Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Remote Race FAQ

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
Great Q & A, but look forward to your guide/walkthrough on how to do remote races.

Looks complecated to me.:nervous:

My friends are putting my 3 BOBs to good use anyway. Was gonna put my lvl 40 up for them aswell, but use him to get the achievment.

Heres another Q for you...Does the online races count towards race days? ie...for the achievment?

The ones set online doesnt seem to get cr or race wins added. Guess you have to collect cr before they level up?

I've just read about the auto save not working, and I collected the money and Xp from my drivers last night too. That really is quite annoying!
where do i find the ok button for selecting drivers from the website? I am just seeing the drivers selection and the checkmark when i select him but no "ok" to click
Trying remote race, after selecting a race and adding drivers there is no OK button shown to start race.

It should look like this (see the picture below) when you haven't selected a driver yet. When you select a driver, the 'Ok' button should be activated.


Great Q & A, but look forward to your guide/walkthrough on how to do remote races.
Guide will probably be here sometime in the upcoming weekend. But I'm using PDs planning methodology. ;)

1. Does the online races count towards race days?

2. Guess you have to collect cr before they level up?

1. Remote Race advances the UCD, so I guess that's a yes.
2. That is correct.


I've just read about the auto save not working, and I collected the money and Xp from my drivers last night too. That really is quite annoying!
Hope you got to save in time and didn't loose anything. 👍
Nope. I lost everything (about a million credits and lots of Xp).

But I did learn my lesson!

/starts all over again
Help please! I don't think I'm quite getting this and I've got about 8 hours to be remote racing tomorrow.

To do remote races I have to have a friend sharing their driver(s)? I can't just send my Bobs in to remote races by themselves?
To do remote races I have to have a friend sharing their driver(s)? I can't just send my Bobs in to remote races by themselves?
Yes. Or you can use any other accounts you may have. 👍
I apologize in advance if this has been asked or answered as I don't have time to check all these pages and didn't see anything in search.

What happens to driver experience/career with online B-spec? Will they hit 500 and be full experience?
I have noticed that ever since remote B-spec came out, none of my drivers' condition (the arrows) have not changed. I have two that are not shared, and they have not changed either. Anyone else's bob's changing mood?
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I have noticed that ever since remote B-spec came out, none of my drivers' condition (the arrows) have changed. I have two that are not shared, and they have not changed either. Anyone else's bob's changing mood?

My first Bob's mood changes, but I had him run many races, then a couple days later I have 6, and they all get used evenly for the most part. I think there's something a bit out of balance...

Well I went from B-Spec 0 to 26 in a day and a bit...That's got to throw something out of whack.
does the b.o.b. have to be a certain level cause i tried to use a driver from one of my other accounts and it said driver not found?
While remote B-spec races does advance the UCD/days in game, you can simply quit after you're done hosting games to go back to where you were before you ran the remote races. Of course, this is only good if you leave the prize money and xp where they are, instead of receiving them right away.
does the b.o.b. have to be a certain level cause i tried to use a driver from one of my other accounts and it said driver not found?

Go to that driver in GT Life mode and make sure you've done the "share online" with that driver. If you haven't, that driver will not be available for remote B-spec races.
OK heres another question for you, you might think it's stupid but as I haven't looked at Page 2 or 3 it may already be answered but:

Do you have to have a profile to host a remote race?
OK heres another question for you, you might think it's stupid but as I haven't looked at Page 2 or 3 it may already be answered but:

Do you have to have a profile to host a remote race?

No, just your Playstation Network (PSN) ID.
So if I wanted to I could just set my bob "F.Alonso" online and have a remote race with my friends bobs?
It should look like this (see the picture below) when you haven't selected a driver yet. When you select a driver, the 'Ok' button should be activated.


thank you for the help! I had to zoom out on my firefox browser. (press ctrl and - at the same time)
So if I wanted to I could just set my bob "F.Alonso" online and have a remote race with my friends bobs?

Yes, you can.

If you host, you can only take one Bob into a 16 Bob race.

You friends who are hosting can grab all the Bobs you have available. So you're better of sharing as many as you can, to increase the prizes.

It's seems to be consensus that you should leave at least one friends Bob available in case your friend is trying to host a race.
I have a question about the remote races.

Does your Bob winning either a hosted game, or on where he's recruited to race in someone elses remote game - classify as a win in the GT5 number of race wins stat ?

Or do they only include standard A-spec and B-Spec wins ?
I had a few Bobs that had only done enduros in B-Spec. They didn't have any losses on their record. They do now.

So yes, remote racing accumulates race wins/losses on their data.
Yes, you can.

If you host, you can only take one Bob into a 16 Bob race.

You friends who are hosting can grab all the Bobs you have available. So you're better of sharing as many as you can, to increase the prizes.

It's seems to be consensus that you should leave at least one friends Bob available in case your friend is trying to host a race.

Ok thanks especially for the consensus part!!

EDIT: Also does remote racing give EXP on your general B-Spec Level?
Does anyone else have that the issue that once they collect the credits and Xp from their driver they become set as offline and are no longer available to race?

I collected the credits from my driver last thing last night, and now I have checked on they have disappeared.

Strange. new b-spec driver (lvl 0) are making money but not increasing XP, all still lvl 0 yet earn't over 200k each. what's going on or am I missing something?

thanks in advance.
i don't know if this has been ask already ( and sorry if it has ) but came you race your own drivers against each other.
Many thanks Dave R new b-spec driver (lvl 0) are making money but not increasing XP, all still lvl 0 yet earn't over 200k each. what's going on or am I missing something?

thanks in advance.

already answered on main FAQ sorry read though these yesterday and didn't spot it.... :0 my bad

Q: People are using my B-Spec drivers but they are not leveling up and my credits do not increase. What’s going on?
A: You need to collect the rewards from the B-Spec driver profile first. Since you put your drivers online for other people to use, their rewards will also accumulate online, so the rewards must be added to your local save. After collecting the rewards, the credits and XP will be added to your account.
I don't know if this has been asked ( and sorry if it has ) but can you race your own drivers against each other and if so how .
Many thanks Dave R
Good thread NLxAROSA. Got a few things what are bugging me regarding this new B-spec update.

1. When signing in on GT5 website it's never up to date.
2. When watching a race on PS3, every once in a while I get a black screen.
3. When all my drivers are set to online and stacking up credits, the next day they automatically go
offline and I lose all my credits.
Good thread NLxAROSA. Got a few things what are bugging me regarding this new B-spec update.

3. When all my drivers are set to online and stacking up credits, the next day they automatically go
offline and I lose all my credits.

Already answered in the FAQ:

Q: HELP! Why are my rewards sometimes missing, or my B-Spec drivers changing status by themselves?
A: This is a bug: the autosave feature in remote race is not working properly at this time. Every time you interact with an online B-Spec driver (e.g. change status from online to offline or vice versa, collect rewards, etc.), you must save explicitly yourself! If you don’t save yourself, you may end up losing data (rewards, online status). So always save by hand!