
I think Matt (and a whole pile of other people) should move to Singapore.


Can we get them on a plane and tell them they're going one place but then drop them off somewhere else?
Keep that dick away from my relatives please. Although he probably wouldn't be seeing much of the open air from the sounds of things.
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I think Matt (and a whole pile of other people) should move to Singapore.


Can we get them on a plane and tell them they're going one place but then drop them off somewhere else?
I think that would be hilarious, especially given these points:

There's one more in there (I wanted to highlight the first one and there are four total but I can't embed individual posts unless it's the first one), which is that Singapore mandated workplace vaccination.

Law Twitter is kind of awesome.
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When you live in a country with 21,646 people per square mile, you can't really afford to **** around with public health. They eradicated mosquitos to curb the Zika virus so I don't know what chance a cockroach like Walsh would have over there.
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DirecTV removed Newsmax from its service and conservatives are losing it, just as they did when OAN got the axe.


This connie bitch who may or may not actually be Sen. Mike Lee.


Connies have long purported to be for the free market. It's a lie, of course.




Smooth-brained Newsmax viewers who can't distinguish between DirecTV's pokes in the eye and their own:

Steve Martin Clasico GIF by Filmin
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I don't agree with your channel's blatantly obvious lies & propaganda, but you think I should carry you anyway & pay you for it?
I don't agree with your channel's blatantly obvious lies & propaganda, but you think I should carry you anyway & pay you for it?
You're just a broadcaster. You're not allowed to have an opinion unless it's mine and I'm gonna lobby the government to force you to have it.
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It's not a whole street. It's the ass end of Rep. Lewis Way.

Hopefully Councilwoman Suara and her sane colleagues will vote this down before it makes their county into the laughing stock of the USA. I guess the proposers chose to call it a boulevard because they're inexplicably sore about Obama Blvd., L.A.
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What a ****** insult.
You have to wonder why the White County representative chose to rename parts of Lewis when he and the senator who proposed the bill don't even represent that area. It's almost as this was designed to be intentionally provocative, especially since it seems to have been deliberately introduced during Black History Month.

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You have to wonder why the White County representative chose to rename parts of Lewis when he and the senator who proposed the bill don't even represent that area. It's almost as this was designed to be deliberately provocative, especially since it seems to have been deliberately introduced during Black History Month.

View attachment 1228055
Racism is in a weird place in America right now. We've at least advanced to the point that white people know it's wrong to be racist, yet they can't stop themselves from doing openly racist ****.
You hope most but not all.
I'd add that I reject the notion that racism itself is wrong. It's misguided, sure, but as thought alone it shouldn't be either condemned or condoned. What's absolutely wrong is legitimate rights violations founded upon racist thoughts.
I don't feel I have the luxury to be able to sympathise with people who regularly harbour racist thoughts so I'm forced to indulge in a certain amount of thoughtcrime of my own regarding my internal assessment of their philosophy.
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That legislation of this sort is introduced should come as a surprise to no one, but its introduction is sure to be rooted in this particular inane conservative bitchfit:
A woman is a human adult born with two X chromosomes.


Transgender men are not women, no matter how much they want to be, no matter how much hormone treatment or surgery they have received.

If a human has a Y chromosome, whether it's paired with an X chromosome or whether they have extra chromosomes in XYY or XXY combination, they are male. A male with XYY may go his entire life unaware of the xtra Y chromosome as it produces no developmental issues. A male with an extra X chromosome will probably show developmental problems such as near or total sterility, poor genital development, even breasts, but they still carry a Y chromosome, have a penis and not a vagina, and are still male, and cannot grow up to be a woman.

I expect to be flamed for this viewpoint, but seriously... this isn't difficult. A woman has 2 X chromosomes.

This legislation neither prevents nor remedies any legitimate harm, and in the process of not preserving rights, it actively violates the rights of the individual, that one may or may not be intersex notwithstanding. This is not a legitimate interest of the state and yet deranged, feckless connies have decided it's necessary to wage this culture war.

But what of those who are intersex? Why should one who is born with some combination of internal and external (especially external) male genitalia absent a Y chromosome be recognized by the state as a female? And on the other end, what of one with Swyer Syndrome who may have been born with nearly normal female genitalia including vagina, uterus, and even fallopian tubes (notably lacking functional ovaries and thus incapable of getting pregnant naturally but still able to carry and deliver, as I understand, by either natural birth or Cesarean section) despite having the "male" Y chromosome?

"This isn't difficult."

Throwing another connie bitchfit into the mix...what public restroom do they use? [To be clear, I'm referring to restrooms availed as a legal right, for example as by public schools where this connie bitchfit is most prevalent. Private facilities should be availed solely at the discretion of their owners.] Is a genetic female required to use a restroom intended for girls and women because they are a genetic female and simultaneously prohibited from using a restroom intended for girls and women because they have a penis? Why or why not? How is one supposed to tell? How would it be enforced? What's so bad about a penis?

I should say that I present these questions for consideration even as I don't actually expect @wfooshee to answer any of them because A) they refused to respond to previous solicitations on the subject by others and B) these bitchfits are wholly devoid of reason.

Continuing the theme of connie bitchfits over "trans", I present this...well...bitch.

Isn't it weird that artistic representations of things that don't exist--

I swear so many of these bitchfits are rooted in religious psychosis.

Also apparently "trans" is when not conventionally attractive.


Oops. ... God damn. That's a face that could make a lemon pucker.
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That legislation of this sort is introduced should come as a surprise to no one, but its introduction is sure to be rooted in this particular inane conservative bitchfit:

This legislation neither prevents nor remedies any legitimate harm, and in the process of not preserving rights, it actively violates the rights of the individual, that one may or may not be intersex notwithstanding. This is not a legitimate interest of the state and yet deranged, feckless connies have decided it's necessary to wage this culture war.

But what of those who are intersex? Why should one who is born with some combination of internal and external (especially external) male genitalia absent a Y chromosome be recognized by the state as a female? And on the other end, what of one with Swyer Syndrome who may have been born with nearly normal female genitalia including vagina, uterus, and even fallopian tubes (notably lacking functional ovaries and thus incapable of getting pregnant naturally but still able to carry and deliver, as I understand, by either natural birth or Cesarean section) despite having the "male" Y chromosome?

"This isn't difficult."

Throwing another connie bitchfit into the mix...what public restroom do they use? [To be clear, I'm referring to restrooms availed as a legal right, for example as by public schools where this connie bitchfit is most prevalent. Private facilities should be availed solely at the discretion of their owners.] Is a genetic female required to use a restroom intended for girls and women because they are a genetic female and simultaneously prohibited from using a restroom intended for girls and women because they have a penis? Why or why not? How is one supposed to tell? How would it be enforced? What's so bad about a penis?

I should say that I present these questions for consideration even as I don't actually expect @wfooshee to answer any of them because A) they refused to respond to previous solicitations on the subject by others and B) these bitchfits are wholly devoid of reason.

Continuing the theme of connie bitchfits over "trans", I present this...well...bitch.

Isn't it weird that artistic representations of things that don't exist--

I swear so many of these bitchfits are rooted in religious psychosis.

Also apparently "trans" is when not conventionally attractive.


Oops. ... God damn. That's a face that could make a lemon pucker.

Last photo should have a trigger warning.