreboard. But with bf v i spend more time dead than alive, getting absolutely slaughtered and i just cant get into it. The maps are just ‘meh’ and the storyline was weak ! Anybody got any tips to enjoy this more?
Grind it out,i know exactly what you mean whatever you were good at in bf1 your going to suck at bfv lol.
For the time dont bother with conquest you get hammered from every direction breakthrough at least you kind of have a line to run to ,flank wide real wide and slow get down low,i find crawling up to a point with a bit of cover you can usually get a spot and pluck off 4 or 5 before they are onto you.
Find a gun stick to it and mod it up,the semi automatic sniper you can drop people pretty easy,
I find the mg42 is a beast in support you can pretty much snipe with it also great medium range fighter if you're laying down, off the hip forget about it. You need to tweak your load outs a bit ,
I went through i loved the game to pure hatred and was going to delete it.
Im now getting top 5 finishes regularly at the start couldn't get in the top 20 lol.keep going something will click and it will be fun again
I heard the rumours and ive suspected as such for a while but im pretty sure BFV has Skill Based Matchmaking in it. Everygame is a complete and utter sweatfest. Its not that im not doing well, Im still at the top of my team the majority of the time its just that theres probably 20 other level 50s on the other team overwhelming whatever i and the few competent people on my team manage to do. Ofcourse, Skillbased matchmaking would be great if the team balancing was on point but its so broken its incredible. The fact you can not switch teams? That feature has been in BF for as long as i can remember!!!

A friend and i were playing a game of Domination (for the tides of war assignment) and we had a full team. The other team had 7 players on it. We thought we would swap teams so it wasnt so boring and a waste of time and it isnt an option...

Its time console got the auto teambalancing, I know it can be annoying to be switched to the losing team but theres no other solution. Maybe have so that if you are teamswapped it doesnt count as a loss or something like that. Then again have voluntary team swaps where if you switch to the losing team when prompted you get some CC or Double XP for the rest of the game.

It seems my last few posts have come across slightly negative but dont think i dislike the game. I love it and belive it has potential for greatness, theres just simple things that are so frustratingly holding it back.

That being said i really enjoyed playing and grinding through the first tides if war chapter (minus the tracking issues), And im really looking forward to when the new chapter "Lightning Strikes" starts soon. Hopefully some intresting weapons, the return of Rush!!!, And Squad Conquest sound intresting aswell.
I heard the rumours and ive suspected as such for a while but im pretty sure BFV has Skill Based Matchmaking in it. Everygame is a complete and utter sweatfest. Its not that im not doing well, Im still at the top of my team the majority of the time its just that theres probably 20 other level 50s on the other team overwhelming whatever i and the few competent people on my team manage to do. Ofcourse, Skillbased matchmaking would be great if the team balancing was on point but its so broken its incredible. The fact you can not switch teams? That feature has been in BF for as long as i can remember!!!

A friend and i were playing a game of Domination (for the tides of war assignment) and we had a full team. The other team had 7 players on it. We thought we would swap teams so it wasnt so boring and a waste of time and it isnt an option...

Its time console got the auto teambalancing, I know it can be annoying to be switched to the losing team but theres no other solution. Maybe have so that if you are teamswapped it doesnt count as a loss or something like that. Then again have voluntary team swaps where if you switch to the losing team when prompted you get some CC or Double XP for the rest of the game.

It seems my last few posts have come across slightly negative but dont think i dont like the game. I love it and belive it has potential for greatness, theres just simple things that are so frustratingly holding it back.

That being said i really enjoyed playing and grinding through the first tides if war (minus the tracking issues), And im really looking forward to when the new chapter "Lightning Strikes" starts soon. Hopefully some intresting weapons, the return of Rush!!!, And Squad Conquest sound intresting aswell.
Have you heard any news on new maps?
Have you heard any news on new maps?

DICE havnt mentioned any new maps for Lightning Strikes. The next mention of a new map comes from the roadmap released a while back. (Greek Map, Coming in Chapter 3)

Had a funny game last night was on twisted steel doing bombing runs with the plane on the bridge, a mate bailed and landed on top of the bridge by pure fluke, i ditched the plane and spawned on him ,we were just plucking them all off ,run out of ammo 1 person jumped off the bridge and respawns, we got some kills till we got found out ,tried to get back up again couldn't do it .
If you manage to do it you can rack up some kills and a good laugh
Shame we have to wait until January 16th for the next chapter of TOW. I havnt played for roughly a week now as i have little reason to. Made max rank ages ago so i need some other kind of pregression to make me want to play. Hopefully one of the two big updates comes out before the 16th to give me a reason to start playing again.
Loved bf1, was also very good at it and regularly finished top of the scoreboard. But with bf v i spend more time dead than alive, getting absolutely slaughtered and i just cant get into it. The maps are just ‘meh’ and the storyline was weak ! Anybody got any tips to enjoy this more?
I also loved BF1, it felt very natural and intuitive, in my first match I went 17-10 as a medic. I still fire it up now and again, the game is still superb!

BFV is not nearly as polished and the servers are struggling so it’s jittery and a bit choppy, especially compared to 1. Even the controller vibrations are not synced with your weapon fire!

Couple things I did are(I’m on PS4) is reduce the input required for a trigger pull. Now I have hair triggers and it really helps especially with semi auto weapons.

Another thing is aim acceleration I think. It says in the description to put it to 100 to make it behave like BF1.

Other things I did was to reduce the dead zones but increase the axial dead zones.
Shame we have to wait until January 16th for the next chapter of TOW. I havnt played for roughly a week now as i have little reason to. Made max rank ages ago so i need some other kind of pregression to make me want to play. Hopefully one of the two big updates comes out before the 16th to give me a reason to start playing again.
Ive just been hitting the bombers ,getting a little bit of success always good to pop your kd ratio and i really need to fix that up after the first 4 weeks i was getting absolutely smashed
I also loved BF1, it felt very natural and intuitive, in my first match I went 17-10 as a medic. I still fire it up now and again, the game is still superb!

BFV is not nearly as polished and the servers are struggling so it’s jittery and a bit choppy, especially compared to 1. Even the controller vibrations are not synced with your weapon fire!

Couple things I did are(I’m on PS4) is reduce the input required for a trigger pull. Now I have hair triggers and it really helps especially with semi auto weapons.

Another thing is aim acceleration I think. It says in the description to put it to 100 to make it behave like BF1.

Other things I did was to reduce the dead zones but increase the axial dead zones.

Eww, Controller Vibrations? That needs to be turned off!!! :lol:I cant stand vibration on any game let alone an FPS.

I have my custom input mapped which amongst other things switches the triggers and L1& R1 so i can fire very quickly without the trigger delay. I just find the bumpers more reachable and comfortable to use for ADS and Firing. Plus i can still get more ROF with the bumpers then triggers with the sensitivity turned down.

Ive just been hitting the bombers ,getting a little bit of success always good to pop your kd ratio and i really need to fix that up after the first 4 weeks i was getting absolutely smashed

Im not too bothered about intflating my K/D. Im perfectly happy with the 2.5 im at about now, And thats playing very agressively objective wise. If i played a bit more passively it would go up but then so would the amount of games i lose. The game is a lot more fun, And you can be way more effective as a player if you dont obsess over your K/D, which is why people dont tend to play properly half the time.
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Hamada is such a crap map. Played a round of Breakthrough a bit ago; it's a fun mode, when the teams are well matched, 95% of the time they aren't. Anyhow, most if not all players are using the Recon class, and I have my brightness turned up so I can see in dark areas. With that being said, Hamada looks closer to the frozen world of Hoth rather than a desert. It's so bright infact, scope glint is nigh on impossible to see. So literally the entire match you're either looking for practically invisible players, or ypur being winged by an invisible Recon. No joke when I say it was the worst experience I've had in a Battlefield game. Sinai Desert was more tolerable, and that wasn't a widely liked map, either.

I enjoy the gunplay, TTK and the overal feel of the game, but these issues need to be ironed out ASAP, dare I say in the January patches. To think they delayed this game for a month and it still has some pretty jarring issues. I'd hate to see what it was like in October.
Eww, Controller Vibrations? That needs to be turned off!!! :lol:I cant stand vibration on any game let alone an FPS.

I have my custom input mapped which amongst other things switches the triggers and L1& R1 so i can fire very quickly without the trigger delay. I just find the bumpers more reachable and comfortable to use for ADS and Firing. Plus i can still get more ROF with the bumpers then triggers with the sensitivity turned down.

Im not too bothered about intflating my K/D. Im perfectly happy with the 2.5 im at about now, And thats playing very agressively objective wise. If i played a bit more passively it would go up but then so would the amount of games i lose. The game is a lot more fun, And you can be way more effective as a player if you dont obsess over your K/D, which is why people dont tend to play properly half the time.
Lol i just need to buff it up from .6 the first few weeks were very harsh for me hahaha not that im over obsessed just get it a bit more respectable.
The US PS Store has BFV on sale for 50% off but the sale ends at 11 AM today. That's in about 140 minutes. Do I pull the trigger or not?
The US PS Store has BFV on sale for 50% off but the sale ends at 11 AM today. That's in about 140 minutes. Do I pull the trigger or not?
I did buy it for 50% off a few weeks ago. Although I barely play, I don't regret buying because I like the developer and to get an understanding of what people are talking about. And I am enjoying it even if I only play a couple matches a day.
Lol i just need to buff it up from .6 the first few weeks were very harsh for me hahaha not that im over obsessed just get it a bit more respectable.

Oh no i understand what your saying, And my reply wasnt aimed towards you in particular. I was just trying to say that K/D isnt as crucial as in game like COD or R6 Siege for example. I was in a similar frame of mind when i first started aswell. Being what i thought a decent player in most BFs i really struggled in BFV at the start, Sure enough it took me a while to get back up to a standard i am comfortable with. So i get what you were saying. Also trying to get your K/D up isnt necessarily a bad thing as you wont cost your teams as many tickets ofcourse.

Hamada is such a crap map. Played a round of Breakthrough a bit ago; it's a fun mode, when the teams are well matched, 95% of the time they aren't. Anyhow, most if not all players are using the Recon class, and I have my brightness turned up so I can see in dark areas. With that being said, Hamada looks closer to the frozen world of Hoth rather than a desert. It's so bright infact, scope glint is nigh on impossible to see. So literally the entire match you're either looking for practically invisible players, or ypur being winged by an invisible Recon. No joke when I say it was the worst experience I've had in a Battlefield game. Sinai Desert was more tolerable, and that wasn't a widely liked map, either.

Here here.

Ahhh that good old feeling when the game loads you into a round on Hamada....So you can immediately leave because of how awful it is...:yuck:
Read that a server upgrade is happening soon. Hopefully it will make it as good as BF1

Hope its not too long to wait now until the first January patch. The new Bipod and vaulting imrovements should be in there, And there needs to be a fix and a retroactive compensation for company coin introduced.

Wouldnt mind the first weapon balance pass aswell.