Gran Turismo is "Taking on New Challenges", says Kazunori Yamauchi

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Those vehicles were crap.
Just need some S parts.

“To try and cover all of their demands and needs is very difficult, actually,”

Especially if you don't equally incentivize playing in different parts of the game, I love that there is a community of livery creators but they should be getting credits for their designs based on relative usage and likes. Online payouts are still laughably low, forcing players to choose if they are racing or grinding for their session.

Players shouldn't have to turn the game into a job, to earn credits. Literally every activity outside of single-player races pays horribly. Offline players would rather create custom grids and races, but the payout for that hobby is trash. Payouts for creating anything are non-existent.
Literally every activity outside of "a few selection of" single-player races pays horribly. Offline players would rather create custom grids and races, but the payout for that hobby is trash. Payouts for creating anything are non-existent.
“To try and cover all of their demands and needs is very difficult, actually,”

Especially if you don't equally incentivize playing in different parts of the game, I love that there is a community of livery creators but they should be getting credits for their designs based on relative usage and likes. Online payouts are still laughably low, forcing players to choose if they are racing or grinding for their session.

Players shouldn't have to turn the game into a job, to earn credits. Literally every activity outside of single-player races pays horribly. Offline players would rather create custom grids and races, but the payout for that hobby is trash. Payouts for creating anything are non-existent.
When the game first came out I thought people could "sell" their designs to make a bit of money.
When the game first came out I thought people could "sell" their designs to make a bit of money.
If only we could have a decent search engine in the "collections", that do not rest to zero when going back to a search after looking a livery and that give more filters and sorting options... (like wide body or not, modifiable or not, ordered by number of likes and so on)

They can do it, it was much better in GT Sport...
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He is becoming too old to race (comfortably) and has shifted his focus primarily towards marketing.

Have we not seen the same for many other aging racedrivers?

Each new title will only age the way he does. For better or worse...
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I would personally like to see a GT sport 2, which focuses on race cars throughout history. I think GT 8 would just be much of the same as we have now, but a GT Sport 2 title, would focus more on the online competition, taking all the elements from GT7's dynamism and placing it in a highly competitive racing model.
I love that there is a community of livery creators but they should be getting credits for their designs based on relative usage and likes.
I honestly don't think that would be a great idea. I'm certainly not against some kind of reward system for liveries/decals, but I don't think there's any good way of doing it, and the last thing the game needs is another aspect of the economy that doesn't work the way it should.
I honestly don't think that would be a great idea. I'm certainly not against some kind of reward system for liveries/decals, but I don't think there's any good way of doing it, and the last thing the game needs is another aspect of the economy that doesn't work the way it should.
Why not? Seems pretty straight forward, really, and it's all extra income after you've already done your work. You'd have to do nothing extra to obtain after that fact. They can give you something like 1000 Credits per download, and a hundred or so per race it's actually used in. Hell, I'd even opt for more seeing how broken this games economy is. Or get a monthly review of those same parameters and get a lump sum of credits at the end of every month. Incentivizing you(or not) to get better/make do more.
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Why not? Seems pretty straight forward, really, and it's all extra income after you've already done your work. You'd have to do nothing extra to obtain after that fact. They can give you something like 1000 Credits per download, and a hundred or so per race it's actually used in. Hell, I'd even opt for more seeing how broken this games economy is. Or get a monthly review of those same parameters and get a lump sum of credits at the end of every month. Incentivizing you(or not) to get better/make do more.
For me personally it wouldn't change anything, that rate of return would make Sport Mode earnings look like a lottery win. But generally speaking I don't think it would incentivize quality, more just like/repost-whoring and spamming new liveries... it's blatantly obvious that the current like/repost system doesn't particularly reward quality or variety and I think that would only get worse once people figured out how to game the system.

The other aspect... decals. Same problem with the added dimension that someone could reasonably be earning millions by slapping high quality decals on a low-effort livery and the person that might have spent hours on the decals gets nothing. Massive quantities of appalling auto traced decals would be uploaded and pretty much everything uploaded to GTS would get ripped and reposted straightaway, again without the reward going to the people that put in the effort.

As somebody with potentially 4 figure hours invested in liveries, like I say I'm not against some kind of reward, but I genuinely believe the sharing mechanic is better with everything being gratis.
I would personally like to see a GT sport 2, which focuses on race cars throughout history. I think GT 8 would just be much of the same as we have now, but a GT Sport 2 title, would focus more on the online competition, taking all the elements from GT7's dynamism and placing it in a highly competitive racing model.
Given the highly vocalized complaints about GT Sport when it came out with its lack of Single Player Content due to a focus on racing, do you think this could actually be an acceptable option? If so, how?
I honestly don't think that would be a great idea. I'm certainly not against some kind of reward system for liveries/decals, but I don't think there's any good way of doing it, and the last thing the game needs is another aspect of the economy that doesn't work the way it should.
Then you can understand why I'm indifferent to your vague idea of it not working. You're presuming they'll mess it up because they've messed up things in the past. By that logic, we shouldn't add anything. I'm sorry, but your concerns are outside of the scope of this discussion. Do you make similar posts toward anyone who suggests ideas on improving the game? Because your logic would apply to all of those people too.
You're presuming they'll mess it up because they've messed up things in the past.
No, I clearly said that it's because I don't think there's "any" good way of doing it, at least not within the scope of a discussion about more fairly rewarding players for their time.

Do you make similar posts toward anyone who suggests ideas on improving the game?
I didn't see any ideas that would improve the game, more a vague idea of something that could be changed for the sake of it, possibly to the detriment of what is actually shared, whilst not achieving it's goal of delivering credits to people that spend a lot of time making liveries.. i.e. not work as it should.
For me personally it wouldn't change anything, that rate of return would make Sport Mode earnings look like a lottery win. But generally speaking I don't think it would incentivize quality, more just like/repost-whoring and spamming new liveries... it's blatantly obvious that the current like/repost system doesn't particularly reward quality or variety and I think that would only get worse once people figured out how to game the system.

The other aspect... decals. Same problem with the added dimension that someone could reasonably be earning millions by slapping high quality decals on a low-effort livery and the person that might have spent hours on the decals gets nothing. Massive quantities of appalling auto traced decals would be uploaded and pretty much everything uploaded to GTS would get ripped and reposted straightaway, again without the reward going to the people that put in the effort.

As somebody with potentially 4 figure hours invested in liveries, like I say I'm not against some kind of reward, but I genuinely believe the sharing mechanic is better with everything being gratis.
It's less personally and more so how it would work for the Community. It would be a nice feature to add for those that are actually putting in good effort. Whether it incentivizes quality or not shouldn't be that big an issue, as those that are actually good are very likely to weed out those that aren't. Even if it's not the best, and you happen to be uploading things that people want that aren't readily available, that's a good enough reason as well. That people have ****** work already in place shouldn't weed out the fact that there should be incentives for people actually doing good work.

And what exactly is the problem with people actually making decent credits off this type of system? How does that affect you in particular? It's all a chance system, sure, but even if it's meager to someone and massive to another, it's all just extra on top of what we're already getting, which is absolutely nothing. I'm just not sure why someone making more credits than you is a bad thing, enough to dismiss the idea all together. I think your issues may stem from the economy itself, which I noted as already being bad, as a reason to dismiss others making credits off their work, no matter how good or bad. If they can fix that while also adding a reward system like I mentioned, then its literally win-win for everyone.

People putting in meaningless effort to get more credits is already happening anyways, as noted by the massive amounts of AFK racers accumulating ridiculous amounts of credits. If earning credits for unsatisfactory work is an issue, that should be an even bigger one. Even with that said, people are always going to find ways to use the absolute minimal effort to get the most gain, in basically all of gaming.
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No, I clearly said that it's because I don't think there's "any" good way of doing it, at least not within the scope of a discussion about more fairly rewarding players for their time.

I didn't see any ideas that would improve the game, more a vague idea of something that could be changed for the sake of it, possibly to the detriment of what is actually shared, whilst not achieving it's goal of delivering credits to people that spend a lot of time making liveries.. i.e. not work as it should.
Vague? I specified where payouts need to be increased. I know I hurt your feelings by using the word but applying it to my post, is pretty petty.

Of course, you can't see any ideas that would improve the game, you've already expressed that you have no faith in the developer executing any plans. You're not contributing anything to the discussion here other than to vaguely naysay things that you dislike for whatever vague non-descript reason that you failed to express.
Ideally, for Kaz's vision of a game that caters to everybody (photographers and designers and what have you), you'd want livery makers to be able to create content for every single car in the game without spending more time grinding than actually creating designs.

It doesn't necessarily need to be a credit per use/download system, but it'd still be "better than nothing."
It's less personally and more so how it would work for the Community. It would be a nice feature to add for those that are actually putting in good effort. Whether it incentivizes quality or not shouldn't be that big an issue, as those that are actually good are very likely to weed out those that aren't. Even if it's not the best, and you happen to be uploading things that people want that aren't readily available, that's a good enough reason as well. That people have ****** work already in place shouldn't weed out the fact that there should be incentives for people actually doing good work.
That's all fine in a best case scenario and if the worse that happens is it rewards people that put in both good effort and spam the crap out of the showcase then so be it, that's not what I'm saying is a bad thing - and it's also not a system that rewards people anything even approaching equally for time spent in the livery editor as either playing or grinding - which appeared to be the original premise. It's also a best case that doesn't acknowledge it would probably make the showcase worse and a more difficult place to actually find anything worthwhile because it would incentivise everyone to upload any old crap in the vain hope it might pick up a bit of traction.

And what exactly is the problem with people actually making decent credits off this type of system? How does that affect you in particular?
There's no problem with people making decent credits off the system unless you're either suggesting it's a good way to equalise the return for time spent in the livery editor, or referring to my point about decals - the reasoning behind which should be obvious.

I think your issues may stem from the economy itself, which I noted as already being bad, as a reason to dismiss others making credits off their work

Not really, my issue stems from the notion that rewarding based on likes and shares is absolutely not a good mechanism for equalising earnings for those that spend a lot of time in the livery editor and would more than likely come at the expense of the already unsuitable system we have for finding things.

Vague? I specified where payouts need to be increased. I know I hurt your feelings by using the word but applying it to my post, is pretty petty.


they should be getting credits for their designs based on relative usage and likes.

... is vague. No mention of how much, at what point, or probably crucially if it's a transfer of credits or if it's credits willed into existence by a mechanism that would then be absolutely AFK'd to death.

This was your premise...

Especially if you don't equally incentivize playing in different parts of the game

Basing a system based on likes and usage simply does not equalise the incentive or reward for spending time in different parts of the game.

Of course, you can't see any ideas that would improve the game, you've already expressed that you have no faith in the developer executing any plans.

I can see plenty of ideas that I believe would improve the game, and I have complete faith PD would be able to implement them if they so choose... out of 16,000ish posts you won't find that many where I state very much to the contrary. The fact I don't think there's any good way of doing it is also not evidence to the contrary.

You're not contributing anything to the discussion here other than to vaguely naysay things that you dislike for whatever vague non-descript reason that you failed to express.

I appreciate I've spent more time responding to Imarobot, but I believe my position is fairly clear. I'm sorry that it being at odds with yours seems to hurt your butt.
That's all fine in a best case scenario and if the worse that happens is it rewards people that put in both good effort and spam the crap out of the showcase then so be it, that's not what I'm saying is a bad thing - and it's also not a system that rewards people anything even approaching equally for time spent in the livery editor as either playing or grinding - which appeared to be the original premise. It's also a best case that doesn't acknowledge it would probably make the showcase worse and a more difficult place to actually find anything worthwhile because it would incentivise everyone to upload any old crap in the vain hope it might pick up a bit of traction.
You're definitely right, it isn't going to reward equally for time spent in a livery editory, and it shouldn't at all. Like you mention, you can be the absolute worst, dog ****, creator(not even intentionally) but still spend a lot of time the in editor. Alternatively to that you can just AFK the livery editor if thats the case, and still win. I'm also not talking about the like/share system either. I'm talking specifically about downloads and in-race use. The actual download income will be relatively small to the use income if people are just spamming downloads in some way or another. It's a better method than focusing on like/shares like you said. A tally/counter can be incorporated into each as a filtering system as that would give a better idea of who is actually worthwhile.

I'm not sure what the original premise was, but I'm not going off that. What you're describing at the end is literally any market in existence. It's just how it works, and the quality work more or less always makes itself more known, more often than not. However, you have those that undermine costs, cheaper materials, hand made vs production line. However, that shouldn't really rear its head in as everyone is at the same flat rate.

Not really, my issue stems from the notion that rewarding based on likes and shares is absolutely not a good mechanism for equalising earnings for those that spend a lot of time in the livery editor and would more than likely come at the expense of the already unsuitable system we have for finding things.
My mistake, I didnt mean to assume what your issue was behind it. Either way, I was never talking about likes and shares.
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I hope they start taking on the challenge of making campaigns longer.

I don’t get the point of making the campaign so short that it can completed in a single day’s playthrough when they intend for the game to go for years with active support, and potentially not see a follow up game for 4-6 years. GT3 had a more diverse and interesting campaign with a bit over 1/3rd of the content GT7 has.

They slammed you through maybe 20-50 cars (depending on if you switch to each gifted vehicle each race) while repeating the Sunday/Clubman/WTCxxx format for 90% of the races. There’s so much they could’ve done but they made the campaign so flat and unmemorable and inconsequential.

Early game you should be on a tight budget, making key decisions on upgrades or whether or not to sell/trade your car for another to make your next buck to move along. Mid game you should be deciding which path you want to explore in the campaign (region/drivetrain/power level/road vs light cup/touring class), late game should be highly restrictive events requiring substantially modded or expensive cars to meet entry requirements, making you enough credits to explore options as you attempt to maximize and fine tune your favorite cars you discovered and/or cars you dreamed of affording m through the early and mid game. All the pieces are there in GT7 but PD really squandered it.
With the recent leaks that Insomniac's upcoming live service multiplayer title's been canned, it marks yet another first party GAAS that's either outright cancelled (TLOU) or stuck in development hell (whatever's been happening at Bungie plus half a dozen other studios). Seems Sony's shying away from their live service push after Jim Ryan's exit.

I think it's no surprise that Kaz has to come out and say that GT still has a diverse and active userbase. I wonder what, if any, effects this will have on the long term health of GT7's live service or future games in the franchise.
Playing GT7 on a controller is not a chore.
disagree, lol Even Forza is more fun. For all the people who say forza is "soapbox physics" most of them can't even tune to save their life. No wonder they hate it. But at least Tuning is fun in that game. Previous GT games were a lot more responsive to tuning because the tyre model and physics model were a lot simpler. Now in GT7 we have tuning that doesn't fix the way cars behave because Kaz is too busy being himself to fix the tyre model and things like jump physics on top of the many issues. Don't get me wrong GT7 is going to be great when it's fixed. But how long must we wait for this game to be FIXED!
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Let me tell you what is a chore though: Project Cars 1. That was a total disaster and I got caught out many times. GT in comparison is really easy because you have a lot more control over the car, which takes the guesswork out of the equation. Games with unintuitive feedback require a lot more thought and it can be very frustrating, dramatically impacting your on-track performance.
Yeah I refused to play Project Cars 2 on a controller, glad I had a wheel to use instead. Not sure about the first project cars. Never got round to it
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Given the highly vocalized complaints about GT Sport when it came out with its lack of Single Player Content due to a focus on racing, do you think this could actually be an acceptable option? If so, how?
Well, because GT sport
Given the highly vocalized complaints about GT Sport when it came out with its lack of Single Player Content due to a focus on racing, do you think this could actually be an acceptable option? If so, how?
Because GT sport ended up being probably the most successful title in the franchise history. It sold 12.7 million copies and generated £
Given the highly vocalized complaints about GT Sport when it came out with its lack of Single Player Content due to a focus on racing, do you think this could actually be an acceptable option? If so, how?
Because GT Sport was probably the most successful title in the franchise history. It sold 12.7 million copies and made $355 million in revenue. The early complaints were nothing near what they were for GT7. People look back on Sport with fondness of a time when things worked smoothly especially toward the end of its life. Trying to please the online audience and the single player audience hasn't really worked. The fact only 2-3% of the player base of GT7 take part in sport mode is a sign that there is segregation in what each camp wants from the game. With a designated sport mode title you have all your crabs in a barrel and there will be far more interaction online as a result. There are many reason GT Sport 2 would be a success, I've just posted a few of them.
disagree, lol Even Forza is more fun. For all the people who say forza is "soapbox physics" most of them can't even tune to save their life. No wonder they hate it.
If Forza works for you, by all means enjoy it! But the bit about tuning I would not agree with, because . . .
But at least Tuning is fun in that game. Previous GT games were a lot more responsive to tuning because the tyre model and physics model were a lot simpler. Now in GT7 we have tuning that doesn't fix the way cars behave because Kaz is too busy being himself to fix the tyre model and things like jump physics on top of the many issues.
It's now more realistic and more complex. You can't just slam the suspension and beef up the springs and expect every car to corner like it's on rails. That's true in the game and in real life.
Don't get me wrong GT7 is going to be great when it's fixed. But how long must we wait for this game to be FIXED!
You are a proponent of Forza? I'm not saying GT7 is perfect; every game has its bugs. But to make that statement, do you hold Forza to the same standard?
Well, because GT sport

Because GT sport ended up being probably the most successful title in the franchise history. It sold 12.7 million copies and generated £

Because GT Sport was probably the most successful title in the franchise history. It sold 12.7 million copies and made $355 million in revenue. The early complaints were nothing near what they were for GT7. People look back on Sport with fondness of a time when things worked smoothly especially toward the end of its life. Trying to please the online audience and the single player audience hasn't really worked. The fact only 2-3% of the player base of GT7 take part in sport mode is a sign that there is segregation in what each camp wants from the game. With a designated sport mode title you have all your crabs in a barrel and there will be far more interaction online as a result. There are many reason GT Sport 2 would be a success, I've just posted a few of them.
I'd like to see the actual numbers for GT7 (and frankly all the Gran Turismo games) before I could agree with you on this. Granted, based on the only data we have (including what's in the GTPlanet article) that puts GT Sport behind only Gran Turismo 3 (A-Spec) in sales, and just before Gran Turismo 5.

The popular Gran Turismo 4? Not even at GT5 sales level. According to what's been released. However GT Sport will have enjoyed the longest life of any game in the franchise . . . passing GT4.

Let's see how this goes.
“We are taking on new challenges and new undertakings, but we are also keeping the heritage alive as well. I think we just have to go step by step and we have to have the players understand that.”
That's great Kaz but we need you to fix the CURRENT/EXISTING challenges before moving onto "new undertakings".

Undertake the penalty system in sport mode.
If Forza works for you, by all means enjoy it! But the bit about tuning I would not agree with, because . . .

It's now more realistic and more complex. You can't just slam the suspension and beef up the springs and expect every car to corner like it's on rails. That's true in the game and in real life.

You are a proponent of Forza? I'm not saying GT7 is perfect; every game has its bugs. But to make that statement, do you hold Forza to the same standard?

I'd like to see the actual numbers for GT7 (and frankly all the Gran Turismo games) before I could agree with you on this. Granted, based on the only data we have (including what's in the GTPlanet article) that puts GT Sport behind only Gran Turismo 3 (A-Spec) in sales, and just before Gran Turismo 5.

The popular Gran Turismo 4? Not even at GT5 sales level. According to what's been released. However GT Sport will have enjoyed the longest life of any game in the franchise . . . passing GT4.

Let's see how this goes.
Bro it's literally an article on the GT Planet website. It's one of the recent ones. The numbers and revenue created is right there.