there are two points to this thread (as noted in the title), and because i feel they are both linked, i thought id group them together rather than create two separate threads. firstly, this is not a finger pointing exercise. the purpose of this thread is to debate (and hopefully) inform, not accuse.
i never gave global warming much thought, until i became a parent. i worry now that the world i leave for my children will be a different world from the one i grew up in. does anyone else feel this way?
the threat of global warming
it has now been proved that the world is indeed getting warmer. the ice caps are slowly melting, and freak weather is causing havoc all over the world. but despite the compelling evidence, we are still doing nothing about it. does anyone care anymore? western nations have been polluting the atmosphere for decades with little care for the damage that was being caused. and with the emergence of developing countries like china and india it is set to get a whole lot worse.
the kyoto agreement is a step in the right direction, but is it too little too late? what are americans veiws on the fact that their nation has abstained from this agreement? also, how can developed nations convince developing countries like china and india that cutting back on immissions and pollution is the way forward? they will always argue that we (the west) polluted for decades, and built strong economies on the back of that pollution, so why cant they? is this a valid argument?
id like to hear what americans think. afterall, america is the worlds biggest polluter. do we have an forum members from china, india or any developing nation? eventually as their economies grow, china and india could well overtake america as the worlds biggest polluters. what are their views? id also like to hear from forum members from other nations around the world, what do you think about the effects of global warming? does anyone have examples of the effects of global warming in thier country?
'As the world's biggest polluter, no real dent in global warming can be made without the US. The US contains 4% of the world's population but produces about 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions. By comparison, Britain emits 3% - about the same as India which has 15 times as many people'
'The average American produces six tonnes of carbon dioxide, the average Briton three tonnes, a Chinese 0.7 tonnes and an Indian 0.25 tonnes.'
- quotes taken from the bbc
the looming energy crisis
fossil fuels have been around for millions of years, but it wasnt until the start of the industrial revolution that we really started to exploit them. back then we believed these resources would be infinite, but oil, coal, and natural gas have been proven to be finite. the day will come (i believe in our life time), that we will no longer be able to rely on them to drive our economies, fuel our cars, or heat our homes. little is being done by governments around the world to look for alternatives, and we all face the prospect of a energy crisis, which may be only decades away.
'Peak oil is the point in time when extraction of oil from the earth reaches its highest point and then begins to decline. We won't be able to say with certainty when we have reached peak oil until after the fact. Many experts say we have already reached the peak. Others say not yet, but within the next few years.' - quote taken from
what are your views on the subject?
you've read both of the topics above, and on their own, they may seem real, but distant. now put them together, and what do you have? a timebomb. pretending that it isnt happening will not make the situation go away or get any better. we are all guilty of depleting the earths natural resources at an unsustainable rate, what will happen when they've been exhausted? do you care? does anyone?
i have included links to various resources on the www. please, take time to read them.
the threat of global warming
the kyoto protocol
americas refusal to join the kyoto treaty (bbc article)
global warming (union of concerned scientists)
national resources defence council
earth institute (climate and society)
global warming: early warning signs
global warming
the looming energy crisis
planet for
the busby report - after oil (uk)
eating fossil fuels
you can make the difference!
my-kyoto (uk)
energy savers (us)
carbon trust (uk)
eco - empowered consumer options (us)
i never gave global warming much thought, until i became a parent. i worry now that the world i leave for my children will be a different world from the one i grew up in. does anyone else feel this way?
the threat of global warming
it has now been proved that the world is indeed getting warmer. the ice caps are slowly melting, and freak weather is causing havoc all over the world. but despite the compelling evidence, we are still doing nothing about it. does anyone care anymore? western nations have been polluting the atmosphere for decades with little care for the damage that was being caused. and with the emergence of developing countries like china and india it is set to get a whole lot worse.
the kyoto agreement is a step in the right direction, but is it too little too late? what are americans veiws on the fact that their nation has abstained from this agreement? also, how can developed nations convince developing countries like china and india that cutting back on immissions and pollution is the way forward? they will always argue that we (the west) polluted for decades, and built strong economies on the back of that pollution, so why cant they? is this a valid argument?
id like to hear what americans think. afterall, america is the worlds biggest polluter. do we have an forum members from china, india or any developing nation? eventually as their economies grow, china and india could well overtake america as the worlds biggest polluters. what are their views? id also like to hear from forum members from other nations around the world, what do you think about the effects of global warming? does anyone have examples of the effects of global warming in thier country?
'As the world's biggest polluter, no real dent in global warming can be made without the US. The US contains 4% of the world's population but produces about 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions. By comparison, Britain emits 3% - about the same as India which has 15 times as many people'
'The average American produces six tonnes of carbon dioxide, the average Briton three tonnes, a Chinese 0.7 tonnes and an Indian 0.25 tonnes.'
- quotes taken from the bbc
the looming energy crisis
fossil fuels have been around for millions of years, but it wasnt until the start of the industrial revolution that we really started to exploit them. back then we believed these resources would be infinite, but oil, coal, and natural gas have been proven to be finite. the day will come (i believe in our life time), that we will no longer be able to rely on them to drive our economies, fuel our cars, or heat our homes. little is being done by governments around the world to look for alternatives, and we all face the prospect of a energy crisis, which may be only decades away.
'Peak oil is the point in time when extraction of oil from the earth reaches its highest point and then begins to decline. We won't be able to say with certainty when we have reached peak oil until after the fact. Many experts say we have already reached the peak. Others say not yet, but within the next few years.' - quote taken from
what are your views on the subject?
you've read both of the topics above, and on their own, they may seem real, but distant. now put them together, and what do you have? a timebomb. pretending that it isnt happening will not make the situation go away or get any better. we are all guilty of depleting the earths natural resources at an unsustainable rate, what will happen when they've been exhausted? do you care? does anyone?
i have included links to various resources on the www. please, take time to read them.
the threat of global warming
the kyoto protocol
americas refusal to join the kyoto treaty (bbc article)
global warming (union of concerned scientists)
national resources defence council
earth institute (climate and society)
global warming: early warning signs
global warming
the looming energy crisis
planet for
the busby report - after oil (uk)
eating fossil fuels
you can make the difference!
my-kyoto (uk)
energy savers (us)
carbon trust (uk)
eco - empowered consumer options (us)