CSR Elite Beta Testing Poll

  • Thread starter sandboxgod

Which candidate

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
United States
This is the poll for CSR Elite Beta Testing. The GTP community has the awesome opportunity to vote for beta testers to represent us. Thomas (CEO Fanatec), has agreed to pick the Top 3 testers to beta test the beautiful CSR Elite wheel. In addition, after testing is completed, you will have the option to keep the wheel at a 50% discount. Lastly, we all will benefit from their experience when they to return the forum to post their impressions, thoughts, comparisons, and reviews!! 👍

Note: The poll allows multiple votes. Please limit your votes to 3 choices. If you go over we will have to pick going from top to bottom

Edit: If you go over 3 votes we cannot count your vote. Also, if you have registered recently this month then your vote will also not be counted.

Information about each candidate:



I want to add my background as well.
I am 25 years of age and live in The Netherlands.
I've been loving technology/computers as long as I can remember. Therefor my parents helped me into the IT direction since a very young age. I've grown up building my own PCs while playing all sorts of games. Starting from my first race game Hard Drivin on the Amiga 2000 I've grown up seeing the entire games industry grow up into a fine adult producing the very realistic games to date. And of course played most of them in the years.
I've gone through school learning my IT skills. Worked at my ISP's technical support where I supported all their services including experimental ones. After that I worked at a big necktie IT company which was too much business and too little tech for my liking.
Now due to some medical circumstances I am at home.
In all of my tech years I supported also an online game called Galaxis Online. I always did the alpha and beta testing for it as also for other project of the maker of that game. Also I help my friend in IT school to debug and test his programs from time to time. Which are either firmware or normal software.
I also did help in debugging the code for the above projects and write a bit of code here and there as a small time amateur in that department.

So testing actual hardware like the CSr Elite or CSW will actually be a new frontier for me. And something I will enjoy more since I can use my brain to look for errors which I like to do the most. Or so I found out about myself over the years.

I own the following hardware that I could test the wheel with:

Playstation 2 - Gran Turismo 4
Playstation 3 60GB (fat) - Gran Turismo 5, Shift 1, Burnout Paradise
xbox 360 120GB (fat) - Forza 4 (when I get it, but already have the demo)
Homebuild PC with the following hardware:
CPU: Intel i7 2600k
Cooler: Coolermaster Hyper Z600
Motherboard: MSI P67a-GD65
Memory: Corsair Vengeance 8GB 1866mhz kit
GPU: MSI N480GTX-m2d15 1.5GB (nVidia GTX480)
Soundcard: Soundblaster X-Fi Fatal1ty Titanium Championship Edition

PC Games:
Live For Speed
Shift 1 & 2
Burnout Paradise
Dirt 1, 2 & 3
Driver San Fransisco
F1 2010 & 2011
NFS Hot Pursuit
NFS Undercover
Test Drive Unlimited 2
Toca Race Driver 3

All hooked up to a Philips 32PFL9604H/12 television (32" inch).

As a resume I would like to enter something Thomas approved of already: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=228495

Now please vote me, if you'd like to see another review from my hands ^_^'
Of course I won't be sad if another guy wants to review the CSR Elite.

Additional reviews:
Mini Review: Microsoft Wireless Speed Wheel


I am 23 years old, run Fanatec wheel fansite and it is probably fair to say that I spent way too much of my life sitting in front of a PC monitor. I owned a wheel since force feedback was introduced to gamers (Logitech Wingman formula force - I think this first Logitech FF wheel was actually belt driven), but I only became more serious about sim racing a few years a go, when I bought a Logitech G25 and installed rFactor. After that I bought most of hardcore simulations (iRacing, Netkar Pro, rFactor...) on the PC and some on consoles (GT5 on PS3; Dirt 3, Forza 3, Forza 4 on X360). I did not put hundreds of hours in any of them separately, but I very much enjoy racing in all of them, comparing them and observing how the wheel behaves in each one. I am somebody who enjoys sim racing and trying all the games and hardware a lot, but for now I do not take part in any racing series.
In the past I made video reviews of Fanatec’s GT3 RS, GT2 and Clubsport pedals, Logitech’s G27, SR Hardware SLI-M mounting system for Fanatec wheels and of the Speedmaster V2.0 cockpit. Besides that I posted a video that shows how to open Fanatec wheels and for the Speedmaster cockpit I also wrote a text based review. That is what I would do for the CSR Elite, if I got the opportunity. I would make a video and a written review.
I realized that video reviews are great to give the viewer a good idea about how the product looks from all angles and present it in a way that you never could in a written review, but written review is very important to describe certain aspects of the product in more detail. That way someone, who is interested in buying, can take a bit more of his time and read absolutely everything that comes to reviewer’s mind during testing.
I think I am good at spotting problems for the testing part and I would try to make the review better than all my previous ones. I can also take good photos for the written review and try to keep my video image quality for the video review high.
I could test it on all the platforms with a variety of titles and compare it to previous Fanatec wheels and to a G25 (G27 was borrowed just for the review, so I do not have it). It is a shame that I do not have the Thrustmaster T500 RS, which seems to be a great wheel to compare to the CSR Elite.



I call it like I see it. Very honest, and willing to help out others with issues to the best of MY abilities. Whether it be troubleshooting, USA order issues, or in game driving assists regarding Fanatec.

I have all 3 platforms to base a review off of. GT5(PS3), FM4(360), iRacing(PC). I would plan on doing both a written and video based review utilizing all 3 platforms in the video, to demonstrate the wheels pros and cons for each system/game. I would take about 4-7 days to get a true understanding and feel for the wheel before I would release my review.

It would not be legitimate in my eyes to open the box, plug it in, then 2 hours later make a review and call it a done deal. I would try to base it more like Sonac(He is the reason why I purchased my GT2 in the first place, and rightfully should have a spot in this hands down without needing a vote) That is what a review SHOULD be like to be complete and thorough.

Also, being an avid Nascar/oval racer/fan, I can give more the US an aspect of the wheel. I still enjoy road courses, but would like to integrate a small 1-2 minute aspect of Nascar/ovals into it for the niche on here that enjoy it as much as I.

So, good luck to all others(not Sonac, Thomas, all of us agree he NEEDS one to review) May the best man/mate get the opportunity. I already have a TM 458 italia(xbox360/PC) on order(should have it by 11/1-11/5ish, released 10/31 according to amazon) to review for this site and Sonac's as well.


Okay, I'll ask my name be put on the list for consideration as well. I don't post a ton here as lately I've been playing more on the PC (I'm a C.A.R.S tester/member now, and big fan of rFactor as well), or playing the surprisingly good Forza 4 with my GT2. Though I suspect GT5 will get a lot of time again soon (when the DLC is finally released here in the States...)

I've purchased all the previous Fanatec wheels except for the CSR. I also used to have a G25 and Momo wheel prior to this, and still have the basic Microsoft official FFB wheel as well. I applied on Thomas' blog as well, but had my eyes on the CSW when it comes out personally, though my affinity for the FFB of Forza would lead me to want to test the CSR Elite as well. Maybe that will be my sweet spot and I'll finally settle on one.

Anyway, I have a PS3, multiple 360s and Nvidia 3D Vision PC setup to test with. I prefer to make videos, though written reviews and posts are good too and I'd plan to do both ideally. You may have seen either my series of videos where I had an idea for a wheel similar what the GT2 became before it was available, so I hacked together a Turbo S and a GT3RS and explained a lot about how they were constructed in the process of showing my mod. I also made a video intro for my next project, a WIP of triple-screen 3D racing rig with real-life sized images using 3 cheap DLP projectors. My vids are on my YouTube channel here:

Together this series of videos I made have almost 50,000 views. Thanks to all who have checked them out.

Hope I get a chance to test out this next gen of products! Thanks for your consideration.

Anyway, I'd love to do something similar with the CSR Elite. Who knows, maybe if I ever get a CSW too I might try to make and document a similar "frankenwheel" combining the best of both (if it's even possible.)


Videos: http://m.youtube.com/profile?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&client=mv-vf-uk&user=mrflocktona

Name: Adam
Run a small website reviewing products for some of the manufacturers and I love all thinks sim racing.
I can test on PS3 and 360 and PC if required.. Even though I don't own a PC. I have all the latest driving games for PS3 and I will be buying forza 4 for 360 soon.
I play a lot and will do my best to find and describe all problems. I also have some experience reviewing hardware and software for an IT course I have completed.

I don't have any experience at beta testing but I don't think my review was too bad although some disagree and I respect that.
I have some experience reviewing products and I spend a lot if time gaming so if their are flaws I will find them. I am also very informative on this forum. Some people may dislike me but they cannot argue that I'm a good potential candidate for thus role.

I also have the 2nd highest post count in this thread and I have only been a member since July. This shows I am cimmited to this and fanatec. I also have some experience reviewing wheels hence the site and I have tried every single wheel on the market. I also spend a lot of time gaming so if their is a flaw I will find it. My grammar isn't bad although I am using a phone at this moment in time so I don't expect it to be great.

These are my vids for the Csr whilst I had it...

And of course I have my written review of the fanatec Csr

I will also be able to compare to the CSR as the experience is still fresh and its in my garage. The fact that its in my garage Thomas means I already have the elite pedals to save on your shipping LOL


A little history on why I think I would make a fair beta tester seems like a proper place to start. I am a self proclaimed gear junky, by which I mean when I get into a hobby I tend to obsess over new gear, how it works and where I can improve on it. I try to learn as much as I can about whatever products are out there, and keep up with the current trends.
When I was 20 I got into paintball with a couple friends, by the end of the first summer I earned a spot on a national team and was interning at a store to cover my end of sponsorship arrangements. Very quickly this turned into a ten year career in which I continued to play then manage and eventually own a team until the league we were in folded. I spent my time scouring the internet about new gear, looking up patents and animations on how different pieces of equipment worked. I became a certified tech for a couple of companies and was involved in beta testing and writing a trouble shooting and tuning website for one of them. During my time working on guns I was always looking for ways to improve my equipment. Some of my modifications made it as features on future models, from airflow improvements, goggle shapes to ergonomic design of a trigger frame.
I like to mess with things 

Ok, enough of what I have done and onto what I can bring (and not bring) to the table here. I am fortunate enough to have a night shift one night a week where I can bring my video games to work with me and get in a good 5-6 hours of testing over the course of the 8 hour shift. I have access to a few different wheels to test against. Although the only one that would be really worth its testing that I could easily access would be my own gt2. It really wouldn’t be very subjective to set the csr:e loose against the 911 carrera and DFGT, but I would do a short test for those interested. I would also be willing to trade my gt2/csp for a tm500 for a couple of days with a local to me member here so I could give it a fair shake.

As I said earlier, I love to see how things work.

As a reviewer, I am not very experienced, but feel I could contribute a very clinical but enjoying to read review. Over the past couple of months I have been doing a lot of statement writing for my father, and my writing style has been getting more and more clinical. But I am a fun loving guy who jokes around a lot, so it should make for a very entertaining read. Photographs to highlight the main points of the review are a must in my opinion, but should not be overdone as to take away from the written word. I also feel a review is worth the wait time if it is thorough in testing.

As a sim racer I am rather new. I just got back into racing games with the release of gt5 after a hiatus since gt2, but I put a lot of seat time in since I have been back into the genre.

Positives I could bring
--Experience in beta testing
--high level of interest in products
--12-15 hours a week + testing time
-- experience in product development
--dedication to the research at hand
-- a very structured testing regime across the comparison product
-- I am not motivated by the discount being offered, with Christmas coming up my funds would be to limited

As with any good write up, there is always some negatives. So here is some in my direction.

--Limited sim experience
--Only have a ps3/gt5 to test on. Though, I am a gamefly member and would get a couple more recent games available. Would be able to get my hands on an xbox for a day or two but would be limited to its usage.
--I have limited experience in writing reviews
--no access to video, or rather, anything of decent quality
-- limited exposure outside of gtp

So, that’s me and why I would like to be in on this great offer from Thomas.


As a mature adult with a background in mechanical engineering and industrial testing I feel I have an adequate background to be a beta tester. Although I have never written a sim racing gear review I have written lab reports, program documentation and grant proposals that have been well received. I can write real gud if need be. I don't get bored easily.

I have the GT3rs v2 and DFGT to compare the wheel with. My setup is a Obutto cockpit + 100" projection screen + serious home-built speaker system (Manger http://www.manger-msw.com/). As far as production and documentation go, I have a HD video camera, Manfrotto tripod and Nikon D700.

As far as platforms go I can test on the PC and PS3 in iRacing, Dirt3 and GT5 since there are my current focus. If needed I can also do testing on Xbox FM4.

I've raced in a GT5 league for most of the year and have been competitive at time with some great drivers. I focus on clean driving over wins and I'll take good physics over flash any day.

I do not get involved in board dramas and have no need for approval that isn't deserved though good work and good deeds. However contrary opinions are not something I am shy about and having no trouble considering the merits of other arguments.

Thank you for your consideration.


At number 1, I'd like to nominate myself. I like to think that I offer clear, detailed opinions and contribute what I can here. I'm technically savvy and I think I can do a good job distinguishing differences in technologies used in various products. I've owned several wheels over the years, with extensive experience using the Logitech Driving Force Pro, Logitech G25, Fanatec PWTS, Fanatec GT2, Fanatec ClubSport Pedals, and some experience using the Fanatec PWC.

I have an older spec, but still very capable Windows 7 64-bit PC (Core 2 Quad 3.2GHz, GTX 560ti, 8GB RAM) with the following titles: Dirt 2, NFS Shift 1 & 2, F1 2011, R-Factor, GTR 2, Race 07, Richard Burns Rally, and RSRBR 2011.

I own both an Xbox 360 and PS3 with the following titles: Forza 3 & 4, PGR 3 & 4, GT5 Prologue, and GT5. I also own Burnout Revenge and Burnout Paradise, but those aren't well-suited to wheels.

Finally, I have a sturdy tripod, a 720p camera, and video editing software.

My most recent example is a casual writeup about the PWT.

As an example of the detail I'm willing to go into when trying to appear more professional, here's something from way back in 2005. Racing software and hardware has advanced so far since then, so it's fun to see how quaint some of my impressions are now, but still, I think it's a worthwhile example of my writing: http://www.epinions.com/review/pr-Gr...t_176030846596


I own the following games for the Following systems.

Playstation-GT1, GT2
Playstation 2-GT3, GT4, NFSU, NFSU2, NFSMW
Playstation 3-GT5, NFSPS, NFSUC, Shift, Shift 2, F1 CE, F1 2011, and any other game as I have a game rental store near my house.
Xbox 360-FM2, FM3, FM4, Shift 2, NFS PS
PC-rFactor, GTR2, iRacing (soon)

Reviews-GT3 RS CSE Review Approved by Thomas and FM4 vs. GT5 SpecII Review

A little about me. I have recently just gone into Sim Racing. Unlike many other hobbies, it's something that could benifit in real life, and stay with you until you die. I also used to review a lot of things, mostly games, new consoles, things like that. I've even started reviewing car's themselves on games like Gran Turismo 5, and soon on Forza Motorsport 4. Therefore I have some experience on the matter of reviewing.

Unfortunately I've never actually been chosen to Beta test anything before. I'd love to get the chance to test another product to add to my list of reviews. Either way I will buy this wheel eventually. Whether when it's released, a year later, or more. I'd just really love it if I were chosen, but I won't be depressed if someone else get's chosen.


My T500RS Review: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?p=6089134#post6089134
First Impressions: T500RS Brakes vs Clubsport Brakes

Games: C.A.R.S., rFactor, iRacing, GT5, Forza, Dirt 3, Shift 2 Unleashed
Wheels / pedals: T500RS + Clubsport Brakes
Platforms: Xbox, PS3, PC

I've been a member of these forums for quite awhile. Normally, I try to post new information about new wheels and equipment as I discover them. I haven't beta tested a steering wheel before however I have beta tested a lot of games. As demonstrated in my T500RS review, I can write up nice
descriptive reviews. I look forward to testing the CSR Elite Wheel and comparing it to the T500RS. Additionally, I am eager to provide feedback to Fanatec so they can discover unknown issues. Lastly, I think I bring the fresh perspective of a gamer that loves playing sims on all platforms


Quick breakdown of what I would bring to the table
- When the G25, DFGT, and DFP came out I wrote a very comprehensive review comparing each. I have wanted to beta test for Fanatec ever since. I currently own a G25. (still looking for the link... its pretty old)
- I hope to write a review that not only keeps my perspective in mind, but the perspective of any person interested in a wheel.
- This is also a beta test so a full log of my experience and any problems or delights I should encounter will be listed
- I enjoy making and editing videos in my spare time. So far I have two videos with over 100k views on my youtube channel. I believe the quality and composition of these videos speak for themselves. If selected I would compose a quality video along with the written portion of my review.
- I have to be honest and say this is thin at best, but I have some contacts over at the PlaystationLifestyle website and I would love to produce some unique content for that site for Fanatec (pending their interest).
- Overall my goal is not only to write an honest analysis of the product(s) but to increase exposure for Fanatec. I want to see sim racing grow. This beta test is a great opportunity to do that.
- If needed, the entire article could be written in German (the video would have to be in English).
- I own a PS3 with GT5. I have a Dell SXPS1647 laptop which I use to play GTR2+GTLegends (install size 80gb+), rFactor (install 50gb+), LFS, RBR, DiRT3 and F12011. I have an iRacing account, but it is on hold due to financial priorities. I have not purchased a membership for C.A.R.S. but it is on my to do list. I have other sims but these are the ones I play the most.
- On that note, for full disclosure, my wish to beta test is partly due to financials, I wish it wasn't but that is my reality. Even though this affects my desire to beta test, I would leave this personal issue out of my review.
- My 360 red ringed this month, however, I do have access to a 360 and FM4. So this would not inhibit my ability to deliver a full review of the wheel.
- I have a sim rig. I built it with my father and subsequently it holds a little extra sentimental value.
- I have driven a variety of vehicles including a Ford GT, BMW M3, all the way down to shifter karts. I am not an expert, but I know how a car should feel.
- While I am most active on GTPlanet, I also hold active accounts on the Official US Playstation Forums, NoGripRacing and NeoGAF.
- I am/was a member of the Playstation Gamers Advisory Panel which was responsible for beta testing Sony titles before Playstation+ arrived. So I actually have credible beta testing experience.
- Lastly, if Thomas's memory is good enough, he will get this joke. Since the CSRE wheel is not longer Porsche branded, I can review it without bias. I know this troubled you before, but now you can breath a sigh of relief.

Personal Information:
- 20 years old
- College Student at Drexel University in Philadelphia PA studying entrepreneurship and finance
- Currently living in NY on vacation (read: job hunting)
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Note- The poll allows multiple votes. Please limit your votes to 3 choices. If you go over we will have to pick going from top to bottom
Sonac has my vote!

Good luck to all. I am just thankful to have an opportunity, and would make the best of it if granted this.

EDIT: As I mess up and ONLY pick Sonac lol. Looks like I forgot to vote for me :P
Lol AGP!

Wanted to toss myself a vote but LogiForce seemed like such a good choice. And I had to vote for Sonac & Mikemav leaving myself w/o a vote :nervous:
You need to come up with a definate closing time soon.

So everyone's aware. You don't want a scandal of epic proportions. Lol.
Lol AGP!

Wanted to toss myself a vote but LogiForce seemed like such a good choice. And I had to vote for Sonac & Mikemav leaving myself w/o a vote :nervous:

eh, its only a wheel. I am more for CSW anyways, but, to be able and be one of the first to try and see what it can do would be an honor and privilege I would not let go, nor take lightly!

I think with all the real life racing experience I have, would have an impact on what I know and how I will be able to help in the future. And for a review for a hi end wheel such as the CSR Elite. I have not done a review of any kind, yet that is. BUT, I know IF given this opportunity, would make it worthy for the masses, not to simply get hits to a site.

I would post it here and on Sonac's site primarily. And report anything wrong directly back to the manufacturer.

I even purchased a Thustmaster 458 Italia simply to review when I get it likely end of next week. Which I will then post here and on Sonac's site as well.
After some thought I nominated the following three:

Sandboxgod: For being a long member and having made this possible. Plus not having been able to test one product in the past.

Caz: He hasn't reviewed anything either and although busy I think he deserves a break away from his problems. Pooring his soul over the CSR Elite would be a good distraction and I am confident he'll give a nice review.

AGP5000: He seemed like an honest bloke that won't be biased. Didn't know if he had anything else then Fanatec equipment but what the heck. At least he has all 3 platforms with the best sims on each. Looking forward to the review involving all 3 as well of course.

The rest didn't make it cause... I hate voting for myself. Sonac has a fansite, so that makes him biased in a way, or at least will give off a less trustworthy vibe to the review later on. Same goes for Mikemav, he just has too many wheels of Fanatec already. :P
Amf7, sorry mate I didn't pick you this round as the three I picked didn't do a review in the past for as far as I know and you just did one. I like to give others a chance as well.
Redmalloc, you sounded bit like you wanted like a teen boy getting a new toy. Which means the review will be over excited and less objective. At least that was my fear. Also if your review would be as short as your 'sales pitch' then it wouldn't be much of a review. lol
CrispyChicken49, as you reviewed so much already I am sure your review would be good. And even though you didn't get to be a beta tester, I want the others that haven't done much to have the full experience instead. Although it was a hard pick between you and AGP5000 for me, since I still also wanted to have someone with some experience of Fanatec stuff in there.

I hope I didn't offend anybody. Again good luck and may the best guys win.
I'm not offended in anyway. We know that we will get good service from the majority of candidates so I don't see it making a difference

I voted for.you and sonac as i feel.experience is.better. no offence to any of.you guys
Sandbox, could you put an ending date and time to the poll up in the opening post? Or did I miss it? :S

Edit... never mind. I am blind, it's on top of the poll :dunce:
Thanks logiforce. I havent voted yet as i am away from my computer. I have to give this one some strong consideration.
The rules are the rules so I'm not letting the cat out of the bag here; If you're listed and want to test, vote ONLY for yourself.

If you're not listed but have a strong preference on who you'd like to get a wheel, vote ONLY for that person. (like SebVettel did and others most likely will)

Otherwise by all means vote for 3.

This is a good valid poll and everyone should realizes the ramifications of voting for more than one person. A fully informed electorate is a good thing, as is transparency. Good luck to all.

Done voting, I hope you will enjoy the beta testing guys and give us some proper review of these wheels (CSRE and CSW).

I really hope we could preorder it already. Thomas, you are the Man, make it happen:)
Sonac, obvious choice for the most desserved. I do not in anyway think his opinion or report would be bias at all or any more bias than one on ISR for instance. The fact he has a Fanatec fansite makes him more eager as a fan to produce a report not just for his benefit but his website and many others to enjoy as well.

Mikemav, previous videos won me over and your similar interests in the persuit for an incredible home setup. Youve got passion and a good understanding mechanically. Your report if picked will be one of the ones to watch.

sandboxgod, you gave someone else your vote very admirable and your T500Rs ownership is something not all the people can compare to which for me is very important for a true evaluation of the Elite wheel.

AGP5000, for me you missed out by only a small margin.
To the rest no hard feellings, I really like you but your up against some guys that are perhaps in a better situation.

It will be interesting to see how the votes go and how many not so regular members to these parts of the forums come out of nowhere to vote for someone (ahem).
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Ah, seems I am falling behind. Would've loved to compare the CSW (which I will be testing and reviewing) to the CSR Elite.

Oh well, can't win them all and I don't mind as I already am a happy camper. ^_^
Yeah needless to say forum members that popup out of nowhere will not count at all.

Thank you so much for voting for me guys 👍

edit- To be specific, if you just registered this month then your credibility is very low in my eyes but beyond that it is all good. This is the only reliable way in my eyes to keep things somewhat fair
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I almost was afraid that would kick me out of the poll, sandboxgod.
To my surprise I am here almost 2 months already. Time flies... O_o
Well, looks like I'm done for, hehe. May the best three win! I really hope you enjoy it!

Seems I forgot to list the links to my reviews!

GT3 RS-https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=221627
FM4 vs. GT5-http://www.forzaplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=381

Personally I would have picked everyone, as I think all of you guys are qualified, however I only voted for three, since that's how many would get picked.

sandboxgod-You've helped me out a lot with information on the CSR and CSW wheels for my thread, here's my thanks! Plus you took the time to organize this as well!

Caz-Your going through some tough times right now, I really hope that getting to test this wheel will help clear your mind for a little.
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It's not over yet crispy.
There's stiff competition in this poll.
Anyone would make a good beta tester IMHO.
Indeed, Spagetti. I think everyone is equally good. But I think for those watching the poll in the past few hours, they already know where this is going.

It's like watching the European Songfestival (but then without the politics)... lol
Sandbox, thanks again for putting this together and thanks to those who voted for me so far as well! There are some excellent candidates here and I'm sure everyone will do a great job.

Since I use all three platforms (and the Xbox is pretty active among those) and money is tight this year, I have not purchased the T500RS wheel being that it is PC/PS3 only. I've been thinking about it though and if I am selected, it would be very nice to compare these two heavyweights together, the Thrustmaster and the Fanatec. I've already owned a G27 but nothing as expensive as the T500. I am going to check with my local Best Buy, one of the flagship stores, which actually may carry this wheel. If this is covered under their 30-day return policy without a restocking fee, I would probably buy one to try out to compare to the Elite (or CSW when available.) I would like to give both a thorough trial and keep the winner between the two.

Edit- To be clear, I would not buy something knowing it's only to test with no intention of keeping it (I work in tech sales, so the thought of those who for example buy a TV for the Superbowl or World Cup and return it the next day doesn't sit well with me!) But I don't have a problem buying one with the possibility I'd keep it if it wins me over in a fair trial; after all stores have return policies for a reason.
This will get tense near the end.

amf seems right and active for a guy thats on holidays. :sly:
You crafty wee skitter, lol.

He's canvassing like crazy, you guys just gonna sit on your backsides, some of you maybe need to start looking your friends list on the forums and pulling in favours.

Err that isnt mentioned in the rules is it and hasnt been clarified?

Damn I was silly voting so early I could of sold my votes (joking) :ouch:

On a serious note though best to clarify the voting regs..
If I have a friend thats registered and on my list, then if I PM him to pop over and vote is that deemed okay?

Best to state EXACTLY whatever is going to be deemed a cast iron vote.
This could be Bush/Florida all over again, lol.
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I'd imagine it to be allowed. I hope everyone who tests this wheel, enjoy's it. That's what were really in for, helping others enjoy it, and helping ourselves enjoy it.

*Goes off to seek votes*
Wouldnt be worth me trolling for votes, most of my almost 500 posts are all within the sim racing hardware forum. Actually, the fanatec thread in general ;)
Still debating on 1,2 or 3 votes from me. This is a tough one as some guys on the list should absolutely be in based on passed merits and not because of this poll I am quite astounded they havent already been selected as testers.
Ill have my vote in later this evening and I will explain my votes ( or lack there of ).

Bush/fla ha what a travesty that was.
@ logiforce: i would absolutely love to lose myself in testing out a new product with everything going on in the real world but it doesnt look like its in the cards this round.
Off to the workshop to see if i can make some progress in a project i've been contemplating. Time to unbolt the csps from the rig ;)