Fanatec and PS4 Troubleshooting/SettingsPS4 

  • Thread starter Smoothherb
I think you can turn deadzone to 0 in the FFB calibration menu...
I did it for the T500....

Tried that mate,first thing i do in any race game 👍 Appreciate the suggestion :) but is definitely specific to the fanatec wheels.
Another annoying bug...

With the CSR, when you go into the garage and try to change car livery, you click the directional arrow once, and it jumps by 2 liveries. Example: say you're on livery 1, you click right once, and it jumps to livery 3, with no way to get to livery 2, or 4, or 6 and so on). So there is no way to get to 50% of the liveries.

Not a game breaker, but still annoying.
I'm having problems with Fanatec-gear as well. The Fanatec Porsche GT3 V2 + Fanatec CSR elite pedals aren't working properly on the PS4-version. As soon as you power on the wheel, the game has HUGE lag. The PS4-controller is completely useless as well, because the game doesn't recognize the controller anymore.

The game is completely unplayable at this stage, unless I use a controller...
Update the firmware of the wheel... mine did that before I updated

What firmware are you on fuzz?i'm on 756 and using a 911 turbo s which i'm sure is internally identical to the gt3 rs v2,i have a massive deadzone,don't get a calibration option,can't map buttons properly but all my pedals work lol i have clubsport v1's.
Im on 756 now too... Just had a bit of a play, haven't really noticed a dead zone yet. Comment above was in reference to it slowing down/Freezing isuue. - did have to turn the damper settings up a bit to get a bit more feel to it.... will keep having a play around and see what I can work out, lack of clutch takes some of the fun out of ithoho....
Another bug: The sound from your pit crew is not working with the fanatec wheel plugged in. To fix that you have to force the game to recognise the pad. Fastest way seems to go to free practice and then in the bit menu select "pit strategy" create new. This will bring up the keyboard. Now exit and the speakers should work.
I've got a CSR Elite on Firmware 757. Project cars won't recognise the wheel at all.

Stupid question, but are you putting it in pc mode? (Turn it on and then hold the back button for about 3 secs, tuning display Should change from 3 dots)
Fanatec porsche 911 GT2: huge dead zone and lack of calibration and FF wheel menu.
I own both PC and ps4 versione of the game so i know how the wheel should works and reacts in the game and which menu should be in the ps4 version.
Posted this morning on WMD forum hoping they could resolve
Fanatec porsche 911 GT2: huge dead zone and lack of calibration and FF wheel menu.
I own both PC and ps4 versione of the game so i know how the wheel should works and reacts in the game and which menu should be in the ps4 version.
Posted this morning on WMD forum hoping they could resolve

Yep, I've got the same problem after the firware-update. Huge deadzone and in general a bad feeling on the pedals/wheel.
Ugh. Bought CSW v2, CSP, SQ2, 918 RSR and I am utterly pessimistic...

No problem, I have a PSN friend that has the CSW v2 and the CSS SQ (clubsportshifter SQ), don't know what wheel and pedals, he was playing yesterday on twich, currently offline (Luxman_) without problems.
It's submissive hackville not being able to use the menus properly along with all the rest.

It's Day One, but here's hoping they sort it. I can drive, but not skip H gears nor use sequential. Never buy high-end!
It's submissive hackville not being able to use the menus properly along with all the rest.

It's Day One, but here's hoping they sort it. I can drive, but not skip H gears nor use sequential. Never buy high-end!

He was using the sequencial, the game said "Invalid Input" but accepted that. He had some problems but the H and Sequential were both working, if it's the same shift model.
Ugh. Bought CSW v2, CSP, SQ2, 918 RSR and I am utterly pessimistic...
Worry not. Just seen this posted over at

Ok guys I got the wheel to work! Everything wors like a charm! (even though I would prefer a liitle more force feedback strength, but there are a million options in the game menu for this which I have no idea how to set yet)

I have csw base eu and clubsport pedals v2 and m3 gt2 rim updated to latest 205 drivers.
You need to intiate the game and then at the first page of the game and before you press anyting on the gamepad you need to power up the wheel in pc mode and press the purple button! The game will start with the wheel in full operational form (gamepad will not work inside the game) and all buttons are working. Then in the options menu you see under controls the CSW as contol choice and you can configure it and calibrate it in a million ways!!!
Inside the game I played for a couple of hours and everyting worked perfect.
Game is fantastic and tracks and very detailed. Control is really good and very realistic and actual times are pretty accurate for the 2-3 tracks that I tried last night with some cars that I have raced there in real life as well!
So far my only complaint is the "weak" force feedback but I am sure this can somehow be fixed.

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Good stuff, just try shifting 4th to 2nd. Or switching to sequential. Or navigating menus with L2/R2 (!). That's such a basic oversight.

Then count the buttons on the 918 RSR wheel. They simply need to enable the use of the DS4 alongside the wheel.

Early days, but I've dumped an enormous budget into a rig for this game. My fault, all will be good in 24 months I'm sure.
Good stuff, just try shifting 4th to 2nd. Or switching to sequential. Or navigating menus with L2/R2 (!). That's such a basic oversight.

Then count the buttons on the 918 RSR wheel. They simply need to enable the use of the DS4 alongside the wheel.

Early days, but I've dumped an enormous budget into a rig for this game. My fault, all will be good in 24 months I'm sure.

For the FFB:
read this on another post and totally agree with the tyre force thing

PSA for Project CARS: Change the Tyre Force to Fix FFB (self.simracing)

submitted 5 months ago * by Sir_Hugs_A_Lot


I frequent the WMD forums periodically as well as this subreddit daily and VirtualR. FFB is consistently brought up as a pain point for Project CARS players. It's an area they are actively focused on bringing the last year or two of community FFB development to be represented in the final product. There have been times when I thought the FFB was amazing, times when it was horrible (if not totally broken) and everything in between. Lately it's been extremely heavy and almost totally lacking in fidelity. I heard about this Tyre Force slider fix from someone on VirtualR but couldn't find the area in WMD where anyone mentions the temporary fix during their recent tweaking.

The Goods:

If you've been disappointed with recent builds: turn down the Tyre Force to between 20-30 for most cars. It's a massive difference!

At least for right now (dev tweaking not withstanding), this restores the overall fidelity of FFB in the game to a great level easily on par and sometimes better than with Assetto Corsa.

I was having a blast driving the Mercedes SLS around the Nordschleife after the FFB fix, reducing brake pressure a bit and fixing the bias to a normal front-bias level. I recommend everyone try it out.
I have updated post 1 with my settings. I you have Better settings please let us know. The OP might sound horrible but once you have set up everything its working very well... with some room for improvements ;)
Any way to get rid of the massive deadzone yet?
My CSR Elite gets recognized as a standard CSR although it works pretty great ingame, no issues at all. its on firmware 737. My biggest issue is not being able to control the menus with my DS4 controller.

How on earth did WMD think it would be ok to not have a working DS4 to control the menus while amwheel is connected?! Fix this and ill be very happy.
Hi all, I have the same issue.. big deadzone on my GT2 =( and L2/R2 don't work. I try all is possible and I think we must wait a patch.. =( I'm desperate
Hi all, I have the same issue.. big deadzone on my GT2 =( and L2/R2 don't work. I try all is possible and I think we must wait a patch.. =( I'm desperate

Yeah, I forgot to mention the L2/R2 buttons bug. I've got the same problem...

I've been wondering: would it be possible to use a keyboard with PCARS? It's impossible to map all the functions to a controller or steering wheel.