Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman
Nup... :D

They are slightly obscured at a later point in the game - in fact I think "Groovy Guy" is totally out of sight - due to an icon.

That's a bit of a clue... :D
Man Famine,

[Ned Flanders] That's a noodle scratcher there. [/Ned Flanders]

Could it be something that pedestrians say?

I think we need more of a clue for this one...
It's a series of small pictures with those words on the top. They are located in the northern half of the map. :D

I noticed them the other day and almost (poo)ed myself laughing...
Here's the pics...

They're obviously porno mags, from the covers and titles (the new super-duper camera I have doesn't seem to deal with the TV very well, compared to the ropey 1.3MPi one that died, but hey).

The odd one out is plainly "Groovy Guy", since it's the only one with blokes in/on it, the only one on a table and not a wall, and the only one accidentally reversed.

But where are they? :D


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I'm glad I didn't take the time to fire up the PS2 to check then. :D

So I get "asking-questions" rights eh? Well I'll need to gather up some more useless info before, but I'll come back with a question soon enough. *laughs maniacally*
Yep - inside the booth by the gates. They become obscured as soon as you buy the place, as the save icon appears there...
You guys better hope I do not get the next question either. I have something that will blow your mind!

Well, not literally of course.
Well, I have the mother of all Vice City trivia questions... or at least a very good one... or at least one. :boggled:

How many parking lot spaces does the Moist Palms Hotel have?

Have fun. :D Granted you know where the Moist Palms Hotel is. :odd:
Rough guess: 36. I can't be bothered loading up, going there and counting when it's already 12.30am... :D
I think you overshot it, Acidman. Or maybe I 'undershot' it :confused: I counted 61, I even counted them 3 times. Anyways, since you actually went and checked I'd say you have the right to ask the next one, plus I'm too bored to think of another one.
Blow our minds away. :)
Well actually I counted it twice, first time I got 71, but during that time my mother came in and started talking to me, so I think I lost track but kept on going.

The second time I counted 61, but decided to go with 71.

Alrighty then, time for my question. :D

How many Ruger shots does it take to kill Ricardo Diaz?

Give or take a few shots of course.
Ah Mr. Mike got it. I found it to be 20 shots.

It's your turn now. However, I see that your new and the majorty of new guys only post a few times and never again. If you don't post a new question within 2 days of this post, I will post another question.
Sorry I'm late, been working on a school term paper all day. Ok heres my question:

Where in Vice City can you find a sign with the telephone number 555-8383?