Best NASCAR setup for Daytona

  • Thread starter impulse999
In the tests I ran the other day, the best I could come up with was a 40.989, but grip was on low, so didn't feel it was worth mentioning.
I raced with WhoosierGirl last week and what sure sounded like her under a team tag earlier this week. It didn't dawn on me until this morning in a room that was full of the AJ cars that she never used the '10 Allmendinger car. Just curious cause I just broke one in and it's a good car, that kill me as I'm a diehard chevy fan.

No need to post my times as I am no were near the times others here have posted.
I raced with WhoosierGirl last week and what sure sounded like her under a team tag earlier this week. It didn't dawn on me until this morning in a room that was full of the AJ cars that she never used the '10 Allmendinger car. Just curious cause I just broke one in and it's a good car, that kill me as I'm a diehard chevy fan.

No need to post my times as I am no were near the times others here have posted.

I believe she is USS_Nautical, but don't know that for a fact.
Hey I raced USS_Nautical the other day! Extremely fast! They would be going 220 in 3rd gear! Does anyone have a possible tune to recreate that? Felt so slow.
Hey I raced USS_Nautical the other day! Extremely fast! They would be going 220 in 3rd gear! Does anyone have a possible tune to recreate that? Felt so slow.

Simple math. Find a 4th gear that tops out at 220, multiply final by 4th gear, for Total Gear.
Reset to default
Total Gear divided by 3.5 (new final)
Now whatever number you get from above, find an auto set that gives you that variable as a 3rd Gear option.
Hey I raced USS_Nautical the other day! Extremely fast! They would be going 220 in 3rd gear! Does anyone have a possible tune to recreate that? Felt so slow.

I have saved a couple replays showing they are not shifting until 226/228 when they are running really fast laps. It also depends on how fast the cars you are running with and they work really well together.

In one of the replays the girl leads for the first 4 or 5 laps and almost never shifted out of third, then her and her teammates pulled out and slowed for another driver. By lap 10 they had chased us down and passed on the high side like we were standing still, a lap later we are staring at a pink uniform in the lower right corner. The replay shows they were not shifting until high 220's when they were hooked up together.
So 220 in third would seem to be low of a speed to start tuning your transmission set up with, I shift at 224 with my setup now.
I have saved a couple replays showing they are not shifting until 226/228 when they are running really fast laps. It also depends on how fast the cars you are running with and they work really well together.

In one of the replays the girl leads for the first 4 or 5 laps and almost never shifted out of third, then her and her teammates pulled out and slowed for another driver. By lap 10 they had chased us down and passed on the high side like we were standing still, a lap later we are staring at a pink uniform in the lower right corner. The replay shows they were not shifting until high 220's when they were hooked up together.
So 220 in third would seem to be low of a speed to start tuning your transmission set up with, I shift at 224 with my setup now.

Sounds more like like a simple 2 speed.
2nd gear went to 220 and 3rd gear ran all the way to 235 for the draft.

NASCAR Transmissions are quite simple.
249 MPH is what I personally use as a top speed.
In order to obtain this, you just need a total gear of 3.059-3.070
Total Gear is a simple calculation of your Final Gear, multiplied by your 'transmission gear'.

So. Final gear is 3.500 default. What gear does your transmission gear need to be, in order to obtain the same total gear?
3.070 divided by 3.500 = .877
(Total Gear divided by new final = Trans Gear)

Your Transmission Gear needs to be .877
Because .877 x 3.500 still comes out to 3.070
Meaning the transmission will reach the same exact speed as it previously did.
So, from this point, all you have to do is use the Transmission Auto Tune, and move the MPH either up or down until you see .877 as an option in the gear you want. Want to run a 4 speed? Then get the .877 figure in the 4th gear options.
You want to run a 3 speed? Then you put the .877 option in the 3rd gear window. It's that simple. It's nearly limitless to the different ways you can setup a transmission while obtaining the exact same gear ratios.

Run into an issue where you can't get a certain number into a certain window? Easy fix (to max/min limits)
So, in the example above, a 4 speed with .877, you use auto set 249mph.
For the 3 speed, Auto set 298mph.
But what if you want the .877 to be on the 'right' or 'left' side of the options, or you simply need higher or lower values?

This is where the tranny trick comes into play.
You do not have to start over each time.

Look at the Gear's Max Value.
Let's use the 3 speed as an example. Default settings, at 298, the max number is 1.094.
If you need this number to be HIGHER, LOWER the final gear.
If you need this number to be LOWER, HIGHER(?) the final gear. (Raise it, lol)

So, since we want the max of 3rd gear to be .877, not 1.094, we want a LOWER number, which means we need to use a HIGHER Final gear.

Set Final Gear to 3.600
Move the Transmission Top Speed from 298, to 292, and then back to 298.
3rd Gear maximum is now 1.064 (-.030)
Clearly we have a ways to go...

Move the final Gear, to 4.370
Move the Transmission Top Speed from 298, to 292, and then back to 298.
Now, 3rd Gear maximum is .877.
This allows people to use the fairly common
Left, Left, Right technique.
Move 3rd all the way to the right, and 1st and 2nd all the way to the left.
Don't forget, to put your final gear back to the 3.500 that you're suppose to be using.

This is the "Final 1, Set Auto Tune, Final 2, Set individuals" method.

Congrats, you've got a 2nd gear that will take you to a bit over 220, and 3rd gear will get you to 230 without a draft. (Test Track)

For those that are among the 'lower final gear is faster' you can use the above method, to easily calculate what gears are needed for a 2.000 Final gear. 3.070/2.000 = a trans gear of 1.535 needed. Again, just use the Auto Set, to find a range that's close, then use the Final 1/Final 2 to get it to the right side of the gear range.

If anyone needs help, don't hesitate to ask, I can whip these up rather quickly.
Hey I raced USS_Nautical the other day! Extremely fast! They would be going 220 in 3rd gear! Does anyone have a possible tune to recreate that? Felt so slow.
Master_gamer438's tranny should get you close. It's a 3 speed so you will need to run a manual.

I've always reset to default then set the top speed then the final. After that you can set the individual gears.

When you get a chance try setting up your own tranny like Adrenaline suggested. My best so far is a 41.146 running a low line with grip on low. Not quite as fast as some of these fellows but I did it will my own tranny setup.

Edit: Great post Adrenaline! I'm going to print it out and hopefully it will save me time as all my tuning is trial and error.
Messed around with my Nascar setups last night for a bit, improved some.

2011 Carl Edwards

Practice mode,
41.027 TW off Grip low.
41.034 TW off Grip real.

Online in lounge,
41.098 TW off Grip low.
41.110 TW off Grip real.
41.303 TW Normal Grip real.
I can confirm that since I myself used to run with the USS team. She is their newest member.

You sure? One of her videos posted has them both in the same room, and she refers to Nautical as her sister.

Nice laps soupcan, just 4 more hundreths to go!
Found an interesting room online today that Herbie was in.
NASCAR at Daytona, Ghost Only, no Draft.

Essentially, an entire race will collisions off.
A much more entertaining way to tune the car, I'll say that much.

Best lap online was a 41.038, with the setup that runs 40.982 offline.
Grip Low, Wear Off.
I haven't seen her in awhile, I've been racing Inside the Line lately but, last time I did she was running alot with that fast navy team. I will say that I and others have seen her run 41.0's online and I have seen here win tire wear races so she's legit.

Edit: Just looked at her videos, she has both practice and online times. It looks like online is about 3 tenths slower, that 41.013 should be good for mid 41.0's.

"navy team"...LOL! When I first ran into these guys with the "USS" in front of their names, my first impression was just like yours soupcan. The acronym "USS" actually stands for "Unites Sons of Speed". However, if USS_Nautical aka WhoosierGirl is a female member...i think it should be "USDS" ... "United Sons/Daughter of Speed" 👍:)

On a sidenote, if any of you comes into any of these team oriented rooms/lobbys (USS and HITMEN, just to name a few) the trick is "never lose the draft". Stay in the draft as much as possible, otherwise, you will be left behind and would never catch up even with your fastest cars based on all your "solo" times posted here. The average lap times in these rooms ranges from the hi 38's to lo-mid 39's, which is a result of an extreme use of the "bump drafting". In each race, at least 2-3 cars will be pushing each other, sometimes as many as 6, allowing them to reach speeds of 230+mph going into Turn 3. A lap time of hi 39's to mid 40's is considered sub-par in these rooms, which is normally a result of only a 2 car push.

With that much said, get your bump drafting buddy and practice pushing each other around the track. Don't ever come into any of these rooms by yourself thinking that you will whip butts with your 41 sec cars :)
"navy team"...LOL! When I first ran into these guys with the "USS" in front of their names, my first impression was just like yours soupcan. The acronym "USS" actually stands for "Unites Sons of Speed". However, if USS_Nautical aka WhoosierGirl is a female member...i think it should be "USDS" ... "United Sons/Daughter of Speed" 👍:)

On a sidenote, if any of you comes into any of these team oriented rooms/lobbys (USS and HITMEN, just to name a few) the trick is "never lose the draft". Stay in the draft as much as possible, otherwise, you will be left behind and would never catch up even with your fastest cars based on all your "solo" times posted here. The average lap times in these rooms ranges from the hi 38's to lo-mid 39's, which is a result of an extreme use of the "bump drafting". In each race, at least 2-3 cars will be pushing each other, sometimes as many as 6, allowing them to reach speeds of 230+mph going into Turn 3. A lap time of hi 39's to mid 40's is considered sub-par in these rooms, which is normally a result of only a 2 car push.

With that much said, get your bump drafting buddy and practice pushing each other around the track. Don't ever come into any of these rooms by yourself thinking that you will whip butts with your 41 sec cars :)

USS_ is a good bunch of people to run with. If you have issues with anyone, document the name and contact USS_Blessorship. GT-R_ is also a good crew. GT-R_RoyalSpa is the leader. I've been friends with Spa and Blessor (outside of Gran Turismo also). since early in GT5p. Both are good guys. I'm not a part of either clan.
"navy team"...LOL! When I first ran into these guys with the "USS" in front of their names, my first impression was just like yours soupcan. The acronym "USS" actually stands for "Unites Sons of Speed". However, if USS_Nautical aka WhoosierGirl is a female member...i think it should be "USDS" ... "United Sons/Daughter of Speed" 👍:)

On a sidenote, if any of you comes into any of these team oriented rooms/lobbys (USS and HITMEN, just to name a few) the trick is "never lose the draft". Stay in the draft as much as possible, otherwise, you will be left behind and would never catch up even with your fastest cars based on all your "solo" times posted here. The average lap times in these rooms ranges from the hi 38's to lo-mid 39's, which is a result of an extreme use of the "bump drafting". In each race, at least 2-3 cars will be pushing each other, sometimes as many as 6, allowing them to reach speeds of 230+mph going into Turn 3. A lap time of hi 39's to mid 40's is considered sub-par in these rooms, which is normally a result of only a 2 car push.

With that much said, get your bump drafting buddy and practice pushing each other around the track. Don't ever come into any of these rooms by yourself thinking that you will whip butts with your 41 sec cars :)

Wait wait wait...
Drafting? What?
Can you elaborate on this drafting you speak of?
I think all of us here are aware that a solo car cant keep up with cars drafting. We know this. We are trying to tune to see who can throw down fast laps. A fast car is a prepared car. And i'm not sure about low and real grip but low grip I can solo hit 224MPH where real I get 223MPH, but I lose speed in the corner. I tune on real so maybe it translates differently. I'm on a controller and just by driving around track i'm more noticeably faster and can feel the difference between low and real grip
I'm hitting the same speeds as you. I end up dropping to 209 and 210 in the corners. My time was set using a low line. That car really likes the low line which is good when dirty racing lol. I'll try and play a bit more with grip on real and running the high line.
I run about the same line, High in, low mid, high exit. The low setting feels like more grip which is intended. But for me who isint familiar with low, as I run the high side with real on controller I dont have to put much entrance steering if it makes sense, where on low I cant seem to get that input on controller, resulting in your normal controller runners going left right left ( wobble ) which ultimately slows me down. Its not much of a difference, like .050 between low and real.
Hi all just thought I'd post my setup as I've recently retired from GT5.

Its not as fast as some of the lap times mentioned here, but I'm guessing tyre wear does suffer due to quicker laps.
My setup is more aimed towards long races 100 laps+ I normally used to race 200 laps, anyway here it is let me know what you all think thanks.

Also to go slightly off topic a friend of mine has posted his Indy setup its very good in my opinion the link is below and I will be posting my Motegi setup soon, hopefully it will get people back racing there.
Sorry for being late with this, but here is the settings that I got from another thread in these forums...NOTE: the settings are formatted like this --> **Tuning Option** -- Value for Front/Value for Rear it goes...

First, Get into your NASCAR of choice, and go buy the Chassis Stiffing Bars for the car. It is a one time purchase (and the only purchase aside from oil that you can make for these cars). NOTE, this feature CANNOT be turned off, but is worth the money when driving the car. NEXT...go tune the beast...

In Suspension:
Ride Height -- +15/+15
Spring Rate -- 18.5/18.5
Dampers (Ext.) -- 8/4
Dampers (Comp.) -- 8/4
Sway Bars -- 4/4

Camber -- 3.0/3.0
Toe -- 0.0/0.20


In Drivetrain>Limited Slip Differential:
Initial Torque -- 60
Acceleration Sensitivity -- 60
Braking Sensitivity --15


In Body/Chassis:
Downforce -- 20/40 NOTE: This is the minimum setting for Downforce on the me when I say it, "You will notice a wobbly handling, but it is well worth it to learn how to control your car at this setting....and I use the regular old controller to race and am fairly good at it"


In Driving Options (the "tuning knob" in the Racing/Event Lobby)
Turn off ALL, and yes, I do absolutely mean ALL Driving Enhancements

Tires -- Racing Soft
ABS -- Set to Zero


I hope these settings work for you like they worked for me...happy racing, and hope to see you out on the track...BTW, my username and Play Station 3 ID are the same...

Thank you very much! :) I have been struggling for so long, this was the only NASCAR race I didn't have. It was an intense battle, very satisfied with the win. Thanks for posting this!!
Cup cars are getting 46 laps on fuel and tires are going longer than that. Anyone have a setup to emulate this?
Cup cars are getting 46 laps on fuel and tires are going longer than that. Anyone have a setup to emulate this?

Normal Tire wear, 500ish horsepower, -.40 rear toe, -.15 front toe.
STR-Sheet41 has been running these rooms lately (we run at 591hp, but I think it's still a bit high if we're trying to simulate real life)

I believe we got about 40 laps on tires, but fuel didn't quite make it, wide open.
Normal Tire wear, 500ish horsepower, -.40 rear toe, -.15 front toe.
STR-Sheet41 has been running these rooms lately (we run at 591hp, but I think it's still a bit high if we're trying to simulate real life)

I believe we got about 40 laps on tires, but fuel didn't quite make it, wide open.

Soft Tires or another compound?
Normal Tire wear, 500ish horsepower, -.40 rear toe, -.15 front toe.
STR-Sheet41 has been running these rooms lately (we run at 591hp, but I think it's still a bit high if we're trying to simulate real life)

I believe we got about 40 laps on tires, but fuel didn't quite make it, wide open.

I applaud your efforts!
Almost 40 laps on soft at the power level. Running a harder compound would be nice with the right group of drivers.