Driver Black List & Vent Thread

  • Thread starter Sphinx
no, of course not. The device gives you the advantage of flatshifting with using the paddles. (or whatever buttons you wish to use, I assume)

its H-shifter.. turning on/off the clutch everytime an up gear change is needed

here's how it can be done by our "clutch_cheater" R8 (i suppose)

So correct me if im wrong but its more or less like having one continuoes gear?

I do see how that can gain you alot of time around a track
I have been viewing this discussion since yesterday and have been hesitant to share my views, but I think since many people have been uncertain about the advantages offered by the "clutch cheat" I guess I would like to now share my views on the subject as well.

To see the effect of this cheat in action, look no further than the #1 ranked car at the current GTP Qualifier--the Mazda RX-7 at Fuji. If you watch that replay, look closely at the speed of the car along the main straight at Fuji. If the clutch offers a slight advantage over conventional shifting--and it does, just imagine the advantage that is gained when there is absolutely NO loss in acceleration when shifting. This is what you will see on the #1 replay at Fuji (in addition to obvious corner-cutting as well).

Others have said it may be worth up to a full second per lap, and I'm inclined to agree with that assessment. Obviously the size of the track and the amount of full-throttle/long straightaway sections varies from track to track, so the advantage would be smaller at a place like London--maybe only .4 or so per lap there, if that much. But still a significant advantage any way you look at it.

The RX-7 qualifier at Fuji is one of--if not--the most competitive TT's in all of Prologue. The #1 driver is fairly good, but he is nowhere near as capable as Timo, GTP_DHolland or MAY. I'm certain of that. Yet he is what, almost .3 faster than any of those drivers--ridiculous :irked: I would guess that at this TT, the "clutch cheat" has given this guy close to a full second more than his talents could muster on their own.

I had the privilege of racing against FAK several times last week at 800 PP Suzuka, and I was simply amazed at his pace. In particular, I found it extremely difficult to even manage to stay in his tow on straightaways. For sure, he is definitely a better all-around driver than I am, and at my best, I could only hope to stay within .3 to .5 of his pace on most tracks. But I found it odd that he was getting such tremendous straightline speed at Suzuka, so much speed that I found it hard to stay in his tow. I just thought he must have been running extremely low downforce settings, but after reading Bruno's comments, if he was indeed flat-shifting, that would explain why it was so hard to keep pace with him.

This is really troubling to me :ill: I really admire FAK and I think most people would agree he is one the very best out there, not only at TT's but in terms of racecraft especially. I'm not condemning him, just thought I would give you my perspective after racing him last week in the S2K at Suzuka.
Sorry for going a bit off topic guys, but was use of the clutch even permitted for the GT Academy Qualifier to begin with? If it was not, wouldn't that mean anyone using a clutch period, is to be considered a "cheater"? :lol: Or is the Academy Qualifier irrelevant, simply because the car was the GT-R (DSG gearbox), which would likely gain no advantage from a standard clutch shift. I know the DFGT is the official wheel for GT so that makes me question even using the clutch period, as the DFGT doesn't have one.

Thanks for any answers :cheers:
I have been viewing this discussion since yesterday and have been hesitant to share my views, but I think since many people have been uncertain about the advantages offered by the "clutch cheat" I guess I would like to now share my views on the subject as well.

To see the effect of this cheat in action, look no further than the #1 ranked car at the current GTP Qualifier--the Mazda RX-7 at Fuji. If you watch that replay, look closely at the speed of the car along the main straight at Fuji. If the clutch offers a slight advantage over conventional shifting--and it does, just imagine the advantage that is gained when there is absolutely NO loss in acceleration when shifting. This is what you will see on the #1 replay at Fuji (in addition to obvious corner-cutting as well).

Others have said it may be worth up to a full second per lap, and I'm inclined to agree with that assessment. Obviously the size of the track and the amount of full-throttle/long straightaway sections varies from track to track, so the advantage would be smaller at a place like London--maybe only .4 or so per lap there, if that much. But still a significant advantage any way you look at it.

The RX-7 qualifier at Fuji is one of--if not--the most competitive TT's in all of Prologue. The #1 driver is fairly good, but he is nowhere near as capable as Timo, GTP_DHolland or MAY. I'm certain of that. Yet he is what, almost .3 faster than any of those drivers--ridiculous :irked: I would guess that at this TT, the "clutch cheat" has given this guy close to a full second more than his talents could muster on their own.

I had the privilege of racing against FAK several times last week at 800 PP Suzuka, and I was simply amazed at his pace. In particular, I found it extremely difficult to even manage to stay in his tow on straightaways. For sure, he is definitely a better all-around driver than I am, and at my best, I could only hope to stay within .3 to .5 of his pace on most tracks. But I found it odd that he was getting such tremendous straightline speed at Suzuka, so much speed that I found it hard to stay in his tow. I just thought he must have been running extremely low downforce settings, but after reading Bruno's comments, if he was indeed flat-shifting, that would explain why it was so hard to keep pace with him.

This is really troubling to me :ill: I really admire FAK and I think most people would agree he is one the very best out there, not only at TT's but in terms of racecraft especially. I'm not condemning him, just thought I would give you my perspective after racing him last week in the S2K at Suzuka.

Have been reading this aswell as you did and whas shy to reply at first...
I have raced against FAK a lot of times and had extremely close and exiting races with him...i also shared some pm's with him after the races we had ,and concratulated eachother for winns and/or good battles...!!!

That said,i see the cheeting point you guys are talking about...

So my question is really to you who are complaining about this obvious and easy to do cheat,....did any of you try to invite FAK or any other to join this discussion here on gtplanet????....if not,you maybe should...

just my view on this mates....

Have been reading this aswell as you did and whas shy to reply at first...
I have raced against FAK a lot of times and had extremely close and exiting races with him...i also shared some pm's with him after the races we had ,and concratulated eachother for winns and/or good battles...!!!

That said,i see the cheeting point you guys are talking about...

So my question is really to you who are complaining about this obvious and easy to do cheat,....did any of you try to invite FAK or any other to join this discussion here on gtplanet????....if not,you maybe should...

just my view on this mates....


Hey Spy,

To be perfectly honest I've been giving him a general idea of the feeling on the forum towards those time trials and his racing, and of course Bruno has contacted him directly originally. Because this is a GTP tagged drivers' only forum, I felt it was inappropriate to copy or paste the conversations here to him.

Alessandro realises the situation and knows people have their opinions, he doesn't seem too concerned about coming here and getting involved in discussions about it. He can see why people feel the way they do, but at the end of the day he is going to continue to do what he chooses.

All I know for sure is that when he races us on GTP schedules, he plays fair. That has been my everlasting impression and experience of his conduct. I can of course only speak for myself and my experience.

TO summarise, I do not believe Alessandro is interested in coming here and getting involved in a dispute or even a discussion regarding this. In private is a different matter I should think.

All the best
To be perfectly honest I've been giving him a general idea of the feeling on the forum towards those time trials and his racing, and of course Bruno has contacted him directly originally. Because this is a GTP tagged drivers' only forum, I felt it was inappropriate to copy or paste the conversations here to him.

of course i told him in private.. that was explained on my 1st post! i couldnt take it further if i wasnt sure about it!

Alessandro realises the situation and knows people have their opinions, he doesn't seem too concerned about coming here and getting involved in discussions about it. He can see why people feel the way they do, but at the end of the day he is going to continue to do what he chooses.

that said it all, thanks for bring it 👍 that puts away any 0.01% of doubts that could persist...

All I know for sure is that when he races us on GTP schedules, he plays fair. That has been my everlasting impression and experience of his conduct. I can of course only speak for myself and my experience.

sorry, but am i a GTP member or i dont count!? im not mentioning the others around here who felt cheated too and there others for sure who still dont know about it... even if we're not... that affirmation makes him a fair player!? 👎 GT5P its not a game for GTP players...

being GTP or not.. i was his friend and he betrayed me... he can do it to anyone speacilly in races where you cant control him when he is running alone (with no cars around him) 👍

i said enough already.. i had also good races with him.. TT challenges.. etc but since he cheated me i cant take it as a respectable driver now.. im being impartial (a thing that some couldnt be).. im just seeing the facts that are pretty clear! besides jack already said that he cant not be added to the list because many reasons which i could not understand because, we should report everyone who's bad out there (doesnt matter if he's registered here or not) its just a warning for people to know about what kind of guy we are dealing with... he will be on my personal list.. and not only in mine ;)


Fuji 700 PP

Brief description of incident:
We were the only ones on the grid. I followed for four laps and passed on the straight when starting fifth. He immediately tried a pit maneuvre which failed. Rammed me off the track in 100R instead. I parked in the pit.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Afterwards he sent me a message thanking for the race.


Suzuka 550PP

Brief description of incident:
He is "driving" a green Elise 111R at Suzuka 550PP. He punts everywhere, blocks everywhere and when you pass him finally and leave him for dust which you inevitably will, he goes around the track backwards, then stops and drives alongside you to put you off if you are the leader. Obviously he can't keep up with the leader so then he pulls the same crap on the next car. Had grief from this driver 2 races on the trot.

Video Evidence:

I would just like to add my side to this comment, I will not deny the accusations but I am generally a very clean & considerate racer and I always do my best to ensure no contact is made when I'm overtaking or being overtaken and that only changes when I have been repeatedly punted by someone, in which case I will go on a personal vendetta with them and only them. However I have had moments when I have completely lost it due to being unnecessarily or purposefully knocked off the track or getting an unjustified penalty so on extremely rare occasions I have just gone on a bit of a mad one having a punt at anyone who comes close with a what comes around goes around sort of attitude but I must stress that I could count the number of times this has happened on one hand and I can guarantee it doesn’t happen anymore, now I just punch my wheel and take a break for a few minuets.

Synwraith I can’t deny what you have said because I admit I have had these mad moments and I can’t specifically remember the races you mentioned however I can say for certain I do not own or have ever owned a green Elise. If I punted you for no reason then you must have just encountered me when I was having one of these rare moments so I’m sorry you got caught up in it, that is not what I play GT5P for or how I typically drive, I get most enjoyment from GT5P by having very close & respectful races with people and I would like to race you again to show I’m not one of those retarded punting monkeys.
Synwraith I can’t deny what you have said because I admit I have had these mad moments and I can’t specifically remember the races you mentioned however I can say for certain I do not own or have ever owned a green Elise. If I punted you for no reason then you must have just encountered me when I was having one of these rare moments so I’m sorry you got caught up in it, that is not what I play GT5P for or how I typically drive, I get most enjoyment from GT5P by having very close & respectful races with people and I would like to race you again to show I’m not one of those retarded punting monkeys.

Cool man, and I have to say you've been really honest with what you've said and that's worthy of respect at least. I definitely look forward to racing you mate :cheers:

All the best
I’ve been in a race with BoglOfThe North (Dan GTP_Ralliart) on two or three occasions, I must say I’ve never seen him drive like this, maybe like all of us gets frustrated from time to time. Like he said in his reply
I’ve found him to be fast and clean, ha not that I can keep up with him, but I’ll race with him anytime


Fuji 700 PP

Brief description of incident:
We were the only ones on the grid. I followed for four laps and passed on the straight when starting fifth. He immediately tried a pit maneuvre which failed. Rammed me off the track in 100R instead. I parked in the pit.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Afterwards he sent me a message thanking for the race.

I'm kind of surprised he's not on the list already, the actual black list I mean. He was always a dirty driver, but ever since he got himself in a blown out of control argument with some members and mods here due to a complete disrepsect to our rules he's had a real vendetta for all GTP'ers.
I’ve been in a race with BoglOfThe North (Dan GTP_Ralliart) on two or three occasions, I must say I’ve never seen him drive like this, maybe like all of us gets frustrated from time to time. Like he said in his reply
I’ve found him to be fast and clean, ha not that I can keep up with him, but I’ll race with him anytime

+1, must've been having a bad day!


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Textbook Clio driving, took out me, Ren831 and Dranddad within 3 laps.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely ruined the race from T1, had punted me 3 times by Dunlop


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Textbook Clio driving, took out me, Ren831 and Dranddad within 3 laps.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely ruined the race from T1, had punted me 3 times by Dunlop

I can back that up, same Black Clio driver punted and bloceked me and GTP_VTR, who ever he is. ;)


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
I wish it was brief, but it was everywhere, all the time. Blocking, shoving his car (white NSX) up the inside every corner, coming from miiiiles back to smash into the back of you. Harassed me, Ren, KOR Hellrazor viciously all the way through the Suzuka 550PP races last night. Absolutely no redeemable qualities, a punter through and through.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely ruined the races for everyone, some achievement considering he was usually outnumbered 5 to 1.
Last edited:


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
I wish it was brief, but it was everywhere, all the time. Blocking, shoving his car (silver NSX) up the inside every corner, coming from miiiiles back to smash into the back of you. Harassed me, Ren, KOR Hellrazor viciously all the way through the Suzuka 550PP races last night. Absolutely no redeemable qualities, a punter through and through.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely ruined the races for everyone, some achievement considering he was usually outnumbered 5 to 1.

+1 He was everywhere last night, ruined a race for me and Maz too. Even made sure he took out us backmarkers on the way to punting the aliens at the front.


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
I wish it was brief, but it was everywhere, all the time. Blocking, shoving his car (white NSX) up the inside every corner, coming from miiiiles back to smash into the back of you. Harassed me, Ren, KOR Hellrazor viciously all the way through the Suzuka 550PP races last night. Absolutely no redeemable qualities, a punter through and through.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely ruined the races for everyone, some achievement considering he was usually outnumbered 5 to 1.

+1. I did 4 races on thursday, he was in 2 of them.

In the first I think he punted Ren off in turn 2 and did the same to me at the last of the esses. Later in the race he knew he couldn't win the race anymore and parked his car on the racetrack between degner 2 and the hairpin.
In the 2nd race I was host and he was the only other car. He tried to do the same thing at the last corner of the esses, but I saw it coming and managed to avoid going off. He ghosted and went off himself. At Degner 2 he went off again and quit the race.


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
I wish it was brief, but it was everywhere, all the time. Blocking, shoving his car (white NSX) up the inside every corner, coming from miiiiles back to smash into the back of you. Harassed me, Ren, KOR Hellrazor viciously all the way through the Suzuka 550PP races last night. Absolutely no redeemable qualities, a punter through and through.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely ruined the races for everyone, some achievement considering he was usually outnumbered 5 to 1.

I too have had trouble with this idiot a few months ago, I was in a race at Fuji it was just me & him and as soon as the race started he immediately tried ramming me off the track, I then did about 2 or 3 laps with him trying every trick in the book to slow me down, he wasn't even trying to win the race he was only interested in crashing into me, eventually I just stopped the car on one of the run offs, he parked up next to me, after a couple of minutes he sent me message saying "I can wait" I then sent him a message saying something along the lines of "🤬 you, you stupid 🤬, you can't drive for 🤬 so 🤬 off you 🤬 retard" then added him to my block list. He is probably the worst driver I have ever come across, watch out for him!
I too have had trouble with this idiot a few months ago, I was in a race at Fuji it was just me & him and as soon as the race started he immediately tried ramming me off the track, I then did about 2 or 3 laps with him trying every trick in the book to slow me down, he wasn't even trying to win the race he was only interested in crashing into me, eventually I just stopped the car on one of the run offs, he parked up next to me, after a couple of minutes he sent me message saying "I can wait" I then sent him a message saying something along the lines of "🤬 you, you stupid 🤬, you can't drive for 🤬 so 🤬 off you 🤬 retard" then added him to my block list. He is probably the worst driver I have ever come across, watch out for him!

So you reacted the excact way he did...only you did it in words!!!

Sorry man, but that is not the way to handle this,you should try to be the better person instead of swearing at him like you did...👎

I meen,so now he will do this to you everytime you meet him on the track in the future for sure,and maybe tell his wierd friends about you and asking them to do the same thing!!!

Maybe in the future you should just park your car at the side of the track and ignore him,instead of throwing a verbal assult to him ...wich probably whas exactly what he wanted you to do...some people are like that you know...:ouch:

Don't let guys like this get the better of you dude...👍


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Terrible, terrible punting, he would smash me off, disappear off down the track and then, when he noticed I was catching him, he would wait to begin the process again. Needless to say, he was driving a clio.

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
I was so fed up with his nonsense, I actually gave up racing online tonight. Even worse behaviour than the two previous mentionees.
So you reacted the excact way he did...only you did it in words!!!

Sorry man, but that is not the way to handle this,you should try to be the better person instead of swearing at him like you did...👎

I meen,so now he will do this to you everytime you meet him on the track in the future for sure,and maybe tell his wierd friends about you and asking them to do the same thing!!!

Maybe in the future you should just park your car at the side of the track and ignore him,instead of throwing a verbal assult to him ...wich probably whas exactly what he wanted you to do...some people are like that you know...:ouch:

Don't let guys like this get the better of you dude...👍


I agree with you it’s generally not the best way to react but given that he obviously drives like an idiot all the time & has no interest in racing properly it won't make any difference if he has a vendetta with me or if he's driving normally. I've never sent an abusive message like that to anyone before but believe me this guy deserved it but most importantly it made me feel a bit better.
feutz5 (suspect it is Egli-Racing-Team under different ID)


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Massive brake testing of all GTP drivers, punting, blocking, ramming, pushing, generally filthy behaviour. Same car choice, colour, location and behaviour as Egli. Suspect they are one and the same

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely doing his best to race on our schedule for the 512BB and wreck all-comers, even his own puntbuddy...



Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Ramming, punting, pushing through uncleanly multiple times

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Same as above

All the best
feutz5 (suspect it is Egli-Racing-Team under different ID)


Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Massive brake testing of all GTP drivers, punting, blocking, ramming, pushing, generally filthy behaviour. Same car choice, colour, location and behaviour as Egli. Suspect they are one and the same

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Absolutely doing his best to race on our schedule for the 512BB and wreck all-comers, even his own puntbuddy...



Suzuka 550pp RWD

Brief description of incident:
Ramming, punting, pushing through uncleanly multiple times

Video Evidence:

Further comments or just vent:
Same as above

All the best

I have to back you up again there Maz about Feutz5, I posted a message about him on a different thread before I realised where the black list was; I have had many encounters with this guy & every race he has resorted to dirty driving. I was in a race with two other GTP drivers and we were all faster than him but because he was crashing into all of us we couldn't get away from him, he completely ruined what would have been a really good race... and many others as well. I too thought this might be the same guy as Egli-racing-team, they certainly drive the same way (which is take a punt at anyone who comes close), they are both at the top of my personal black list anyway.