The last episode was... a real up-and-down for me. It basically ended in a way I thought it would, but even then, there were a few things that left a slightly icky taste in my mouth.
Vision Vs White Vision was the highlight of the climatic battle, only because it ended in an existential debate of what's real/original. Clever. But the way the White Vision flew off never to be seen again for the rest of the episode while its old memories unlocked... Marvel laying groundwork for future movie Vision appearances, I suppose.
As for Agatha Vs Wanda... Hmm. Wanda says she has no idea how all this magic thingymajigy works, yet ten minutes later, she writes runes on the walls of her hex and stops Agatha from using magic? How did she learn that fast?! Wish I was that fast at learning stuff. Movie logic, I know, and it was probably the most plausible way to end this fight without someone dying, so I'll have to let it be, since the absolutely fantastic Kathryn Hahn's Agatha isn't killed off. Meaning, she can pop up in future MCU movies.
I have three main problems with this episode, and I feel like Marvel could've been braver. One, Ralph reveal. What a letdown. It's Iron Man 3 fake Mandarin reveal all over again, except with the actor who played Quicksilver for real. The second problem was... no cameos?! Really?!?!

Not a big problem, but slightly disappointing regardless.
However, the third issue was a far graver one. Consider this - Wanda has been trapping the people of Westview for who knows how long against their will, making them do stuff and separating them from their families, as evidenced by "Dottie" pleading with Wanda to let her see her young trapped daughter. Another dude said he couldn't even properly remember who he was after being trapped in the hex for so long. Yet, Wanda was allowed to walk away scot-free? Just because she was grieving and was one of the good guys? The right thing here would've been her getting arrested at the very least, yet she flies off and no one even thinks about stopping her. I had a real problem with that.
Story-wise, it'd have made more sense for Doc Strange or somebody to show up and take her into custody instead of letting her leave.