Forza Motorsport 7: General Pre-Release Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Has anyone brought up the fact, that the weather conditions they've shown cars racing in, lightning specifically, usually result in a race being red-flagged for safety?

I don't see how motorsport fans can take this seriously when reality is being tossed out the window like that.

My guess is that the number of people that play these games because they want to drive cars fast is much larger than actual motorsport fans.

The gamers I know fall in the first category, they don't know much about motorsport rules in general and no real interest in real world racing. They game.
That's just the internet for ya. They love to judge before seeing the actual contents and features a game will have. Despite the unnecessary complaints over a simple trailer, I really love how T10 keeps on improving their games in each title, something some of these people are completely ignoring over looks, cars, etc.

Adding dynamic weather into the game is a HUGE step forward IMO, because it shows T10 is cooking up something really big for their future title, which should at least be respected by some. Baby steps people, remember that.

I just wish some people can actually appreciate T10's efforts instead of these other stuff they're currently crying about...

Never change Dan Greenawalt and Turn 10 Studios, cause if you're reading this, most of us here appreciate what you've done so far. :cheers:

You haven't played it but aready seem to love it. Is that any better than those of us not quite feeling it at this point? No, please let people voice their E3 impressions without pointing fingers.

Has anyone brought up the fact, that the weather conditions they've shown cars racing in, lightning specifically, usually result in a race being red-flagged for safety?

I don't see how motorsport fans can take this seriously when reality is being tossed out the window like that.

Yes, I just brought it up before you posted this.
My guess is that the number of people that play these games because they want to drive cars fast is much larger than actual motorsport fans.

The gamers I know fall in the first category, they don't know much about motorsport rules in general and no real interest in real world racing. They game.
I for one have never been that much into actual motorsports. I've never followed any form of it, although I have been to a few races. I just like cars.
You haven't played it but aready seem to love it. Is that any better than those of us not quite feeling it at this point? No, please let people voice their E3 impressions without pointing fingers.
I'm not saying you can't voice out your "E3 impressions", but I am saying wait until T10 at least releases some info regarding the game.

And I love it based on T10's efforts. End of.
I don't see how motorsport fans can take this seriously when reality is being tossed out the window like that.

Considering the usual reaction whenever a race does get red flagged, I'm not so sure about that. :lol:
I spy with my little eye new models/liveries of the Merc Racing Truck! :rolleyes: Hopefully it's a new series/ race league in-game
I spy with my little eye new models/liveries of the Merc Racing Truck! :rolleyes: Hopefully it's a new series/ race league in-game
Those just look like liveries made with the in-game paint editor, as the numbers match the font as those previously seen in Forza games.
Can somebody check the same truck in Forza Motorsport 6 and see if Little Vixen has similar liveries? If so then that might confirm that livery importing is a feature again.
Has anyone brought up the fact, that the weather conditions they've shown cars racing in, lightning specifically, usually result in a race being red-flagged for safety?

I don't see how motorsport fans can take this seriously when reality is being tossed out the window like that.

I just gave the gameplay video another look, and what's up with the weather? It's a full blown thunderstorm directly above the Nürburgring. It's so over the top, like something from the action genre. I already said it back when FM6 released. Tone down the rain's intencity for a more immersive green flag experience. Now we have lightning strikes all over to make it even more ridiculous.

I obviously think they should have listened to such criticism. As for lightning, I could imagine that some distant flashes in between the clouds would be cooler than all the "unleashed fury", as Greenawalt puts it.

A game that is often regarded for its sim aspects called Project Cars has Thunderstorms available. The new game also has standing water and snow, when it comes to accuracy, you chose to disregard the game because of lightning strikes?
A game that is often regarded for its sim aspects called Project Cars has Thunderstorms available. The new game also has standing water and snow, when it comes to accuracy, you chose to disregard the game because of lightning strikes?

My criticism is mostly about how intense and pronounced the thunderstorm is. Actually, it's comparable to the exaggerated sun glares in FM5. It's almost like they allow the environments to overshadow the essence, which is racing, because the improved hardware encourages first-party developers to create some AAA geek porn. I welcome advances in tech, but sometimes slightly less is more.
But Turn 10 needs to write or rewrite some code, that's the point!

But we could all come up with a massive laundry list of things that they could do. What's the most efficient use of their time is another matter, and writing or rewriting code is a great way to introduce bugs. They don't need a penalty system. You would like a penalty system. There's a difference.

It's so over the top, like something from the action genre.

Which is entirely the point. It's almost like you haven't played a Forza game before.

My criticism is mostly about how intense and pronounced the thunderstorm is. Actually, it's comparable to the exaggerated sun glares in FM5. It's almost like they allow the environments to overshadow the essence, which is racing, because the improved hardware encourages first-party developers to create some AAA geek porn. I welcome advances in tech, but sometimes slightly less is more.

A racing game using it to showcase graphical performance over gameplay and substance? That sounds strangely familiar. It's almost like it's something that they took from the games that they originally started out as a derivative of...
My criticism is mostly about how intense and pronounced the thunderstorm is. Actually, it's comparable to the exaggerated sun glares in FM5. It's almost like they allow the environments to overshadow the essence, which is racing, because the improved hardware encourages first-party developers to create some AAA geek porn. I welcome advances in tech, but sometimes slightly less is more.
It seems you have already found more than enough reasons to not buy the game. So, save yourself some time and go and spend your time being positive about something you enjoy.

Just watching Xbox Daily with Bill Geise and there talking about the game. There is going to be a new campaign mode called the Forza Drivers Cup where you 'write your own motorsport story'. More Porsche, Ferrari & Lamborghini's than any other game.

There was some more footage of Dubai in game. Not the stylised vid from the trailer but just in game footage. It looked really good.
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But we could all come up with a massive laundry list of things that they could do. What's the most efficient use of their time is another matter, and writing or rewriting code is a great way to introduce bugs. They don't need a penalty system. You would like a penalty system. There's a difference.

It's also good way to eliminate bugs. Some of the bugs in FM6 date back to previous generation titles, probably because the code hasn't been refined since then. You sound like you hold the stakes of Turn 10 management, caring more about getting things done rather than fixed. Why do you take this view?

Which is entirely the point. It's almost like you haven't played a Forza game before.

As I said, I have also criticized how FM6 handled rain. Otherwise I find it pretty down to earth, especially compared to the wilder FH3.

A racing game using it to showcase graphical performance over gameplay and substance? That sounds strangely familiar. It's almost like it's something that they took from the games that they originally started out as a derivative of...

Hence my point.

It seems you have already found more than enough reasons to not buy the game. So, save yourself some time and go and spend your time being positive about something you enjoy.

Deciding not to buy the game would be a hasty conclusion based on nothing but the E3 reveal, and how about you leave my opinion alone unless you have something useful to add?
While the visuals obviously stand out in this, it's the transmission sound from the GT-R that I paid more attention to, sounds more "raw" in Forza Motorsport 7.
Nice to hear some proper Straight cut gear whine in Forza. Now I would like it if they added Gear whine sounds to all cars when upgrading them to the race gearbox.
My criticism is mostly about how intense and pronounced the thunderstorm is. Actually, it's comparable to the exaggerated sun glares in FM5. It's almost like they allow the environments to overshadow the essence, which is racing, because the improved hardware encourages first-party developers to create some AAA geek porn. I welcome advances in tech, but sometimes slightly less is more.
Again, have you played other titles such as PCars? The lightning in the background gets pretty crazy and the rain falls heavy. I fail to see your criticism beside "I only want water on the track, not racing in a heavy storm" which for all we know is a setting that can be changed. You are making some big assumptions in the thought of it's either dry or the storm of the century.
I love how my concern for (a lack of) implementation of real-world rules, turned into an argument of weather in game-A vs. weather in game-B. :dopey:

I'm done.
Again, have you played other titles such as PCars? The lightning in the background gets pretty crazy and the rain falls heavy. I fail to see your criticism beside "I only want water on the track, not racing in a heavy storm" which for all we know is a setting that can be changed. You are making some big assumptions in the thought of it's either dry or the storm of the century.

I haven't played Project CARS but how is it of any relevance? Its reputation as a "real simulator" doesn't mean it's a standard any other racing game should be measured against, if that's what you're implying.

I'm not assuming that the weather in FM7 is always one extremity or the other. One of the gameplay videos clearly demonstrates a gradual progression from overcast, rain, thunderstorm to clearing skies. I have no criticism other than the thunderstorm escalating into something too ridiculous for my perception of motorsport. To me it's tech demonstration taking precedence over immersion, which perhaps isn't surprising when an industry leading developer is involved, but it's something I think Turn 10 should be careful not to overdo when they have Forza Horizon for the more "careless" approach.

Let me give you a recent example. FM5 environments were criticised for being too boring and sterile, so Turn 10 added more life to the environments in FM6. However, the developers kind of failed to find the middle ground and eventually people complained how it was impossible to drive a solo session without having three helicopters constantly hovering in the sky. Maybe they have gotten closer to the middle ground in FM7, but the crazy thunderstorm footage has left me with little hope for that.
Let me give you a recent example. FM5 environments were criticised for being too boring and sterile, so Turn 10 added more life to the environments in FM6. However, the developers kind of failed to find the middle ground and eventually people complained how it was impossible to drive a solo session without having three helicopters constantly hovering in the sky. Maybe they have gotten closer to the middle ground in FM7, but the crazy thunderstorm footage has left me with little hope for that.
Those are people whose opinions should be held back in the list of concerns because when someone claims, "It's impossible to play by myself on the track because of helicopters", they're clearly people who are going to have expectation after expectation after expectation because they want the game to meet their requirements.

Might as well complain there's always a full crowd in the stands when I play by myself in PCars....
People will always find something to complain. T10 has been very receptive to the community feedback lately, giving us players stuff we've been asking for quite some time, be it cars, tracks or new features, yet that's still not enough for some.

But hey, that's life.
Really liking the new Dubai track. And I think the game looks very nice. Getting closer to GT.

And another vid.
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Garage limit, tune limit, design limit, all these hopefully will be at least 1000.
thats a terrific question for Dan's or Helios's twitter

oh yeah, my only complaint with this is that it does not coincide with scorpio release.
or rather, scorpio release does not coincide with FM7 release.

oh you lazy microsoft h/w architects!!

for those who missed it from yesterday, xbox eu community manager talks with Bill Giese, Forza Motorsport's new creative director (Dan got promoted to Forza franchise in general creative director fwiu)

talks about new career mode, Forza Drivers Cup, and other stuffs

... It's like Turn 10 has decided that they want to write as little new code as possible. Lazy attitude from a team of their size.
so, I guess in your eyes each forza iteration comes crammed with more audio and graphical and gameplay enhancements, **while still maintaining its pristine maximum resolution/maximum locked framerate target**,
by using code that ....writes itself? ;)
maybe it doesnt really work this way. just sayin'
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Those are people whose opinions should be held back in the list of concerns because when someone claims, "It's impossible to play by myself on the track because of helicopters", they're clearly people who are going to have expectation after expectation after expectation because they want the game to meet their requirements.

Might as well complain there's always a full crowd in the stands when I play by myself in PCars....

I said impossible to drive without helicopters, not impossible to play because of helicopters. There's a big difference.
It's also good way to eliminate bugs. Some of the bugs in FM6 date back to previous generation titles, probably because the code hasn't been refined since then.

Certainly, and I'd like them to fix the bugs if they can. On the other hand, Forza tends to have less bugs than most games, at least in my experience. As someone who works in production, I'm well aware that attempting to remove all the problems is both impossible and incredibly time consuming.

I assume that they fix what they can and minimise what they can't. Overall both T10 and Playground seem pretty switched on, even with things like the problematic PC releases of Apex and Horizon 3.

You sound like you hold the stakes of Turn 10 management, caring more about getting things done rather than fixed. Why do you take this view?

Because I'm a gamer of moderate intelligence and I'm able to comprehend prioritisation. I don't expect games to be bug free, I expect them to have minimal bugs and no showstoppers. I'm happy for them to spend time adding features and content over squishing rare bugs, because as a player I think that the return for me is better. And I'm glad that they, as developers, agree.

Otherwise I find it pretty down to earth, especially compared to the wilder FH3.

Everything is pretty down to earth compared to FH3. Compared to AC or even pCARS, Motorsport can be pretty cavalier with it's "realism". It, like Gran Turismo, is at best a caricature of real racing.

Deciding not to buy the game would be a hasty conclusion based on nothing but the E3 reveal, and how about you leave my opinion alone unless you have something useful to add?

You're on a discussion board. If you don't want your opinion discussed, don't post it. Fortunately, you don't get to dictate what I and others get to post about, so I'm quite happy to discuss your opinion until the cows come home.
for those who missed it from yesterday, xbox eu community manager talks with Bill Giese, Forza Motorsport's new creative director (Dan got promoted to Forza franchise in general creative director fwiu)

talks about new career mode, Forza Drivers Cup, and other stuffs

36:20 "...brand new leagues, we got a whole new flow in the game, where we're keeping players on track for lobbies and so they can do things like tune, change their car, hang out"
Bill Giese, Forza Motorsport's new creative director (Dan got promoted to Forza franchise in general creative director fwiu)
That explains why Bill's doing all the interviews then.

I guess Dan now heads up the overall vision of Motorsport/Horizon with Bill (Motorsport) and Ralph Fulton (Horizon/Playground) focusing on their own titles in more detail.