Forza Horizon 4: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Codemasters (EA)

General Game Information:
  • Release Date: September 28 (Ultimate Edition), October 2 (Xbox Game Pass, Standard & Deluxe Editions)​
  • Platforms: Xbox One, Windows 10​

Key Features:
  • Open-world racing game, set in Great Britain.​
  • 450+ cars at launch.​
  • Open-ended campaign where all activities (both racing and non-racing) allow you to progress.​
  • Shared world with up to 72 human drivers, globally-synchronised Seasons, weather and day/night cycle.​
  • Cross-platform Multiplayer between Xbox One and Windows 10.​


Editions List:



Useful Links:
Drivers updated, Download at 50/64GB with current download speed plenty fast enough to finish by morning, housemate out of town for the weekend. Looks Like I'll be enjoying my Friday playing FH4
You know I was genuinely worried about that considering how many times your PC kept restarting the download.
You know I was genuinely worried about that considering how many times your PC kept restarting the download.
It only restarted 3 times. Once was because an update dropped while I was still downloading, another was my PC restarting itself to install windows update, the third time was a genuinely random restart.
I reset the Windows store cache, found a better spot for my 4G modem where it has a stronger signal and faster connection, and it has been working much better now.
Well my preload didn't work cause this idiot didn't realise he didn't have enough no midnight for me it would seem.:( it's downloading now.
Advice: 2017 Dodge Ram 2500 Power Wagon can't be purchased at the auto show (unlocked at off-road racing Tier 7), but it is included in the first three cars that can be selected when cross country race is unlocked.

If you are not a fan of Beetle or Land Rover, choose Ram instead of Baja Bug and Land Rover.
You will be able to get two Rams without using wheel spin or Forzathon shop.

I didn't notice this and chose Baja Bug :(
Uh-oh. It seems we don't have traditional class-based Rivals anymore. Now each event has class/division restrictions, and some even require specific car to enter.
Uh-oh. It seems we don't have traditional class-based Rivals anymore. Now each event has class/division restrictions, and some even require specific car to enter.

I have a feeling that won't stay that way for too long, judging by the reception that received in FM7.

Also, to everyone currently playing; I hate you all. :) Got 30 more hours to wait...
Oh boy, two areas I highly recommend finding. The long road at the far left of the map (Derwentwater) and Mortimer Gardens which is at the northern edge of that road. You'll thank me.

(Unless they're in the demo, and you already know...)
Okay, I've been playing since twelve and it's flipping great so far. What do you all think?
I have a feeling that won't stay that way for too long, judging by the reception that received in FM7.

I'm not so sure on that considering Rivals mode has never really seemed like much of a draw in the Horizon series compared to Motorsport.
Still a few GB left on my Download, and I wasn't planning on staying up until midnight to play anyways, so I am tempted to just go to bed super early so I am well rested to play all day tomorrow.
I have a feeling that won't stay that way for too long, judging by the reception that received in FM7.

Also, to everyone currently playing; I hate you all. :) Got 30 more hours to wait...

I really hope so. This one's a silly decision from PG.

Also, we're sorry - at least you could put all those hours into productive use. FH4 is currently ruining my academic life, an hour at a time... :dopey:

I'm not so sure on that considering Rivals mode has never really seemed like much of a draw in the Horizon series compared to Motorsport.

Respectfully disagree. Building cars for specific class and then pushing them in Rivals to see how high they could rank was a blast in FH3. It's also much funner to race rally cars under time trial conditions. But then again it's just me - the general consensus might disagree with this sentiment.
Is it me or does that chick on the Le Youth record sound like she keeps singing "just drop your pants"? #drunkpost
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Respectfully disagree. Building cars for specific class and then pushing them in Rivals to see how high they could rank was a blast in FH3. It's also much funner to race rally cars under time trial conditions. But then again it's just me - the general consensus might disagree with this sentiment.

I certainly agree with your point and I do the same thing. However there are still quite a few events where just setting a clean lap time will get you into the top 25% of the leaderboard due to there only being a few thousand legitimate times. For example I just did an S1 Rivals at Mountain View Scramble, which is one I haven't done before and just setting a clean lap (with a spin) got me into the top 24% out of 517,000 players. When it comes to Horizon I think the leaderboards for drift zones, speed traps/zones and danger signs are more important to the main audience.

I do wish they still had the class based rivals, but if losing them is what is required to get stuff like Forzathon Live than I can live with that and I think most players won't even notice they're gone.
No disc today so I wait till tomorrow. Just gotta keep reminding myself that saving the money by going physical is worth it. Hard to think about that right now though! At least I should have the disc at my door when I get home from work tomorrow. Tomorrow night, we dine in Britain!
Okay, I've been playing since twelve and it's flipping great so far. What do you all think?

It's nice to finally have a game that represents Britain so well. Some of those roads could be ripped out of moorland up and down the island. I thought the Focus sounded a bit breathy and tuneless at the top end, but when I turned the volume up with headphones on, the thing sounds demonic at the red line. Intoxicating.

It's a masterpiece, even on the OG One.