GT Sport big disappointment

  • Thread starter Brriskk
Where is the option to buy stuff for your car and tune it like in GT 6. Where are the A-spec and B-spec. and what i missed for a long time is the second hand car dealer, and the option to give away a car. Why do they do that?.

The spent all their time on making the game look good and online modes.

I would like to say they spent a lot of time on super special realistic physics, but they probably didn't.

I've said it before about GT6... online racing with your m8s is the core of the game and everything else is a distant 2nd. You could be done very quickly with whatever offline modes they put in, but you could be racing for years online.

I was still racing online on GT6 until a week ago and I expect to get at most 2 years of racing out of GTS. I say 2 years only because the lack of cars and tracks in GTS will shorten the replay value for me. Think there's only around 20 cars I like in GTS whereas I had a maxed out favourite list in GT6 and that was roadcars only.

You pay money for a game. You expect to be able to PLAY IT. That isn't low tolerance. That is basic Fit For Purpose functionality.

No it's low tolerance as I said.

I wrote Imagine the pool of players .... nowhere did I include myself, respond to the paragraph not the single sentence you choose to have issue with.

In your opinion it's not tolerable that's what you wrote and that's what I responded to. Don't try to worm your way out of it.
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@JayRS200 - please don't triple post. You can respond to multiple posts via the +Quote feature. Also, avoid text speak. 👍
In your opinion it's not tolerable that's what you wrote and that's what I responded to. Don't try to worm your way out of it.

No need to, didn’t write it the way your trying to spin it, here it is again for you,

Imagine the pool of consumers that may never have played a Gran Turismo title, they purchase a game that when they get home they are eager to play, the mandatory download of day 1 patch finally completed, they eagerly load the game to be hit with servers under maintenance notice, and quickly realise thet can do virtually nothing else. This is not tolerable.

I’m writing from on empathetic veiwpoint in which I would expect the pool of consumers I described to find it not tolerable, therefore not representative of my opinion as I am not inclusive of those pool of players.
Imagine the pool of consumers that may never have played a Gran Turismo title, they purchase a game that when they get home they are eager to play, the mandatory download of day 1 patch finally completed, they eagerly load the game to be hit with servers under maintenance notice, and quickly realise thet can do virtually nothing else. This is not tolerable.

Yep, but most of those newcomers to GT aren't currently owners of GTS, they aren't "pre-order folks" for new title, they're mostly waiting to see what this new thing is. Biggest part of those newcomers are buying game from store shelf after week or two from release(or later), so PD has that first week filled with "old folks from GT series" who will know what they're getting.. :lol:
Including me, tested closed and open beta, now waiting politely them to do good game for me. lol

M8s is what we call each other online as we really aren't mates or real friends so we just shorten it to m8s. I have never actually seen that used in a text or in text type of typing but I can see what you mean so apologies for using 1 short word of text speech out of all the stuff I have typed in all the years I've been a member here.
Yep, but most of those newcomers to GT aren't currently owners of GTS, they aren't "pre-order folks" for new title, they're mostly waiting to see what this new thing is. Biggest part of those newcomers are buying game from store shelf after week or two from release(or later), so PD has that first week filled with "old folks from GT series" who will know what they're getting.. :lol:
For sure this may be very likely, but I would be concerned for those that were sold the game during the Champions League adverts...
Yep, but most of those newcomers to GT aren't currently owners of GTS, they aren't "pre-order folks" for new title, they're mostly waiting to see what this new thing is. Biggest part of those newcomers are buying game from store shelf after week or two from release(or later), so PD has that first week filled with "old folks from GT series" who will know what they're getting.. :lol:
Including me, tested closed and open beta, now waiting politely them to do good game for me. lol
Citation required.
Ever since the first Gran turismo I was a huge fan. Well I think if you played all the Gran Turismo games well I would always make sure I have all gold medals in all license group before I start racing. So yea huge amount of time spent playing all those games. When it comes to driving and sound interior graphics it’s really impressing, I have 2 cars I played so far in Gran Turisom and sound acceleration gearing it’s all there. But on previous games there was so many single player events than modifying and so many things what I loved about it. Like who actually cares about car manufacturers history lessons, I mean what’s google for... anyways I expected much more waiting for a game this long

Seriously history lessons dude gran came out when I was seven and got huge into the series when I was fifteen. Just saying if you have played gran as long as you say, and you can't give a history lesson about any car any where, you probably shouldn't be in the car culture.
Citation required.
Sorry, couldn't find proper source which would satisfied your quality standards in 5min, but something from ESA which backs GTS online orientation:

GTS clearly stated that it must be online for saving progress and arcade mode will be the only part accessible; well, this includes server maintenance. Yes I dread the outages too, but it is not something that I didn't know going into, and finally, we at least get a in game notice board to inform of maintenance.

Also it has been informed that this game will not be a car collectors game but with the purpose of "Sport" in mind. This is what motorsport is, it is all about competition. People are truly enjoying the competition of "iracing"; for GTS to learn ideas from that game is a good thing.

The Sportsman ranking system in GTS is starting to work really good. Im starting to find myself in lobbies with similar racers, I don't see a lot of players forgetting to use brakes, crashing into walls and banking back an fourth on the track. No disappointment here.
So we cant pick what music we want listen and what we dont? Like making your own soundtrack from what they give you. Some song i like others i dont so let me disable those i no wanna hear.
Or give me button to skip song. I waited for that so long . still devs cant make it happen

I found good use of game if its offline. Photo mode. So you can go time trial or race agains AI but because game wont save you just do race go to replay and make photos for yourself. Those they will save to your library even in offline . at least you can be photographer offline.
Sorry, couldn't find proper source which would satisfied your quality standards in 5min, but something from ESA which backs GTS online orientation:

View attachment 682159 View attachment 682160 View attachment 682161
Not a single thing in that supports a claim that the majority of week one buyers are die hard GT fans who know what they are getting into and quite ok with server issues.

Hell even if they were the number on here not happy with the server issues is enough to show that knowing about it doesn't mean your happy with it.
Sorry, couldn't find proper source which would satisfied your quality standards in 5min, but something from ESA which backs GTS online orientation:

View attachment 682159 View attachment 682160 View attachment 682161

The problem is not the game focus is on multiplayer, the problem is the lack of common sense of doing the save data mandatory through online, and when the servers are under manteinance or you are offline the game basically it is a nice blocked menu
Yes pd should make easy fix and put save offline too. And later just sync with online. I think GT6 had that.
I feel why some people are dissapointed in things that went missing , its because we had those in GT6 allready, so logic would tell you advance in everything that was previously. But GTS went different road. It went FIA first. And all other stuff maybe will come later as updates

Another thing is car classes. Because so many and so different cars can be in your group race against AI , some cars become so hard to use and win . like mustang. Yeah so they put your car against mclarens, porsches, bmw m4's and such. Its not very fair you must race against porsche with mustang. Even if its detuned its still way more agile and faster .
Then some lower classes you can find car with that you can kinda cheat against AI. Like rally events . you take lancer evo n300 class or impreza and AI put against you some toyota rwd. Its nowere near on same league.

So they should put more regulations on races like driveline, type of car even hp maybe . not just car class. Its not enough .
Forza 7 went miles forward with that and put even more regulations on racers then before so you cant cheat so much.
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@Scaff & @mastretta_mx, I'm not happy either with that, but wasn't a surprise to me at there will be network problems on start. Online save part is discussed here few years ago on GT6 era car hacking/hybriding problem solving way, sad at PD made it on launch so strictly hard, but I'm pretty sure at they'll do some middle way solution to it later, long as they keep save data on their server they have 100% possibility to do huge code changes to game and be sure at every save data will get new format.
just waiting for more content (which are promised appearing.

but it delivers pretty much as promised, waiting with working playable platform is not a big thing, other title players are still waiting for working game..
Oh Kaz said that? Let's write it in stone then. Kaz; We haven't dropped a single feature from past GT's for GTS, GTS will launch with more features than any other GT game.

How did that play out?

I can't for the life of me understand why even the most avid GT fan keep quoting Kaz as if it is a sure thing when we have so much evidence he talks to blow smoke up potential customers rears.

You have an extremely low tolerance level.
One spends an hour or two on a livery, then can't save it, yea low tolerance sure.

I've said it before about GT6... online racing with your m8s is the core of the game and everything else is a distant 2nd. You could be done very quickly with whatever offline modes they put in, but you could be racing for years online.
It's the core of GT6 for you. The majority of GT6 owners didn't play online.

Yep, but most of those newcomers to GT aren't currently owners of GTS, they aren't "pre-order folks" for new title, they're mostly waiting to see what this new thing is. Biggest part of those newcomers are buying game from store shelf after week or two from release(or later), so PD has that first week filled with "old folks from GT series" who will know what they're getting.. :lol:
Including me, tested closed and open beta, now waiting politely them to do good game for me. lol
Amazon reviews show you are wrong. Many old folks from the GT series didn't know what they were getting ( granted they should do some homework), but Kaz can also take blame for that by ensuring the game was 85% offline.
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At least i played a lot GT6 online events. They were weakly as i remember. And it was only thing i played still on GT6. And online was free too.
Problem for me is that i no need osn plus because i no play multiplayer games. And gts i would play sport mode but i cant without psn plus. Doubt i will buy psn plus just for one game.
I can't for the life of me understand why even the most avid GT fan keep quoting Kaz as if it is a sure thing when we have so much evidence he talks to blow smoke up potential customers rears.

Lol, true.

Amazon reviews show you are wrong. Many old folks from the GT series didn't know what they were getting ( granted they should do some
homework), but Kaz can also take blame for that by enduring the game was 85% offline.

42% buying games without testing them first, how big part of those know something (review, old history, older version..) of title which they're buying, probably many because buying it without testing.
Then loudest part of buyers which had too much money to spend and too less time to do their homeworks are yelling on Amazon now. Mirror mirror tell me who is smartest buyer on the world.
What I really dont get is why PD chose this design direction for the game. GTs reason for success was always the ability so soothe in casuals with some leisure driving and collecting and tuning awesome sexy cars. The simulation of both driving a car on the edge and motor racing in general is done much, much better in other titles.

If they would have completely changed the game to be a realistic simulation, then I could have seen it working as a cool esport title. But what we received instead is the same old GT shoehorned in a weird package of weak content and questionable design choices. As of now, neither the driving nor the racing has enough finesse to it to make it last as a long time success.

And they would need to at least double the track count via DLC to achieve that. Either they would have to give them out as free DLC (which I rather doubt they will do) or the game will become very expensive in the long term. And thats not even mentioning PDs glacial development speed...
Not everyone plays online, and GT has a huge fan base built up on the strength of the single player "Gran Turismo Mode" campaign. So to just drop that entirely genuinely beggars belief. Also the lack of classic tracks makes no sense (same fans raised on tracks like Midfield, Grand Valley Speedway, High Speed Ring etc).

GT Sport really needs a smattering of classic original tracks and at least a half-hearted GT mode to even be considered Gran Turismo to me and I'm sure plenty of others.

Obviously everyone has their view, but times change. You mention tracks, but please remember, each GT edition has introduced and dropped tracks. Each GT has changed its content. I think people forget this. Forwards - not backwards.

As regards internet access for game saves, come on, this is the 21st century. Internet is a utility just like water and electricity. Don't drag everyone down into the Middle Ages.
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As regards internet access for game saves, come on, this is the 21st century. Internet is a utility just like water and electricity. Don't drag everyone down into the Middle Ages.
The issue isn't peoples internet, its PD and Sony's servers.

I've lost four lots of progress since the launch day, not once was that as a result of my internet connection.

Maybe the digs should be aimed at the ones responsible for the inability of people to use what they bought, rather that at the people suffering the effects of it.

Nor is it just game saves, what exactly is so futuristic and positive about not being able to access the Campaign, Brand Centre, Scapes, Livery editor, etc because Sony and PD take the servers down again?
i listened exact interview with Kaz where he said that he dont wanna bring back old GT game style because it is too slow and too boring maybe to this generation. maybe Kaz dont realize how much people who love GT want to play game as they want. best thing in any game is freedom to play how you want what you want. i rate those kinda games on top of my best games list allways.
i get it Kaz get older and his passion changed and he see things differently now maybe, but is it so hard to please both sides ?
GT3 was the last game I played in the series. I didn't want to go thru endless driving tests to acquire 10 different Honda del Sols so I never tried anything beyond 3. I've been racing on PC sims ever since. Last week I came across the GT Sport beta. Hadn't heard of it before. Tried it and liked it. So I bought the full game. I've been playing it quite a lot and enjoying it. Yes, there are bugs and it needs more cars and tracks. But I'm having fun in lobby races and that's all that matters. For serious sim racing I have iRacing with my full cockpit and Oculus Rift VR.
After putting in hours into Sport and its competitor Forza7.

MAJOR disappointment, what a let down. This is by far not only the worst GT ever, i find calling it GT to be bogus. This is not GT, this is a big Academy. This has become my biggest disappointment major downfall of a huge franchises that i have ever seen.

Content, where is the content ? This has always been the backbone of the franchise. High quality content, cars and tracks. I've counted barely 80 cars and then 3 4 5 version of the same car. This purely being deceitful and incompetent. This is how pathetic this is, Mustang/Slight tuned Mustang/ more tuned Mustang and a race car mustang. Seriously lol.

Give me parts and mods and i'll build those versions my damn myself, that was half the freaking fun. Building YOUR car to run in as many races at as many levels as you could. I'd use a Evo6 and tear through as much of the game as i could.

This is just NOT a Gran Turismo game.

Kaz "Gran Turismo Sport is actually going to contain more features than any other game in the series to date. Nothing has been dropped, things have only been added."

It about time we all call out PD KAZ for their constant lies and incompetence and sad state of GT affairs. Sony needs to get rid of him same way they rid of Kutaragi san. Before he destroyed their once greatest franchise, that is if he hadn't already.

I agree. I dont care much about the number of cars etc. But the lack of content! A few days and I'm through the single player part. Now I´m just playing the same three tracks in Sport, let me rephrase; I´m not anymore. And please don´t say we still have Scapes and the Lobby, that's not proper gameplay. I feel like when my GF wont have sex with me, sexually frustrated. Like PD is denying me a Saturdays worth of fun gaming. I really, really want to play GTS because I love the franchise and I love the racing. But there is no content to play. Polyphony, WHAT THE ****?

Lurker since GT4, just had to let some frustration out.