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This will be my 1st write up.
I'm running the Seattle Endurance in a Black Dodge Viper GTS on Slicks.
Around 700hp and no WR, LSD, or Suspension
3 laps of qualification and the lineup is as follows
1-Shelby Cobra[Cobra](Blue)
2-Ford Mustang SVT Cobra[SVT](Red)
3-Dodge Viper GTS(Black)ME
4-Dodge Viper GTS[GTS](Silver)
5-Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport[GS](Blue)
6-Chevrolet Camaro SS[SS](White)
Lap 1-AUTO DRIVE-Pass the SVT with ease. START. Draft the Cobra to T1, come in too fast and slide into the wall, get passed by the SVT and gts. Ease up the hill and pass the GTS, but it cuts the inside of the corner and rockets away, by T7 the GS passes me up. Fly through T11 at 125mph and pass the GS. swoop in between the GTS and SVT but the vette slams me into the wall on T15 placing me in 5th. Nail T17 perfectly and rocket in front of the GS and gts. Slip through the chichane and finish lap 1 +0'08.150 on the Cobra and a 1'51.167 lap time.
Lap 2-Pass the SVT in the straight before T3 but it passes me due to my speed entering the corner. come into T5 2mm behind the SVT. pass the SVT in T6 and punch it into T7. The SVT decides to put some lead on the pedal and jockey for 2nd place which will be 1st place after the pre-determined lap 2 pit for the Cobra now 9 seconds up. Finish lap 2 at 1'43.897 -0'01.895 up on the SVT.
Lap 3-Have a little trouble exiting T2 which actually ends up making me take T3 flawlessly. I get a little worried because my tires aren't handling the weight as well as I thought they would and are making me drift halfway through the corners starting in T7. The SVT starts to creep up on me, only -0'0.723. finish lap 3 with the GS -0'0.908.
Lap 4-Controller button fails and I slam into the wall on T3. Drift to the left on the second jump creating a problem taking T5 where the GS, SVT, GTS and Cobra zip by. CP1 GS is -0'03.123. manage to get by the Cobra in T7. Pull behind the GTS and draft out of T10. Slip by the GTS and SVT during my burst of speed. Inch slowly up on the GS in in T11. Slip by in T12 to get passed back in the small straight. Grab 1st in T17. Forget about the chicane and get passed by the SVT, GS and GTS, Cobra pits for the second time. Finish lap 1'48.980 and the SVT is -0'02.408 in front of me.
Lap 5-I close in for the kill, pass whatever. Having a hard time catching up furthar than about a second on the SVT. Slip by the GTS out of T10. Manage to somehow out corner the GS in T13. Now only about a half-second behind the SVT at CP2. Shoot through T17, as always, and outrun the SVT. Fly through the chicane. Finish lap 5 at 1'43.490 and up 0.770 on the GS.
Lap 6-Run through T1/T2 at a slower speed than usual. Pass through T3 with the GS on my 🤬. After a hop, jump and a hop the GS is less than half a second behind me. Pull away in T6, but the GS manages to pass me in T8 where my loyal 'team-mate' gives me a boost. Outcorner the GS, again, in T10 and draft/pass in T11. GS tries to slam me into the wall and is unsucessfull. Rocket through T17 and the chicane. Finish lap 6 at 1'44.851, 0'01.194 ahead of the GS.
Lap 7-Fly through the straight and first hairpin. round the corner, up the hill and into the wall. With the GS a little over 0'02 behind me I slide through T5 horribly with the GS right behind me. Through the hairpin before the back straight and then rocket ahead to the next turn, which I drift into the wall through. around T15 and the GS pulls through the insideand im .060 down. around T16 and into the wall, the GS rockets ahead and the same with T17
. We both pit, the GS at the second pit and me at the last the SVT and GTS also pit. Lap 7-1'50.125
Lap 8- Sitting in the pits and the GS was done first but finished -0'07.704, so I creep out of the pits behind the GS with the SVT and GTS not too far back. T1 I'm golden, perfect entry/exit and the GS lost it and slammed into the wall
. Tires are a little too cold through the next turn, or I didnt know wtf I was doing and didn't pull the drift through
. Jump up the hill, and with new tires new confdence sliding through the top turn with 0'01.131 on the GS. Sloppily slide through the next turn, giving the GS time to catch back up, which it does through the set of turns before the pin to the back straight , which I took way too slow and still drifted at the end of the turn. Down the back straight and into the wall, sideways of course, and while I pull off of the sidewalk the GS nuges me enough to screw up my entry to the next turn so much that he passes me with a 00.343 lead I chase him through the next turn and take him while slamming into the next turns barrier. Approach the chicane way too fast and slam into the wall while the GS just runs through me, I'm in the middle of the track now. The Cobra pits, The GTS passes both me and the GS. Lap 8-2'03.542 +0'00.294 Silver Viper GTS
Lap 9-Pass the GS with ease and draft the GTS through the straight and slami into the wall giving him time to come and start tailgating again. Driving on the wrong line and slamming into the walls before the hill and the GTS jets out in front. Pass him up the hill but slam into the wall so the GTS, GS & SVT also pass me. The viper with a 3.062 lead and me in the wall again, or wait that was the SVT I slammed into the wall
. Pass the SVT, slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the GS, round the pin, and straight infront of the GS down the back straight. A little trouble through the right after the back straight and the GS on the inside of the first part of the first S-turn and me on the inside of the second part but apparently I'm going too slow because he decides to bump me from behind and slam me into the wall
.GTS is -02.009 at C2. Too much drift in the turn befor the chicane and the SVT passes me so I slam it into the chicane barrier and finish lap 9 1'46.397 +0'02.671 Silver Viper GTS
Thats it for now I don't have the time to finish it but I'll get the rest up here 10 laps at a time.
I'm running the Seattle Endurance in a Black Dodge Viper GTS on Slicks.
Around 700hp and no WR, LSD, or Suspension
3 laps of qualification and the lineup is as follows
1-Shelby Cobra[Cobra](Blue)
2-Ford Mustang SVT Cobra[SVT](Red)
3-Dodge Viper GTS(Black)ME
4-Dodge Viper GTS[GTS](Silver)
5-Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport[GS](Blue)
6-Chevrolet Camaro SS[SS](White)
Lap 1-AUTO DRIVE-Pass the SVT with ease. START. Draft the Cobra to T1, come in too fast and slide into the wall, get passed by the SVT and gts. Ease up the hill and pass the GTS, but it cuts the inside of the corner and rockets away, by T7 the GS passes me up. Fly through T11 at 125mph and pass the GS. swoop in between the GTS and SVT but the vette slams me into the wall on T15 placing me in 5th. Nail T17 perfectly and rocket in front of the GS and gts. Slip through the chichane and finish lap 1 +0'08.150 on the Cobra and a 1'51.167 lap time.
Lap 2-Pass the SVT in the straight before T3 but it passes me due to my speed entering the corner. come into T5 2mm behind the SVT. pass the SVT in T6 and punch it into T7. The SVT decides to put some lead on the pedal and jockey for 2nd place which will be 1st place after the pre-determined lap 2 pit for the Cobra now 9 seconds up. Finish lap 2 at 1'43.897 -0'01.895 up on the SVT.
Lap 3-Have a little trouble exiting T2 which actually ends up making me take T3 flawlessly. I get a little worried because my tires aren't handling the weight as well as I thought they would and are making me drift halfway through the corners starting in T7. The SVT starts to creep up on me, only -0'0.723. finish lap 3 with the GS -0'0.908.
Lap 4-Controller button fails and I slam into the wall on T3. Drift to the left on the second jump creating a problem taking T5 where the GS, SVT, GTS and Cobra zip by. CP1 GS is -0'03.123. manage to get by the Cobra in T7. Pull behind the GTS and draft out of T10. Slip by the GTS and SVT during my burst of speed. Inch slowly up on the GS in in T11. Slip by in T12 to get passed back in the small straight. Grab 1st in T17. Forget about the chicane and get passed by the SVT, GS and GTS, Cobra pits for the second time. Finish lap 1'48.980 and the SVT is -0'02.408 in front of me.
Lap 5-I close in for the kill, pass whatever. Having a hard time catching up furthar than about a second on the SVT. Slip by the GTS out of T10. Manage to somehow out corner the GS in T13. Now only about a half-second behind the SVT at CP2. Shoot through T17, as always, and outrun the SVT. Fly through the chicane. Finish lap 5 at 1'43.490 and up 0.770 on the GS.
Lap 6-Run through T1/T2 at a slower speed than usual. Pass through T3 with the GS on my 🤬. After a hop, jump and a hop the GS is less than half a second behind me. Pull away in T6, but the GS manages to pass me in T8 where my loyal 'team-mate' gives me a boost. Outcorner the GS, again, in T10 and draft/pass in T11. GS tries to slam me into the wall and is unsucessfull. Rocket through T17 and the chicane. Finish lap 6 at 1'44.851, 0'01.194 ahead of the GS.
Lap 7-Fly through the straight and first hairpin. round the corner, up the hill and into the wall. With the GS a little over 0'02 behind me I slide through T5 horribly with the GS right behind me. Through the hairpin before the back straight and then rocket ahead to the next turn, which I drift into the wall through. around T15 and the GS pulls through the insideand im .060 down. around T16 and into the wall, the GS rockets ahead and the same with T17
Lap 8- Sitting in the pits and the GS was done first but finished -0'07.704, so I creep out of the pits behind the GS with the SVT and GTS not too far back. T1 I'm golden, perfect entry/exit and the GS lost it and slammed into the wall
Lap 9-Pass the GS with ease and draft the GTS through the straight and slami into the wall giving him time to come and start tailgating again. Driving on the wrong line and slamming into the walls before the hill and the GTS jets out in front. Pass him up the hill but slam into the wall so the GTS, GS & SVT also pass me. The viper with a 3.062 lead and me in the wall again, or wait that was the SVT I slammed into the wall
Thats it for now I don't have the time to finish it but I'll get the rest up here 10 laps at a time.