Fallout 3

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
Face. Aim for the face, it's the only part of the body that isn't shell. They charge at you so getting a clear shot in VATS shouldn't be hard.

Random stuff:
Jst got The Terrible Shotgun, and it definitely does not live up to it's name. :P
My character is level 14
Mysterious Stranger perk is wonderful
Luck is very good for critical hits (the game tells you this but I still think it's understated)
Killed all Supermutant Behemoths
Never use the Fat Man without VATS
The Energy Weapons Bobblehead in Raven Rock is a one-chance-only affair, don't miss it!
I've just got out of the tunnels on the way to the museum and got instantly killed. I've got no means of regaining health since it was all used up in the tunnels and there are about 6 enemies around me with machine guns. What the flying ****? I'm really not liking this game, it seems really cumbersome and doesn't flow well at all. Levelling up feels awkward and levelling up the stats feels unrewarding as you don't seem to experience the effects of them.

It also feels as if the whole game is working against you. A good example of this being the turrets in the tunnels, you have to be of a certain level at hacking to turn them off so it's either go back through the entire game to level up to hack them or run for it and have to use 4 stimpacks to heal you once you've got past them. And even then before you reach the tunnels you have 4 enemies to deal with who drained me of my health entirely.

I understand that it's meant to be like surviving as it would be for real but it's a game, not real life, and games are meant to be fun. This game hasn't been fun so far.
I've just got out of the tunnels on the way to the museum and got instantly killed. I've got no means of regaining health since it was all used up in the tunnels and there are about 6 enemies around me with machine guns. What the flying ****? I'm really not liking this game, it seems really cumbersome and doesn't flow well at all. Levelling up feels awkward and levelling up the stats feels unrewarding as you don't seem to experience the effects of them.

It also feels as if the whole game is working against you. A good example of this being the turrets in the tunnels, you have to be of a certain level at hacking to turn them off so it's either go back through the entire game to level up to hack them or run for it and have to use 4 stimpacks to heal you once you've got past them. And even then before you reach the tunnels you have 4 enemies to deal with who drained me of my health entirely.

I understand that it's meant to be like surviving as it would be for real but it's a game, not real life, and games are meant to be fun. This game hasn't been fun so far.

I felt the same way, and had to reduce my game level to very easy. When I attack something, right before it dies, I raise the level back to very hard for the extra EXP.

Not 100% thrilled with this game, either. But, I still like it; just not in love with it, like some of you. I'm going to finish the game, and then stop playing. It's taking me forever to complete. I haven't done much, despite playing a long time. Looking for things is taking most of my time. I cannot wait to stop.

Any good way to earn bottle caps after the first few quests at Megaton? I can earn caps for Sugar Bombs (30 each) and Blood Packs (15) and Scrap Metal (? haven't sold any; gave it away for good karma and EXP), and selling stuff to Moira, however I'm running out of stuff to loot.

I guess I need to find new towns, but I'm trying to prepare to go into Rivet City and finish the 'Those!' side quest. I tried it once, and got attacked by a gang of large mutants and wasted almost all my ammo, which I still don't have a lot of. I understand I can go for the 'Declaration of Independence' quest once there, but doing so requires heavy weapons and lots of fighting experience, so I cannot finish the 'Those!' guest anytime soon. I really want to start this 'DoI' quest for the 10mm SMG glitch.

Are there general tips I should be doing on a daily basis to make the game any easier?

Oh, and what are good, easy cities, like Megaton, in the game I can visit without fear of heavy attack? How's Big City? I know about the EXP glitch with Bittercup and Pappy, but I would need to delete the 1.03 download from the saved game file, first. Will doing that get rid of my trophies or reloading back to zero if I re-download 1.03?
There's no need for exp glitch. Just sleep and explore -- I got to level 14 before I even set foot east of the Potomac. After very early game, I never had a problem with cap flow. Armor isn't work much unless you can repair it. Keep an eye on the value:weight ratio on anything you pick up. Less than 10:1 is not worth your time.

I never had to buy a stimpak too. They're everywhere. I give them to my minions like candy, but I rarely take damage. If you have to buy them, try bartering goods for them. In previous Fallout games, goods were same as cash, but in Fallout 3, the shopkeepers charge you more for their stuff than what you get selling your stuff. If you sell your stuff and use the resulting money to buy, you might be losing a bit of value every time.

Strategy and patience got me out of the Metro by the Mall. There are six or more super mutants dug in, so I sniped them one at a time with the hunting rifle and lured them back to the Metro entrance. There's really nothing a sneak-criticalled super mutant can do when faced with an angry vault dweller with a shotgun and three 95% hits to the head.

Med-X works great for a DR boost, especially if you have the "My First Meth Lab". I got addicted to three different substances all at the same time once: Med-X, Psycho, and Whisky. :D
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Moglet and Solid Lifters, i suggest picking up the strategy guide. On WalMart.com (or any other cheap website) it is about $15. I've followed that and have done very well in the game on Normal difficulty. The character development guide in the book is very helpful, but still vague enough for you to develop your own style.

For example, they show a "sniper" type which makes the game fairly easy (focusing on small guns, perception, luck, etc.) but still very fun, especially when you can pick up a follower to do melee for you. ;)

Right now i'm pretty pissed because i killed Eulogy Jones in "Escape from Paradise" (i decided to just decimate everybody there...really wasn't that hard) before i could do "Risky Business". :(
An excellent free resource is gamefaqs. Here's the main link to all the Fallout 3 general and in depth faqs.

I've found the character build suggestions contained in this walk through quite helpful.

Although I haven't progressed too far into the game, only about level 6, I've still found my character to be quite effective with small guns against all the enemies I've come across so far. As mentioned prior, I also whenever possible try to sneak up on enemies and use VATS to increase the likelihood of scoring a critical hit. I think if one's willing to be patient, sometimes very patient probably, the game has alot to offer.
Yeah, sneak is very very important. I can't overestimate the relief of one-hit kills due to sneak critical attacks.
I tried sneaking up two enemies with their backs to me earlier, while in [HIDDEN], and as soon as I got anywhere near they both turned round and shot me to death. The same happened when I approached a bandit (I think they're called that) he just turned round without being able to see me.
I tried sneaking up two enemies with their backs to me earlier, while in [HIDDEN], and as soon as I got anywhere near they both turned round and shot me to death. The same happened when I approached a bandit (I think they're called that) he just turned round without being able to see me.

You might need to raise your sneak skill. When you level up, try the Thief perk. It has three levels which each raise your sneak AND lockpick skill by 5 each time.
Moglet and Solid Lifters, i suggest picking up the strategy guide. On WalMart.com (or any other cheap website) it is about $15.

I don't expect to buy a game only to have to buy a guide to it, it's already too damn hard and frustrating for me, I've got it set on the easiest level too. I'm going to go trade it in for Pacific Rift tomorrow instead. I'd much rather have a fun and exciting racer than a dull and difficult 'Action' RPG.
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I would probably love it if it were easier to play through without a guide but it appears that you more or less need a guide. Which ruins the point of a game, surely? I never needed one for Fable 2 or any of the Final Fantasy games...
Sneaking isn't done very well in Fallout 3. It took me a while to get close enough to explode someone's pants even with 100 sneak. Even the Stealth Boy isn't flawless. If you're too close, enemies will detect you and attack.

The only time I referred to a guide was trying to find The Family. I totally missed the sewer grate in Murphy's back room. A guide really isn't necessary.

Fallout might not be your thing. I hated Need for Street: Most Wanted. :)

I remember playing with the combat difficulty setting. I set it to Easy and then shut the game off. When I came back, I was wondering why my 10 mm pistol was extremely effective at taking out Enclave patrols. :dunce:

I also found raiders in power armour. They somehow knocked out an Enclave patrol and took their stuff. Later, the Enclave guys came back to life and tried to fight me in their undies.
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I think you may be too hasty in the speed you are progressing the game, Moglet. I've not heard of these tunnels with turrets in. I've done the atomic bomb, the thing between Arefu and The Family, the radiation quest for Moira (how easy is that?). I'm at level 5. I think it takes a while to get used to, and I very rarely play RPGs.

I've not found any annoying aspect as yet.
I don't expect to buy a game only to have to buy a guide to it, it's already too damn hard and frustrating for me, I've got it set on the easiest level too. I'm going to go trade it in for Pacific Rift tomorrow instead. I'd much rather have a fun and exciting racer than a dull and difficult 'Action' RPG.

Well it was only a suggestion. This game is very long and given all the options you have with karma and dialogue choices, it helps. I found the guide a great purchase, because i don't normally like RPGs.

Plus $15 is a steal, given that it costs nearly twice that at store like GameStop.
I think you may be too hasty in the speed you are progressing the game, Moglet. I've not heard of these tunnels with turrets in. I've done the atomic bomb, the thing between Arefu and The Family, the radiation quest for Moira (how easy is that?). I'm at level 5. I think it takes a while to get used to, and I very rarely play RPGs.

I've not found any annoying aspect as yet.

Having read through the guides online I think you may be right, I'm going to restart it and try again. I think I'm trying to run before I can walk, so to speak!

Giancarlo, sorry if I jumped on you with that suggestion. Thanks for your help, but it would be expensive for me to buy the guide in the UK, I'm going to restart and take it slowly.
I've spent quite a long time on it too, probably totted up about 12-15hrs, realised it was about 1:30am last night. So much to do, love the side quests, barely touched the main yet. Can't even remember what it was!
I've spent quite a long time on it too, probably totted up about 12-15hrs, realised it was about 1:30am last night. So much to do, love the side quests, barely touched the main yet. Can't even remember what it was!

I've done the opposite, I went straight after the main quest as the only side quest I could find lead me straight into the hands of some very lethal enemies! I loved the atmosphere of walking across the wastelands at night time though, it's very spooky.
What side quest was that? By lethal I presume you mean super mutants?

Question for those who have found. How do I deal with the flamethrower wielding nutters?
The meat of the game is in all of the side quests. The main quest will sit there patiently for you. In fact, you should do all of the side quests first since finishing the main quest ends the game.

Flamethrower wielding nutters? Drop'em quickly or pick off their weapon.
Giancarlo, sorry if I jumped on you with that suggestion.

Nah it's ok, i understand.

Question for those who have found. How do I deal with the flamethrower wielding nutters?

The best advice i can give is just keep your distance, and try to take out an arm so they can't wield the weapon. Then close in for the kill if necessary.
What side quest was that? By lethal I presume you mean super mutants?

It was to deliver a letter for someone I found in Megaton (or whatever it's called) and on the way I came across 3 buffalo looking things that chased me into the hands of about 5 bandits. I didn't last long!

On a side note, how awesome is it when a car blows up? The mushroom cloud looks amazing.
I agree, I was very very impressed by this games explosions and graphics all togeather. If you ask me, One of the best looking games currently out for this gen!
I've come to realize that sneaking and pick pocketing (PP, I like that better LOL!) are absolutely pointless. I never do it properly and don't think I ever can. Do The Family every get PPed? I want the key to his sword cabinet, but can never get it. I guess he must be killed? If I kill them, will the vendor in the back be killed, too? He has the best stuff!

I've (PP) successfully 3 times, which is the same amount of times I won a speech challenge on the first try with only 7-10% ratting. Seriously, it's stupid. People will be asleep, in a small room, I'm hidden and they'll get up and shoot me. :rolleyes: I have 37 sneaking level and the Thief perk which I completely waisted. I should have used that for lock picking. I still cannot get my Bobblehead from the sheriff of Arefu 'cause his door can only be opened with a 50 level lockpicking skill. Somebody said to PP his key. HAH! :rolleyes: He never has one, plus he always stops me when I try for his ammo.

Sneaking is also pointless. You cannot get closer than 50% ratings in VATS, but it's nowhere near as bad as PP. I've done about 5-7 kills with one shot 'cause I stayed hidden. I really don't like that, TBH. I want two shot kills. One with Very Easy difficulty level, and the last one with Very Hard difficulty level.

Quick questions...

1. Do all merchants offer the same purchase/sell price? If not, who's the best and where are they?

2. How can I get more purified water from my home robot? He wont give me anymore. I gave two away, so am I now screwed?

3. Where in the hell is Big Town? I was told 'head south' of Megaton. I got to six Raiders who had a 'Contract' for my head! Literally, they needed my head to collect 1,000 caps! I guess having the 'best' karma rating puts a big mark on your head.

4. How do I defeat a guy with a Missile Launcher? Two hits, and I"m dead! I can only get close enough to shoot him twice with my sniping rife before he finishes me off, and the first shot usually misses. Should I aim for his weapon arm both times? I just got out of there before finishing. What sucks is he's with two others who constantly shoot at you.

5. How can you throw a grenade farther? The distance they travel is pathetic.

6. I now have 1,000 Bottle Caps. What is the best BIG thing to purchase, or should I just save my money? I was thinking the item from Moira that cures your addictions. What else do you suggest?

7. Again, what's the best tactic to getting to Rivet City? Go through the 7 Super Mutants? I like the idea of luring them to that one heavily armored fellow, but I prefer the EXP points. If I could go around them, that would be best.

Oh, the game has gotten a little bit easier now that I have 150 rounds and a Chinese Assault Rifle. Even though it does less damage than the sawed off shotgun, it kicks a lot more ass!
Sneaking is not pointless. Sneak crits do a shedload of damage and usually cripple something. Use the hunting rifle or sniper rifle manually if you need a distance shot. Try Gunslinger, Commando and Sniper if you need that extra little kick in VATS in close-ish quarters.

Seriously, there's enough experience to go around. I've gotten to level 20 on two characters way before I finished the main quest. It makes the Here and Now perk worthless.

1. Rivet City gives discounts if you finish a certain quest.
2. I believe Mr. Handy cranks out some more if you come back in a day or two.
3. Big Town is north of Megaton. I think you're confusing Talon Company for raiders.
4. Shoot the missile launcher. Alternatively, use your sneak skill to stay [HIDDEN] while you put a sneak crit cap in his ass.
5. I use VATS for my grenade throwing needs.
6. Buy whatever suits your fancy. That's what in-game money is for. It's pointless to let it accumulate. Jericho will be your bodyguard for 1000 caps if you're playing a bad guy.
7. You can swim across from the Arlington Library or do what I did. Walk along the eastern shore after you blast the centaurs from the other side.
Sneaking is not pointless.

For now, it seems to be less useful than it should. I sure hope it gets better.

Sneak crits do a shedload of damage and usually cripple something. Use the hunting rifle or sniper rifle manually if you need a distance shot..

I do exactly that, but that defeats staying hidden and getting that 'critical shot' with VATS. As far as I know, TBH. After I shoot them from a distance, they drop dead if I hit them and shoot me with Missile Launchers if I miss, which gets me killed.

Try Gunslinger, Commando and Sniper if you need that extra little kick in VATS in close-ish quarters.

Only up to Level 5, but about to be 6 real soon. However, I've already decided to get the Endurance perk and level out my lock picking skill, which still wont let me get into the sheriff's house!

Seriously, there's enough experience to go around. I've gotten to level 20 on two characters way before I finished the main quest. It makes the Here and Now perk worthless.

EXP is not a problem for me. I'm almost Level 6, with only Blood Ties, Those and Save Megaton completed. I haven't finished 'Follow In His Footsteps' yet!

1. Rivet City gives discounts if you finish a certain quest..

Which quest? I want to make sure I don't miss it.

2. I believe Mr. Handy cranks out some more if you come back in a day or two..

I was gone for a few days when I got several bottle of water. Since then, I've been hanging around, doing several days of odd things. No luck getting any more. I guess you have to leave him alone, or a limit of only five bottles, perhaps?

3. Big Town is north of Megaton. I think you're confusing Talon Company for raiders.

North, eh? That explains it. Yeah, I think they were Talon Company. Real baddies, huh?

4. Shoot the missile launcher.

No, that will ruin the Launcher. I need one of them, badly.

Alternatively, use your sneak skill to stay [HIDDEN] while you put a sneak crit cap in his ass.

No, not for long. HIDDEN usually turns to CAUTION before I can get close enough for a decent shot in VATS.

5. I use VATS for my grenade throwing needs.

Gotta try that. Sounds better than just tossing them.

6. Buy whatever suits your fancy. That's what in-game money is for. It's pointless to let it accumulate. Jericho will be your bodyguard for 1000 caps if you're playing a bad guy.

But, it's still pretty early in the game for me, and I'm not sure what I will use more. I guess I should just wait for 2,000 caps. That way I have enough for critical weapon repairs, which I spend most of my money on, next to ammo.

7. You can swim across from the Arlington Library or do what I did. Walk along the eastern shore after you blast the centaurs from the other side.

I have no idea what that means, but I'll figure it out. lol

Thanks for the help! I appreciate it! :)
You don't need VATS to land critical hits. Your first bullet/rocket/garden gnome, if it connects, will always be a sneak critical if you fired it while [HIDDEN]. VATS is used for close quarters battle.

For Rivet City, you will want to help Moira with her book.

Whenever I run into thugs with missile launchers, the launcher itself is usually destroyed in the process. Sometimes I get lucky and blast the missile as it comes out of the launcher. Other times, the doofus forgets about the blast radius and fires at me point-blank. Or the thug uses it as a shield while reloading. However, a destroyed launcher is still good to repair with.
You don't need VATS to land critical hits. Your first bullet/rocket/garden gnome, if it connects, will always be a sneak critical if you fired it while [HIDDEN].
That's good to know. Garden gnome?

VATS is used for close quarters battle.

That's the only way you can use it, I know. Sneaking to land a VATS shot is pointless, though, hence why I'm not too crazy for sneaking. Taking cover and staying HIDDEN is fun, but sneaking (moving) for a closer shot is not fun at all.

For Rivet City, you will want to help Moira with her book.

OK, so part of her Survival Guide quest takes you to Rivet City, huh? Good to know. I'll finish up the Land Mine part fast, and get started for the Rivet City part as soon as possible. I should find Vera, that kid's relative, on a big boat near Rivet City during my quest for Moira's guide.

Whenever I run into thugs with missile launchers, the launcher itself is usually destroyed in the process. Sometimes I get lucky and blast the missile as it comes out of the launcher. Other times, the doofus forgets about the blast radius and fires at me point-blank. Or the thug uses it as a shield while reloading. However, a destroyed launcher is still good to repair with.

A destroyed weapon (no value to it) can be restored? Oops. I sold one to Moira that had no value. Got nothing for it, but then I was going to sell it anyway, so it didn't really matter since I had to get rid of another version just to restore it.

Oh, how do I get a uniform with Lock Pick perks? I had one with I think +5 Lock Pick skill boost, but accidentally used it to repair a different armor. (I didn't know how to restore items at the time)
Only up to Level 5, but about to be 6 real soon. However, I've already decided to get the Endurance perk and level out my lock picking skill, which still wont let me get into the sheriff's house!

You know that wearing one of the Vault101 suits (I think it's jumpsuit) gives you +5 lockpick?

You may find it useful to buy a workbench from Moira, SL. Then you can build your own nutty inventions.