Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
...the driver in front is going 10km/h under the speed limit. You don't want to overtake because you're going to turn at the next intersection. It's coming up quick, but you don't signal. Juuuust in case the turtle flicks their indicator on right after you do.

So, you fake, every so slightly, that you're not turning and then just at the turn off, you signal and move to the turning lane so they cant. Job done.
When I'm going faster than the person in the leftmost lane, so I move over to the right lane to go past, but then they speed up to match my speed. Why are you in the left lane anyway?
When I'm going faster than the person in the leftmost lane, so I move over to the right lane to go past, but then they speed up to match my speed. Why are you in the left lane anyway?

That and also when that happens when I'm passing in the left lane, the person in the right lane speeds up.
When people pull up about an inch from your back bumper on an uphill. I always leave about a car length on uphills just in case someone rolls back.
I fricken despise that and I had to deal with that when I started driving. It made me anxious when stopping at intersections on uphills.
I hate being in a convoy.... Especially when no one tells you where the meeting point is and just tell you to follow the group. Only to have people swerving through lanes and running red lights/stop signs.
Last week on tuesday, I was driving home from school for lunch when an idiot in a Honda CRV was driving on the wrong side of the road and nearly hit me.
I hate it when the town changed an intersection from the left lane being straight and left, whilst the right lane is right turn only to the left lane being left only and the right lane being right and straight. There was only a couple small white signs signifying that the lanes had changed, but people were still using the left lane to go straight. Made me look like an 🤬 trying to pass everyone on the right lane, which made a guy in his brand new F-150 go berserk and tailgate me all the way to the next intersection.
I hate it when someone on can't stay in their own lane, they drive on the dotted white lane or the opposite direction driving on the double yellow lines. I get it if there is a pothole or an object in thier lane. Every time I see someone doing it, I drive right next to the line just to make them move over.
For the last 2-3 weeks, I've seen this Saab 9-3 double-parked at my college's parking lot. Luckily, one of the college officers saw it and left a fine on a windshield. However, it still stayed in the same spot afterwards for a few more days until today. I finished my final exam for Art History and was walking to the parking lot when I saw the owner looking at another fine on his Saab.

As I was walking to my car, I saw him looking at the parking lot sign wondering what he did wrong. That part boggles my mind, how could he not notice something so obvious?

Note: This isn't even the first time I've seen this guy double parking his Saab, he did the same thing in the same area a month ago.
I picked up some parts for my trike today and stopped at a Sonic for food. While in the parking lot I saw soneone with a wheelchair van park in the proper designated spot and the driver had just lowered the ramp and went around to the other side of the van for something. As the driver is on the other side, someone in a Suburban pulls in and decides to park right next to the wheelchair van beside the ramp despite there being numerous other open spots. The Suburban owner gets out and walks in a store and moments afterward the van driver walks back over to the ramp and throws his hands up in the air. I knew something was up but I had to leave. As I'm leaving I had to go past the van and Suburban on the way to the exit and I saw that the Suburban owner parked so close to the wheelchair van that the ramp was blocked, and there was no apparent way for the driver to raise the ramp and move the van or any way for the man in the wheelchair to get out from the van and onto the pavement.

This is by far the worst thing I've seen all year long so far. Some people I swear.... :ouch:
I picked up some parts for my trike today and stopped at a Sonic for food. While in the parking lot I saw soneone with a wheelchair van park in the proper designated spot and the driver had just lowered the ramp and went around to the other side of the van for something. As the driver is on the other side, someone in a Suburban pulls in and decides to park right next to the wheelchair van beside the ramp despite there being numerous other open spots. The Suburban owner gets out and walks in a store and moments afterward the van driver walks back over to the ramp and throws his hands up in the air. I knew something was up but I had to leave. As I'm leaving I had to go past the van and Suburban on the way to the exit and I saw that the Suburban owner parked so close to the wheelchair van that the ramp was blocked, and there was no apparent way for the driver to raise the ramp and move the van or any way for the man in the wheelchair to get out from the van and onto the pavement.

This is by far the worst thing I've seen all year long so far. Some people I swear.... :ouch:
Why did you have to leave?
Why did you have to leave?
I was done with the food and had to go home to work on the trike.
Should've slashed a tire or something.

Or called the cops.
I had no idea what to do, so I just awkwardly left. I'm not sure what the van driver did, if anything. As far as I know he was stuck there until the Suburban owner left.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I hate just how simple minded people can be when it comes to nearly missing a turn. When they're three lanes away from their turn and have to STOP across all lanes to hope to get into a turning lane. If you miss a turn, it doesn't hurt to take the time to find a safe place to turn around and head back. My brother and I would miss turns during our road trip and go find a parking lot or side road to turn around on. Instead, people try to force their way into a lane they were about to miss.

What also pisses me off is when people do it at an intersection. Sitting in a straight lane, realizing they needed to turn, but there's a car already in their way. Instead of just accepting the fact that they're in the wrong lane, they decided they have to sit and wait, while blocking everyone else who is trying to correctly use their lane. Can't help but remember one time my brother and I were coming off the highway from a road trip and got stuck behind a Honda Odyssey that refused to accept the fact that they were in the straight lane and wanted to get into the left lane at 2AM, when there was NO ONE in front of them and they could have simply went straight, turned around, and turned right. I just don't understand why it's necessary to block traffic because of a mistake.

As I'm sure people mentioned as well, this applies to highways when you see someone cut across all lanes to reach their exit. Accept your mistake and find another way around, even if it costs you a couple dollars to use to toll again. I'd rather pay another dollar to go back on the road than get into an accident. But of course, the majority of people think a dollar is too much.
There's a four way intersection a couple hundred feet up the road from my house that has a pretty bad reputation for being a meeting place of every possible kind of idiot. One of the roads that's part of the intersection ends at a sharp, nearly blind curve. In going on 21 years of living at my house I've been lucky enough to not see or be involved with any stupid antics from other drivers. Sadly that came to an end minutes ago, but thankfully I wasn't at fault for any of it or directly involved in it.

The speed limit was 45 which is what I was going, but someone had been riding my tail for the past 10 miles. Over the 10 miles I gradually slowed to 35 to try to let the guy know that riding my ass wasn't going to get him anywhere. As soon as I stopped at the intersection he blared his horn as another car was pulling up to the left. I was there first but I let the car to the left go first to again try the let the guy behind me know that his impatience would be getting himself nowhere. As soon as the car to the left pulled out, the guy behind me swung around me and sped off through the intersection, narrowly missing the car that I let go. I could see him flipping me off but all I did was brush it off. As I started to pull out of the intersection myself, I saw the Kia driver out of the corner of my eye almost sideswipe an old Century that was just pulling up and almost drive right into a mailbox and fence in someone's front yard.

Perhaps I am partially at blame for slowing the Kia guy down even more than I already was, but then again I was the one that was following the law and not riding someone else's for miles on end. Not to mention that I was in absolutely no hurry whatsoever. That's the way I am, if someone's riding my tail I'm going to very gradually decrease my speed by five miles an hour. The person behind is most likely going to pass me or back off at some point anyway.
There's a four way intersection a couple hundred feet up the road from my house that has a pretty bad reputation for being a meeting place of every possible kind of idiot. One of the roads that's part of the intersection ends at a sharp, nearly blind curve. In going on 21 years of living at my house I've been lucky enough to not see or be involved with any stupid antics from other drivers. Sadly that came to an end minutes ago, but thankfully I wasn't at fault for any of it or directly involved in it.

The speed limit was 45 which is what I was going, but someone had been riding my tail for the past 10 miles. Over the 10 miles I gradually slowed to 35 to try to let the guy know that riding my ass wasn't going to get him anywhere. As soon as I stopped at the intersection he blared his horn as another car was pulling up to the left. I was there first but I let the car to the left go first to again try the let the guy behind me know that his impatience would be getting himself nowhere. As soon as the car to the left pulled out, the guy behind me swung around me and sped off through the intersection, narrowly missing the car that I let go. I could see him flipping me off but all I did was brush it off. As I started to pull out of the intersection myself, I saw the Kia driver out of the corner of my eye almost sideswipe an old Century that was just pulling up and almost drive right into a mailbox and fence in someone's front yard.

Perhaps I am partially at blame for slowing the Kia guy down even more than I already was, but then again I was the one that was following the law and not riding someone else's for miles on end. Not to mention that I was in absolutely no hurry whatsoever. That's the way I am, if someone's riding my tail I'm going to very gradually decrease my speed by five miles an hour. The person behind is most likely going to pass me or back off at some point anyway.
That's what I do as well. I just go a little bit slower the longer he/she/whatever rides my ass.
Came across one of my old bullies from school tonight while coming home from my friend's grad party. He still has nothing better to do but go after me in any way possible even after two years of not seeing me in person so I was thinking that I was probably in for a real bad situation. He recognized the car and sped by me while hugging the center line, which forced me to put the right side of the car in the shoulder. Then he cut me off and brake checked me and started flipping me off followed by more brake checking. After a few minutes but what felt like hours, he sped up but I kept my distance. Then he waited at a stop sign for me to catch up. My only choice was to keep going since there was a car behind me and nowhere to pull off and no road to turn on. When I got to the stop sign the idiot was still there and pulled out but threw a bottle of Coke out the window. It missed me and rolled across the opposite lane then off into the shoulder. My route was supposed to take me to the left which is where the bully went but I went right and ducked off onto a back road. Then I found another road and took that one followed by a few others. I just kept turning on a bunch of different roads in hopes of losing the kid. I even followed a path for a gas well a couple hundred feet into the trees for good measure. I waited 30, 45 minutes then fired up the GPS on my phone since I was lost and headed back home with no further problems except for quite possibly running over a frog. I saw a spot suddenly move from the center line right into the path of my left front wheel and felt a tiny bump. Figured it was ol Kermit deciding to dress up as Flat Stanley for an early Halloween. :lol:
I hate people who are mindlessly in a hurry. Part way through an on ramp, this lady in a Subaru Forester is 3 car lengths behind me in traffic (there were several cars ahead of me). There's a big enough gap for her to pull in behind me and another car. (A Chevrolet Cruze) However, she SUDDENLY felt the need to get past both me and the Chevrolet Cruze and guns it right as the merging lane already ends on the on ramp. Only to nearly sideswipe me and get JUST ahead of me. (And stuck behind a bunch of other cars we were already behind) Why!? Why is it worth getting ahead of two cars that you could've easily just stuck behind anyways. After she just barely passed me, she failed to merge onto the highway since no one was giving her enough room. She was riding both the lane she wanted to get into and the one she wanted to get out of. Only to realize she wasn't going to make it and swerve back in front of me. Of course, she forced her way onto the highway and cut someone else off too. Is it too hard to accept the fact you'll be behind a couple cars? After she gunned it past the two of us, she got stuck behind another car anyways. It's not like any progress was made.... (Though probably not in her mind)

I seriously hate to think how "mindlessly" these people drive like :censored:holes without even realizing how they're driving. It's like everyone has tunnel vision and can only think about one thing. Getting to where they're going.

Edit: Just a couple days later the same thing happened again.... Yet another crossover driver who suddenly decides to past me right as the merging lane ENDS. Only to be stuck behind the same semi truck I was behind anyways.
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This isn't something I necessarily hate, just something that annoys me, but it's those people who park in a clearly marked walkway in a parking lot and don't seem to care. There's a reason why they paint lines going across them, which means don't park here, so please use your head and don't park there. It's that simple. :rolleyes:

On a semi related note, I saw just that earlier tonight at a dollar store but with more to it. Not only did the person park in the only walkway in the lot, they left their car running and with the lights on. On top of that, they were standing with their buggy right in the middle of the only set of doors and standing there complaining about the absolute stupidest things with someone. Everytime someone had to go by, the person had to move their buggy and they kept getting more and more angry with every new person. The doors were about 25 feet away from the walkway.

I know this has the potential to sound really wrong and it's not my intention for it to, but I was in the car just waiting for someone to show up that would've needed the walkway and therefore made the person move the car, such as someone in a wheelchair just to show the person that they needed to move their car. Kinda like bad karma I guess. Hopefully that would've worked better than the store employee who unsuccessfully came out to ask the person to move only to be met with a "🤬 off you 🤬" which occurred as I was walking past.
I hate people who fail to recognize the existence of other drivers on the road. We know about blind spots and what not, but I'm talking about people who block intersections when others need to get through. My brother and I were stuck at a light for four whole cycles because of people constantly blocking the intersection. Our light would always change to green last, which meant everyone else would still pull into the middle of the intersection and block it.

Did a...quick drawing on MS paint to show how it went. Blue is my brother and I, whilst the red is traffic. I also labeled the cycle the lights would go through. Both 1 and 2 would go first, but traffic was backed up to the point where the intersection was always full of cars up to where that red box is. RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. People just kept going, despite the fact that they could tell several other cars were waiting at the 3rd section. Those of us at 3 couldn't even turn right or left.

How hard is it to simply not block an intersection!! :mad:
In my area, regular car inspections (like MOTs in the UK) are not required. You end up with a lot of idiots putting HID, LED, or any other bulb that doesn't belong in a halogen reflector housing in one. Also, for some reason, people seem to be driving around with their high beams on more frequently these days. I wonder if it has something to do with the somewhat new high-beam assist feature not working all the time, but my god being blinded by an excess of light is one of the things that annoy me consistently when I'm driving.

Something else that bothers me too is when you're in a left turn lane (in countries like Canada that drive on the right), directly in front of you is also a left turn lane, the car opposite to you doesn't move their car as far to their left as safely possible not only so that they can get a better glimpse of oncoming traffic, but so you (i.e. the car opposite to them), who is also turning left, can get a better of the traffic that they are obstructing. Such a simple act of courtesy that is lost among so many drivers here.
Toyota is the biggest offender in my books as far as blinding headlights go. Low beams produce so much glare compared to any retrofit HID install I've ever come across. It's weird how it's only Toyota but not Lexus as well.
People who take forever at stop signs, or people who try and be nicer than they should/have to be when deciding who should go first.
Toyota is the biggest offender in my books as far as blinding headlights go. Low beams produce so much glare compared to any retrofit HID install I've ever come across. It's weird how it's only Toyota but not Lexus as well.
The outgoing Corolla comes to mind.
People who take forever at stop signs, or people who try and be nicer than they should/have to be when deciding who should go first.

I find it worse when the people trying to give way do it when THEY have the right of way. (ie. a four way intersection with only two stop signs on the side of a main road) isn't worth stopping traffic on a busy road to let a person out. I swear when someone does that, there's a high chance someone else won't realize it and rear end them.