Do You Countersteer?

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So basically I just found out there is a lot of controversy about peoples skill rating on wether people countersteer all the way through the drift or very little at all. I myself do not countersteer through the drift much, mainly coming out of it as I use the throttle to steer. So I was wondering, how much do you countersteer and when. And does it make you a better drifter if you use a lot, or if you use next to no, countersteer?
This is for RWD cars only none of that AWD nonsense.
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Not counter-steering is generally a sign of an AWD drifter, in which case there is A LOT of controversy because quite frankly, AWD drifting takes very minimal skill in comparison to RWD drifting and many RWD drifters resent people who drift using AWD cars.
Not counter-steering is generally a sign of an AWD drifter, in which case there is A LOT of controversy because quite frankly, AWD drifting takes very minimal skill in comparison to RW drifting and many RW drifters resent people who drift using AWD cars.

Im talking about RWD. Don't even get me started on AWD "drifters" haha
Depends on what you seeking for DriifterzZ.

I like to go for high angle or atleast have alot of countersteer when i'm fudging around. Same with tandeming, of course, following the angle of the person ahead of you. But if your trying to catch up during a drift, minimal angle so I can catch up.
Depends on what you seeking for DriifterzZ.

I like to go for high angle or atleast have alot of countersteer when i'm fudging around. Same with tandeming, of course, following the angle of the person ahead of you. But if your trying to catch up during a drift, minimal angle so I can catch up.

This. I speed drift if I fall behind with friends, otherwise I try to do proper angle for the corner.
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I didnt know someone could drift without countersteering... Well at least drift properly
Im a bit of a noob when it comes to drifting but I usually drift by working with the throttle and counter steering - using the brakes or the e-brake is not mandatory but using the throttle and countersteering to me is... maybe Im wrong - as I wrote before Im a bit of a noob...
I'm pretty sure you post that because someone said that if you use 0 countersteer or little of it, then you're a good drifter or that its the best thing.
Well, you can forget about it coz what he said is total BS.
At least it doesn't apply if you're talking about DRIFTING. The 0 counter drift (or minimal counter) you're refering to is called Kansei drift (from japanese language) and is a technique used in RACING to take a fast corner.
I'm pretty sure you post that because someone said that if you use 0 countersteer or little of it, then you're a good drifter or that its the best thing.
Well, you can forget about it coz what he said is total BS.
At least it doesn't apply if you're talking about DRIFTING. The 0 counter drift (or minimal counter) you're refering to is called Kansei drift (from japanese language) and is a technique used in RACING to take a fast corner.

I'm pretty sure you post that because someone said that if you use 0 countersteer or little of it, then you're a good drifter or that its the best thing.
Well, you can forget about it coz what he said is total BS.
At least it doesn't apply if you're talking about DRIFTING. The 0 counter drift (or minimal counter) you're refering to is called Kansei drift (from japanese language) and is a technique used in RACING to take a fast corner.

lol thank god for you, you always say what i just don't have the effort to explain to the people on here.
Has anyone ever heard of the driftbible maybe watch that or do a bit of research on the internet before posting threads like this.

I know there is alot of new people out there but this ones gotta take the cake.
do you countersteer?

drift bible?

is this an initial d forum or something? holy crap. are there any people who drift REAL cars?

OK real life drifter are you more skilled if you use less counter steer?

id love to hear the answer from a real life drifter:tup:👍👍
OK real life drifter are you more skilled if you use less counter steer?

id love to hear the answer from a real life drifter:tup:👍👍

Well, I never made it around a corner in real-life without counter-steer anyway if I had any bit of yaw!

Sure, you can counter-steer too much and straighten or shoot off in the other direction but you can't physically drift around a corner with big angle without any counter-steer unless you are going so quickly all 4 wheels have no grip (very hard to do when the front wheels job is only steering in a RWD car!)

nah man countersteer is bad, turn in ONLY.

fair enough 💡

But... do I counter-steer in the game?

Of course I do!!!

I know what you mean OP, I dont countersteer all the way through a drift, a lot of the time I even keep the wheels straight and use the throttle to gain/lose traction at the back to make it slide or grip more.

I mainly only countersteer into a corner, out of a corner and to correct throttle mistakes.

(using toyota ft-86 and supra)

but im not a good drifter if im honest!
Maybe I miss understood the OP, but if the wheels straighten at any part of the drift it is no longer a drift, the drift has ended and zero points is how it works in any real drifting, same as spinning out. You have to have counter steer from start to finish of a corner.
I'm pretty new to drifting but I do have to countersteer as I tend to go for high-angle drifts rather than high-speed ones so it's pretty much out of necessity as I'll spin out otherwise
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Nah I just spin out :sly:

For real though I think someone took something I said out of context in another thread and assumed I meant that an expert drifter should never countersteer ever.

What I actually said was that in theory, not having to countersteer at all through a drift means that you initiated perfectly (and the geometry of the corner allows it). Now I'm not talking about competition scoring or anything, but I just think a zero counter drift with a big angle is sweet as hell. Obviously you're usually going to have to counter a little to straighten out on exit if you have any kind of angle at all.

And since when is a kansei drift a low angle, no-counter racing technique? Kansei just refers to a high speed entry technique.
OK real life drifter are you more skilled if you use less counter steer?

id love to hear the answer from a real life drifter:tup:👍👍

Errrr. no, less countersteer = less angle, therefore total fail.

If you aren't attempting to hold the car on the lockstops (maximum counter-steer = maximum angle) then you fail, end of. The ONLY time this isn't true is during battles when you sacrifice a SMALL amount of angle to increase speeds, HOWEVER, the car will still more than likely be on at least a turn of lock for most of the drift.

Basically, the front wheels determine your direction of travel, just as during normal driving, therefore, the less countersteer, the les angle, the less skill it takes.

Example, do my front wheels look like they are straight to you?

This was from back in '06 if anyone is wondering.

nah man countersteer is bad, turn in ONLY.

Are you smoking crack? Or is my sarcasm detector not working? LOL
1. Yes I have herd and watched the drift bible. Why did you mention that I didn't ask how to drift did I? I asked how much people countersteer, and when, as i'm curious.
2. This isn't in any relation to any other thread this just curiosity
3. There couldn't have been any worse responses than a couple I have seen. If you look at the OP I quite clearly asked when do people countersteer, how much or how little and yet i'm getting comments like researching this topic on the internet. How can I research this on the internet when i'm after opinions. Rant over 👍
Are you smoking crack? Or is my sarcasm detector not working? LOL

I think it was an attempt at sarcasm.

The only time I'm not countersteering whilst drifting is if I overcook a high speed entry and I'm trying to scrub speed off. If I countersteered in this situation I'd just continue straight off the track. This isn't skill, it's me making a mistake, so no it's not better to not countersteer at any time during drifting.

1. Yes I have herd and watched the drift bible. Why did you mention that I didn't ask how to drift did I? I asked how much people countersteer, and when, as i'm curious.

In that case, the title of the thread is pretty misleading. It makes it sound like you thought countersteering was an optional part of drifting, which we've established it isn't. People were just trying to educate :)
The only time I'm not countersteering whilst drifting is if I overcook a high speed entry and I'm trying to scrub speed off. If I countersteered in this situation I'd just continue straight off the track. This isn't skill, it's me making a mistake, so no it's not better to not countersteer at any time during drifting.

So you don't think it's ever appropriate to link into a 4 wheel drift to slow down for a low speed corner immediately after a high speed section? Not intending to sound snarky or anything, legitimately asking.
So you don't think it's ever appropriate to link into a 4 wheel drift to slow down for a low speed corner immediately after a high speed section? Not intending to sound snarky or anything, legitimately asking.

Thinking about it, yeah that's true also. Kinda similar situation though, scrubbing speed off by using a 4 wheel drift :) I didn't think of it straight off the bat though as I've been drifting Tsukuba quite a bit lately and trying to initiate at silly speed into the final turn. More often than not I get it wrong :crazy: Haha.
Can someone help me plz! i dont mean to hijack or anything but my 07 Mustang only wants to spin out. I give it gas and just spins out. Im comning from FM3 and i had the xbox wheel with it and im VERY good with. But the drifting on this game just seems ........fake.. can someone just help wioth some sttings on it?
Kansei just refers to a high speed entry technique.


Kansei drift refers to a high speed drift on a high speed corner, technique which generally used in racing (not by all the drivers tho) to avoid understeer.
And yes, since its a RACING technique you'll nearly have 0 countersteer in that case coz if counter steer is needed it means that you've taken too much angle and that you're not fast enough.

You can't separate high speed drift and 0 counter or low counter because to perform one you need the other.

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