Forza Motorsport 2 Official !!

  • Thread starter _aj
Although I've poo-pooed all over the M6 many times, I want it in the game. It was in the early videos, so why don't we have it? Furthermore, where is the Aston V8 Vantage? Its probably the best car in Aston's lineup, and I found it quite disappointing that it wasn't in there.
I just want alpine ring back:( And the drag strip, it's so frustraiting everytime i see it going aound the test course thing(snake names).

And mt fujima or whatever it was lol. Oh and reo-de-jeniro, great track for "cruising":sly:
The Nissan will probably be free because of being some promotional thing...kind of like the Caddy's in PGR3.
Oh man I finally got to the point where I needed to use an actual racecar in the Japanese gt race thing and damn is it harder. It's kinda annoying in the fact that to win most of the races in the non racecar classes you have to pretty much make sure you are able to beat the one lead (M.ROSSI IM LOOKING AT YOU) guy infront, which usually means that due to your cars points you are nearer the front of the grid than the rear.

With the racecars it seems that it places you at the back all the time, now i've got no problem with this as it should make for a more interesting race anyway. Also it's a bit of a change from having to pretty much race against one car and having a fairly ballanced field instead of a retarded one sided race. Only thing is that it's pretty annoying sometimes even on the hardest ai level that they will brake in the dumbest places like accelerating out of a corner which messes up your front splitter and then pretty much it's impossible to win due to the car understeering all over.

It's just kinda irritating in the first race series at maple valley I had to restart about 20 times just to keep my front/rear splitters intact so I could actually go for the lead. Although its more realistic as on that circuit there arent that many places to pass apart from where the ai drivers brake retardedly early in some corners.

On thinking about this post I dont know if it's a complaint or that these races are interesting iono!

Also I lost my months free gold a while back but I dunno if I can be bothered to resubscribe realy. I mean the races I had were good but then not many people were ever on and I never want to race against retarded pubbies.
Well looks like we'll get an auto update today... as for the DLC it's getting "certified" and will be here "soon". :rolleyes:

It'll be out in August....Which doesn't mean anything to me now after their, "Peugeot 908 being free in early June".
Well looks like we'll get an auto update today... as for the DLC it's getting "certified" and will be here "soon". :rolleyes:

Guess i won't be going on Forza 2 online anymore lol.

I want to use the money cheat and get lot's of money's:D
Finally I have a chance to play the game... I haven't put it down since this morning.

It definitely has less aliasing than the demo, which is a very welcome surprise. Everything else is as good as I thought it would be. Just I dislike not being able to buy very exotic cars with my current level, even in the auction house.

The online was better than I thought it would be. I had a race against some great guys and did rather well. I was in a VIS Integra with a couple of others, and two other guys had older Camaros. It was hilarious watching them all zoom by on the straights but only to spin or crash into a wall on the corners. :lol:

I'm Level 28 currently. I think I'll build up a nice set of cars and tune them to my liking before I do some serious racing in the upper classes. The only decent A-Class car I have is the new 911 Turbo, but that understeers like hell stock, so I done badly when those guys upped the class. :ouch:

It's just a shame my Xbox broke. You don't seem to be as active in here anymore. :(
The online was better than I thought it would be. I had a race against some great guys and did rather well. I was in a VIS Integra with a couple of others, and two other guys had older Camaros. It was hilarious watching them all zoom by on the straights but only to spin or crash into a wall on the corners. :lol:

I must be one of the few people online who can drive older Camaros and Mustangs better than most can with their "tuned" Evolutions and STis. Hmmm. People like that make me, in my American cars, look bad...
Your at level 28 already? You'll be ahead of me in no time. My race tuned Tuscan will beat yours though :sly:.

No really it might, it's driver probably won't though.

EDIT:YSSMAN, I've jsut realised, I've had a friends request pending for ages with your Eismann1270 account.
That's good news, it might be the first DLC I pay for, depending on how much the charges are of course.
EDIT:YSSMAN, I've jsut realised, I've had a friends request pending for ages with your Eismann1270 account.

My XBL Tag is YSSMAN too, so I believe you're waiting on Joey there. If you're still looking for me, feel free to send one to YSSMAN. I use it almost everywhere I go...
Ahh, you see I got confuddled, Eismann sounds a bit like YSSMAN, come to think of it, I think I've already got you on my list. So Joey, I've been waiting on that freinds request....
They need to come out with Road America at least, haven't really been on Forza lately since it's got a bit too samey. I hope the tournaments have changed too....
Your at level 28 already? You'll be ahead of me in no time. My race tuned Tuscan will beat yours though :sly:.

No really it might, it's driver probably won't though.
Hehe. :P

The current championship I'm doing is actually the Factory-Spec Tuscan race. It's bloody hard with everything turned to hardest. I finished the 2 races fine, but they took me an hour alone. I may have to make it a little easier to avoid more frustration...

Although, no ABS isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The first time I turned it off was using that car because it doesn't have ABS in real life. In Forza 1 the wheels locked up much more easily...
I'm at level 30 myself, I agree too, the brakes are much better in this game, there's a smoother transition between not clamping hard enough and locking up so you can ease onto the trigger better.
Thirded on the betterness of the braking with ABS off, when compared to the first game.

My Gold trial ran out at the start of this month i think and i won't be subscribing to it. All the online races i did, or tried to do resulted in me getting kicked out (for unknown reasons - don't have a microphone either), being abandoned (all the other cars leave the race before it loads up for me, or during the race) or watching all the other competitor's cars jumping/skipping/weirding out all over the track and crashing all the time (which the drivers of those car likely were NOT doing) thanks to our internet connection - even when we were back up to full broadband speeds again.

Telecom has a huge monopoly over the whole of New Zealand as it owns all the broadband/cable wires i believe and is severly limiting the capabilties of them to the point where i think i recently heard that NZ has the slowest internet out of all the developed countries - and this is AFTER the Government forced them to open up the lines a bit. They claim they did but we never noticed any difference).

So yeah. Suxourz to be us. :(

Where is the best place to find out/keep track of all the patches/updates and DLC for Forza 2?

And while we are talking about levels, i've got about three quarters of level 29 to go. :cool:
Yea our broadband sucks over here:( Was racing one day and thought everyone had pulled over and was doing dohnut's, so, ofcourse i did the same...They weren't doing dohnut's:(

Especially with the add's on TV with bragging about how it's makes it possible for online gaming etc...
If you can find my original post like 10 pgs back. I've been asking about it for awhile now. Anyway, there will be one in "august". Supposedly there's going to be a bunch for awhile after that...