Gran Turismo 7 Confirmed to also launch on PlayStation 4, is a cross-gen title

  • Thread starter Vspectra

Are you disappointed GT7 is also on PS4 with gameplay & graphic assets held back by PS4 limitations?

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I am in the same boat as you, the only reason I wanted a PS5 was for GT7. I think a lot of us here only wanted a PS5 because of the game. Now with the news of a potential PS4 version too many of us that haven't bought into a PS5 yet are relieved that we may not need to make the expenditure just quite yet.

I will say it does suck for those that bought into the PS5 solely for this game, however, on a positive note, the PS5 version is a given at this point so those that did so will still be able to experience the game regardless of its final build quality. The PS4 version has still yet to be confirmed by PD themselves.
As I don't even have a PS4 currently, I'm going to jump ship straight to the PS5, but just much farther down the road when we at least, hopefully, have something more concrete to go off of. Either way, whether its cross-gen or not, I'll be getting a PS5 and the game, but after the news it dropped off the top of my list for now.
I am in the same boat as you, the only reason I wanted a PS5 was for GT7. I think a lot of us here only wanted a PS5 because of the game. Now with the news of a potential PS4 version too many of us that haven't bought into a PS5 yet are relieved that we may not need to make the expenditure just quite yet.

I will say it does suck for those that bought into the PS5 solely for this game, however, on a positive note, the PS5 version is a given at this point so those that did so will still be able to experience the game regardless of its final build quality. The PS4 version has still yet to be confirmed by PD themselves.
I ended up buying a PS5 mainly because of GT7. I wasn't able to get one at launch but I did get my hands on one. To be honest I am glad I did. I have a few PS5 games that I enjoy but since I never bought a PS4 I have bought some games I missed out on and I have a few racing games that I love like DriveClub, Project Cars 2, Carx Online Drifting and Need for Speed: Heat. So I am able to cover most of my racing needs. Heck I am currently debating which version of Assetto Corsa to get. That said when GT7 comes out I will still probably get it more than likely the 1st day.😞
As I don't even have a PS4 currently, I'm going to jump ship straight to the PS5, but just much farther down the road when we at least, hopefully, have something more concrete to go off of. Either way, whether its cross-gen or not, I'll be getting a PS5 and the game, but after the news it dropped off the top of my list for now.
It's certainly a smarter choice to go with a PS5 when you haven't got a PS4.
I am currently debating which version of Assetto Corsa to get.
I'd get both. They're both fun games that offer different experiences. Competizione offers an experience tailored to GT3/4 cars and the regular AC offers an experience tailored to all kinds of cars from road cars to F1 machines.
It's certainly a smarter choice to go with a PS5 when you haven't got a PS4.
Yeah, but the good news is that I can wait till prices drop. Hopefully they do by then.

Hey dont you know it all falls under the same category... racing games. 🤣
Glad to see @Shingo_civic liking your post, maybe he actually understands things now instead of being completely dumbfounded and irate. Although, it should have been ridiculously obvious that we're comparing games on consoles and the PC market, not mobile and tablet games - if you can't draw that difference, I don't know what to say. If you want to though, go for it. At least you understand that it's still a racing game.

Kind of stupid to say something like:
And the third more popular racing game ever. So yeah it's a pretty big name in the gaming industry and it is not because it is a playstation game like that guy was saying but beacause it genuinely a great franchise
While also talking about Mario Kart and NFS, but then gets upset when Forza Horizon is brought up because:
Ok and so? GT rival it is the circuit based forza not fh
Even though the games he was originally mentioning being "popular" like GT aren't circuit based racers either. As if it matters in any way that:
Ok but FH isn't a simulation based game.
Why would that matter all of a sudden, when that was never even part of the point he brought up himself? I'm guessing it's just the fact of being wrong that made him so upset, or the fact that another game he constantly berates is actually able to just as good.
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I don't feel it's bad for those that spent the money. They have one. Only thing that may suck for those that already have a PS5, is if a GT7 special edition PS5 comes out.
Also, FH is in the same category as GT, under racing games.
So is Mario Kart 😉 The undisputed heavyweight title holder of all racing games.

Not singling you out with my comments below as you seem to be one of the more level-headed members in these particular discussions, this was just an ideal time to inject some of my thoughts on this. 🙂

What I'm seeing here is people being willing to dismiss MK as a competitor because it doesn't use real cars and is obviously arcade in nature but are not willing to do the same when it comes to FH as a competitor to GT, even though they are two totally different types of game and have completely different target markets. There wouldn't be any need for FM and FH if they weren't that different.

To me if you're going to start split into sub genre's then do it properly or not at all, and not just to the point that some seem to want to use just to be able to bring FH into the fold. Somewhere the line is being blurred between 'same genre' and 'direct competitor'. If people want to dis on GT (FH too for that matter) with sales or views for the 'Racing Games' genre then use Mario Kart, or for more direct comparisons it's FM, Pcars, AC, etc against GT. FH has it's own sub-genre rivals in NFS and The Crew etc.

Personally, both FH and GT are system sellers for their consoles manufacturers and this is simply because they're so different in gameplay (I already have a PS5 and I'm planning on getting a Series S for just that reason). FH rules the roost in it's particular sub-genre, just as GT does in it's, and also just as Mario Kart does in it's.

$499 down to $364 AUD 😲. Bad luck I despise afterpay or I'd be in like a shot.

What I'm seeing here is people being willing to dismiss MK as a competitor because it doesn't use real cars and is obviously arcade in nature but are not willing to do the same when it comes to FH as a competitor to GT, even though they are two totally different types of game and have completely different target markets. There wouldn't be any need for FM and FH if they weren't that different.
That's where it gets confusing to me. Why are people so selective about what they are going to compare at first, and then get mad that another one brought into the comparison isn't valid because it's not the exact focus of GT, when none of the other games brought up in the first place were either. Why the sudden shift in what is/isn't allowed now? Rhetorical question really, because it's just mainly a way to put down something someone said, or the game as a whole.

I view the genre as a whole really. I'll likely buy any racing game under the sun(I'm sure to a certain extent) and have fun with it, and that's why they are all competitors to me because there's obviously going to be a handful games of the pack that are going to call to me more at first. That is exactly what these Developers want, to be able to make a pull in their direction, and even if a game doesn't sell as many millions as GT doesn't invalidate that really.

To me if you're going to start split into sub genre's then do it properly or not at all, and not just to the point that some seem to want to use just to be able to bring FH into the fold. Somewhere the line is being blurred between 'same genre' and 'direct competitor'. If people want to dis on GT (FH too for that matter) with sales or views for the 'Racing Games' genre then use Mario Kart, or for more direct comparisons it's FM, Pcars, AC, etc against GT. FH has it's own sub-genre rivals in NFS and The Crew etc.
This was essentially the point I was making with my last post. Don't bring up Mario Kart, NFS, and GT, and then get mad when Forza Horizon is brought up and pretend it isn't in the same family because it wasn't a direct relation in view as GT. None of the games mentioned were, so not understanding why the goal posts have to constantly move.
Personally, both FH and GT are system sellers for their consoles manufacturers and this is simply because they're so different in gameplay (I already have a PS5 and I'm planning on getting a Series S for just that reason). FH rules the roost in it's particular sub-genre, just as GT does in it's, and also just as Mario Kart does in it's.
I'm planning on both being purchased at one point, just not sure what one is going to come before the other. As for GT doing the best in it's sub-genre, that will be dependent on the individual more than anything. Sales wise it 100% is, but taking both Forza and GT at face value I can't really even say that either dethrone each other in any way, but that's only a personal side of it. They both compliment each other very well though. I'm also leaning more for GT this iteration, especially with it going back to it's roots, even if I'm not too fond of it being cross-gen.
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That's where it gets confusing to me. Why are people so selective about what they are going to compare at first, and then get mad that another one brought into the comparison isn't valid because it's not the exact focus of GT, when none of the other games brought up in the first place were either. Why the sudden shift in what is/isn't allowed now? Rhetorical question really, because it's just mainly a way to put down something someone said, or the game as a whole.

I view the genre as a whole really. I'll likely buy any racing game under the sun(I'm sure to a certain extent) and have fun with it, and that's why they are all competitors to me because there's obviously going to be a handful games of the pack that are going to call to me more at first. That is exactly what these Developers want, to be able to make a pull in their direction, and even if a game doesn't sell as many millions as GT doesn't invalidate that really.

This was essentially the point I was making with my last post. Don't bring up Mario Kart, NFS, and GT, and then get mad when Forza Horizon is brought up and pretend it isn't in the same family because it wasn't a direct relation in view as GT. None of the games mentioned were, so not understanding why the goal posts have to constantly move.

I'm planning on both being purchased at one point, just not sure what one is going to come before the other. As for GT doing the best in it's sub-genre, that will be dependent on the individual more than anything. Sales wise it 100% is, but taking both Forza and GT at face value I can't really even say that either dethrone each other in any way, but that's only a personal side of it. They both compliment each other very well though. I'm also leaning more for GT this iteration, especially with it going back to it's roots, even if I'm not too fond of it being cross-gen.
Side note: I just went to bight the bullet and get that Series S but my card expiry date is before the last payment is due so I was declined. 🤬 Just let me pay outright at that price goddammit 🤬🤬🤬
Side note: I just went to bight the bullet and get that Series S but my card expiry date is before the last payment is due so I was declined. 🤬 Just let me pay outright at that price goddammit 🤬🤬🤬
The S is becoming more tempting as days go by. There's not many Xbox exclusives that I'm fond of, so lately I've been thinking maybe just get the Series S for Xbox, and go full in with the PS5. I just cant pull myself to get that going just yet.
Lol, I think I remember this guy and having an autistic convo with him about him arguing too much in one of the photo threads years back where mods had to remove our posts but glad to see him still at it.
Don't recall ever talking to you, but it's nice to see I have a fan :). Doesn't really sound like an important memory to hold on to, at the very least, so that's probably why.
Don't recall ever talking to you, but it's nice to see I have a fan 🙂. Doesn't really sound like an important memory to hold on to, at the very least, so that's probably why.
Apologies then if it wasnt you. I dont remember it quite well. Just your posts reminds me of that guy that just like to argue for no real reason. It was in one of those old Emula photo threads
Apologies then if it wasnt you. I dont remember it quite well. Just your posts reminds me of that guy that just like to argue for no real reason. It was in one of those old Emula photo threads
Call it what you will, no skin off my nose. I don't remember the convo, or your username at all. Although, it's ironic to talk about doing things for no reason.
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Apologies then if it wasnt you. I dont remember it quite well. Just your posts reminds me of that guy that just like to argue for no real reason. It was in one of those old Emula photo threads
Ahaha they're always so triggerd by Emula posts and threads where he praises GT 🤣
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Yeah, I was there just to look at some cool pics but these dude would just argue the thread up. I was sure it was the bot guy but maybe not I just remember it was weird mods deleting the posts since I didnt have that many back then without saying anything.
Next time just put them in the ignore list since they are here to troll and not because they are interested on GT games...
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It's interesting to see that discussions flow just fine between everyone until someone decides to start posting non-sense, or just posting in general, again. I think everyone was discussing better when you were pretending to ignore everyone.

Next time just put them in the ignore list since they are here to troll and not because they are interested on GT games...
Not only is it a dumb thing to say, it's also completely ironic considering that's literally all you and @Sojiira are doing here. It also requires to ignore the reality we live in, considering what has been said. Not only that, but how has putting someone on their ignore list helped with you? in less than 24 hours you've already read and responded to my posts.
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It's interesting to see that discussions flow just fine between everyone until someone decides to start posting non-sense, or just posting in general, again. I think everyone was discussing better when you were pretending to ignore everyone.

Not only is it a dumb thing to say, it's also completely ironic considering that's literally all you and @Sojiira are doing here. It also requires to ignore the reality we live in, considering what has been said. Not only that, but how has putting someone on their ignore list helped with you? in less than 24 hours you've already read and responded to my posts.
I read the posts because I knew you'd keep quoting me even when it made it clear to you that I don't want anything to do with you. From now on I'll avoid reading your crap
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Yeah, I was there just to look at some cool pics but these dude would just argue the thread up. I was sure it was the bot guy but maybe not I just remember it was weird mods deleting the posts since I didnt have that many back then without saying anything.

Edit: Yup, it was 🤦‍♂️
Perhaps you need to remember this post as well since you guys seem intent on engaging in the same posting attitude that got the mods involved in that thread.
Right now I'm minded to lock the toxic mess that this thread has turned into, and that's the fault of both sides.

The degree of disrespect for fellow members is appalling and it will end now.

All of you need to go and re-read the AUP and ensure you follow it to the letter, as a good number of you are now on the staff radar, and not in a good way.

So a few clarifications:

  • Play the ball not the man
  • Use the report button, don't 'mini-mod' or attempt to tell the staff what to do in thread
  • The only person who 'owns' this thread is the site owner

This thread gets one more chance to get back on track and for every member to follow the AUP, fail to do so and it will be locked and further warnings will be issued.

This is not up for debate or discussion.
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Instead of doing memeber war talk about the game and not about me but i understand that you are triggered because i said that FH it's not in the same category as GT...
lmao, no. I'm simply pointing out that you've done this, for literal years by this point, and certainly for as long as I have been a member here. The second Forza in any regard gets mentioned, the batsignal gets thrown up for you to be the series' white knight, like as if Kaz is paying you for your service. Newsflash, Kaz doesn't know you nor gives a ****.

And for your information just go and see my comment history to understand that I do not defend PD always
Debatable, especially within this thread.

and in any case unlike you that by seeing your comment history your only objective in the GT forums is only to shovel **** on the game and how bad and lazy PD are
I don't think PD are doing a good job in many things, things that they obviously should have worked on long ago, but haven't because they're too focused on salvaging their pride in doing things wholly in house, and their way. A way, in my opinion, is the wrong direction. And I'm not going to mince words considering that's not who I am.

You're free to disagree, but I'm also free to say that I know your schtick, and it's old. Everyone knows it, yet even when called out for it, multiple times and over years by this point, you deflect. You deflect like a mirror. This isn't 2011 anymore. Kaz doesn't care about your GT warrior ways. Nobody does, and it makes you look like an absolute moron.

(while in the forza forums you are attacking everyone who criticizes some aspect of the game and you are telling me that im the fanboy lol)...
When you deal with such people as 'FH5 winning an award at E3 means Playground greased some palms', of course I'm gonna call a spade a spade. And you forget that I haven't even bothered to post in the sub forum half the time considering I bounced off hard on FH4, and am willing to call it out on its faults (and have, on multiple occasions)...much like how I found GT Sport to be an unmitigated disaster, and PCARS 3 to be a game with good ideas, torpedo'd by a headstrong developer with more power then he probably should have.

I'm willing to take shots on my favorites when need be. Unlike you, evidently.


The basis of this entire pissing match is, if we're going to really drag the endless Forza vs. GT debates again, we can agree that both series are going about cross-gen very differently. By this point, Forza Horizon is the market leader in terms of mass market interest, with both car people and those who wouldn't touch a racing game unless it was Mario Kart or Burnout being interested, and Microsoft know this. That's why they're throwing FH5 onto Game Pass, Xbox, PC, and now Steam. At least here the idea of making the game cross gen makes some sort of sense, business-wise, considering it's likely that the next Forza Motorsport game will be the torch bearer for the next iteration of Forzatech, which will undoubtedly be next-gen only, and is typical considering Turn 10 has always been lead when it comes to big picture items in the Forza series like the engine. It's better to cast as wide a net as possible with the last game you're able to get out with regards to the console generations. Couple that with a large install base considering Microsoft's efforts to make the Xbox brand a much more holistic and freestyle name then simply the latest Xbox console that you have to buy in order to experience what it has to offer, and it makes at least some sense what Microsoft, and specifically Playground, are doing with FH5.

What makes GT7's move to cross-gen so frustrating, is that there is ultimately very little benefit business wise to catering to the last generation of hardware considering how more often then not, one can very easily and safely take the over with regards to GT games and development time. What are the chances that GT7 launches in late 2022, or even early 2023? By that point, why the hell are you shackling yourself to the system like its a sunk cost fallacy? All it does is limit the scope of how a game can be made when you're still expected to develop for a long in the tooth system for no other reason then some blinkered belief that there will still be a market in a year and a half, two years time even?

If anything, it reminds me on a grander scale of Persona 5, the original game, releasing on PS4...and also limping onto stores was the PS3 version. Then again, Persona 5, while stylish wasn't exactly that graphically intensive on PS4, it looked silly to have a game release on last gen hardware years after the last system was viable, even taking into account Atlus and P-Studio's habits of releasing Persona games (or at least, mainline ones, though Royal certainly adds to that trend) at the end of a system's lifespan. Here...I can very easily see the post-mortem interviews from Kaz saying that they were handcuffed by developing for lower level hardware instead of being able to develop for exclusively next gen. Well, maybe you should have pushed back against your bosses at Playstation considering the fact that you take three or four years to develop a game to begin with.

I would have preferred to have had FH5 be next-gen only, but I'm willing to accept it because Microsoft and Playground is a lot smarter with regards to business then I am, and they seem to know what they're doing with regards to making cross-gen specifically with FH5 work. With GT7, I can very clearly see the problems that the game will run up against when it actually releases, and it could have been prevented if they had just focused on next gen only. And if I can see that at this stage in the game, how much you wanna bet Polyphony and Kaz can see even more of the big picture as they are developing the game?
Perhaps you need to remember this post as well since you guys seem intent on engaging in the same posting attitude that got the mods involved in that thread.
I'd say it was like that for a page or two before I chimed in but whatevs
Yeah, I was there just to look at some cool pics but these dude would just argue the thread up. I was sure it was the bot guy but maybe not I just remember it was weird mods deleting the posts since I didnt have that many back then without saying anything.

Edit: Yup, it was 🤦‍♂️
Now that you mention it, I was there when that thread became so hostile omg, in fact I remember Emula being banned for some time after that happened lmao
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