Davis's Cars - I bought a Honda with a stupid wing

  • Thread starter Davis
Haven't updated in awhile, but there's not a lot that's new.

Winter happened--and it's really nice having a car that can fit in small parking spots. With the snow tires on it'll get through ice and deep snow. It's pretty fun to drive around in bad weather and I can definitely feel my sway bar pushing the back end out at times. Lift off oversteer :D.

Did 70 miles in a snow storm on Monday. Aerodynamic testing:

I've versed this complaint before, but I really hate how boring the stock wheels look. So I bought some mudflaps and stone guards to add some ~*excitement*~. They should help the salt buildup on the underside of the door and look awesome while doing so. Example picture:

The flaps are custom, but I got in touch with the owner and he's going to email me his template. I might even put my trashy number decals on to add to the rally look.

For Christmas my dad bought me Ferrari air horns, a mod I've been wanting to do for a long time but put off for other things. I don't have any pictures of the install but I took a short video.

Another note: I've decided on coilovers. I wanted springs for awhile, but the adjustability is increasingly appealing to me. I'd love to drop the car for car shows and track days, keep a moderately low height in the summer, and raise the suspension back up for winter, with comfortable dampening settings. Through a lot of searching and work connections, I've found Bilstein PSS10s for $400 less than retail, which will be more than enough for me. They're not as rust resistant as the KWs, but have a lifetime warranty. While the suspension is off the car I'm refreshing the bushings and other components as it will probably have around 80k on it by the time I have the funds.

Finally, when my all season summer tires run out, I'm going full performance, with a set of 215 width Toyo Proxes R888s. I've tried them out on my favorite roads in an Elise and I'm a fan.

Expect a post in the near future with updated pictures containing flaps and stuff.

aw friggin rights boys, looks like the lil red tomatos are still in season :cool:

I haven't updated in awhile, but that's the reason I'm writing this post.

I have enough money saved to do a proper Bilstein PSS10 coilover kit, steel brake lines, a Momo steering wheel, power steering delete, and numerous other modifications I've been wanting for a long time now. I showed my dad the parts list and he asked me why I was "spending so much money that [I'll] never get back on a car that's losing value."

I've told myself since I bought this car that I was never going to sell it, and that all of the money I've put into it was going to be worth it in the end. I would drive an Elise and think "time to remove my power steering" or I'd drive a Ferrari and think "better add some more power to the Mini" and then eventually I realized that it's so much cheaper and easier to just buy a faster car than it is to make the Mini into something that it's not.

Finally, as the mileage passed 80,000 on my last Mini club rally, I realized that it was probably time to move on. I'm not in a hurry to sell it, and I'm not in a hurry to buy anything else once that happens. I've been looking at cars for about 3 or so months now, and once the Mini sells I'll have enough to buy an E46 M3 in above average condition, with mileage somewhere between 50,000 -> 70,000, manual, coupe. Preferably Oxford Green.

I'll keep this thread updated with the buying and selling processes, then start a fresh thread for my eventual M3.



I'll miss this car but it's time to move onto bigger and better things.

I've rather enjoyed following your car, it'll be sad to see it goes. However, I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with the next one.
Y u do dis!?!?!?!? :(

Well that's how life you works: you simply move on to things bigger and badder. Keep us updated on the M3 if the keys do end up in your hands.

I've rather enjoyed following your car, it'll be sad to see it goes. However, I'll be looking forward to seeing what you do with the next one.
I've rather enjoyed owning it. :lol: It's been so great for everything I've needed. Always started on freezing cold days without hesitation, stands up to track days and prolonged hard driving, gets 30mpg on the daily commute. If I wasn't young and stupid I would keep it, but I just want something faster. Over the winter I drove around in a Dodge 2500 for awhile and got so used to breaking traction and playing around with oversteer that I decided my next car had to be RWD.

Y u do dis!?!?!?!? :(

Well that's how life you works: you simply move on to things bigger and badder. Keep us updated on the M3 if the keys do end up in your hands.
Of course I'll keep GTP updated. I already have a modification list for it...

I'm a little sad to see the Mini go, but I hope the M3 is everything you want it to be.

I really like this combination. These are the best looking factory wheels in my opinion, and I love the green.

Looks great lowered too, and I honestly don't mind what color I end up with. I don't really care for the brighter colors as I want an understated highway cruiser that can come alive on the weekends, not a flashy cop magnet.
I don't think I've ever seen a green E46, but that color does look great. I'd personally prefer blue, but no matter what you can't go wrong... hopefully he can make someone end up overpaying for the Mini with your dealer license.
I don't think I've ever seen a green E46, but that color does look great. I'd personally prefer blue, but no matter what you can't go wrong... hopefully he can make someone end up overpaying for the Mini with your dealer license.
I was doing some research on price a few weeks back and I technically overpayed for the car when I bought it, but I loved the wheels and the interior was basically brand new. And the internet says an MC40 packaged car can command $1500 over normal Minis.

It's well documented, has tasteful modifications, is in better shape than when I bought it, so hopefully I can get what I originally paid for it. :lol: But I doubt it.
I was doing some research on price a few weeks back and I technically overpayed for the car when I bought it, but I loved the wheels and the interior was basically brand new. And the internet says an MC40 packaged car can command $1500 over normal Minis.

It's well documented, has tasteful modifications, is in better shape than when I bought it, so hopefully I can get what I originally paid for it. :lol: But I doubt it.
That only happens after 30 years time :lol: People ooze at well documentation and excellent condition, gets them all emotional and the wallets get pryed open a little bit more... may have to wait a little but I'm sure you'll find a good buyer.
This is a sad moment. But it's true that it isn't really worth it to try to upgrade it to the unlimited. Unless you go absolutely insane with it, no matter what you do to it, it's just still a hot version of a 15 year old hatchback made for large cities of central Europe, not a pure mid engined sprortscar. And, as these cars aren't really out of reach, it isn't impossible to buy another if you want to own one in the future.

Plus, everyone seems to want a M car these days, but I would probably be one of them, if I had the money.
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Like those above, sad to see the MINI go but I think you're making the right decision moving to something else rather than putting a load more money into the MINI.

Great choice going after that colour for the BMW though. I've not seen one that colour before, but instantly it's become my favourite shade for that car.
I thoroughly enjoyed the ride, best of luck with the E36. That colour choice is fantastic as well, I'm always a sucker for dark greens so I can't wait what you can produce with your great photography.
I've rather enjoyed owning it. :lol: It's been so great for everything I've needed. Always started on freezing cold days without hesitation, stands up to track days and prolonged hard driving, gets 30mpg on the daily commute. If I wasn't young and stupid I would keep it, but I just want something faster. Over the winter I drove around in a Dodge 2500 for awhile and got so used to breaking traction and playing around with oversteer that I decided my next car had to be RWD.

Of course I'll keep GTP updated. I already have a modification list for it...

I really like this combination. These are the best looking factory wheels in my opinion, and I love the green.

Looks great lowered too, and I honestly don't mind what color I end up with. I don't really care for the brighter colors as I want an understated highway cruiser that can come alive on the weekends, not a flashy cop magnet.

Wow. That's beautiful.
Great shot of the Mini up in the mountains with the storms brewing above.

Sad to hear the car go, but also understand and am glad that you're moving onto greener pastures. At a certain point, it makes very little sense to dump tons of money into something that isn't worth a ton unless you've got money to burn.

Oxford Green is a fantastic green, and applied to any M models, instantly makes them classy and super stealth. It'll help fly under the radar with the cops around Utah. With the speed that people around there drive, and M3 is going to cruise really comfortably.
I'll say what others have said: I'm going to miss seeing that MINI being well taken care of and used properly, and I'm sure you will too, but it's definitely a smarter decision to get another car. That said, you'll be dumping money anyway into the M3 because that's just what enthusiasts do ;) . Also, great choice on the green, reminds me a bit of forest green, I had only seen it on E39s. Looks amazing with a caramel interior IMO

So this is probably pretty strange, but I bought a 944. And I kept the Mini.

I had the Mini listed for sale for about a month, with little interest, but I did have a potential buyer come test drive it. It sat for about 3 months over the summer while I drove my dad's various cars instead.

Then I started my 1st year at university, and started driving the Mini again because it's a nice commuter car. Fell in love with it again and spent $800 on lowering springs, a coolant tank, and a full service. Meanwhile I've been casually looking at M3s for sale, but any time there was a car with good options or in a nice color it was out of my price range. So I put that idea on the backburner, because after all the Mini is a great car. But I still had an itch for something new.

I've wanted an e30 for a few months, looked at a couple but I felt they were all overpriced for what they offered. As I was walking through the school's parking lot, a red 944 caught my eye. It caught my imagination too, and after I had finished with class I started browsing the local classifieds. A nearly identical 944 was for sale 20 minutes north. I skipped lunch (and half of my next class) to go check it out.

So this afternoon I got the money together and bought it. It's a little rough, and really dirty, but that should be fixed this weekend once I get time to dig into it. Runs strong, stops well, handles nicely, but the gear linkage is a little sloppy.
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I feel like everyone that has a MINI takes that exact same picture. I have one from my Cooper around here somewhere that looks exactly like that.

Nice 944 too 👍
When I first saw the title I said to myself, "944? That's no Bimmer..." Not an E30, but a 944 (popups sexiness!!). Nice car choice, frari.
Nice looks to be in better shape than mine.Are those fuchs wheels on there?
They're cookie-cutters with the centercaps done in silver. 👍
I feel like everyone that has a MINI takes that exact same picture. I have one from my Cooper around here somewhere that looks exactly like that.
Post it if you find it!

Drove the car all around the valley yesterday (Friday), took it to school, ran errands in it, picked up some friends, drove home at 2 AM. As a result I'm pretty familiar with it all now. So this post will go over what I've found out the past two days of ownership. I bolded the highest priority items.

  • It burns oil under full throttle.
  • It leaks out a couple drops of oil every few hours.
  • All of the lights work!
  • Needs tires badly, they're all cracked.
  • Needs new fuel lines.
  • Hatchback opened when I bought it, but is now stuck shut.
  • Needs window switches cleaned. (they work when they feel like it)
  • Probably needs new shocks.
  • Odometer doesn't work, stuck at 15,220 miles. It probably rolled at over at least once.
  • No rust!
  • Linkage might need to be adjusted?
  • Wheels need refinishing.
  • Has an awful respray.
  • Needs a timing belt.

Even with those mechanical faults, it runs strong and starts up easily every time. I think it has the luxury package, which is awesome because I prefer leather. It even has an aux jack. The linkage needs to be tightened but it shifts very smooth as is. Driving it around the tree lined streets of downtown SLC, windows rolled down, sunroof stowed away in the back, it all made sense. I'm glad I bought it.



I spent about 5 hours today detailing it and looking the car over in-depth. The interior looks much better after cleaning 31 years of dirt from the seats. And after looking at the car in the sunlight, the respray has a slight metallic flake in it. It's oddly good looking. And since I was on a productive kick after getting the car cleaned up, I decided to tackle the problem with the hatch. I twisted the key in the rear lock, but it was met with resistance. I tried again and that's when I twisted the key right in half.


Luckily I was able to get the other half out, and since there's only one key for the whole car, I was able to remove the door handle and will be getting a new key made from that lock. The only problem is that now I can't drive the car again until I get a new key made. I don't have a spare.
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I saw your snap and laughed so hard when I saw the key. I mean, what are the odds? I've considered getting a second key but the cost is like $200 so ehh
It seems like there's no super serious problems that have occurred, so that's good. It'll be a process getting it just how how you want it but it'll be worth it for something like that. I love 944's.
Not even surprised it needs a timing belt since that's a notorious problem with that engine. Sucks about the key breaking.