Gran Turismo Sport's Next Update Arrives June 4

The PS4 filesystem requires you to have enough free space to copy the entire game you're updating - because that is precisely what it does.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I know why now. I'm not all that tech savvy when it comes to issues like this, so I was getting really frustrated, anyways, all sorted now. I've also decided that I'm defintely going to get an external hard drive too.
Just plan ahead a little, basically the same as for cornering.

Also, just lovely how the lie to your face with "copying update file" where it should read "copying the whole freaking thing"

Can't wait to be punted today. All exited about it!
The benefit of this method is that it helps to prevent file corruption. - as stated here:

I doubt the corruption part, but hey, what can you do?
Well, at least corruption in the event of power loss is eliminated.
It's pretty much to eliminate fragmentation, which keeps read/write times down. The files aren't scattered all over the hard drive, they're all in one cohesive block.

With the SSD (and associated IO developments) of PS5 it's a moot point.
I'm low-key optimistic this was an important update, if what I read was true, that the crash physics were improved. The super-elastic nature of contact is really a HUGE part of the problem in the game... it means each person's perspective is shaped by it. The guy who gets bounced feels the other driver was more aggressive than he might have been, the guy who initiated the contact doesn't feel like he was driving that aggressively.

In last week's FIA race at Interlagos, for example, I accused this guy of being dirty in the post-race chat, because when I tried to slide inside him (a legit move, had the run and would have cleared him IRL I am certain) he stayed off the curb and kept turning on exit (though he had more room on the curbs to run a faster line, which I expected him to want to do, instead of invite the contact) and when he did, my Porsche went screaming into the center of the turn, unrealistically.

When it happened real-time, it sure seemed like he would have had to have turned into me instead of racing his line, but when I watched the replay it didn't look ~so~ bad.. but if you think about the physics, if the super-ball effect meant I was shot into the center of the turn unrealistically, THAT was the problem. If PD have figured this out, it sure would help defuse some of the things that have frustrated people about this game.

(It's funny, I've seen people suggest that you have to learn to not over-react in similar examples and keep the car under control... uh, I'm not over-reacting, the phony physics model in the game is over-reacting!)

It's the same for ramming... if the contact model was improved, and made more realistic (heck, how about even more unrealistic but biased toward something that doesn't cause the temper flaring results that are too common now), the game might play a whole lot better. This could be really good, if that's what they've done.
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It's pretty much to eliminate fragmentation, which keeps read/write times down. The files aren't scattered all over the hard drive, they're all in one cohesive block.
I strongly disagree with that point, but hey, who cares, update is ready.

@KosmoKazi very good example of the bounce. They obviously have to make sure that the cars don't intersect, as that would be frowned upon even more. But they overdid it with the bounciness.

Let's see what changed

The shocking part is, however: Why did they not change it for "lobbies"?
Ah, probably can't be controlled (in the same way) because no central server!
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I need to find 50+gb, since I installed FFVII remake. Might sit out a few races until I complete that rather than have to re download everything else I delete. I can miss the Gr4 in the Atenza with glee, but N500 is rare, though not a great course for me. Thing is there is virtually nothing in this update that interests me and is actually a disincentive to play this time.
The second goal mentioned in the patch notes regards car-to-car contact in online races. Specifically, the update has reduced the amount of “shock” — how cars react to a contact — that players experience in collisions. This should make such contacts more inelastic, as they are in the real world, though this only applies to Sport Mode races.

*rage intensifies*
They've updated the leaderboards on the website with real names for DR S players (who opted in). They're in the "J. Smith" format.
just noticed this and came to see if it was posted about. I wonder if they will use real names in FIA races as well?
They've updated the leaderboards on the website with real names for DR S players (who opted in). They're in the "J. Smith" format.
Why we can't do the same when making player IDs, I don't know. Sure, there'd be a lot of "I.P.Daily" names, but I already see a lot of nasty ID names/phrases in my races.
They've updated the leaderboards on the website with real names for DR S players (who opted in). They're in the "J. Smith" format.

just noticed this and came to see if it was posted about. I wonder if they will use real names in FIA races as well?

I just noticed that, I thought I opted in as well, but I guess I didn’t. :lol:

The second goal mentioned in the patch notes regards car-to-car contact in online races. Specifically, the update has reduced the amount of “shock” — how cars react to a contact — that players experience in collisions. This should make such contacts more inelastic, as they are in the real world, though this only applies to Sport Mode races.

*rage intensifies*
Do not understand why it would only apply to Sport races and not Lobbies. The Lobbies hardly have anybody left racing in them. PD might as well delete them from the game. Seems they are pushing us to Sport mode which is sad. Only my opinion though.
Do not understand why it would only apply to Sport races and not Lobbies. The Lobbies hardly have anybody left racing in them. PD might as well delete them from the game. Seems they are pushing us to Sport mode which is sad. Only my opinion though.

It is a strange one. Lobbies still have the old penalty system also and not the yellow gates we have in Sport mode. Now we have a situation whereby car contact is also different. Making this 2 very different modes.

Lobbies in GT5 and 6 were always super full, but there wasn't a competitive mode to pull others away in another direction.

I would like it if both modes were equally full. Lobby mode can be crucial in race preparation for the next weeks races once known. I find it's hard to fill a practice lobby for those, however FIA practice lobbies are numerous and have high player counts.

I guess with around <1 million players left still playing the game (across all regions), it would seem we are not all equally spread.
Do not understand why it would only apply to Sport races and not Lobbies. The Lobbies hardly have anybody left racing in them. PD might as well delete them from the game. Seems they are pushing us to Sport mode which is sad. Only my opinion though.

From my understanding (aka hear-say), lobbies don't have a dedicated server.
The 'bounce' is handled by the server. Should be like that, because it has the best, equal time information on both cars.

Without the server it gets more complicated. At least very different wrt. programming.
Have not driven many lobbies - and even less with much contact, so I cannot judge the bouncing there.
The second goal mentioned in the patch notes regards car-to-car contact in online races. Specifically, the update has reduced the amount of “shock” — how cars react to a contact — that players experience in collisions. This should make such contacts more inelastic, as they are in the real world, though this only applies to Sport Mode races.

*rage intensifies*

The PD look only mode sport, forget the league gt nas arcade.
If they ever add a race timer to the room setup options in one of these updates, let me know.
They've updated the leaderboards on the website with real names for DR S players (who opted in). They're in the "J. Smith" format.
I had a flick through some of them, and it was interesting/enlightening to see a very (overly) aggressive A+ driver who occasionally loses his rag as well as makes daft moves from miles back with the surname "Senna"

Explains a few things...
I had a flick through some of them, and it was interesting/enlightening to see a very (overly) aggressive A+ driver who occasionally loses his rag as well as makes daft moves from miles back with the surname "Senna"

Explains a few things...

Pretty sure I know who you're talking about :lol:

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