Gran Turismo World Series "Bonus Campaign" Gives In-Game Credits for Esports Predictions

  • Thread starter Famine
Same. But I believe it is actually 1M for yesterday showdown :D
Guess not. They've reverted the award amount to 500k credits for guessing one of the winners right.

This is ridiculous :banghead:

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Round 2 details have been added, and the same bonus campaign applies (500K for each the upcoming events, then 1M each for the showdown).

Subaru rewarded me well in the first round, but not sure about Spa Gr3 - feels like other cars may be better suited.
I bet the farm on Kylian Drumont. I figured I got lucky last time around and got 500K x2 so if I lose this big deal.
When are we supposed to get the bonus? I randomly picked Fraga (I don't know anything about these races)
When are we supposed to get the bonus? I randomly picked Fraga (I don't know anything about these races)

Last time I think it was the Wednesday after. This time it might not be until next Wednesday after they've aired the Nations event, so they can distribute both bonuses at the same time.

That's all fairly speculative though. At some point it will turn up in your garage.