Fanatec Podium Direct Drive Wheel Bases Thread

  • Thread starter super_gt
Recommended Settings will be updated soon to include the new features of the latest beta firmware. But for the moment, the current Recommended Settings are still the suggested starting point. The default positions of the new Tuning Menu settings don't conflict with the other settings, so they should work together without a problem.
Had to install the drivers again, and now FEI ist back.
Before it simply wasn't there.

Other question, the only thing "LIN" does is make the Wheel very light...
In my case its like reducing FFB from 40 to 20.
What is it supposed to do and why does it make steering so light?
I can only comment on the DD1 with ACC as I haven't tried any other sim. The main reason being I am stunned at how good these two work together now. When I first got my DD1 it was an upgrade from my T300 and at first I was pretty disappointed as it was not any better than my T300. Then I got some help on here and plugged in some recommended settings and felt a big improvement but to be honest nothing to make me jump up and down. Then yesterday I installed the new DD1 firmware and along came the latest ACC update shortly after and then my sim racing world just started celebrating Christmas 1 week early. The FFB is now just amazingly detailed and I have only made 1 change, I switched LIN on. Below are the settings I have dialed in but for sure each individual will have his or her own settings so twiddle about but these settings rock my sim world.
I have noticed a random quick spike, mostly after jumping over curbs and also when I power down the DD1 using the rear button. Its more of a clunk than a spike but maybe worth commenting on the Fanatec forum.View attachment 874445 View attachment 874446

Thats great to hear that the latest update improved the feedback so much! Do you know which driver version it was? Was it 335?
I tryed once the recommended settings and was thinking, omg what are they doing?
Please make it better this time, or maybe let do it someone else this time. Otherwise people could think this is how the ffb should feel.
I know it will be hard work to find the middlthing. Some like this some like that. The old recommended settings was terrible :)
Had to install the drivers again, and now FEI ist back.
Before it simply wasn't there.

Other question, the only thing "LIN" does is make the Wheel very light...
In my case its like reducing FFB from 40 to 20.
What is it supposed to do and why does it make steering so light?
'LIN' does indeed reduce the overall strength to allow for more linear behaviour between peak torque and holding torque. If you were previously running it at 40, and you want to try if the linear mode feels better, then you still have a lot of headroom to turn up the overall FF value to match the strength of the default mode.

I tryed once the recommended settings and was thinking, omg what are they doing?
Please make it better this time, or maybe let do it someone else this time. Otherwise people could think this is how the ffb should feel.
I know it will be hard work to find the middlthing. Some like this some like that. The old recommended settings was terrible :)
Could you provide an example of some settings that you didn't like, and what you changed?
Thanks DomB_Fanatec for all your help with customer service, they asked me yesterday for a video and today told me after watching the video that I will have to send the DD base in and to wait for further instructions.

if it wasn’t for you I would never have gotten in contact with customer service since the new website is so fudged that until today I still can’t add a product manually to my list in order to get help, I tried the sales department but those mofos never answered me.
New drivers feel really nice for me so far. I think I prefer LIN set to ON in GT Sport. With LIN on I up my FFB power +10% or so compared to the settings when having it off and achieve a similar overall max torque level.

I feel like the drivers are a nice improvement with LIN set to on or off, but with it set to ON it seems to do a better job of translating the tire feel from the game to the wheel. Subtle effects are more apparent in a positive way. I wouldn't say it's more realistic. In a real car so much of the feel through the steering gets dampened by a lot of different variables, but for driving in a static sim rig it's a nice way to get a better idea of what the car is doing without being able to use your other senses. I think it really will come down to each game and the way they translate the FFB date to the wheel. It's really nice to have the LIN option to adjust the way the data is interpreted by the wheel, and even a DD1 has way more than enough power and range to use the linear option without any real negative effects. Just adjust the overall FFB setting up until it at a comfortable level.

I really like what has been done with the Natural Friction and Natural Inertia settings! It is a much better simulation of a real steering system as a steering system in real life has quite a bit of natural friction, and the natural intertia does a great job of simulation the assistance of a power steering system. It's nice to be able to dial in the level of friction, as well as the level of the "assist" from the "power steering".

Really like how there is now some info about what different settings do right on the wheel base display as well. Fantastic update!

For GT Sport I just adjust:

LIN: 0n
FFB: 45 (would have it on 35 with LIN set to Off)
NFriction: 5
NInertia: 5

Depending on the car I might make some adjustments to friction and inertia. I have in-game GT Sport settings at:

FFB Max Torque: 5
FFB Sens: 5
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Do I have to uninstall the previous drivers before installing the beta? I haven't updated since the beginning.

Or is it simply go to the update menu in the software and tell it to update?

To the people who have trouble with 100% fan speed after base update. You have to update the motor firmware to. After doing this 2 things, its working normal.
Base firmware update, motor firmware update, done.

@dom from fanatec hi, all of them:) but its not my work to make it nice. you get paid for this ;)

It depends on soo mutch variables, starting with persons weight, persons height, persons strenght, wheel diameter, wheel position, seat position,...... i was thinking about to create some presets setups, but at the end.... its to mutch work and everyone likes it diffrent. All you need is a philosophy how the ffb should feel, then start building presets :)
I w
Do I have to uninstall the previous drivers before installing the beta? I haven't updated since the beginning.

Or is it simply go to the update menu in the software and tell it to update?


I had exact same situation:) I just installed the new driver, its overwrite the old stuff. Then do the 2 firmware updates(base&motor) then do the motor calibration(without rim) and wheel calibration. After basefirmware update fan starts blowing fullspeed, but is gone after motor update:)
@dom from fanatec hi, all of them:) but its not my work to make it nice. you get paid for this ;)
I understand that, but you are making a pretty bold claim that 'all' our settings are 'terrible' and that you wouldn't want people to think 'this is how FFB should feel'. Well the fact is, this is indeed how we think FFB should feel. I think it would be useful if you could offer at least one of your settings suggestions (ideally a full set of Tuning Menu settings and in-game settings for a specific wheel base and sim) in order to put your comment into perspective.

It depends on soo mutch variables, starting with persons weight, persons height, persons strenght, wheel diameter, wheel position, seat position,......
I don't really agree with that. Every variable you mention, apart from wheel diameter, does not influence FFB characteristics, only strength. User weight, size, strength, wheel position and seat position will affect how comfortable they are with using a certain overall strength setting. That's a single, easy-to-adjust value that doesn't influence the other settings. Anyone can take our recommended settings and adjust the strength value to their preference. (The exception is wheel diameter, which affects rotational inertia, and therefore could have a small influence on how you might consider setting values like NDP, NFR, NIN, plus in-game damper or wheel weight setting if available.)
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN AUT / auto
FF 40 / 50
SHO 100 / 0
ABS User Preference/ user
FOR 100 / 100
SPR 100 / 0
DPR 100 / 0
NDP 25 / 60
NFR 5 / 10
BRF User Preference / max
FEI 70 / 70

In-Game Settings:
Force Feedback Max Torque: 5 / 3
Force Feedback Sensitivity: 1 / 1

not mutch diffrent exept for natural damper. gt-s : main problem ingame max torgue is to high, on 5 you reach max force already while enter corner.
gt-s has weird ffb, there is only weight transfer what creates real ffb. with max torque at 3 you reach the max force at middle of corner and this gives more room to feel changes in weight. natural damper is to low, under a min of 40 the wheel start osciallation while hands off.

just a example for one game. but in general on all games the natural damper is to low. in every case its not high enough to prevent oscillation, especially if FEI is also high.

but now with the new firmware and the new options its a kind of other story. even the default settings on the base itself was feeling OK.
my tip would be: give a better look on natural damper or at least keep in mind to check where oscillation start/stops, in each game.

cheers :cheers:
Hi all, I'm sorry If I'm off topic, since I don't know What else to do. I might need some help from some of you that had my same issue. It's been a Mont now since i no longer able to log-in to my Fanatec account. I've been sending "god only know" Many e-mails to customer support, and no answer I received, neither to my spam folder there are any e-mail. Maybe Domb_Fanatec can help me on this,( I would be highly Appreciated).Neither i can go to the Fanatec Forum to Ask for help since i Can not log_in,"Go figure". After clicking "forgot password" and receiving the e-mail to do so, I set a new password but with no success, and right above there is a window that says "Your customer account has been deactivated. Please contact us personally."
Thank's in Advance........
Good job Fanatec! Seems like this update have finally put the podiums at the point they should have been at from release :)

@Silent Storm: Have you done something that might have made them block you or something, like being rude or spamming? But then again, from personal experience and from reading on forums, it seems Fanatec could do a better job at answering people. I have myself asked them questions that didn't get an answer. Not sure if it's an attitude thing or resource thing, but in case of the former, even if some people ask the "wrong" questions or isn't being polite enough, a great customer support should rise above such things and always answer every customer because that will pay off in the end with a great reputation.
Good job Fanatec! Seems like this update have finally put the podiums at the point they should have been at from release :)

@Silent Storm: Have you done something that might have made them block you or something, like being rude or spamming? But then again, from personal experience and from reading on forums, it seems Fanatec could do a better job at answering people. I have myself asked them questions that didn't get an answer. Not sure if it's an attitude thing or resource thing, but in case of the former, even if some people ask the "wrong" questions or isn't being polite enough, a great customer support should rise above such things and always answer every customer because that will pay off in the end with a great reputation.

Bjosim, thanks for your reply. no,I did not type anything rude,angry or offensive. I only ask to reset a password, and retrieve my account so I don't have to loose all my pass purchases on the history. luckily i did save all my order on separate folder.
My question is also, what happened if i do have issue with my fanatec hardware?.:confused:

I watch most of his videos and as a soon to be owner of the Podium Racing Wheel F1, I would love for someone to produce a detailed review like this for GT Sport. I realize console gaming is not the same as PC gaming. But it would be nice if someone could go through all of the ins and outs of gaming on a console. I will be getting a PC in the future and will be able to run a lot of the tiles he and others mentioned. But in the meantime I will try to adapt some of those settings to GT Sport. Hopefully in the future, on the newer consoles, we'll be able to use software like Fanalabs.

@DomB_Fanatec since you are pretty active here, I would like to throw out a question for the community. As in my post above, I am soon to be in the possession of a Podium Racing Wheel F1. On the Fanatec discussion pages there is talk of Driver 352 completely bricking DD1's and DD2's. I won't be using this driver and I also suggested Fanatec remove it from their website since it's doing so much damage. I would hate to unbox, install and update only to have it dead in 5 minutes.
So my question is can you offer any insight into this? Is there a particular sequence one should go about when updating; i.e motor first, then wheelbase, then wheel etc? Which driver is the safest to use at this point?

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@DomB_Fanatec since you are pretty active here, I would like to throw out a question for the community. As in my post above, I am soon to be in the possession of a Podium Racing Wheel F1. On the Fanatec discussion pages there is talk of Driver 352 completely bricking DD1's and DD2's. I won't be using this driver and I also suggested Fanatec remove it from their website since it's doing so much damage. I would hate to unbox, install and update only to have it dead in 5 minutes.
So my question is can you offer any insight into this? Is the a particular sequence one should go about when updating; i.e motor first, then wheelbase, then wheel etc? Which driver is the safest to use at this point?


I have a Podium PS4 wheelbase also that I have had since day one. I just received my Podium Porsche GT3 wheel yesterday and was going to assemble and try it out till I also read about these problems with the base updates. I decided to wait till after the holidays to update but it sure is a bummer to not be able to use my new wheel. Hopefully we can learn more and maybe set our minds at ease.
@DomB_Fanatec since you are pretty active here, I would like to throw out a question for the community. As in my post above, I am soon to be in the possession of a Podium Racing Wheel F1. On the Fanatec discussion pages there is talk of Driver 352 completely bricking DD1's and DD2's. I won't be using this driver and I also suggested Fanatec remove it from their website since it's doing so much damage. I would hate to unbox, install and update only to have it dead in 5 minutes.
So my question is can you offer any insight into this? Is there a particular sequence one should go about when updating; i.e motor first, then wheelbase, then wheel etc? Which driver is the safest to use at this point?


Absolutely no issues with driver 352. I would imagine those who have issues don't know how to follow instructions.
Well, in that case, Fanatec should make it a bit simpler. What I mean by that is this. They have no problem putting out videos of their new products. They in-turn should at least consider making a video of them installing the the drivers and firmware. This would help ensure customers having fewer problems, Fanatec having to deal with less and less returns and both the consumer and manufacturer are content with the sale. Less returns mean a better bottom line for Fanatec and happier customers are more willing to spend even more money with the company. All of that could be accomplished with a 5-10 minute video.

Who can provide the correct steps/sequence for installing the firmware(s)?

Hey man,
I downloaded the driver_352_beta and simply double clicked on it and installed it. I believe the installation defaulted to the original Fanatec directory. Afterwards I loaded the software and it asked me whether I wanted to update the firmware. At that point you simply follow the prompts. This will install the base drivers I believe.

Installing the motor driver was more tricky as it didn't prompt me until I switched to PC mode. When I was in COMP V2.5 it did not recognize there was new firmware to be installed. When it prompts you to update, just follow it like before.

=== EDIT
I'm starting to read a few more of the comments above. I wasn't aware the new drivers were causing harm to the motor. Everything for me at the moment seems fine. I've only put on like half an hour since I updated everything.
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Who can provide the correct steps/sequence for installing the firmware(s)?

From what I understand, the directions are given when you are installing the firmware and drivers. But apparently some people are still having issues. In addition to that, GamerMuscle had issues installing them and had to use a different computer to get the drivers installed completely. I believe he had an issue with a USB port. Even though we live in a computer world right now, everyone does not have a "spare" computer laying around to help fix these issues. Furthermore, everyone's comprehension level isn't the same and could also be part of the problem. I just feel the process could be made easier.

Now I realize I do not have my DD1 in hand yet and I could be speaking out off a certain southern region of my body. But from just reading numerous threads and posts, it does seem there is a problem here.
