Best/Worst You've Dealt With in GTA Online

  • Thread starter Dan
Exactly, but it’ll only last until the game ends, but like I said before, if it’s only one person who’s trying to kick you and you happen to be doing a VIP job when they try to, you won’t be instantly kicked and you can then vote to kick him and deadlock the vote. :sly:

Of course if he has a buddy then you are screwed. :lol:
Had a pretty funny session today with some friends where we just finished a car delivery. While waiting for the third car to arrive at the destination i saw a level 28 player chasing our delivery. I got in my car and made my way to our delivery to see what that guy was up to. I got suspicious then by seing him in the new Sentinel and then checked if it maybe was his 2nd account, which it wasn‘t. After we had all three cars delivered he arrived at the place too and honked at me. I honked back and was just trying to set up a freemode race with him out of fun when he pulls out a sticky bomb and blows the three of us up; bad idea. With three of us chasing him now we managed to basically kill him as soon as he appeared somewhere on our snipers viewfinder :D he tried to escape into the mountains near the lighthouse but that didnt work either. Eventually he then went passive at Humane Labs and we went on doing other things but not without me asking him how many shark cards his mommy bought him later when I saw him driving around on an Opressor :lol:
I also managed to luckyshoot him running around with my sniper, what a satisfying kill :sly:

One of the best things happened later when we got to steal a tank for bunker supply. I dropped it off the Cargobob while still swerving a little in the air and it made a perfect 360° barrelroll and landed back on it‘s tracks :eek:
On the subject of abuse, I found out that a modder just muted by brother by flooding him with abusive language reports on the ps3. My crew leader used some the tools from his mod menu to clear them all. The giveaway was the ungodly high number of reports he had.

Speaking of modders- this happened in my lobby today:

Spawn in lobby
Get told there is a modder
Modder leaves after doing nothing
Randoms come in
Notice things being spawned into the lobby that should not be there
Find and remove modder spawning stuff from lobby
Randoms get destroyed
Randoms talk 🤬
Randoms get killed more, get butthurt, and bring their modder over
Random's modder bodyguards randoms
Modder stats blowing up our crew members
Crew leader blows up modder's friends in retaliation
Crew leader and modder fight over lobby control
Modder teleports everyone to him and blows them up
Crew member that modder blew up blows up everyone with rockets when teleported and kills his friends
Modder teleports everyone to ocean
Modder tries to kick us out but kicks out the whole lobby including himself.

Worth noting that the only time any of the randoms were out of passive mode was when their modder was literally next to them in god mode. As soon as my crew leader went after their modder, they all retreated to passive. Plus we had 3 others including one that deranked the crew member the modder in this story blew up before I even joined the lobby.
I didn't think this was possible on GTA online but I just came out of a lobby with 10 players, seven of which including myself were all having a free for all snowball fight among one another. No one used anything other than snowballs, not even fists to attack each other. Then right after someone new joined in on the fight, a grenade was thrown and not long after that, it turned into an all out grenade only war. Everyone kept getting blown up as fast as they were joining back in the fight after respawning. It was so hilariously fun. :lol::lol:
Somehow the „kill other MC members“-ability was on and while I was doing a meth sale some guy of my MC began to shoot at me destroying all the stuff I was carrying. Good job :banghead:
Logged back onto GTA online since last year :lol:

Did a few CEO jobs, whilst having a look at a car collection from a fellow member here
Sometimes I've gotten killed by other players in such a way that I can't be mad at simply because it's some kind of creative kill or just pure luck on the killers part. Tonight I was flying around in a recently purchased Hydra that I got just for the heck of it but I wasn't attacking anyone. It was just me alone in Sandy Shores as is often the case, only this time I had some much stronger defense should anyone try to kill me. I then became victim of one of those lucky kills.

A player appeared out of nowhere nearby, I guess entering Freemode fresh from a job. I don't know how he did it, but he got in a Maverick helicopter and flew over to me. I remained stationary and didn't initiate anything since I was curious to see what the other player was up to. He ascended pretty far into the sky, and several moments later his now empty helicopter came crashing down into my jet, which killed me. After I respawned, I see the players character landing with a parachute in front of me. I still don't initiate but I do have my Marksman pistol drawn just in case. He gives me a thumbs up taunt and walks over to a job, which he joins. I never saw him again.
:lol: That's a kill I'd have not a single problem with, but people blowing you up in their deluxo 10 times while you're trying to mind your MC business should just get lost 🤬

[...]I didn't initiate anything since I was curious to see what the other player was up to.
Same for me, usually they're low-level players that come up to you, do nothing and then after a minute shoot you out of nowhere without any reason :banghead:
So a story from last week, spawned in and started an I&E job, the job itself went without a hitch, but as I approached my warehouse at the docks I noticed a Deluxo heading in it’s general direction with a Ceo & Associate onboard, I get my foot down and get the car stored.

As I’m hearing my assistant confirm the storage, I noticed they were waiting outside for me (clearly wanting me dead because they were unable to stop me.:rolleyes:) and knowing I would be at a disadvantage the second I stepped outside I was stuck.

But then I had a light bulb moment, I was in a warehouse where Securoserv holds my more speciality machines like the Rocket Voltic, one blast of the rocket later and I was out of there. :D

They did chase me across the bridge to the oil field where I took cover to attack, the Ceo gets out and moves on foot and his buddy comes with the Deluxo.

After the Ceo&co were throughly swiss chessed, I jumped back into the Voltic and took off for the storm drain while those two got their bearings together.

I used the shortcut from the storm drain into the subway while they went in via the freeway entrance and the place I held up in was in this following clip.

Just before this clip, they did blow up my Voltic so I decided to break out my version of the Perfect Dark Golden Revolver. :sly:

They did give up after this and went after someone else. ;)
Today's time on GTA was full of just some incredible fails for me. Granted I do seem to have some bad dumb luck a lot but today was just brutal.

I joined a session and about two minutes in I got launched off my motorcycle after hitting a pole. I went flying into a cop that was going after a recently killed player but it didn't knock him off his feet. It did however get me a wanted level which as you'd expect resulted in an instant death from a shotgun. Then I hopped in my Hydra and caused some chaos with the NPCs and cops. All was going fine until I tried to ascend only to discover that the very tip of my wing was caught under a bridge which I didn't see because of the camera view I was using. When I noticed the jet tipping upward on one side only I tried to descend and move over, but my already badly damaged engine quit and I slammed into the ground and died.

I respawned near a player who was robbing a store and they were just far enough away to make sniping them my only chance at killing them. I ended up missing them because of an NPC that drove by. I got another wanted level with cops pretty much right there beside me so I took out my grenade launcher to blow up a car and kill myself so I could lose it. I then went to another store with the intention of robbing it after killing the attendant. I quick drew a weapon which I didn't notice was the grenade launcher and ended up blowing myself up. On top of that the player that I tried sniping was there to watch it happen.

I got bored with the fails so I joined a match of rocket vs insurgent after I respawned. The fails followed me. In one round I blew up an insurgent but the burning remains hit me and knocked me off the platform. When my team moved to the insurgents side I landed on the platform but a teammate hit my truck off of it and got killed. It was now a three on one in the other team's favor and I was killed a minute later. A couple rounds had passed and I found myself on the odd side of a two on one attack. An opponent landed on the platform and knocked my only remaining teammate off, and I was pretty much screwed. Since the opposing player was on the edge of the platform, I knew I could steal his insurgent going through the passenger side and kick him out of the drivers seat even though it would be risky. He would've then fell to his death off the platform and it'd be a one on one attack had it worked. As soon as my character opened the passenger door the other player landed on the platform and killed me, which won the match for the other team.

After going to freemode the fails appeared to be over. I ended up engaging in a nice battle with another player. After a while I started running away with the number of kills on them, using the Marksman pistol and a well placed explosive here and there as they moved to using the minigun exclusively. The player then got upset and starting accusing me of hacking and left the session. As someone who doesn't mess around with hacks I found this pretty funny and it was almost as if all the fails were now worth it. :lol:
Finally got my chance to attempt the Criminal Mastermind challenge with @STI9, @250 GTO, and @Jamesyarders.

Everything was going well. The Prison Break turned out to be much easier than I remember, and we only had a few small hiccups on the Humaine Labs Raid. The first being a precautionary exit for fear of the heli blowing up, and the less said about the Deliver EMP, the better.

I started gettng nervous while starting up Series A, since that's where most of the combat takes place. I was right to be nervous however, because during the first setup on the yacht, someone died, and he shall remain anonymous (Jk it was @Jamesyarders.).

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Finally got my chance to attempt the Criminal Mastermind challenge with @STI9, @250 GTO, @Sting, and @Jamesyarders.

Everything was going well. The Prison Break turned out to be much easier than I remember, and we only had a few small hiccups on the Humaine Labs Raid. The first being a precautionary exit for fear of the heli blowing up, and the less said about the Deliver EMP, the better.

I started gettng nervous while starting up Series A, since that's where most of the combat takes place. I was right to be nervous however, because during the first setup on the yacht, someone died, and he shall remain anonymous (Jk it was @Jamesyarders.).

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Do not tarnish my good mastermind name. You can’t have 5 in a heist crew, I was playing gt Sport lol
So yesterday me and a buddy dropped into a lobby after a heist which could be aptly described as tryhard hell. :yuck:

I’m talking hydras w/passive/off the radar abuse, Passive mode abuse in general, Excessive explosive usage, easy way out abuse, Deluxos galore(including one scumbag who was hovering UNDER the map and shooting missiles up at me and others.:banghead:) and so on.

Now to some of you this’ll be another Monday session of GTA, But even by my standards this was excessive.

My point to this is why? why bother with K/D in a game that doesn’t even reward players for having a good one.

I hope that at the very least, Rockstar tweaks the easy way out to count as actual k/d affecting deaths so players don’t dive for the easy way out option every time they step on a thumbtack. :P
So on past gen last night I got to listen to an arguement between two modders ( for reference in this story Modder 1 being my crew leader using his jailbroken ps3 and modder 2 being random modder).
Modder 1 is with me and another crew member as we were in the midst of a 3v3 gunfight. Modder 2 was giving everyone money and asking them to like and subscribe to him on YouTube. :lol: Modder 2 begins ranking up people in the lobby and modder 1 began asking modder 2 why he was ranking up everyone. Modder 2 replied with "Everyone wants to be ranked up" and modder 1 replied with "Nobody wants to be ranked up by a modder." Modder 2 decides to teleport me and everyone to him, so I pull out my RPG and blow up everyone there. Modder 1 accuses 2 of blowing up everyone and later recants after I tell him I did it. 2 gets mad at 1 for accusing him and 1 was mad at 2 for teleporting everyone. 2 says his mod menu out loud (which happened to be the same menu that 1 has) and was confused as to why nothing he spawned on 1 stuck to him. 1 and 2 keep arguing until 2's mother told him to get off and modder 2 instantly left. :lol: 1, the other crew member, and I all began to laugh at 2 as we went back to our base camp to wait for the next batch of idiots we would have to deal with.
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Joined a random group for the Humane Labs heist finale, got the role as the gunner.

I got a bad feeling early on, when I reached the helicopter minutes before anyone else - without even going particularly fast. And once we reached the drop zone it dawned on me: this is never going to work.

On the first attempt, one of the ground team members parachuted straight into a cliff and died. Upon respawning they had no idea how to get inside the building, while the pilot found it appropriate to damage the chopper by hitting every single tree and lamp post on the parking lot.

After a few minutes they somehow figured out what to do, but ultimately one of them got killed, and since they already wasted one life on the parachuting failure we had to restart.

This time they had learned from their mistakes. Only problem is that they learned the wrong things. The ground team managed to parachute safely to the ground, but they jumped before the chopper reached the drop zone so the pilot had to slam violently into the ground (apparently) to pick them up again and take them to the drop zone.

Once reaching it, they jumped again. One of them didn't bother with the parachute, presumably because he had already used it and didn't have a spare one. One life wasted.

The pilot, meanwhile, managed to stay away from trees and lampposts. Instead he stayed so high that I feared of passing out due to oxygen deprivation. What's worse is that the ground was out of range for the gun, and as soon as the ground team entered the building they got murdered by the scrambling Merryweather forces.

Would have loved to witness the third attempt, but upon restarting - again - I accidentally hit the quit button.
Me and my friend on XB1 had a good laugh the other day.

So we were just messing around when a level 144 turned up in a chrome T20 and tried killing us, but to no avail. He goes away for a little bit but then we noticed someone in an airplane dropping bombs behind us, and it turned out he had a Volatol with a ridiculous livery color combo. My friend decided to ram him head on in his Avenger. The guy proceeds back to his facility and leaves us alone again, but then all of a sudden he decides to orbital strike my friend before leaving the session.

We almost died laughing :lol:
Docks to stock mission. I call for a Merryweather helicopter pickup, since that's the fastest and most convenient way of breaking into the army base.

What happens? My dear team member decides to park his car underneath the helicopter, so it can't land. Then my other team member decides that it's probably a good idea to shoot the pilot while it's still flying, so it comes crashing down on him.

A lot of headache later we got a Cargobob and stole the container. Only, while I'm driving the container lift my dear team member decides it's his turn to drive so he throws me out of the driving seat.

Fine, I threw him out in return. Then he threw me out again. Fine, then I'll fly the Cargobob. Then he decides that it's probably a good idea to drive the container lift all the way to Lester's warehouse. What happens? Enemies spawn and explodify the vehicle, mission fail.

Restart. One team member left. Thank god for that. I'm about to call for a helicopter pickup again. My remaining team member stops by to pick me up in his Elegy. I show him that I don't want to go in his car by stepping away. He then decides that it's probably a good idea to run me over repeatedly. I step behind a barrier. He refuses to leave. I try to kick him but I need his vote as well since it's just the two of us in the mission. After a half eternity he moves behind the building to blow up my car. I call the helicopter, shoot the pilot - when it has landed! - and then my dear team member takes it and fly away while I'm left at the gas station with just a wanted level and a blown up car.

Fine, I'll take his stupid Elegy. Upon reaching the base he decides that it's probably a good idea to crash the helicopter and kill himself. Upon respawning he is immediately shot to pieces and goes to spectator mode since he used up all of our lives. And I'm ejected from his personal vehicle since it's technically inherited by his next of kin now. Standing in the middle of the freeway with cops and army folks spawning around me and nowhere to hide I'm killed within a matter of seconds.

Restart. This time I decide that it's probably a good idea to get into my car and drive as far away from my dear team mate as I can. So I get into my Speedo van and set off. He gets into his Elegy and follows. For some reason though he can't keep up with my amazing van of awesomeness, so I head towards the small farm airfield and make a call for my Mammatus to meet me there.

I arrive, get into the plane and begin to taxi onto the strip. He pulls up in front of me, gets out and heads towards the passenger door. At this point I decide that it's probably a good idea to have some revenge by slightly aiming the propeller in his general direction and turn him into a pile of minced meat. After a job well done I proceed to take off and head towards the army base.

Moments later he decides that it's probably a good idea to kill himself, and with him safely spectating from his own little circle of torment I easily solo the rest of the mission. I couldn't not have done it without his invaluable "help".

All's well that ends well.
Gotta love assholes who exist only to ruin everyone else’s fun.

Was doing some casual off roading last night with @JeepXJFreak, @Cowboy, TVN_Eagle, @Mudd and Draco2025, just to take a break from the constant grinding.

We started at the Polomino Truck Stop and got to the El Gordo lighthouse and all was going well until we noticed a random head straight for us in a Buzzard.

He fired 2 missiles at us but luckily missed all our cars. He was swiftly taken out which resulted in him jumping on a train after respawning.

We kill him about half a dozen times before he retreats to passive mode and jumps in a stolen Fathom FQ2.

He stayed in passive while we stayed right next to him with 2 Hunters, a Deluxo and an Akula next to the Mission Row police station.

Unfortunately I had to leave at this point as this he opened pretty late at night for me.
He went after me after you guys left. He gave up after he realized his Buzzards homing missiles wouldn't lock on to my I/E vehicles.
Humane Labs heist. The gunner kept parachuting down together with the ground crew, which ultimately led to disaster every time the enemy Buzzards spawned. When I told him that he needed to stay in the helicopter operating the gun, he said that because he was level 500 and I was only level 140 I shouldn't tell him how to play the game.
Humane Labs heist. The gunner kept parachuting down together with the ground crew, which ultimately led to disaster every time the enemy Buzzards spawned. When I told him that he needed to stay in the helicopter operating the gun, he said that because he was level 500 and I was only level 140 I shouldn't tell him how to play the game.
Yes because your level obviously signifies your superiority.
I was blown up by a lvl 53 in a Deluxo last night while I was driving around. He then tried to come to kill me when I respawned but he soon flew off when i started with the mini gun.

Anyway, his crew consisted of 3 players, I went to the airport and proceeded to destroy them all, no remorse.

For some reason other randoms came and joined in, I decimated them all (which is unusual for me as I'm not a good PvP player).

One random was texting smack to me none stop. Bearing in mind it was now 6 v 1.....until the others left and it was just him and me

I got a new record last night....53-0. my K/D was indeed inflated by it all but it was a sweet victory.

And, and after he left I got in my thruster to head off to take photos when a ghost organisation players blew me up in his lime green Deluxo......I had to pay the 20k insurance for some reason. Damn it.
Yes because your level obviously signifies your superiority.

Not only that, but around level 500 the game dynamically rescripts all events so that you can do pretty much whatever you want and still achieve the goals.

Only, that feature seem to have been bugged in this particular session :P
I was blown up by a lvl 53 in a Deluxo last night while I was driving around. He then tried to come to kill me when I respawned but he soon flew off when i started with the mini gun.

Anyway, his crew consisted of 3 players, I went to the airport and proceeded to destroy them all, no remorse.

For some reason other randoms came and joined in, I decimated them all (which is unusual for me as I'm not a good PvP player).

One random was texting smack to me none stop. Bearing in mind it was now 6 v 1.....until the others left and it was just him and me

I got a new record last night....53-0. my K/D was indeed inflated by it all but it was a sweet victory.

And, and after he left I got in my thruster to head off to take photos when a ghost organisation players blew me up in his lime green Deluxo......I had to pay the 20k insurance for some reason. Damn it.

I miss the days when the Hydra was the top griefing vehicle. Now we have flying cars and motorcycles that shoot super accurate homing missiles that pretty much never miss but are damn near impossible to fight back against. At least with the Hydra you had a level playing field if you went and got one, and even if you didn't, the homing launcher was a good way to level the playing field. Or you could always go to Fort Zancudo and steal a Lazer.
I miss the days when the Hydra was the top griefing vehicle. Now we have flying cars and motorcycles that shoot super accurate homing missiles that pretty much never miss but are damn near impossible to fight back against. At least with the Hydra you had a level playing field if you went and got one, and even if you didn't, the homing launcher was a good way to level the playing field. Or you could always go to Fort Zancudo and steal a Lazer.
That's what annoyed me about the unprovoked attack. I was driving to the docks to take a photo, I was avoiding all crashes and then boom. The car had no missile lock sound so I had no chance.

The hydra has been usurped really. In the right hands the Deluxo is almost the perfect grief tool.