Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
He believes all the lies he makes up and it’s scary how many others actually believe them too. Far too many people hang on his every word and believe every single thing he says.
I don’t think he can mentally handle reality, so he kind of has to live all these lies. He’s as delusional as they come.
White House!.jpg
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Is defacing US currency counted as protected speech due to the bill (no pun intended) of rights, or a federal crime under Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code? Sadly I'm guessing it's the former as the lunatic idiot stamper(s) say Trump is "their" president, not "the" president and are not intending to defraud anyone into thinking a five dollar bill is a fifty dollar bill.
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Is defacing US currency counted as protected speech due to the bill (no pun intended) of rights, or a federal crime under Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code? Sadly I'm guessing it's the former as the lunatic idiot stamper(s) say Trump is "their" president, not "the" president and are not intending to defraud anyone into thinking a five dollar bill is a fifty dollar bill.
There is a difference between trying to advertise/stamp something (as done above and where they do tracking of $1 bills with the Where's George? website) and the fraud you mentioned.
There is a difference between trying to advertise/stamp something (as done above and where they do tracking of $1 bills with the Where's George? website) and the fraud you mentioned.
I know, that's why I mentioned it in the post you quoted. It seems to me to be on the same level as graffiti vandalism. I guess you could say that the person or persons behind this are advertising their mental illness. Had I received a bunch of these bills, I'd want to take them to the nearest bank and change them for clean ones asap, though. Ugh.

Since afaik the only legal way to counter protected speech is with other speech, it'd be funny if someone got hold of one of these stamps and used them to mark pictures of other locations like toilets and garbage dumps as a counter campaign.
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Confused Parks And Recreation GIF

[literally anything happens]

Conservatives: "It's a distraction!"
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The whole thing is unhinged, of course, but I'm stuck on the notion that the video "looks like high-definition." It's marginally better than Bigfoot sighting videos.

Ah, things are starting to make sense.

In September 2012, Crokin developed a viral form of meningitis which progressed into meningoencephalitis and caused daily migraines, vertigo, and photophobia resulting from brain damage.


In 2015, Crokin resumed her career as a columnist by writing for Townhall.
But wait, there's more!
Crokin first became an adherent of the Pizzagate investigation after the release of emails from White House official John Podesta. Crokin continues to believe Pizzagate is true, as of 2020. She then became a follower of QAnon, another conspiracy theory whose wider scope includes that liberals and elites are running worldwide child sex-trafficking rings whom Donald Trump is secretly fighting. QAnon is derived from a belief the 4chan, then 8chan imageboards have been used by members of the Trump administration to disseminate top secret information about the presidency. The QAnon source making "intel drops" on 4chan and 8chan, she believed, was Trump himself or Stephen Miller. According to Crokin, she "immediately knew [QAnon] was legit" upon discovering the first "drop". She went on to become one of QAnon's most prominent "influencers".

Crokin shares the QAnon beliefs that the Mueller investigation was a cover for a pedophile investigation and that the cabal of child abusers will ultimately be defeated and its members arrested en masse in an event known as "the Storm". In 2017, future congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene credited Crokin for making her discover QAnon. At the end of December 2017, Crokin claimed on Twitter that photographs posted on Snapchat by Chrissy Teigen, which showed the model with her one-year-old daughter, contained concealed messages suggesting Teigen was connected to Pizzagate. After Twitter removed her verification, Crokin went on to contend that Teigen might be under the CIA's Project MKUltra mind control program (long since scrapped). Other people possibly under MKUltra, according to Crokin, include Harvey Weinstein and Jeff Bezos. She featured in Out of Shadows, a documentary uploaded to YouTube in April 2020. For her, Jeffrey Epstein and the NXIVM scandal demonstrated the continuing validity of Pizzagate.

Crokin was the original source for Roseanne Barr's deleted tweet in March 2018 claiming President Donald Trump had released hundreds of children from bondage each month. Crokin had used fake figures in a 2017 blog post for the conservative Townhall website entitled "Why the MSM Is Ignoring Trump's Sex Trafficking Busts" claiming a "staggering 1,500-plus arrests" of involved individuals in the first 30 days of Trump's presidency. Another thesis she has spread is that John F. Kennedy Jr. did not die in a 1999 plane crash, but faked his death, and is behind QAnon. According to Right Wing Watch, she predicted in March 2018 that the conspiracy theories suggesting "thousands of high-level political, business and entertainment figures are involved in cannibalistic satanic pedophilia" would be proven as true before President Trump leaves office.

In February 2019, Crokin expressed disappointment that Trump had not yet conducted the "mass arrests" of the child sex ring members as promised by Q, and worried that Trump might lose support if he waited too long. She added that she was in favor of citizen's arrests against John Podesta and other people, and warned that people might lose patience and take the street to conduct "vigilante justice".

During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, she relayed the #FilmYourHospital hashtag, as an attempt to prove that the pandemic was a "lie" engineered by the "cabal" and China.

Crokin was eventually banned by all mainstream social media platforms for her misinformation campaigns.

On December 6, 2022, Crokin appeared at a fundraising event hosted by former US President Donald Trump at his house Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
Mental. Illness.

Conservative is when bitchfit.

While it was obviously a mistake, props for recognizing her gender with that "four other girls." Also it would seem it was connie rats what were sent a message by Oak Park High School students in Kansas City, Missouri, seeing as homecoming royalty are chosen by the student body. (Okay so I'd bet dollars to doughnuts there are Oak Park High School homecoming election truthers from far beyond the school service area.)

A normal one is being had by many, of course.


ron swanson laughing GIF
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