Do you think GT7 will ever be the game we want it to be?

  • Thread starter CnPx

Will Gt7 ever be the game we want it to be?

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It's Gran Turismo with a Steelbook and a cardboard cover. It'll look great in my collection and, though it can use improvement, is definitely one of the more playable titles in the 1,400 plus games I own.
If they made a Legendary Video Games dealer, it would look like my game room. Some are good, some aren't, some are stupidly expensive, and most are pretty old.
I agree, GT4 was the last great Gran Turismo. I swear if I heard Van Halen blasting outta GT7 I would probably puke.
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No. It could have been, but after watching how they're progressing it after six months it's pretty clear that it's unlikely to change substantially from what it is now. And what it is now is all the elements of a really good game but put together in a way that is just average at best.

It's nice when they improve graphics and physics and stuff, but I maintain that's not what Gran Turismo needs. It needs to find a way to make using those cars and tracks compelling that isn't chase the rabbit or throwing them in a sandbox and telling players to make their own fun.
Make use of your internet connection more like I do and enjoy the driving in online lobbies or free runs or get a group together on here and host rooms. I have masses of fun driving tracks and joining cruises with like-minded users of the game.
Solid no...

After all this time the only thing you're going to get is simply "MORE" (more races, more cars, more features, even though previous games already had most of the features that they've been adding, more tracks, etc)... Not "BETTER". The Café was a terrible idea for a career mode, and it seems like it's here to stay and the "events" added will mostly be about that part as proven with the updates.

GT7 would have to be an entirely new game to be something else. Just deal with it and accept that it's an average game that failed miserably to please the gamers.

It's been collecting dust for a week now for me. And it will probably be a huge pain for me to just take out the GoW:R disc to replace it with GT7 just to do the damn Time Trial.
No hope whatsoever for it. And quite clearly the devs are not giving me any reason to think otherwise.

To think I had bought a PS5 mainly because of GT7 and all the others would just be extras, yet turns out the "extras" actually became worthy on their own to have the console instead.

Most people were expecting 2022 GT4, and instead got GT Sport 2.0.
Huh? You're not bothered by the flaws of GT7 even though they're the same as the thing you critique GT6 and GTS for?
GT7's career mode is longer than GT6 and has more substance than GT Sport. That's why I rank it above both. In fact, let me rank the career modes of all the GT's I've played:
1: GT4
2: GT3
3: GT5
4: GT7
5: GT6
6: GT Sport

However if I was ranking each game on the whole, it would be something like this:
1: GT4
2: GT7
3: GT3
4: GT5
5: GT Sport
6: GT6

Controversial I know.
Make use of your internet connection more like I do and enjoy the driving in online lobbies or free runs or get a group together on here and host rooms. I have masses of fun driving tracks and joining cruises with like-minded users of the game.
This thread is about whether we believe GT7 will ever be what we want it to be. A response of "change what you want it to be" isn't exactly a solution... especially with the state of GT7's lobbies.
This thread is about whether we believe GT7 will ever be what we want it to be. A response of "change what you want it to be" isn't exactly a solution... especially with the state of GT7's lobbies.

Stop whining or moaning woman. It clearly won't be what "You" want it to be. Ok. So just get that in your head. In the meantime. You can enjoy the game for what it does offer. There are plenty of cars that are fun to drive. Plenty of tracks. You can't use the "State of GT7 lobbies" as an excuse to not enjoy what the game offers with other players online. Online is more fun and does away with AI. I have had minimal connection issues in lobbies for some time. You people will never be happy. The world is online and connected and so are games now. Which is why the focus is steering away from singleplayer orientation. You have to take the compromise. Unless you moaners are looking to petition for Kaz job, go to another platform or racing game. Otherwise you are a user. Wait for what the game will deliver. It's not even a year old. People expect a quick gratification. I don't like the singleplayer and the limited career but I aren't moaning. Instead I am enjoying what the game is bringing. The aim is to drive cars and have fun. That can be done just as much online.
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Was this really necessary? Why reduce your entire argument down to belittling somebody?

They raise a perfectly good point. Changing what you want from something is not an answer to something not meeting your demands elsewhere.

Ok so maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh but I wasn't being belittling just because I told them to stop moaning. You along with me and everyone else are all guilty of this all over the forum. Everyone wants something they "Know" they can't have. Others like me have learned to accept what we have already.

You have to take and accept what you are given. You can keep raising upsets and disappointments until these debates become annoying and stale, stagnated and start annoying those of us who are just accepting what we have.

It's a debate that can go on and on and on. So just wait for updates and improvements and future road plans which either of us do not know. And does PD or Kaz really look at the GTPlanet user base and say, let's do what they want.

It's there game copyrighted and owned and made by them. They don't need to please anyone but themselves or their shareholders. That is sad to say buts it's just the way it is.
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I think probably will never be...

But its so easy, we can look at No Man´s Sky, the state and the flop its was at launch and devs didnt gave up and transformed the game and now its a sucefull game.

Nowadays its so easy to change and adapt the games so its not impossible, its all in the hands of developers...

Very easy to implement a decent career mode since all the database already exist..., that and probably a B-Spec mode so single player fans can dive into it.

The game needs online so any update and change will be available to everyone, they could also unlock the career and B-Spec so it could be played offline.

That and the camera options in cockpit view so we can remover the wheel.

Things are straight forward, its very hard to understand why PD are still stuck and so quiet.

They have a good oportunity and time until other big franchises hit the market...

Anyway GT7 have a lot to do if people really enjoy to race against other players, still needs improvements but online its what give longevity to the games and also what keep them alive, there will no IA that can compete against racing other players...
Theres is no singleplayer content that can match a private league.

PD just needs to find the right balance between good single player content and online features, single player content its actually the easiest part.., they did in the past thats why its hard to understand the decisions they made for GT7.
I hate the menu books..., thats not a career mode in my opinion.
@AutumnalGlowOk. Apologies for my use of words and. I didn't mean any personal vitriol. This thread is full of a majority of nasty negativists who don't know the future of GT7.

Regardless whether you believe the game will or will not be what you want it to be is not going to help any positive discussion.

I am mainly upset and angry at the critiques of this thread. It's so negative. Look at the polls with the discouraging remarks.

Try to find a little confidence that the game will get better for everyone's sakes and the developer. It would have been better to off shoot a positive Question and Poll.

People with little hope and a discouraging thread for a Playstation Games features isn't going to help in any positive way. PD need encouragement more so.
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I am upset and angry at the critiques of this thread. It's so negative. Look at the polls with the discouraging remarks. Try to find a little confidence that the game will get better
Except everyone is being honest with their opinions, including you.

You're just one of the few people having genuine hope for the game that should've improved much quicker.
People with little hope and a discouraging thread for a Playstation Games features isn't going to help in any positive way. PD need encouragement more so.
PD doesn't really care what we think though.
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I know. I am trying too not be Discouraging regardless the points being valid about the game.

Do you usually see me with lots of questions and posts criticising the game all the time. No. I am mainly standing back and watching things play out.

I tend to not want to get into argumentative folly's with people but I fired back at Autumn and for that I am sorry.

As I said, game has not been out very long. Lots of the good stuff for the prior games came later into the games lifespan and age.

Please do not believe the game is not going to be what you all want it be. A little positivity goes a long way.
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Your not helping yourselfs here. Go and play the game and enjoy it. Your trying to foretell the future by already deciding on what the game will be. That is stupid.
And you're still going...
No, it's not stupid. It's the thread itself. Giving opinions. Sounds like you want to stop me and others from giving our respective opinions...and force us to play a game we're getting bored with 🤷‍♂️ .
Personally, all I do are the repetitive Race A/B. And register lap times for the time trial. That's it...there's no career matchmaking with all cars available in the game and all tracks in rotation. That's what would keep me playing.
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Your not helping yourselfs here. Go and play the game and enjoy it. Your trying to foretell the future by already deciding on what the game will be. That is stupid.
The entire purpose of this thread appears to have gone over your head and you're derailing it. If you want positive throughts go and find a thread about what people like about GT7, there are some out there.

All we can do is create an expectation based off what we have experienced thus far and what we have been told is coming to the game and that is the purpose of this thread.

And why should anyone change thier expectations? If someone dislikes something they are free to dislike it without being told "just learn to like it eh." I'm sure you don't apply this logic to every facet of your own life and rather that it just a hollow argument you selectively choose to use when discussing something which you like that others don't.

But even on that note, this thread isn't even full of people that hate the game either, reading it would show that. There's a difference (a very big one) between hating something and thinking that thing didn't meet your expecations and/or it could be much better.
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Actually a lot of the way the world works is just this way. This Logic you talk about. Someone's idea and opinion overules everyone else's. So it is the way it is. Same with PD as an entity. The world is unkind and lots of things are not to people's expectations. What you say doesn't add or take anything away from that fact. Your going to buy into something and be presented with what you are given. You either go with it. Get your money back and walk away if you don't like that. There are lots of things in life everyone disagrees with personally but they can't change it. This is PD's game and they'll do what they want because they can. I bought this game fully expecting knowing full well that it is someone else expectation. PD's project. And I don't think it's finished. And I will agree to disagree. I will take the good with the bad as the game is and enjoy it for what it offers. And no the game never gets boring for me. Sorry to derail your thread. But I'm an optimist. I'll therefore stay positiv about the game and just enjoy what the game is trying to do first and foremost and that is driving pleasure and online.
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Solid no...

After all this time the only thing you're going to get is simply "MORE" (more races, more cars, more features, even though previous games already had most of the features that they've been adding, more tracks, etc)... Not "BETTER". The Café was a terrible idea for a career mode, and it seems like it's here to stay and the "events" added will mostly be about that part as proven with the updates.

GT7 would have to be an entirely new game to be something else. Just deal with it and accept that it's an average game that failed miserably to please the gamers.

It's been collecting dust for a week now for me. And it will probably be a huge pain for me to just take out the GoW:R disc to replace it with GT7 just to do the damn Time Trial.
No hope whatsoever for it. And quite clearly the devs are not giving me any reason to think otherwise.

To think I had bought a PS5 mainly because of GT7 and all the others would just be extras, yet turns out the "extras" actually became worthy on their own to have the console instead.

Most people were expecting 2022 GT4, and instead got GT Sport 2.0.
Cafe could have been an additional 'side quest' element to Gran Turismo 7, alongside a fully fleshed out and expanded career mode, but definitely not the main focus. It actually made me nostalgic for the Company Car championships. At least they had a purpose for buying the cars.
It has a series of disconnected events with no goal or purpose, the antithesis of a career.
Precisely what I've had in mind as well, just couldn't put it into words.

License Tests are basically a series of diconnected events as well that serve no purpose whatsoever. This is GT Sport 2.0 where the offline events weren't meant to be a career, just some random races for the casuals.

People, most people, wanted the 2022 version of GT4. Which quite clearly GT7 is never going to be, its roots are just too far down already.
I am mainly upset and angry at the critiques of this thread. It's so negative. Look at the polls with the discouraging remarks.

Try to find a little confidence that the game will get better for everyone's sakes and the developer. It would have been better to off shoot a positive Question and Poll.

People with little hope and a discouraging thread for a Playstation Games features isn't going to help in any positive way. PD need encouragement more so.
This isn't even a matter of opinion. It's just wrong...
It's based on the critiques a game, or any media, or really anything, that something or someone can improve. Your way is to just leave things as is because in your view they are fine, and are apparently also trying to force it on others. Doesn't quite work that way. PD don't need any encouragement because they literally ignore the vast majority of their own playerbase's wishes. They have 0 communication with us. Whatever we say here won't affect them whatsoever, good or bad. But it can if we raise a good enough storm for them to notice like in end of Marc/April where they reverted their awful decisions and actually released a statement (Kaz did). So criticizing the game is actually the way to go...

You finding the game enjoyable is your opinion and I and everyone else has to respect that, and vice-versa, but that's about it.
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Your not helping yourselfs here. Go and play the game and enjoy it. Your trying to foretell the future by already deciding on what the game will be. That is stupid.
Erm, the developers literally told everyone that the game was a work in progress that would have multiple updates and for us not to judge the game as it was then presented, because more features would be added over time.

So a thread like this is perfectly reasonable to have people discuss the future of GT7, with the game having been out for over 6 months now and had those multiple updates, whether or not they have met or failed to meet our expectations and what could be done in order to meet them to make the game feel like it was what they wanted from a GT experience.

Some people may feel the game is exactly where it needs to be, others may feel that it is lacking somewhat but still enjoyable. I, myself, feel quite disappointed and puzzled by the many confusing and downright idiotic decisions PD have made thus far, but it's GT and better than nothing (aside from a return to GT Sport). A number have practically given up and refuse to invest any more of their time in the game, which can be argued to be understandable.

All opinions in this matter are valid, worthy of discussion and interesting to hear others perspectives, because everyone had different expectations when the game was first announced and what they feel could be done to improve it. The only hope is some PD lurker on this forum takes notice and makes recommendations on our behalf, but that's a pipe dream. Either way, try not to be so vitriolic in future, yeah?
Erm, the developers literally told everyone that the game was a work in progress that would have multiple updates and for us not to judge the game as it was then presented, because more features would be added over time.

So a thread like this is perfectly reasonable to have people discuss the future of GT7, with the game having been out for over 6 months now and had those multiple updates, whether or not they have met or failed to meet our expectations and what could be done in order to meet them to make the game feel like it was what they wanted from a GT experience.

Some people may feel the game is exactly where it needs to be, others may feel that it is lacking somewhat but still enjoyable. I, myself, feel quite disappointed and puzzled by the many confusing and downright idiotic decisions PD have made thus far, but it's GT and better than nothing (aside from a return to GT Sport). A number have practically given up and refuse to invest any more of their time in the game, which can be argued to be understandable.

All opinions in this matter are valid, worthy of discussion and interesting to hear others perspectives, because everyone had different expectations when the game was first announced and what they feel could be done to improve it. The only hope is some PD lurker on this forum takes notice and makes recommendations on our behalf, but that's a pipe dream. Either way, try not to be so vitriolic in future, yeah?
I'm sorry it looked that way. It's not my intention to upset anyone here. And okay ... no vitriol. I'll sum it up here with positive comment. I'm hopeful for the future of the game. Let's hope we massive single player career. OK.

Look. Whatever comes to the game, comes to the game. It won't be because of what you, or I, or anyone else on this forum think about it so far. You only have hopes. So do I.

I think the Poll should have been more optimistic and a more positive criticism. But everyone's views are already far too negative based on the chosen title. Look. Not that valid points can't be criticised.

But people are already painting Red balloons black and putting a big black mark over it as though the game will never improve and it's already set in stone based on what 6 months. It's not really very long.

I never disagreed either. I said I don't like the career. I still made myself enjoy it and replay it over again with different cars everytime, different setup or stock and modded variations. I made that work for me. I made the enjoyment last.

What is not there I don't miss. I can move on. I can race against better real players with the online feature, create better events through online events. I am not missing what isn't there.

There will always be a limit even to a singleplayer career mode. It will eventually end and then people will be up in arms because there still is not enough for them because they finished it all in a day.

Given the fact of the pandemic, delay, and all the plans of construction of the game being outsourced and PD hiring more jobs, basically wiping and starting a clean slate. We are lucky to have a game this good given no other competition.

People hated the standard cars. They got rid of that. People wanted B Spec. We got that. People wanted better photography tools. We got that.

People wanted Course creator. We got that. People wanted Buying and selling cars. We did get that in previous games too.

People want more tracks. Well I'm sure we are going to get more tracks. People are already throwing everything the game is to this point into a finished pile and to say I'm done with it.

Just because the game does not have your desired content does not mean we will not get it. It's PD's vision and that is that. It's anyone guess what they could suddenly throw upon us. It might be amazing. It might be better than what everyone wanted.

Wait until final lifecycle to decide your decisions and don't leave the game so soon. If your all so discouraged and your visions and wants, musts and needs then, still are not met, all of you go and protest to PD headquarters.

This is what happens when the governments and corporations don't give the people what they want. Right ? OR get GTPlanet to reach out to Kaz or PD for an interview or something. It's probably the only way get your views across to them. We can't say we never got what we wanted eventually in older games.

I know PD does not do well with time. The foundations for a great game are here. More and more cars are being added all premium. More tracks also.

The game will not be finished due to 6 months of given up hopes. And there will always be the next GT. And most people will come back as they always do.
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For the record, i have had my money's worth and then some and i absolutely like the game and would never go as low as review bomb the game, i leave that to lesser people with anger issues.

BUT, the wasted potential is so big that it's almost turning into a tragedy, real custom races with SO much potential let down by piss poor implementation and even worse rewards in a game where the central object, cars, are stupid expensive unless you do the same stuff over and over again. And NOTHING to do with all those sweet cars when you finally get them.

And a wheel of misfortune that resemblance actual trolling.

Add to this the huge issues with lobbies and online races and we have a wholehearted meant game with a half hearted implementation that, dare i say it, already feels like it is left to die in a ditch.

Thank god for Sport mode..

It kind of reminds me of the game I most compare it to and the reason it became popular to begin with: Pokemon. It's the same concept. You start relatively inexperienced with no access to any cool cars (Pokemon) so you get what you can and upgrade from there. Eventually you have access to the best and then tool away to your heart's content. The formula just works. This has been the issue with Pokemon for a long time. It's married to this process of releasing a new set of games every 3 years or whatever and they don't appear to care to change much or modernize it in any way. Unlike Pokemon, GT7 actually looks good though. And I still enjoy it. But I fear that some of these decisions are more of a sign of the times than any issue with GT7 specifically. For those complaining about giving up on the game...what are your options exactly? Assetto Corsa? iRacing? Looks like I'm racing on the Super Nintendo and doesn't have any of the charm that GT has. I straight up refuse to play games that look like ****. If either of those games upgrades sometime soon then I'll consider playing them.

It's not perfect but it's the best we have. Which is kinda the same thing with Pokemon.
No. There's way too much emphasis on just sportscar racing for it to ever become what I'm looking for. It leaks into the track design, the online, etc.

Gr.B is 100% a dead class. No matter how many legend cars they try to add, there are not enough (tarmac or gravel) tracks to allow them to shine, since they're clearly not designed for Gr.B use. Seriously, Catalunya Rallycross was the only addition focused on that class in over 4 years. The likelihood of getting something of that sort is very unlikely, no matter how much I wish it.

There's no track path editor to save this game. Sierra and player created content bailed out GT6, and gave us a-thousand-and-one ways to enjoy our cars no matter how large our garages were. Head back in that direction and don't forget about the scenery!

The cars... There's too many sports coupes in the car list. It needs more variety if they truly want to highlight those machines. More economy cars, saloons, wagons, etc would achieve that, but alas JDM and european supercars dominate, and the stereotypical muscle car archetype solely represents the Americas. Even something as unpopular as a crossover would balance it out.
You have to take and accept what you are given. You can keep raising upsets and disappointments until these debates become annoying and stale, stagnated and start annoying those of us who are just accepting what we have.
Like **** we have to take and accept what we were given mate. You know why? We weren't GIVEN anything. We were SOLD this overpriced game on so many blatant ****ing lies.

If you are happy getting greased up by PD by accepting what you have then good for you.

Talking of acceptance though, the only thing you have to accept is the fact that there are lots of people who feel deceived and ripped off by PD and are venting their frustrations.

If you don't like reading these comments then the solution is simple. Just don't :eek:
The core of this game has just got further away from what made it great. A sandbox where in exchange for licence tests, events all through the game were unlocked and available. Winning events meant winning cars, which you could farm, or use to win other events. It was the wide open nature of the game that made it great. Every restriction on that, locking things from the player make it worse.

I cannot see anyone who was involved with the great days of GT2 to GT4 but I'm sure they are not involved now.
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