D-Max // Since 2010 // Welcome Eddyac!

  • Thread starter D-Max
I'll have to try it...
Can any of the team get on again tonight, I wanna have another chat about this battle and the new btcc regs.
Knight Spirit
We need to get like a team Bio thingy going, so people can see who we are...

Name: Michael
PSN: sniipezz--28--
Age: 19
Favourite Car: Supra Rz
Favourite Track: Suzuki d1
Lead or Follow: Lead
Favourite Drifter: smokey nakada
Form or Function: Form
Favourite Smiley: :3
Just to add to that... If no-one objects then I will run the battles as usual, so if everyone from opposing team wants to add me on PSN that would be great.

Ideally I would like to throw a 3rd party judge into the mix, preferably TwinTurboCH but depends if he is available due to GTAcademy and his real Drifting commitments.
OOO OOO OOO.. Bored at work and i've found something new i want.. Google BBS CH Alloy Wheels. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

I must have those on the oddie! Yeah yeah just bought some but oh my god!
They will looks sick, how much were they? I need some new wheels for the meggy to put my 888's on...

What this actually means is the 888's will go on the factory renault wheels so the BBS' can stay on the car!
hahaha i didnt see how much coz it was the actual bbs site.. im gonna ring around first and see who holds them.. ill get back to you with a price soon :D
what you wanna know how much those bbs CH are? What years the car..?

infact a couple that i know in there system they put Make.. Year then model.. Help me out a little :P

On that note.. the cheapest for me is £2134.24 haha.. thats the 18"x8.5

If i wanna bump it up to 19"x8.5 it will be £1401.60 but tyres are not supplied.. the 19"s are looking alot better to be honest haha.. i'll be driving a monster truck
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what you wanna know how much those bbs CH are? What years the car..?

infact a couple that i know in there system they put Make.. Year then model.. Help me out a little :P

On that note.. the cheapest for me is £2134.24 haha.. thats the 18"x8.5

If i wanna bump it up to 19"x8.5 it will be £1401.60 but tyres are not supplied.. the 19"s are looking alot better to be honest haha.. i'll be driving a monster truck

2005 Renault Megane Renaultsport 225 - Note it must be the Renaultsport as the normal family Megane is 4 stud.
lol I dont think 19's would fit under my arches, and if so it would look like a french tractor!
hahaha or il paint them matte green with a brush! It's got black ones already, albeit painted by the previous owner but still looks good.
haha.. well i put my BBS on the other day.. Forgot the freakin name yet again! Well anyway turns out those were rubbing so i had to put the standard 18's back on with the coilover kit.. Sitting pretty dam flush :D
yeah were practicing it would be good if we can get a 3rd party judge are sundays good for ur team
haha.. well i put my BBS on the other day.. Forgot the freakin name yet again! Well anyway turns out those were rubbing so i had to put the standard 18's back on with the coilover kit.. Sitting pretty dam flush :D

Dontcha worry ill get pics up ASAP mate.. trying to get a hold of a camera coz i left mine at the parents so ill probs use the Mobie.. Not the best quality