BIG NEWS: Gran Turismo Professional announced for the PC!!!

  • Thread starter Jordan
I just saw this yesterday on, and don't really know what to believe now...
I'm not sure if you need to register to read that, so I'll do a little cut and paste. This is from the 10th, Jordan's is from the 8th. Ign has been known to be quite wrong though (hopefully, I'm actually pretty excited for a good PC racer.)

Gran Turismo 3 for PC?

Rumors are circulating that GT3 is coming soon for the PC. But they're wrong.

January 10, 2002

We've seen a couple of posts on this already so we thought we'd clear things up a bit. A short time ago, in an interview Kazunori Yamauchi stated that he would like to bring Gran Turismo 3 to the PC to "reach a higher audience." His comments weren't meant to imply that the game is coming to PC -- just that it would have a sizable audience if it did. Our contacts at Sony have categorically denied that there's any truth to the rumor so it looks like, for now, PC gamers will have to get their racing fix elsewhere.
-- IGN
Originally posted by LoudMusic

You need to have them target the home page right now so that anyone else that thinks of the same thing will be sent to your existing site no matter what the name becomes. Might pick up a few members that way (:

Yeah, they are. I was updating their DNS info yesterday though, so you probably just couldn't access them. But, I'm not sure if it will matter anyway... :( The question is, where did GamesWire get the GT Professional name?
Originally posted by risingson77
:thumbsdow :thumbsdow :thumbsdow

Oh well, it would've been nice...there's still hope. :(

Thanks for the 411, Brian...and welcome to GTPlanet! :D

Thanks. I just found this site. It seems pretty good so far. I think the PC could use a great racer like GT but I still don't understand why nobody else can make one. It should be easy to copy GT on the PC. Maybe someone will some day.

I do get tired of reading news reports online that report a rumor as fact. I'd like to know how this story got made up. I noticed said it was a misunderstanding.

I really like Grand Theft Auto 3 too and this week it was reported that version 4 will be out at the end of this year on the PS2. But then I read that was just a rumor. These reports all seem to come from some big sites too. I guess nobody should believe any early reports until the publisher or developer reports it.

Damn! I sent an email to some of my PC hugging friends, and they were very pleased, but hey - what do I care anyway...I've got my good old trusty PS2...And that's what I care about..

There is one thing grat about it NOT coming to PC: I don't have to upgrade it saved me some money... :)
let me clear up a few things. A) PC is the common name for an IBM compatable computer B) Why would you believe Sony if they say they arent releasing that game. look, im sitting here listening to the MZ-R909 Minidisc Recorder / Player that they "dont sell" i had to import the ****er. But i wouldnt trust them with my dogs life. They are in it for the money. Another thing. You n00bs who keep saying "Radical d00d, unlimited SINGLE PLAYER WOW" WTF! Multiplayer is SOOOOOOOOO much better than single jesus. BTW i would like to see this game/series ported to all computers, not just PC. Im not a Macintrash lover, but the new IMAC is pretty schweet.
I trust Sony. We have 4 of their tvs, several CD players(full size), several mini cd players(headphones), several stereo receivers(I got mine from a pawn shop, and it's exellent), Many VCRs, PS2, PSX, universal remotes, phones.

My grandfather owned a Sony-only store here in ST.Louis, and now there are 3 of them here, and they get a lot of buisness.

Sony is known for having a high pixel-per-square-inch ratio on their TVs, just look closely to your TV screen, you see all those open black spaces? Sony TVs have less of those, making the picture quality better.

While I have an RCA TV in my room(used to have an old 85 or so 19" TV, was hit when a person drove though the front of the store, so it makes a high pitch tone a lot, and no remote.), Sony is still the best. I got an RCA over a Sony because Sony TV's weigh more, and where I have my tv(on stackable drawers, it won't fall don't worry ;) ), it was not practical to move a 25" TV that wieghs 90+ pounds, and I don't need the quality since I'm useing my PS2 on it, and as we all know, games aren't good if you use them a lot on TVs, as they will darken the screen. Tihs won't happen for like 6 yrs, as we had a '86 Sony Trinitron, and we used Sega genisis and PSX on it for 6 years, and the screen is purple. :P

Always remember, never use games on big screens, as they will quickly kill it, but one of my freinds doesn't think so.(it says in the PS2 manuel)

But I will always trust Sony over any other company.
for mainstream equipment, i would say Sony is at the top ....i like their XBR Wega series televisions alot as well as their 2.4Ghz cordless phones
.....other than those products, i don't make mainstream purchases, so i am quite happy with Marantz and Energy Veritas Loudspeakers
there goes the neighborhood. somebody was bound to come up w/ an emulator for the PS2 so Sony might as well capitalize on this series and get it on the PC platform as well.

mo gamers = mo' money
Bleem at one time supported PS2, but they got the hell sued out of them by sony.

Emulating PS2 games would take some serious hardware... even though PS2 and other modern consoles are basically lower end PCs, the difference is then number of computer cycles it would take the PC to interpet the PS2 language and process the functions...

In other words, dont count on a PS2 emulator :(

I think the console itself is spiff, and I plan on buying it ASAP.
Originally posted by Civic_HB_Guy
Bleem at one time supported PS2, but they got the hell sued out of them by sony.

Emulating PS2 games would take some serious hardware... even though PS2 and other modern consoles are basically lower end PCs, the difference is then number of computer cycles it would take the PC to interpet the PS2 language and process the functions...

In other words, dont count on a PS2 emulator :(

I think the console itself is spiff, and I plan on buying it ASAP.

Actually bleem! emulated the PSX. But you're right, I don't think we'll be seeing any PS2 emulators any time soon. Anyone who has tried bleem! (like me) can attest that it doesn't work particularly well on most games. Even the better ones are still pretty much unplayable. I am using a K6-2 500 with a Voodoo 3 - ancient by PC standards, but still light years ahead of a PSX. The difficulty is that emulation requires tons of processing power. I have arcade games emulated through MAME. Despite the fact that some of them are quite old, and ran on far inferior hardware, the PC still has trouble running them smoothly.

The best you can hope for is a port (not any time soon, either :( ), or a roughly equivalent game. Play Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed, or Colin McRae Rally 2.0. Both are excellent games, and will run even on a low-end mine. :D
i hear ya. i love my PS2. you get a lot for the money with the system. my dilemma is that i only use my computer for work and am afraid that i will have to get a kick ass system when gran turismo gets onto that platform. sucks!
I was just about to post that. I sure hope they don't put the GT series out on PC, it would just suck. It looks so much better on the PS2 and whatever PS systems that come out in the future. A game that made a crap port to PC was F1 2001, the graphics on the PC even when you turn all the detail up and run it in 1280x1024 still sucks. The PS2 version just blew its graphics away. Also, if people think that GT on the PC will mean they can expand, you are wrong. They will probably expand later GT series games with the PS2 Hard drive. The PS2 is meant to be a computer replacement, and the way that it is heading... I think it will be.

Ok, are those links a joke? I just checked them out, most of em didn't work, one was about real cars and the other was about a gyro spinner or somthing?!!?!?!? :D Also, I agree, GT should stay where it is, on SONY's console systems. IMO, games such as this going to PC just get cheapened.
I am assuming those links are domains you have registered for the fun of it.
as far as a pc port goes...
I am a PC gamer by nature, i am used to the full customability available on the PC. I would love to see a port of GT3 but I know deep down that it would suck. I have yet to see a well done port of any console game. Plus, there is no way my computer could output graphics of the quality found in GT3.
Plus, i read somewhere a while back of a group in england working on a racing sim with at least the same level of detail in the physics model and definetly more cars. But that was just a blurb in a gameing mag that I like to dream about.
Yes, but the customability, IMO, tends to go TOO FAR, and that is what cheapens the game. Not quite sure how to express what I would like ot say about that, but that is what I think.
Think of it this way:

Would you sacrafice a little bit of graphics\preformance for more cars, more tracks, and the possibility of even more cars/tracks to be added on? And bug fixes? Balance fixes? Man I sure would.

If you really want a good PC racing game though, check out NFSP 5: Porsche unleashed. Im playing it mostly right now, and the graphics are awesome on my Geforce 2 Ti. They rival GT3, but not quite as detailed. (Driving model is sweet, too.) The only downfall is your stuck with nothing but Porsches :D
Nope. Some of that has to do with the fact that every time I get ready to upgrade my computer, my real car decides to explode or somthing, LOL. (well, one rolled and the other got rearended and so on..) Still, I stand by what I said because so many people just don't get into PC games the way they do on consoles. Of course there are games that work better on one or the other, take flight simulators for instance, that's a hardcore PC thing. You just can't do it right with consoles. Also, factor in todays el-cheapo computers + Winblows, (XP included), and you have a high crash rate. That really pisses me off, especially when it's a game like GT where I get so into it. As for porsche unleashed, is the driving model anything like it is on the PSX? If so, I just can't take that modeling engine for the physics of the cars. I will say it's better than alot, but still nothing in comparison to the GT series. What happened to EA with their true modeling engines such as in the original NFS?? Returning to the subject, I think the fact that consoles rarely ever crash is a highpoint to why some games just do better on them. Also, the graphics/performance are a big point to me.. (I know this post was kinda jumpy and not well written, but oh well :P )
My computer rarely ever crashes, and im running ME for christ sakes :D

About NFS: I've only played GT3 a few times a friend's house, and i've played NFS5 a TON here at home. The driving models seem very similar to me. When i'm driving my '50 356 Ferdinand, I can 'feel' the cars weight being tossed around when I steer or corner. When you collide with a wall or another car, the effects of the damage are REALLY noticeable. Oppositley, when im driving my 67' Targa, a much lighter car, It handles alot more responsivley and feels 'tighter'.

And while i'm rambling, lemme talk about the scenery in NFS5. Its absolutley stunning. In one track, as you cross a wooden bridge, theres a huge waterfall to your right. You can hear the water ambience as you drive under the bridge, and the waterfall looks very realistic. The scenery in NFS5 is just awesome.

If your into PC games the slightest bit, I would reccomend downloading the demo. Like I said, the only downfall I see in this game, is the fact that your stuck with endless numbers of porsches :)

Oh yea, and I hear you about your real car exploding... I didnt have this new video card long before my car's camshaft broke :( It's called the law of maximum irritation.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, NFS5's driving model seems far more realistic to me.. its like I told my friend a few days ago: I spin out alot, therefore the driving model is accurate :D :D :D
:lol: Yup, ME bites it. I crash it all the time. But then again, I make unreasonable demands of it - like running several things at once. :eek:

Did you have an aftermarket cam in your car?
No, it was the factory cam.

The car ran too low on oil, but I didnt know, because every time I the oil light would come on, I would check it, and it would appear to have a normal amount of oil. (Because something was causing high crankcase pressure) so i'd put maybe 1/2 a quart in and continue. The one day it suddenly fried on me while I was driving on the interstate :(

The bearings/journeys were damaged, so putting in a new cam would be futile, as it would wear out in 3000 miles. (If we were lucky.)

That was my beautiful Honda Civic.. I miss it so much.. lol.