GT4 Artistic Photoshop Competition Trial Run

  • Thread starter Swissbear
Final entry


gt_masta: I know!, i realised the original size of it, as i went to resize it for the preview. By that time it was too late, and i really couldn't be bothered editing another picture.

FaLLeNAn9eL : Thanks mate 👍
Hope I ain't too late ... my 15 mins effort :dopey:

Whatever...:) It just seemed like it took you 15 minutes because it turned out nice. You had to have more time into it than that.

Well, I spent more than 15 minutes, but I am not so sure about the end result. I kind of used this picture without taking it specifically for this comp. It looks sorta artsy, but theres nothing I really like about it. I may try someting else later.


Preview Image

Awesome Div! Love the light beams. Something very different that I don't remember seeing around here.👍
Whatever...:) It just seemed like it took you 15 minutes because it turned out nice. You had to have more time into it than that.

Well, I spent more than 15 minutes, but I am not so sure about the end result. I kind of used this picture without taking it specifically for this comp. It looks sorta artsy, but theres nothing I really like about it. I may try someting else later.


Preview Image

great... just great. now look what you made me do. now i gotta clean this sticky white stuff off my screen. your such a jerk. lol good -ish.👍
u too div. wow.
Nice work Div and 440
purely awesome stuff
I don't think I will stand a chance
and I don't even have time to mess around
Very cool shot Div; I was trying to put some lights on my shot, but couldn't pull it off convincingly. Awesome 👍
Div is back
Final Entry

Edit: NVMMM!!

Wonderfull picture there m8!!!!
I thought you copied the lightning effects from a wallpaper, but I now found out that gtmasta has your pic as his wallpaper. Bit confusing. But I love that picture:tup:
Updated Entry.

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you're just bursting with conversation today
Whats wrong with that, I am like this today because i will not be on much this Friday or sometimes next week mate.
Div's going to win IMO.
OK, boys and girls. Let's remember that there is NO competition this week. This is only a trial run to truly see how much interest there is in something like this. And by the amount of interest shown here, looks like we'll have a grerat turnout next week when we make this official. I'll finish up the few rules that there will be, come up with a way to select the poll and all the other little details that still need to be worked out.

ALL the "entries" posted in this thread are GREAT!! 👍 Keep the creative juices flowing because next week this is for real. Don't stop posting in this thread as it might give others some inspiration and/or ideas for their own artistic efforts. :cheers:
in the future, can the pictures posted here be submitted for competitions?
WOW Pain Killer, your work is outsanding!! One of the best in this Trial Run
Wow, seems this is my first post since registering here(may 9th '04 WoW), but I'll be putting somthing up in a bit for a try. I have a whole 128mb of muvo mem stick pics that im going through.
yea same here. i wish i had read swissbears post before posting my pic. :( :( ill just have to come up with something else that is artistic to me. 💡