CANCELLED-Vintage Porsche 911 Cup *NO ABS*

  • Thread starter llNovall
Sadly, it appears your fore-thought, long hours, and careful planning may seem to be lost. However, I think the Series could be placed “On Hold” - and offered later.

That way all the details would be saved, preserved and made available at times when interest is judged to be adequate.

Thank you, Nova. Your work and organization is greatly appreciated.
Thanks Tex, appreciate it. That's the plan. Just going to change heading to "closed", season restart June 2020 pending interest. We'll see what happens.

Thank you to all drivers who remained committed to the series, however, it has been decided to shelve the series for a later date.

Re-recruitment will begin in April and if interest is strong enough to achieve a 16-18 driver roster we will shoot for a late June 2020 Restart of the series to run 4-5 races bi-weekly. I'll tag and keep everyone posted as we get closer. Sorry we could get this one on solid ground. Hope to see you guys then.


Note: Anyone still interested in racing Fridays, see the links in my signature below.
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Hi, if this goes ahead I may be interested, its a bit late for me but its hard finding racing at a suitable GMT these days. This looks like it could be worth staying up for! If you could tag me if things get going that would be great 👍.
Come to think of it, the current global situation at large has made for a very interesting scenario. Any chance this might be abit more viable now?

Interest Check

This series, the Vintage Porsche Cup was suspended as a result of low attendance and dwindled interest in upcoming events. I'm hoping to rekindle this as a short early bird race series to run before our Snail Friday Cup races at 9pm. Rob Brown will be the series primary Host/Director.

With the current global crisis keeping everyone close to home and an uptick in inquiries pertaining to a possible series restart, myself and @Rob Brown will be attempting to build a roster for a 5 week race series under this format and schedule.

I will be running the thread, scoring, and driver confirmations leading up to race night, while Rob Brown will be handling hosting, replays, and collecting results screenshots.

Below are the highlighted updates to the format and schedule:
-5 race, weekly series from end of May thru June.
-15 minute warmup/entry
-10 minute qualifying
-30 minute Race.
-NO ABS or other aids
-Light Damage
-1x Tire wear/1x Fuel Consumption requiring pitstop strategies
-Penalties OFF (Steward and Peer Governed)

-911 Turbo (930) '81
-295hp (stock)
-2465lbs (lowest weight possible)
-Racing Hard tires
-tuning permitted

Friday nights est
-7:45pm est room opens (15min warmup)
-8:00pm est (10min qualifying)
-8:10pm est Start Race (35 minutes)
-8:45-9:00pm est (overrun time/scores)

**There should be plenty of time between the end of this series' race and other Cup races scheduled at 9pm est. It will be important that everyone get in the room and keep things on schedule to avoid any over runs on time. **

To restart the series, we are looking to secure a roster of at least 14 drivers

To proceed with opening and running a scheduled race night, at least 10 drivers "confirmed attending" will be necessary or the race will be postponed and all following races moved back a week. If numbers are not achieved for a 2nd consecutive race night, the series will be shuttered.
Please only sign up if you plan to attend all or as many races as possible.

The series will run as long as the interest and participation is there.

So, with that said, if anyone tagged below is interested in the return of this series, please sign up by posting below and tag anyone else you think may be interested.

Deadline to reach the required14 driver roster is Tuesday, May 25th at 11pm est.

Planned Series start date: Friday, May 29th, 2020 at 7:30pm est

Vintage Porsche 911 Cup *NO ABS* Main Post

(X) @llNovall
(X) @CPT_RowdyGiff
👍 @TEX36
👍 @Moby45 (Could if later)
👍 @Rob Brown
👍 @Phlano099
(X) @bigbeefytaco
(X) @Shock_Gee
👍 @Kermit_2142
(X) @Timlour

👍 @AngryEater (could if later)

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Yep interested for sure.

Not sure on the, “10 confirmed drivers or race will be postponed”, might aswell just run biweekly races and stick too it.
Also if your tight on time for your 9pm est events, you could cut back practice and qually (as it always runs over anyway).
However, your house, your rules 👍.

Hopefully people subscribe :cheers:.
Yep interested for sure.

Not sure on the, “10 confirmed drivers or race will be postponed”, might aswell just run biweekly races and stick too it.
Also if your tight on time for your 9pm est events, you could cut back practice and qually (as it always runs over anyway).
However, your house, your rules 👍.

Hopefully people subscribe :cheers:.
Decided to go with a short 5 week, "weekly" series to keep interest and attendance strong. Interest fell steeply between races on the last try. As for the 10 drivers to run the race night, that's what will be needed to make a go of the series and be worth my and Rob's efforts. Any less, it's just not worth running. So we need at least 14 on the roster by the 25th, and 10 to post on the grid on each race to make series worth running.
I can't this early in the evening. 8pm est is 7pm my time(central).
I changed the times and format:
15min warmup
10 min qualifying
35 min race

7:45-8:00pm est: Room opens for entires/warmup
8:00- 8:10 pm est: 10 min qualifying
8:10- 845 pm est: 35 min Race
I know it's not much but maybe it helps.
Why are you guys running an earlier time slot than the other two series you are running?
We still have the final race of the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge on June 5th, and the final 3 races of the Lambo series May 29th, June 19th, and June 26th. Once into mid late July, we will be starting the Michelin series and very likely Season 2 of the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge. The goal was to try and slip it in right before our other scheduled 9pm events. Also, a wider schedule seemed to leave too much time for people to drop out which is why were running it on a short 5 week, weekly series. If we can't get enough of a roster under this tighter schedule format, that will be the last shot at a formal schedule for this series. We would then run it as a special event to be put together for the open Fridays at the 9pm est time slot. It would essentially be a pickup race series.
I changed the times and format:
15min warmup
10 min qualifying
35 min race

7:45-8:00pm est: Room opens for entires/warmup
8:00- 8:10 pm est: 10 min qualifying
8:10- 845 pm est: 35 min Race
I know it's not much but maybe it helps.

It's still too early. That is why I asked the other question. Lol

The reason I can join the other two series is because racing starts at 8pm(central) which is 9pm est. And sometime I just barely make it home in time to hit those races as you have found out before. Haha

It's no big deal. I am just letting you know I won't be home in time to make anything earlier. I would really like this series to gain some popularity so I can join some of those 1-off specials utilizing this series.
It's still too early. That is why I asked the other question. Lol

The reason I can join the other two series is because racing starts at 8pm(central) which is 9pm est. And sometime I just barely make it home in time to hit those races as you have found out before. Haha

It's no big deal. I am just letting you know I won't be home in time to make anything earlier. I would really like this series to gain some popularity so I can join some of those 1-off specials utilizing this series.
The plan is to get this going in some way. This just happens to be a final go at a formal format and schedule. I'll keep ya posted.:cheers:
Consider me back in. Kinda interested in how these feel after the update.
I would love to participate in a no aids/ABS series, though 7:30 EST is too early for me on the west coast on a weekday. Provided it were slotted either later or on a weekend I could assure full attendance. Disclaimer: I am not terribly fast; I prioritize smiles per miles over swiftness; thus would likely run caboose.
  • If you ran the other 3 Friday series once a month, this would be the perfect 4th Friday event to make all 4 once a month.
  • It's a shame that no ABS turns so many away. This car with Race Hards won't even lock up the wheels with bias set to rear.
  • Mark Shock_Gee out. His G29 broke and told me he's taking hiatus until GT7 and PS5 come out.
How are we looking at the moment for the go ahead? Only 2 weeks away now 👍

Just realised the league I currently race for is the last round on the 29th, they normally finish before this would start but they are running a double race meet final. I may miss round 1, however I will be there for the other rounds. Apologies in advance.

edit: forgot you’d changed the race time to 8pm est, I do stand a chance of making it after all 👍
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Going to have to withdraw my sign-up. I'm wanted in the Vertex MR Sprint Cup as part of a team, so I've chosen to run that series full-time, which unfortunately means I probably won't be able to make most of the races here.
@llNovall I’m starting to assume we’re not going ahead this weekend?
Unfortunately, your assumption is correct. Only 7 drivers have confirmed interest in the series at this time. At this point, a formal organization for a 5 race series in unlikely to materialize. However, I would like to polka dot a few randomly scheduled special event races between my soon to start Michelin Pilot Cup Challenge series and Season 2 of the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge series schedules. I will tag all drivers who have shown interest with a 2 week lead in for a scheduled event. If at least 10 drivers are secured for the night, we will run. I'll keep everyone posted as attempts develop. Ashame this couldn't have attracted more interest.
I’m sorry this didn’t fetch must interest. I myself had to cancel a recurring event of my own. I don’t know if it’s due to a general decline in online play or if there are other leagues/events that have a stranglehold on the participation. It’s a damn shame.
I’m sorry this didn’t fetch must interest. I myself had to cancel a recurring event of my own. I don’t know if it’s due to a general decline in online play or if there are other leagues/events that have a stranglehold on the participation. It’s a damn shame.
Sadly, it seems if it isn't Gr3, no one is interested. Gr4 has had an uptick in interest which I have a successful and nearly full roster set for, and my Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge series which took a minute to gain a loyal following, is finishing up this Friday with a nearly full roster already set for a late July Season 2 start. Also, I have had the benefit of a very loyal and strong group of drivers build from the Snail Racing League that I have been with for years. Unfortunately, my Lambo series has nearly fizzled out, and this one never got off the ground. It is ashame. Feel free to check them out from the links in my signature.
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Sadly, it seems if it isn't Gr3, no one is interested. Gr4 has had an uptick in interest which I have a successful and nearly full roster set for, and my Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge series which took a minute to gain a loyal following, is finishing up this Friday with a nearly full roster already set for a late July Season 2 start. Also, I have had the benefit of a very loyal and strong group of drivers build from the Snail Racing League that I have been with for years. Unfortunately, my Lambo series has nearly fizzled out, and this one never got off the ground. It is ashame. Feel free to check them out from the links in my signature.

True. Too many people only care about Gr3 cars. Honestly gr3 doesnt always produce the best racing. It's great but there are so many other cars on the game worth racing also.