GT4 WRS Week 167 : Subaru @ Grand Valley East

  • Thread starter Sphinx
A first 30 min. session brought me some first splits at my favvie Luxy spot :): 20.184 and 39.405. This track is so sweet ... almost makes me forget about Prologue LOL.
usual pre-breakfast run has produced meager offerings this morning. Splits are darn near the same and I picked up .05x at the line.

I know I'm leaving some time out there (for me) but I've one more day before company arrives and I'll be done for the week I suspect.
I just ran some laps on this and it's very cool and relaxing to drive 👍 first save has 19.5 / 38.1 .. will run some more and hopefully take a few tenths off, it's one of those combo's you will hit your range pretty quick and spend the rest of the week chipping away at thousandths :cheers:
I ran another session this morning, but no new splits. I think Ron is right, and the rest of the week will be spent trying to pick up a tenth or two. :scared: So, brewing coffee. Racing On! :cheers:
I ran another few laps last night before bed...would have liked to keep going after what I got...but the bed was calling :D...

19.5 (low 5's)
37.9 (high 9's)

Picked up a sec over my final but my back inside tire got outside the rumble strip on the last right hander; 3 tyres on the runoff :indiff:

That will be easy to fix :scared:

Enjoy your weekend safe!!!
Just can't seem to help myself this week. This combo is just too addictive!!! :dopey:
New splits: 19.538 / 37.889 :):):)
My lap before this has a 19.466 t1 time, so I'm hoping for another couple of tenths this week-end. Race On!!! :cheers:

btw: gear on this one was 310.
Nice splits chuk... you were holding out on me, I leave for Brooklyn and then you go and get serious!

Can't seem to match the pace this week :( new save has 19.519 / 38.006 .. that left hand turn before entering the tunnel is my worst turn on the track by a mile and 1 in 10 I get it right .. just feels all wrong turning into it with this suby :confused:

I'll try again before the deadline to see if I can scrape some more off.
GL all :cheers:
You guys are just mental....

Yeah that is crazy. It would be nice to see the proof though. Anyone can post fast splits. I'm only convinced when replays are provided and proven within the time allotted for the results. IE week 165.
Been a while??? Hey guys! Had an itch lately, decided to scratch it.

270 gearing, with more time to drop if I can squeeze in another session or two. Lots to clean up in the final section and would love to dip into a 37.9 at T2.

T1: 19.579
T2: 38.155
New board

Aussierules, great splits! Are you sure you're not on R5's mate? :dopey: :)

Several others are posting similar times, and I'm pretty sure that R5's would give more than 0.5 second improvement. They are just mental.. :P


Having said that, just had a quick test run with the Super Softs, and it certainly does drop the times down that that level almost instantly...
I would've expected a larger improvement. Now I"m wishing all those sub 38's are all R5's... :P

Edit 2:

Just ran what I think will be my final session

T1: 19.771
T2: 38.334
Finally got a chance to have a stab at the WRS again! Great combo! ;) I think there's more time available!

T1: 19.881
T2: 38.795
First session this morning, ran 40 or 50 laps. Nice combo. :dopey:


Should have plenty of time to get to where I'd like to be on this one. 👍


EDIT: BOARD Updated through my post. 👍

New splits with a weak finish, this is a great combo! 👍

Damn.. I lost last nights session, as it appears that I was chasing a ghost that was on RSS's (from when I did a quick 'test' run with them). Given that I didin't beat the RSS lap time, when I saved the ghost, it saved the SS lap instead of my improved RS. Damn... :(
20.202 19.947
39.898 39.436

Down the bottom w00t.

G25 Haiku
Wheel of real leather
Logitech G twenty five
Cool steel in the morn

With thanks to AMG.

that left hand turn before entering the tunnel is my worst turn on the track by a mile and 1 in 10 I get it right
I know what you mean. My section 2; corners 5, 6 and 7 are letting me down big time.
I know what you mean. My section 2; corners 5, 6 and 7 are letting me down big time.

You may do this already, but have you tried taking it in a fairly straight line? Don't be afraid to take out the cones.
A little brake after the knoll and heavy braking into corner 6. I have to admit that turns 6 & 7 is my trouble spot.


Damn.. I lost last nights session, as it appears that I was chasing a ghost that was on RSS's (from when I did a quick 'test' run with them). Given that I didin't beat the RSS lap time, when I saved the ghost, it saved the SS lap instead of my improved RS. Damn... :(

Thats just sucks doesn't it. You too may know this already, but you can run that ghost just make sure if following a fast clean/dirty ghost just make sure you start a new session or, its true, it won't save the slower lap.
The beginning of the WRS sessions can be a pain with backing out of a session because I wasn't sure the new fast lap was clean... like you I don't want to throw away a clean but slighty slower lap due to running a fast dirty lap in the same session.
Well, I was heading to rallycross event this weekend but my car let me down again so I think I gonna try to go a little bit faster if Im able to learn some more tricks.
T1 0'19.906
T2 0'38.391