CORE Nurburgring 24 Hours 2016Open 

  • Thread starter ItzRacing
Murray Bridge
In February of 2014, 9 teams from around the world came together at a forest in Germany. Weaving throughout that forest, was a circle of road no wider than three meters. The Green Hell. Over 140 corners spanning over 15 miles. The teams lined up in double file. The two Mercedes, red and blue, led the way. Slowly, they worked their way around the track. As the pace car peeled into the pits, the green flag was shown. The drivers revved their engines and they were gone. Racing at the limit for the next 24 hours. This wasn’t a test of endurance, this was a test of speed. Who dared to push the boundaries, and who pushed too far. It wasn’t until the very last seconds that the winners emerged: The blue and yellow Audi saw the flag before all others.

Mere hours after the race had finished, the teams were raring to go again, and so they did. One year later, the teams lined up and began their first trip around the track. Some were veterans who wore battle scars from the previous year’s event. The others were rookies, raring to pit themselves against the very best. And so, like clockwork, the green flag fell again and the cars sped off. Each team met their own issues throughout the race. Some tired from fatigue, some made rookie mistakes, and some tested their luck and took it too far. Each team had a shot at the victory at different points in this race. Some fell back in the night, only to surge back past their rivals when the sun came up. We waited eagerly for the fog to clear. And then from the Green Hell emerged the white BMW, waving the flag of Australia.

Now it’s time for the third chapter in this epic story, and you can be a part of it.



N24 Timetable

(All times in GMT)


QP1 - Friday, March 4
Room Opens: 20:00
Session Begins: 20:30
Session Finishes: 22:00
Room Closes 22:30
Room Host: TBC

QP2 - Saturday, March 5
Room Opens: 1:00
Session Begins: 1:30
Session Finishes: 3:00
Room Closes 3:30
Room Host: TBC

QP3 - Saturday, March 5
Room Opens: 20:00
Session Begins: 20:30
Session Finishes: 22:00
Room Closes 22:30
Room Host: TBC

QP4 - Sunday, March 6
Room Opens: 1:00
Session Begins: 1:30
Session Finishes: 3:00
Room Closes 3:30
Room Host: ItzRacing

QP5 - Sunday, March 6
Room Opens: 9:30
Session Begins: 10:00
Session Finishes: 11:30
Room Closes 12:00
Room Host: TBC

Nurburgring 24 Hours Race - March 12 & 13

Saturday March 12
10:00-12:30: WTCC Round 8
14:00: Room Opens
14:30: All cars must be on the grid
14:45 Beginning of Parade lap
15:00 Race Start

Sunday March 13
15:00 Race Finish
16:00 Room Close​

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For the complete CORE rules and regulations, click on the banner above.

Please watch the following video, which will explain start procedures for the VLN and the N24 along with overtaking and penalty box procedures







Signups for each team are required to be posted in this thread with the following information:

Team Name / Country / Team Manager / Car Number / Drivers (GTPlanet User and PSN ID)

Please be aware that the CORE Nurburgring 24 Hours is strictly for local teams, with all teams required to have their drivers race in the same location on one PS3 console.

All teams will be required to have a Team Skype account for the Nurburgring 24 Hour race.





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GHH will enter if it's on GT6 but I'm not able to do Project Cars so if it's on PS4/Pcars then the GHH name won't be involed, nothing stopping GHH members competing under a different name though.
GHH will gladly return to defend our title :cheers:

Can't do Pcars though so i wont be submitting a GHH entry if that's the chosen format 👍
To help keep track of what teams are interesing in racing, can I please ask everyone to fill out the sign up form for their team. Please put whether you will race on GT6 or PCARS in the class section. If you will race both, then fill the form out twice. This will be solely to help us determine which teams will be able to race on each platform.

Sign Up Form
Reapers are interested, i'd say stick to what we know, 2015 went without a hitch on gt6 and a safe bet for 2017 would be gt7 on ps4, lets not rush things.
To help keep track of what teams are interesing in racing, can I please ask everyone to fill out the sign up form for their team. Please put whether you will race on GT6 or PCARS in the class section. If you will race both, then fill the form out twice. This will be solely to help us determine which teams will be able to race on each platform.

Sign Up Form

Form title:
CORE Online Racing Sign up 2015

If you invented the time machine, I want to go for ride ;)

CORE would like to announce that following the period of expressions of interest for both a GT6 and a Project Cars Nurburgring 24 Hour race, that the decision has made to continue using GT6 platform for the 2016 running of the event.

We ask that the managers of all the interested teams begin assembling their teams and drivers in preparation for the beginning of the VLN series at the start of December.

We will be finalising details for the running of the race, including car lists, VLN formats and other regulations in the coming weeks.
Hah man I almost got the tingles for this again, but there's just not a chance that I'll convince GORE to pick up the wheel again. We all got much busier lives this time around and there's just no chance. :P Anyway good luck to all of you who choose to compete. It really is one of the greatest experiences you can have racing. Let's just hope you can avoid all that controversy and stuff that drained a bit of the fun out of it last time. :)
Reatolho Racing Team / Portugal / LordZ1978 (André Nobre) / 77 / LordZ1978 (GTP/PSN), Romisagon (GTP- Romigo), GreenHouseFX (GTP/PSN)

Also facebook as Restolho Racing Team.
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Important Information for all teams
Car selection is now open for teams to decide which car they will use for the VLN series and the Nurburgring 24 Hours. There is no order of selection for teams and there is no limit on the number of cars per manufacturer, giving teams complete freedom to choose the car they like best. Choose carefully though, as once a decision is made, no further changes will be permitted.

Also, teams will be required to nominate their team lineups before the beginning of the 1st round of the VLN series. Lineups will be permitted to be changed, however the driver's results will stay with the team they drove for in each race.
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In the lead up to the CORE VLN's and N24, we will be sitting down with the drivers of the first Pre-VLN podium and asking them a range of pressing questions from how they rate their performance in the Pre-VLN to how they see it affecting their build up to the daunting challenge that awaits them in a matter of months, the Nurburgring 24 Hours. In the first installment of these Q&A's, we are sitting down with Reaper Online Racing's @rono_thomas to reflect on the race that was, and how he hopes to perform down the line.

Interviewer: "You finished 3rd in the Pre-VLN race, behind ItzRacing who was in 2nd, and rcb929, who both were in BMW Z4 GT3's (completing a podium sweep for the legendary German marque), with your gap to the leader being 4 minutes and 48 seconds, what does that result mean to you, and how will it affect how you approach future VLN's, if it all?"

rono_thomas: "After qualifying second finishing 3rd was a little disappointing. The pre-VLN was my first race back after a self imposed break of about 3 months so my preparation for the race was not what I would call lacking, but, I had definitely rolled the dice and hoped for a dry race - and that I would consider to be the problem. After taking an early lead in the first few laps, I found myself nursing the car back to the pits with full front suspension and engine damage. So as the rain started to fall I was right at the back of the field pitted immediately thinking that I might gain something from going to inters early - which I did for a while, until I put the full wets on and discovered that my setup would not work for me at all. It was damage limitation from there to the chequered flag. So what does this result mean to me? - Don't predict the weather, prepare for it all!"

Interviewer: "The Nurburgring is world renowned for being absolutely brutal. The combined challenge of dealing with unique corners, undulations and a narrow track with steel barriers lined around the circuit is definitely not one for the faint hearted, so with that in mind, is there a part of the track that you just back off the smallest of bits, as you feel it's incredibly easy to make a mistake there?"

rono_thomas: "Not really no - I find that if I think to drive conservatively mistakes are more likely to happen - concentration slips - if your always on that edge I find it keeps you sharp".

Interviewer: "Now, a complete reverse of the previous question, despite the track being one that many fear, many relish the challenge of driving it, and each person has a specific part of the track they enjoy pushing the limit on, what is your favourite part of the track?"

rono_thomas: "My favourite part of the ring is the section that stretches from the Karussel to the back straight its technical, and I like the way the corners feed off each other. You know your on for a good lap when this part goes to plan".

Interviewer: "With the VLN's just weeks away, what are your aspirations for them, and just a bit further down the track, what is your target for the N24?"

rono_thomas: "This all depends on Real Life being able to be organised, but from a team perspective 2015 for ROR was a year of 2nd places both for the N24 and GTPES - 2016 is going to see that tochange ‪#‎FearTheReapers‬".

Interviewer: "Thank you for your time, I and everyone in CORE appreciate you sitting down and taking the time to answer the questions. We all look forward to seeing how you and your team perform in the upcoming VLN's. Best of luck".
In the lead up to the CORE VLN's and N24, we will be sitting down with the drivers of the first Pre-VLN podium and asking them a range of pressing questions from how they rate their performance in the Pre-VLN to how they see it affecting their build up to the daunting challenge that awaits them in a matter of months, the Nurburgring 24 Hours. In the second installment of these Q&A's, we are sitting down with Green Hell Heathen's @ItzRacing to reflect on the race that was, and how he hopes to perform down the line.

Interviewer: "You finished 2nd in the Pre-VLN race, behind rcb929, who was also in the BMW Z4 GT3, by 2 minutes and 53 seconds, what does that result mean to you, and how will it affect how you approach future VLN's, if it all?"

ItzRacing: "For me, the result is defintely a positive one, I have started the journey on a positive note with a solid podium placing and also came away with some solid running time in wet weather conditions. As for my approach, the result proved that my approach will yield solid race results if it is executed properly. My focus was on minimizing my own mistakes and also avoiding lengthy battles with other drivers that could result in a costly incidents. By running my own race I was able to get into my own rhythm and through pitstop cycles I was come out in a good position in the end".

Interviewer: "The Nurburgring is world renowned for being absolutely brutal. The combined challenge of dealing with unique corners, undulations and a narrow track with steel barriers lined around the circuit is definitely not one for the faint hearted, so with that in mind, is there a part of the track that you just back off the smallest of bits, as you feel it's incredibly easy to make a mistake there?"

ItzRacing: "I would say that Flugplatz is the one corner that is very easy to make a mistake on. On a good day you can easily take the corner flat out, but if you don't get it right it will spit you out the other side in a very bad way. During the racing conditions I usually find myself having a very minor safety lift, so I know for sure that i'll come out on the other side in one piece. The other place is the triple apex miss-hit-miss, it was a corner that I crashed on in my final stint during last years N24, that set off a chain of events that nearly cost Team GHH the win".

Interviewer: "Now, a complete reverse of the previous question, despite the track being one that many fear, many relish the challenge of driving it, and each person has a specific part of the track they enjoy pushing the limit on, what is your favourite part of the track?"

ItzRacing: "Basically from the first Karussel to the finish line is a really enjoyable section that I love to push the limit on. To begin with the track snakes left and right with plenty of rewarding corners if you take them on the limit. Then from Pflanzgarten to Schwalbenschanz is a flat out roller coaster ride that you ride on the limit. Then the final few corners after the Dottinger are a thrill if you get them right!"

Interviewer: "With the VLN's just weeks away, what are your aspirations for them, and just a bit further down the track, what is your target for the N24?"

ItzRacing: "For the VLN's the plan will be to run as many laps as possible and get myself familiar with whichever car we decide to race in the Nurburgring 24 Hour. The track being a very long one, it is a circuit that you can always find improvements on and running laps is the only way you can continue to learn and improve. Obviously I would like to finish as far up the order as I possibly can, but I also understand that even the VLN races are still a team game and a solid, clean race will go a long way to helping Team GHH up the starting order. For the N24, Team GHH will enter the race as defending champions, so there is some pressure to repeat our performance. The aim will be to do that, but we know that every team in the field has a lot of great drivers that will be hard to beat, and only by putting in clean, fast and trouble free laps, will we be able to put ourselves in a position to contend for the race win".

Interviewer: "Thank you for your time, I and everyone in CORE appreciate you sitting down and taking the time to answer the questions. We all look forward to seeing how you and your team perform in the upcoming VLN's. Best of luck".

ItzRacing: "Thank you very much".