Driveclub Video Thread

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KERS: limited instant energy boost which is regenerated under braking.
DRS: reduces drag by operating the rear wing, therefore it must only be used in straights and to help overtaking in long straights.
This is the second race of 'McLaren - 1994 Vs 2014' championship event in Driveclub's Redline Expansion Pack.
In the video you can see that by using McLaren P1's two special 'perks' it is possible to overtake the A.I. pack in the beginning of the second lap.


p.s. The car with DRS on is quite a beast on long sweeping corners :D
This is the (evil) challenge I sent out to a few of you after posting a few photos from my first run up on the photomode thread last week. It was pure luck of the lightning, but I managed to reclaim first place and beat my original time by eleven seconds...there are still a few more seconds to be found, I'm sure.

EDIT: excuse the horrific compression...

This is the (evil) challenge I sent out to a few of you after posting a few photos from my first run up on the photomode thread last week. It was pure luck of the lightning, but I managed to reclaim first place and beat my original time by eleven seconds...there are still a few more seconds to be found, I'm sure.

EDIT: excuse the horrific compression...

Wow, thundersnow! You learn something new every day :)

"A winning time trial lap with the sharp 458 Speciale at Black Hills Racing Circuit 03. In the last sector an understeer mistake cost me at least 0,1 seconds.
Lap time: 1:33,981"

The Ferrari is a blast to drive!
Managed to win the latest Evo Challenge. Not sure whether they're still giving away prizes to the winners or not, but I'm hoping so. :lol:

Anyway here's the lap if anyone cares, made a couple of small errors near the end of the lap which cost me about half a second, but fortunately it was still enough for 1st place. :)

Nice, you took some fine and very close-cut corners there - perhaps where I'm going wrong as those challenges by Evo usually get invaded by aliens ;)