GT4 track you hate most

  • Thread starter Klonie Gun
Again, I don't really care for any of the Bogus Tracks, although the City In The Air is fun in an insane sort of way. I think it's because I can't really channel Mario Andretti on them. As for the 'Ring...look left. When I want to test everything a car has, or remind myself that I can die at any time, that's the place. And if I just want to set my hair on fire, where can you go but to Sarthe II?

(Incidentally, the avatars' time for that lap was 6:43 and change, not the fastest, I know, but still...)
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I kinda still hate Nurburgring, it's just too narrow and bumpy for most of the faster cars. I also hated the Hong Kong, which looked really nice but was just pain to drive. The Ice Arena was also quite boring track in my opinion.
I'm a lousy Rally driver anyway, but Ice Arena and Grand Canyon in particular give me fits. I've won the easier races, but did not enjoy it. I DID hit a photographer at Grand Canyon once, but not on purpose, and I did not have the presence of mind to save :dunce:. Suffice to say, you have to be driving very badly at just the right place with an assist from the AI car. My game has some other odd habits.
I too do not look forward to Hong Kong. I can't seem to be consistently fast or keep tires on the car when I am.
A suggestion on the 'Ring: If you haven't already, try driving it slowly the wrong way, and look around. It won't make it wide and not bumpy, but it's definitely a different view.

I Forgot to mention that I think B-spec is a waste of driving time and don't do it. To quote my brother when he was asked his opinion of non-alcoholic beer: "Tastes like you wasted your money."
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So I decided to revisit some posts of mine:

I have ones that I don't hate, but feel aren't really good.

Street Circuits: The Street Circuits don't feel like street circuits. For instance, Opera Paris Seems to overdue the bumpiness in street circuits, Hong Kong over does the tightness and Seoul lacks any real challenge. To me, Seattle is the best one because there actually is a challenge along with the fact that it has very distinctive elevations.

Real World Circuits: There's very few of these that I found not enjoyable. Fuji 05 is not what I enjoy because it feels too technical. The 90's configuration was challenging and is very fun to go around in an Group C car with Aids turned off.

Dirt/Ice tracks: I think the physics is what made rally feel so different. In GT3 all I did was just turn hard and the cars was sideways and controllable whereas in GT4, you actually have to induce it in such a way and it requires alot more attention. I enjoy grand Canyon Very much as well as Ice arena because those two course are what got me to learn the physics.

So here I am 6 years later and here's a more detailed description of some of the tracks I didn't really like:

Street Circuits:

Hong Kong: Felt it was just too tight. Its like they tried to make a Monaco out of it, but didn't succeed. It hardly had much elevation change and it was extremely difficult to be consistant around it.

Opera Paris: Its basically the perfect example of why I don't like most modern street courses in real life: Too many tight radius corners and only maybe a straight or two of open throttle. As I said before, the bumps are overly exaggerated.

Seoul: While it is not constricting like the other two are, its kind of uninteresting. The only challenge is the little tight corner coming to the front stretch. Just feels empty overall.

George V Paris: More or less, the very same reason I feel about Opera Paris, although the night makes it even more annoying.

Seattle: Yep, you're reading this correctly: Seattle is one that I now look at and don't like. I think its because ever since I've really gotten into racing and have begun to sort've factor in realistic elements from real tracks, its changed my feelings on it. I don't hate it per se but I'm no longer as high on it as I used to.

Real World Circuits:

Fuji Speedway 2005 (Both Configurations): Even now in GT6, I maintain my destain for the track. I just feel it doesn't flow like the 90s configuration did, too many tight corners.

Tsukuba: Didn't really care for it back then and I really am annoyed by it now. It just feels monogamous and repetitive, something that was really kicked up many notches with the endures in both GT4 and GT5.

As for tracks I used to hate:

Laguna Seca: That License test in GT3 is what really made me despise this track. Overtime though in many sim iterations and televised races, I've grown to actually like it. Its short and technical and I'm not really bored by it, it keeps me on my toes.

Nurburgring Nordscheliefe: Hated this track, mainly because I was just so easily frustraited and imitated by it. Now however, I love the hell out of it. The more faster or challenging the car, the bigger the rush is for me. I never get tired of it.


You should try El Capitan and Suzuka in a Group C car with Aids off and 1001HP on Medium tires. What a rush! :crazy:

I maintain this, although now I'd like to add Nurburging to that as well :P
So I decided to revisit some posts of mine:

So here I am 6 years later and here's a more detailed description of some of the tracks I didn't really like:

Street Circuits:

Hong Kong: Felt it was just too tight. Its like they tried to make a Monaco out of it, but didn't succeed. It hardly had much elevation change and it was extremely difficult to be consistant around it.

Opera Paris: Its basically the perfect example of why I don't like most modern street courses in real life: Too many tight radius corners and only maybe a straight or two of open throttle. As I said before, the bumps are overly exaggerated.

Seoul: While it is not constricting like the other two are, its kind of uninteresting. The only challenge is the little tight corner coming to the front stretch. Just feels empty overall.

George V Paris: More or less, the very same reason I feel about Opera Paris, although the night makes it even more annoying.

Seattle: Yep, you're reading this correctly: Seattle is one that I now look at and don't like. I think its because ever since I've really gotten into racing and have begun to sort've factor in realistic elements from real tracks, its changed my feelings on it. I don't hate it per se but I'm no longer as high on it as I used to.

Real World Circuits:

Fuji Speedway 2005 (Both Configurations): Even now in GT6, I maintain my destain for the track. I just feel it doesn't flow like the 90s configuration did, too many tight corners.

Tsukuba: Didn't really care for it back then and I really am annoyed by it now. It just feels monogamous and repetitive, something that was really kicked up many notches with the endures in both GT4 and GT5.

As for tracks I used to hate:

Laguna Seca: That License test in GT3 is what really made me despise this track. Overtime though in many sim iterations and televised races, I've grown to actually like it. Its short and technical and I'm not really bored by it, it keeps me on my toes.

Nurburgring Nordscheliefe: Hated this track, mainly because I was just so easily frustraited and imitated by it. Now however, I love the hell out of it. The more faster or challenging the car, the bigger the rush is for me. I never get tired of it.


I maintain this, although now I'd like to add Nurburging to that as well :P

Saw your post and it's been awhile since we spoke. The last series you did I think. I really don't have a track that I hate. I am a contrarian by nature. Most of the tracks that I dislike initially the more I run them and learn their apexs, etc. the more I begin to appreciate them. Hong Kong was one but after running in ABud's race series I mastered it (for me at least). That's when the fun began. I remember after switching over to FM3 my best tracks were the ones that were in GT4. Even if they were not my best in GT4. Motegi's Road course, Leguna Seca, etc.
Street Circuits:

Hong Kong: Felt it was just too tight. Its like they tried to make a Monaco out of it, but didn't succeed. It hardly had much elevation change and it was extremely difficult to be consistant around it.

Opera Paris: Its basically the perfect example of why I don't like most modern street courses in real life: Too many tight radius corners and only maybe a straight or two of open throttle. As I said before, the bumps are overly exaggerated.

George V Paris: More or less, the very same reason I feel about Opera Paris, although the night makes it even more annoying.

Couldn't have said it better myself, I HATED these tracks, they were just so frustrating to drive on, it's unbelieveable!
Opera: Not a fan, but it doesn't bother me so much, there is room to do some of that driver stuff with a minimum of paint-swapping.
Hong Kong: I Have trouble outdriving the AI. That is most embarrassing, but even for a street track, it's crude. It's seems like PD decided: 'Let's throw-together a track that everyone will hate'...
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I hate it on GT4 how tracks can have corners or split tracks that go to a dead end
seal it off!
and properly, don't just put a few cones there!

I don't like the corkscrew because when I go round it the car becomes a slinky/bouncy ball.
a 20 foot sheer drop would be more appropriate.

The nurburg ring is a good track but it drags on a little for me personally.

Im not huge on sharp bends but im learning to manage them a bit better rather than smacking the wall dead at 200 mph and looking like a spanner to the AI.
I am a terrible driver though so its down to me a lot but I'd still prefer
less sharp corners even if I was
because you sort of flow round them instead of abruptly brake as late as you dare.
Hong Kong kinda sucked, no places to get any real speed and the only good passing point was at the end of the fastest straight.

Citta de Aria is just too tight on some parts, and i cant find any grip regardless of what tires I'm using due to sudden drops. Passing points were few, and i hate getting pushed into a flat wall and crashing, thats basically the end of the race unless you get lucky.

Motegi West Short is just boring and flat.

Opera Paris is not bad really, its actually kinda fun but its gray and has a depressing atmosphere for me.
Hong Kong kinda sucked, no places to get any real speed and the only good passing point was at the end of the fastest straight.

Citta de Aria is just too tight on some parts, and i cant find any grip regardless of what tires I'm using due to sudden drops. Passing points were few, and i hate getting pushed into a flat wall and crashing, thats basically the end of the race unless you get lucky.

Motegi West Short is just boring and flat.

Opera Paris is not bad really, its actually kinda fun but its gray and has a depressing atmosphere for me.

how could you say that about my 2nd faverite track in the game (Citta de Aria) :lol:
Suzuka Circuit - It's heavily overrated in the GT universe and was used way too much. It's not even that interesting to play, and world circuits introduced in GT6 like Francorchamps and Mount Panorama were so great that I forgot about this mediocre track.

Tsukuba Circuit - It's just very short and also overused. Due to it's shortness, it get's old quickly.

Opera Paris - I kinda feel stink for saying this but it looks great but when you play it it's just not that fun. Maybe it's the corners and the fact that there just is not much to see. No wonder they never brought it back! Rome from GT2-3 was so much better.

Motorland and the Beginner Course suck as well...
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I've been replaying GT4 recently, and honestly... the tracks I used to hate are kinda growing on me, such as Twin Ring Motegi, both Paris tracks, Hong Kong, and Seoul. Ignoring the can of worms that is rally, which I haven't yet revisited outside of license tests... I don't think there's a single track I don't enjoy.