Forza Horizon 5: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Northstar
I have to say, I believe we deserve better from developers like Playground Games and Turn 10 -- and I point my finger all around, not singling them out. For the case of the convertible tops, I see it like this: if the artists had the opportunity to model more of them and didn't, it's laziness, but I reckon it's more likely they were not allowed the opportunity, which is incompetence, whether it is management or out-of-touch suits in charge of licensing negotiations. Artists work really hard for these AAA companies...too hard.

Assuming licensing is the issue and it is older additions to the franchise that are being left out, as an alternative to safety concerns, my best guess is that PG+T10 only have permission to use the models they were licensed to create when they created them. I really think the genre needs reform with licensing.
It sounds harsh to put the blame squarely upon developers for licensing agreements which are presumably worked out between developers and car manufacturers with input from both sides.

I blame both sides of the table, and not the employees who model an Audi in a videogame nor the engineers who designed it in the first place. It has become a farce. However, I expect developers/publishers are the ones who would have to initiate change, and larger ones may have to wield their influence as leverage.

Maybe the convertible tops are licensing, maybe not. If so, I think my explanation is more plausible, but I defer to @PJTierney's experience if he knows better.
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I expect the answer is a lot more simple - those models are done, and aren't being retouched to add new features because there isn't the time or budget to be allowed to do so. Plenty of new content to be made, and changing older content just means it has to be re-tested and so on.

As always, it's not a big enough issue on its own that any notable number of players would avoid buying the game because of it, therefore on a business level it doesn't really matter. It certainly would be appreciated by some players, but hey look, there's a brand new Jaguar XJ13 model for you instead - that's more important to many.
I expect the answer is a lot more simple - those models are done, and aren't being retouched to add new features because there isn't the time or budget to be allowed to do so. Plenty of new content to be made, and changing older content just means it has to be re-tested and so on.

As always, it's not a big enough issue on its own that any notable number of players would avoid buying the game because of it, therefore on a business level it doesn't really matter. It certainly would be appreciated by some players, but hey look, there's a brand new Jaguar XJ13 model for you instead - that's more important to many.
That indeed sounds most likely. However, gaming communities do have a voice to be heard as well. If we really want to have existing cars retouched (and if licensing allows it), if we let our voices be heard then the devs might respond. If not in FH5, then perhaps in the next instalment. Some examples :

  • Painting brake callipers was requested for FH4 and even confirmed for the game. But since updating all the cars in a post-release game was too troublesome, we did get it for FH5.
  • Taking down the roof in convertibles has been a requested feature for a long time as well, and finally in FH5 we got it, albeit in a really limited form. But I expect that this will be expanded upon. If not for existing cars in FH5, then at least for new cars and new franchise titles. Think about Autovista/Forzavista. That initially was also just for a limited number of cars, and look where we are today, each and every car has Forzavista functionality.

Playground games and Turn 10 do listen to the community (it seems the new Motorsport game has a lot of community testing involvement as well), so we need to let our voices be heard. If on the Q&A session of a future Let’s Go! livestream Charley will read out the question “Will more convertible cars get the option to lower/raise the roof in the game?” then we are on the right track. ☺️
I expect the answer is a lot more simple - those models are done, and aren't being retouched to add new features because there isn't the time or budget to be allowed to do so. Plenty of new content to be made, and changing older content just means it has to be re-tested and so on.

As always, it's not a big enough issue on its own that any notable number of players would avoid buying the game because of it, therefore on a business level it doesn't really matter. It certainly would be appreciated by some players, but hey look, there's a brand new Jaguar XJ13 model for you instead - that's more important to many.
This + licensing makes sense.

The effort needed to get it done could be better spent on adding a new car, which would mean more value to players.
All you people who race manual with clutch on the controller, you have my respect. I don’t know how you do it. I just finished the “Do You Even Shift?” accolade under Hall of Fame for winning five races with shifting set to manual with clutch, and wow was I bad. I had to set the drivatars to Tourist just so I could fumble my way to five wins around Lookout Circuit. I drove the Porsche 968 and mis-shifted my way up to fifth and then kept it there for three laps. It never hit redline or dropped below 2500 rpm. I chose Lookout because it’s surprisingly high speed for such a short track. Each race was just a smidge over three minutes. So at least my embarrassment was over quickly.
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All you people who race manual with clutch on the controller, you have my respect. I don’t know how you do it. I just finished the “Do You Even Shift?” accolade under Hall of Fame for winning five races with shifting set to manual with clutch, and wow was I bad. I had to set the drivatars to Tourist just so I could fumble my way to five wins around Lookout Circuit. I drove the Porsche 968 and mis-shifted my way up to fifth and then kept it there for three laps. It never hit redline or dropped below 2500 rpm. I chose Lookout because it’s surprisingly high speed for such a short track. Each race was just a smidge over three minutes. So at least my embarrassment was over quickly.
I did it at one of the small circuits in Guanajuato in the Porsche Taycan Turbo S. No need to change gear as it's in first just about the whole way in full auto anyway :D

Edit: Jaguar I-PACE is single-gear too.

This is what I was saying about the Accolades having "Taskmaster" descriptions.

For reference, Taskmaster is a UK television show where a panel of guests are given tasks by the Taskmaster that they must carry out. Commonly the guests carry out the task to the intent of the task rather than the precise wording of it, and some manage to accomplish the task as written (which is usually easier). Although most usually fail to do either.

This Accolade only says you have to win five races with the shifting "set to" manual and clutch, not that you have to use manual gears or the clutch, so pick a car you don't need to change gear with and get the points :D

I discovered one for Horizon Open the other day which say something like "reach a speed of 250mph during Horizon Open". It doesn't say during a race or other event; you can get it by winding a car up to 250mph+, then entering Horizon Open. As soon as the "Welcome to Horizon Open" screen pops up you get the Accolade, so long as you're still doing 250mph+.

There are loads of Accolades like this. And a load more that are just worded wrongly (like the Picture/Tuning ones).
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I love this game but having finished the majority of the single play set stuff, I have no desire to play online and the festival playlists are just a bit dull to me. I’m finding myself not playing it and just waiting for the first expansion.

The next Horizon needs to have a bit of a refresh in the concept.
Did the devs actually playtested this seasonal speed trap before shipping it? The less said about the seasonal #Forzathon's last chapter, the better.

I had to download someone else's tune fitted with drag slicks and using Enzo's 6.0L V12 engine in order to beat it. This is after the game decided it was a great moment to start raining.

Protip: Rewind on is your best friend and disable ingame notifications before you lose your brain cells while trying to beat it. The game will NOT register any further attempts until after the animations from the speed trap notification are complete.

On another note, i finally got the Zenvo ST1. Let's see if this car is actually viable for s1-class.
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On another note, i finally got the Zenvo ST1. Let's see if this car is actually viable for s1-class.
I don’t know about racing competition but for cruising around the open world map, the Zenvo TS1 is WAY more fun than the supposedly newer/better/faster/harder/cooler TSR-S. Give me that raw brutal noise of the TS1 any day!
Did the devs actually playtested this seasonal speed trap before shipping it? The less said about the seasonal #Forzathon's last chapter, the better.

I had to download someone else's tune fitted with drag slicks and using Enzo's 6.0L V12 engine in order to beat it.
i had the exact opposite experience,it was the first time i didn't had to tune my car,the poles are sitting on the corner so i just got a good run and went straight instead of attempting to turn
Did the devs actually playtested this seasonal speed trap before shipping it?

I managed it after a couple of attempts - the trick was to take the corner as wide and smoothly as possible, and optionally knock the railings off the bridge in advance to allow an even wider line. It's far from the hardest to do in an unmodified car so far, but was certainly more challenging than the current danger sign, for example.
Clutch on A, shifts on X and B.

Press both Clutch and shift at the same time with your thumb.

Don't lift off the throttle (Forza encourages flat-shifting).

Been doing it for 10 years, it's dead easy.
This, pretty much. The only issue with manual & clutch is that if you're drifting, you have to hold both the E-Brake and the clutch at the same time for the wheels to lock. Not doing that, or getting the timing wrong "stalls" the car and drops your revs, which means that you lose a lot of momentum very suddenly.
Okay, I finally decided to play FH5 again this weekend and play catch up. Mainly just starting on the current week's Forzathon and actually completing the main game. I already beat Goliath last time, so all is left really is to complete things. I finally got all of the fast travel boards for starters and I think I have 40 xp boards left to hit.

I also started on the Forzathon and completed the speed zones and drift zones. In which, drift zones are pretty easy and of course fun with the use of the drift cars the game throws at you. Like in FH4, I kinda have been using the Koenigsegg Agera RS for the speed traps and zones plus the Sesto Elemento FE I won.

Oh and I started using up my super wheelspins. I only restricted myself from them when beating the main game up to goliath to make things more challenging. In which, lead me to finally get the CLK-GTR FE:
Wheelspin - CLK-GTR FE acquired.png

I also want to farm for skill points in order to get forzathon points, only to get cars appearing in the FP store like the Koenigsegg CCGT in there right now.
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This, pretty much. The only issue with manual & clutch is that if you're drifting, you have to hold both the E-Brake and the clutch at the same time for the wheels to lock. Not doing that, or getting the timing wrong "stalls" the car and drops your revs, which means that you lose a lot of momentum very suddenly.
It can be finicky, but after a while it becomes second nature. :)

Hell, I clutch kick into drifts or just to get the wheels spinning almost subconsciously at this point. :lol:

Admittedly I run my clutch on the LB button and E-Brake on the A button, so i’m grabbing the E-Brake with my right hand and clutching in with my left hand.

Couple that with modulating the brakes as I don’t run ABS and blipping the throttle on the downshifts to keep things stable, I can understand why some don’t bother with manual with clutch.
Second Update, I have completed all of my drift zones and I now finally have the Pagani Huayra Forza Edition. Which reminds me of the Huayra R. I kinda like it and I also realized that it was the first Pagani I got in my garage, which means I gotta buy the others. I also remembered to check my messages and realized PG sent out Forzathon points as a Christmas gift, great. I guess I don't have to save up as many points as I thought and I went to claim my own Koenigsegg CCGT and Ford Transit Supervan.
Pagani Huayra FE.png
I'm disappointed the Zenvo ST1 doesn't have more engine swap options, other than the '12 Aventador's L539 Engine (6.5L V12).

This thing got a PI-inneficient stock V8 engine (Twincharged LS7) begging to be swapped by something more PI-efficient, such as LS3 (6.2L V8), Race V8 (Racing 7.2L V8) or Viper V10 (8.4L V10).
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Good day all. I noticed that the mileage is not counted correctly. there are cars that have driven more than 1000 miles. This happens when you start a new race or crash but also when you drive through speed cameras.
Good day all. I noticed that the mileage is not counted correctly. there are cars that have driven more than 1000 miles. This happens when you start a new race or crash but also when you drive through speed cameras.
This is a legacy issue that has been around since at least FH3, I wouldn’t put money on it getting fixed anytime soon.
I`ve done some engine-swaps IRL and will off course do so in a game too as long as I
find it "realistic". But this LS3-engine is a bit over-represented in Horizon. You simply do not put '
a GM engine in a Chrysler/Mopar or a Ford, they have their own suitable powerplants.
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I love this game but having finished the majority of the single play set stuff, I have no desire to play online and the festival playlists are just a bit dull to me. I’m finding myself not playing it and just waiting for the first expansion.

The next Horizon needs to have a bit of a refresh in the concept.

The reviews neglected to mention the lack of innovation of this title, nor the stripped down car roster compared to the last iteration, also the lack of proper visually different Seasons, with gameplay effects too. I can't tell one Season from the next in this game.

Much like Forza Motorsport 7, a lazy entry into the series.
I`ve done some engine-swaps IRL and will off course do so in a game too as long as I
find it "realistic". But this LS3-engine is a bit over-represented in Horizon. You simply do not put '
a GM engine in a Chrysler/Mopar or a Ford, they have their own suitable powerplants.

If they had a GM/Mopar engine diesel engine I would have used that instead of the Ford.
I also only use that option if it's an offroad race where the Charger is eligible, otherwise it's the stock powerplant.

It is a fun car though, not very fast, but fun to use to explore around the map in the off road areas.
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It's a somewhat arcade racer, go crazy.
I still try keep engine swaps to a minimum for racing but that is my choice.

I've definitely got some nutty builds for joking around with, though, so I like having the options available.